Eskills cms2 Report Thomasdenutte Group3

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International Business Development


Artevelde University College

International Business Development

Content Task 2 CMS

Assignment for the course of


at Artevelde University College

Thomas Denutte
Christian Meerschman
Oliver Höglinger
Siebe Bridoux

Academic supervisor: Erik Pollet

Submission date: 24.12.2021

Content Management System products.................................................................................................4

Brief description WordPress...............................................................................................................4

Brief description Drupal.....................................................................................................................4


Functionality WordPress....................................................................................................................5



Examples Plugins............................................................................................................................5

Mobile application..............................................................................................................................6


Functionality Drupal...........................................................................................................................6


Core Modules.....................................................................................................................................6

Core themes.......................................................................................................................................6

Support for different business models...................................................................................................7



Available visual site management tools and reporting...........................................................................7



Performance and stability......................................................................................................................8






Connectivity to existing business systems............................................................................................10



Compliance with standards..................................................................................................................10



Global and multicultural capability.......................................................................................................11

Global capability...............................................................................................................................11



Evaluation report..................................................................................................................................12




Experience with WordPress..................................................................................................................16




Conclusion and reflection on the assignment......................................................................................18


List of figures........................................................................................................................................20

Content Management System products
Brief description WordPress
WordPress is an open source website where you can build your own websites. It is also the most
used content management software in the world. If you look at the 10 million most popular website,
42.8% of those websites are used by WordPress which I think is very remarkable.
When WordPress was founded, it had limited possibility and could only be used to make web blogs.
The first major version of WordPress has been released in 2003. [ CITATION Wik21 \l 8192 ]

Figure 1 - Logo WordPress

Brief description Drupal

Drupal is an open source content management system and a content management framework.
Drupal was founded in 2001. Drupal has been developed by a Belgian. His name is Dries Buytaert,
first as a bulletin board system. Throughout the years, Drupal has been awarded multiple awards. It
is also mentioned that the community who use Drupal helped build the development of this system. [
CITATION Wik211 \l 8192 ]

Figure 2 - Logo Drupal

Functionality WordPress
Using WordPress, the user can install new themes and change them. When the theme changes, it
changes the looks and functionality of the website. It is possible to change the theme without
altering the code that already is in place. The minimum requirement for a WordPress website is at
least 1 theme. [ CITATION Wik21 \l 8192 ]

WordPress themes can be categorized in 2 parts. You have free themes and themes who are
The premium themes have to be purchased and are available in a market place or from individual
WordPress developers. [ CITATION Wor21 \l 8192 ]

There is a possibility to add plug-ins in WordPress. Those plug-ins give users more extensions and
features for their websites or blogs. There are already more then 55 000 plugin available. There are
also premium plug-ins, around 1500.
A few example of these plug-ins are widgets, navigation bars, displaying other features. Some Plug-
ins might not be compatible with the plug-in already active on your website, users have to be aware
of that. It is also possible for web developers to create plug-ins via WordPress’ hook system. Plug-ins
also give the ability for WordPress to have a development strategy. WordPress can be programmed
into everything that coders can think about. [ CITATION Wik21 \l 8192 ]
Plug-ins could also be a treat, hackers could target WordPress sites via the plugins.

Examples Plugins
- Ecommerce
With the E-commerce plug-in users can easily showcase their products and services. Global payment
options are included. This plug-in is completely customizable. [ CITATION Wor21 \l 8192 ]
- Built-in marketing
With this plug-in, you can use SEO tools, Mailchimp and Google analytics. Here you find your
customers wants and needs to improve your business. [ CITATION Wor21 \l 8192 ]
- Security
Another important plug-in to discuss is the security that WordPress provides. This plug-in is available
no matter what subscription you have. [ CITATION Wor21 \l 8192 ]

Mobile application
WordPress is available on mobile platforms. [ CITATION Wik21 \l 8192 ]
1- Android
2- iOS
3- Windows Phone
4- BlackBerry

WordPress want to make their software as accessible as possible. They provide support as well as
education support to help their users in web accessibility and design. There is also a live chat to
support customers.[ CITATION Wor212 \l 8192 ]

