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MANN-WHITNEY U TEST value, assign a probability to that value, and then test

the null hypothesis. A critical value represents a proba-

bility level—typically .05—that helps us rule out chance
The Mann-Whitney U test, which is also known as the differences. If the U statistic is greater than the critical
Wilcoxon rank sum test, tests for differences between two value, then we reject the null with the inference that both
groups on a single, ordinal variable with no specific dis- samples do not come from the same population.
tribution (Mann & Whitney, 1947; Wilcoxon, 1945). In Consider a problem in which we compare rankings
contrast, the independent samples t-test, which is also a between 10 Eastern and 10 Western U.S. colleges. We
test of two groups, requires the single variable to be mea- want to know whether the two samples of twenty colleges
sured at the interval or ratio level, rather than the ordinal come from a single population distribution (Neast = 10,
level, and to be normally distributed. We accordingly Nwest = 10). The rankings are as follows: Eastern colleges
refer to the Mann-Whitney U test as the nonparamet- were ranked 55, 60, 63, 81, 91, 121, 123, 149, 182, and
ric version of the parametric t-test. Both tests require two 201, and the Western colleges were ranked 3, 32, 46, 72,
independently sampled groups and assess whether two 97, 141, 184, 190, 230, and 234. A reranking of the colleges
groups differ on a single, continuous variable. The two results in the following new sample ranks among the 20
tests, however, differ on the assumed distribution. A non- colleges: Eastern colleges are now ranked 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11,
parametric test assumes no specific distribution, whereas 12, 14, 15, and 18, whereas the Western colleges are now
a parametric test assumes a specific distribution. Thus, ranked 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20. Using Equation 1,
the Mann-Whitney U is conceptually similar to the t-test we find U = 47 (p = .85), and thus we conclude that the
for determining whether two sampled groups are from a rank means do not differ and that the two samples come
single population. When data do not meet the parametric from the same population.
assumptions of the t-test, the Mann-Whitney U tends to
be more appropriate.
The Mann-Whitney U is intended to determine if two REFERENCES
groups (e.g., samples ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘b’’) come from the same Mann, H. B., & Whitney, D. R. (1947). On a test of whether one of
population (p), which is a null hypothesis significance test two random variables is stochastically larger than the other.
stipulating that both samples are subsets from the same Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 18, 50–60.
population (i.e., H0: (a, b) ⊆ p). To test the null hypothesis, Wilcoxon, F. (1945). Individual comparisons by ranking methods.
we first combine observations from two groups into a Biometrics Bulletin, 1, 80–83.
single group and rank the scores from 1 to N, where N
is the total sample size (na + nb = N). As in all ranking
procedures, ties may be handled by either assigning a SUGGESTED READINGS
mean value, the first value, a random value, the maximum
value, or the minimum value. The Mann-Whitney U test Cohen, B. H. (2008). Explaining psychological statistics (3rd ed.).
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
handles any form of ranking. After ranking, the procedure
divides the rank scores by group and computes a sum score Gibbons, J. D. (1993). Nonparametric statistics: An introduction. New-
for each group (Ta and Tb). Equation 1 shows how both the bury Park, CA: Sage.
summed ranked score groups (Ta and Tb) and the group Hollander, M., & Wolfe, D. A. (1999). Nonparametric statistical
sample sizes combine to calculate the U statistic. methods (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

If na > nb : U = Ta − (na(na + 1))/2 (1)
If nb > na : U = Tb − (nb(nb + 1))/2 George Mason University

The U statistic has a discrete or uniform distribu-

See also: Kruskal-Wallis Test; Nonparametric Statistical Tests
tion that provides us with the ability to define a critical

The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, edited by Irving B. Weiner and W. Edward Craighead.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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