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Maria Fernanda Torrez Perez

M.Sc Reservoir Geosciences and Engineering

B.S. Petroleum Engineering
Barrio Sirari, Calle Las Begonias 214, Santa Cruz (Bolivia)
PERSONAL +591 65063285

Linkedin :
Date of birth 01 August 1991 | Nationality Bolivian

July 2017- December 2017 TOTAL S.A FRANCE

Internship in Integrated Asset Models Entity, Pau (France)
Management of subsurface and surface sensitivities for robust Field Development and technical-economic evaluations
for maximizing Field Development Value applied in Integrated Asset Models. Production Forecast and Optimization.
April 2014- January 2015 REPSOL E&P BOLIVIA
Internship in production engineering department, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia)
Responsible of the implementation of well integrity management system project for Caipipendi block
wells and Mamore block (Paloma and Surubi fields)
December 2013- March 2014 Internship in Sabalo Gas Plant, Tarija (Bolivia)
Monitored the facilities, made adjustments, performed routine and special operations to constantly
meet safety, product quality and environment protection targets, safely starting-up and shutting down
plant equipment


Septembre 2016 – Master Degree in Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering

Present IFP School – Rueil Malmaison (France)
February 2010 Bachelor of Science in Petroleum and Gas Engineering
December 2014 Universidad Privada Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia)

December 2009 IB- International Baccalaurete at German school of Santa Cruz de la sierra
German School, Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia)


Spanish : Mother tongue

Languagues English : C1 (TOEIC) , French : B2 (DELF & TFI), German : C1 (DSD I & DSD II)
Organisational / Leadership; Comitted; Dedicated; Responsible,Reliable and Organized Person. Can work under pressure.
managerial skills
Microsofot Office ( Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Visual C++, IPM Petroleum Experts : Reveal, MBal, PVTP,
Computer skills Prosper, (Trainning by PETEX in GAP, Resolve ), Open wells, Autocad, Hysys, BEST, Crystal ball, PETREL, PIE,
Eclipse, EST


Prize and Awards Graduated As The Best Student of the 2015 Petroleum Engineering class
Conferences & Journées Annuelles 2016 Hydrocarbures et futurs de l’énergie
Challenges 24h de l'innovation au centre de la Terre 2016 – Sujet : TIGF, Mention : Price Green

Associations Member UPSA SPE Student Chatpter (2013 - 2014)

Internet Officer- UPSA SPE Young Professionals (2015 – July 2016)
Field Trip Committee IFP School SPE student Chapter (2016-2017)
Member EAGE Student Chapter (2016-2017)

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