Functionality Drupal
Users of Drupal, have build a codebase that can be increased through modules. The Drupal core
consists of 2 elements. Bootstrap process and common Drupal-specific libraries. When talking about
other functionalities, we’re talking about Drupal modules who are in the system module.
User of Drupal also can add their own content to the default config.
Code modules consists of Symfony libraries and Hierarchical taxonomy. [ CITATION Wik211 \l 8192 ]

Core Modules
Modules can be used to increase the functionality of the website by the admin.
There are a few modules, that will be listed here. Not all core modules will be mentioned.
In Drupal there is the possibility to access statistics, logging data, custom content types, fields and a
user interface to interact with the website.
Drupal also provides extra security modules and update notifications.
Another module is that multi-level menu system. [ CITATION Wik211 \l 8192 ]

Core themes
Core themes change the look and the feel of the website. A few example of these core themes are
“Garland” and “Bartik” [ CITATION Wik21 \l 8192 ]

Figure 3- Bartik

Figure 4 - Core Theme Bartik

Support for different business models

WordPress can be used for almost every type of business. Small business and even very big
corporations can benefit from WordPress Website. Like mentioned in the brief description of
WordPress, WordPress has millions of users, used by small business owners and fortune 500
companies. [ CITATION Wor21 \l 8192 ]

Here you will find a few business models listed.
- Retail shops
- Sports & Entertainment
- Decoupled
- Travel & Tourism
- High tech company
- E-commerce
- Government
- Media & Publishing
- Health care
- Etcetera...
You can already see that Drupal software is compatible with almost every business model. [ CITATION
Dru21 \l 8192 ]

Available visual site management tools and reporting

In WordPress you have more then 55 000 plug-ins and some of them who can change the visual
attributes of the website.

Another option are the WordPress themes. There are hundreds of themes you can choose. Even an
option to design it yourself and your own theme.
When looking that the reporting, we have to get back to the plug-ins, 1 plug-in that helps with
reporting is the build-in marketing. This plug-in gives the user the ability to use SEO tools, Mailchimp
or Google Analytics integrations. On mobile apps plug-in, you can monitor your website in real time
with the help of graphs and notifications. This is also possible on your browser.

If you want to have visualization, users will have to have a Drupal version 7 or higher. That
visualization module provides great visual data.

Figure 5 - Data Visualization

Another module is the Data Visualization API module that is using an entity to generate unique data
charts for every website. [ CITATION Cva12 \l 8192 ]

Performance and stability

When you have a WordPress website you will have to select a host. This is critical to have a good
host, this influences the performance of your website.
The second thing that influences performance is the WordPress Configuration. Your WordPress site
needs to serve cached pages.
Page size has an impact if it is not optimized for the web.
Bad plug-ins or plug-ins that are not coded well or optimal can have a bad impact and reduce the
performance of the website.

External scripts can also influences the performance, an example of this are font loaders.
[ CITATION Edi21 \l 8192 ]

WordPress has million of users with a significant number of websites that come along with that
userbase. Small and large businesses use it. Stability comes from 2 factors. The first one is security,
WordPress guarantees serious security, we can ensure that via an web application firewall (WAF) and
with a application level firewall. [ CITATION Edi21 \l 8192 ], the second part of the stability is the
speed and reliability of the website. By looking at all the points mentioned in performance and try to
implement those points in a WordPress website, the user should get a stable website.

To increase the users Drupal performance, the user will need to choose an design that is neat and
fast. If the website contains too much components, it will have a lower performance and will be
slower overall. The same goes with widgets and embedded media.
Via Drupal you can enable caching, this can increase the performance significantly. You can also
change the timing of caching for anonymous visitors. If the users changes his website regularly, he
needs to decrease the caching time. An example could be from 1 day to 1 hour, if the user is
changing his website 2 to 3 times a day. Optimizing the Drupal website to work on all devices and
browsers can help performance. The user must not forget that 60% of the users visiting websites are
from mobile users, so it is very important to keep in mind that the user needs to optimize the
Compressing images and CSS files help run Drupel websites faster.
Again the host decision play a big part in the performance of websites. Picking the right host offers a
great performance. [ CITATION Fin21 \l 8192 ]

