Influencing Performance: Gender, Age, Tenure, Job Strain, Sickness Absence, Pulse Survey

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People Analytics: Data-driven analysis of people activities which helps organisations

make better strategic decisions.

People analytics=business analytics, which drives business results

- Business problems such as sales productivity, workforce effectiveness, high-
potential retention, data leakage, accident patterns etc
- Company has storages of integrated renewable data, process standard metrics on
everyday basis
- The people analytics team understands HR data, financial data, and customer
data, and have relationships with all the other analytics groups in the company
- The people analytics team operates at a senior level, reports to the CHRO, and
serves business leaders across the company
- The people analytics team is a multidisciplinary team, with a focus on business
consulting, visual communications, and problem solving


People Analytics is used for:

- Attraction
- Training and Development
- Compensation & Benefits
- Deployement
- Performance Management
- Leadership
- Teams (relational people analytics)
- Corporate culture
- Health & Happiness of employees
- Retention

The first step of using PA is Descriptive Analytics, for example by registering potential
and performance of employees.
Types of data Means, Standard deviations, Distributions, Variance, Modes, Counts,
Ratios, Trends

Predictive analytics: Done to create forecasts and set correlation factors.

Probabilistic and possibilistic models - advanced statistics and fuzzy logic analysis AI,
incl. machine learning algorithms (supervised, unsupervised, reinforced, text mining,
neural networks, deep learning etc), regressions, decision trees, random forests
discriminant analysis, Monte- Carlo simulations
EX: Managers performance → Indeces: Performance appraisal rating, behavioral rating,
sales figures, individual customer feedback, peer feedback, call rates → Possible factors
influencing performance: Gender, age, tenure, job strain, sickness absence, pulse survey
data, working hours, satisfaction, organizational fit etc.

Exploratory analytics: Basic statistics: Correlations, Regressions, Analysis of

variances, Factor analysis, Cross tabs, Chi^2, Principal component analysis, (multiple)
correspondence analysis. Causal analysis!
Demographic data: Employee contacts, Places to live, Diversity, Employment history,
Education (HR Dept.)
Compensation data: Job position, Compensation, Benefits, Rewards (Finance Dept.)
Performance data: Position, Results of performance evaluations, Experiences, Everyday
performance (in process, time-base), Leadership assignment (HR Dept.)
Behavioral data: skills, knowledge, competencies, expertise, personality traits, motivators
(HR + IT Dept.)
Social interaction data: Social networks, Participation in social activities, conferences,
meet-ups, negotiations with partners, customers, providers, content of emails, phone
calls, video conferences (HR Dept.)


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