If we are going to take a look at how stable Drupal is, we need to look at what version of Drupal, we
are going to discuss. There are still a lot of users of Drupal using Drupal 7, some already Drupal 8 and
already some are using Drupal 9. All of these versions have a stable release available. The reason why
not everybody is upgrading to the newer versions of Drupal is because users might need to re-learn
certain topics of this CMS software. Right now, we are going to take a look at how stable Drupal 8
actually is. [ CITATION Ste20 \l 8192 ]
If we are going to take a look at Drupal 8, we know that it has been released for over 6 years.
[ CITATION Ful17 \l 8192 ] Drupal 9 has been released in June 2020. [ CITATION Drund \l 8192 ]

In the beginning of a new big version of Drupal, we expect that the versions is not always stable but
because those release dates are more than 1 year, we can conclude that these versions are stable.
Minor bugs and fixes will be present in the future.

Connectivity to existing business systems

WordPress is compatible with Google Applications. Examples are Google Analytics, Google
Workspace. This includes: E-mail, Google Drive, Meet and chat. Google search console. It is also
possible to connect with Google Docs.
There are more than 55 000 plug-ins at WordPress. Those plug-ins give WordPress lots of possibilities
to connect to other business systems. [ CITATION Wor211 \l 8192 ]

WordPress also has a API connectivity. API stands for Application Programmable Integration. API
allows WordPress to communicate to another application and transfer data. This allow WordPress to
have a greater connectivity. [ CITATION Wornd \l 8192 ]

Drupal is an open-source CMS with API architecture, connectivity. Because it is possible that
developers can code freely and in combination with the plug-ins give Drupal a lot of possibility to
connect with existing business systems.

Compliance with standards

1) Free trial
When opening WordPress, there is a free version available to start out. When starting out, you
already gain access to a lot of features.
2) Accessibility through all browsers. This is a tough question to answer. WordPress is not
compatible with all browser. Vanilla WordPress is compatible with most browsers but when you are
adding plug-ins and code, it is not guaranteed that the users website will work on a specific browser.
[ CITATION Jan18 \l 8192 ]
3) Accessibility for persons with disabilities.

WordPress could be easily accessible for people with disabilities but this also depends on the
administrator that is creating that website.
4) WordPress website will stand the test of time
WordPress exists already for such a long time and is used by fortune 500 companies and smaller
companies. WordPress user base are millions of people. So, it is safe to say that WordPress did stand
of time and will in the future. [ CITATION Bla13 \l 8192 ]. Frequent update

1) Free trial
Drupal has a free open source software for people who want to try it out without paying a premium
yet. There is also a possibility to request a trial with Acquia and Pantheon.
2) Accessibility through all browsers.
Here we have the same scenario as WordPress. This depends on how you actually code your website
and what plug-ins and modules you are using. Drupal recommends a few browser that are listed
- Firefox 2.0
- Internet Explorer 6+
- Chrome 1+
- Safari 3+
- Opera 9+
Bad coding like mentioned in the performance topic can hinder your compatibility with a specific
3) Accessibility for persons with disabilities.
Most themes should be easily accessible for people with disabilities but this also depends on the
creator of the website and how complex the Drupal website is.
4) Drupal website will stand the test of time
Drupal is founded in 2001 and ever since is has been supported by a big community. It has won
multiple awards and is still very active to this day.

Global and multicultural capability.

Global capability
WordPress is used globally. The top 5 countries where is it used are:
 United States

 Iran
 United Kingdom
 Russia
 Canada.
[ CITATION Nvi21 \l 8192 ]

WordPress used PHP as core languages for almost themes and plug-in. PHP can be used by everyone
despite their region, culture background. There are also a few other code languages who are
universal and can be used globally[ CITATION Hay19 \l 8192 ]

You can already see that WordPress is used almost everywhere. WordPress support over 110
languages and has also translation plug-ins to make the website accessible worldwide. An example is
this plug-in is Weglot Translate. [ CITATION Weg21 \l 8192 ].

WordPress has a market share of 62% when you are looking at the CMS Percentage. [ CITATION
Nvi21 \l 8192 ]

Drupal has over 1.4 million users where 120+ thousand users are contributing to the Drupal website.
It is an free and open source website so it can be used worldwide. The most used code is the same as
WordPress which is PHP and can also be used globally. Drupal supports up to 100 languages.
[ CITATION Drund1 \l 8192 ]

Evaluation report
Evaluation criteria:
- Intuitiveness: easy to use
This focusses on the use to aspect of the GUI or the Graphical User Interface. Easy to build and
manage your tasks of creating a website. [ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]
- Flexibility and Ease of Customization
Having the flexibility when you choose a design template, that you can easily customize this and
design your own visuals. Having this creativity is really important for a CMS system. Modifying should
also be easy in the future if you want to change your website. [ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]
- Extensibility via Plugins and Modules

Having the ability to extent your website with plug-ins and modules are very important to add
content to your website and it makes the website better overall. Also having the ability to add plug-
ins that you are not using may come handy in the future. [ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]
- No need for Programming Knowledge
If you don’t have experience with programming and if you just want to design a great website, the
user should consider a CMS that does not require programming knowledge. Overall this makes the
CMS more accessible to more users and that is the point of such software. [ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]

- Optimized for Performance and Speed

This is also a very important criteria for CMS. Having a slow and underperforming website has
negative consequences and drive customers away. It is important that your CMS website runs fast
and reliable.
[ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]
- Security
Having a reliable website that is well secured is one of the minimum requirements these days.
Especially when your websites is working with personal information from clients who are using is.
Having a good security ensures the reliability of the website and reinsures the users website visitors.
[ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]
- Documentation and Community support
The road to build a excellent website is not always easy and straight forward and can be frustrating
some time. It is important that you can then rely on documentation and community support given by
the CMS software or the community of that specific CMS who can help the user who is struggling out.
[ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]

Criteria topics Conclusion WordPress
Intuitiveness:WordPress is an easy to use open-source platform to build your own website.
Easy to use You can download and install it anytime and get started right away.
Flexibility and
You can choose between thousands of themes or even make your own theme.
Ease of
Customization is no problem with WordPress. In WordPress you can use
Customization WordPress editor to easily change your website. [ CITATION Wornd1 \l 8192 ]
Extensibility via
There are more then 55 000 plug-in in WordPress and that is also growing. You
Plugins and
almost have endless possibilities when it comes to creating a great website with
Modules WordPress. [ CITATION Wik21 \l 8192 ]
No need for If the user does not have coding experiences, there is no problem with
Programming WordPress. WordPress is offering a WYSYWYG editor or a visual editor which
Knowledge helps user to create a website. [ CITATION Crand \l 8192 ]
Optimized for Optimizing your website with WordPress should not be a problem. WordPress
Performance offers a few tips on how to optimize your own website. This can be done via
and Speed caching, hosting and the users WordPress Config. [ CITATION Wornd2 \l 8192 ]
Security Security is a priority for WordPress. Your website is always despite not having a
premium subscription. There are also plug-ins or add-ons who can secure your
website even more. [ CITATION Wor21 \l 8192 ]
Documentation WordPress is the biggest CMS system out there, they have million of users who
and Community are also contributing with the documentation. On top of that WordPress also
support provides support from their website via a support search engine. [ CITATION
Wor212 \l 8192 ]

Criteria topics CMS Conclusion Drupal version 8 or later

Intuitiveness: Easy to use Drupal is an open-source CMS who is use to use. When
comparing it to WordPress, you will need more technological
expertise, but with Drupal, you can create more advanced
websites. [ CITATION McB21 \l 8192 ]
Flexibility and Ease of Drupal customization is good. It has an user-friendly admin
Customization interface. Content on the Drupal website can easily be
customized by its owner. [ CITATION McB21 \l 8192 ]
Extensibility via Plugins and Drupal has over 45 000+ modules for free and around 2900
Modules themes, there are a lot of extension available. [ CITATION
Wik211 \l 8192 ]
No need for Programming For using Drupal you will need to have a basic skill of
Knowledge programming if you want to create a website. On the contrary,
Drupal allows users to make more complex websites. But there
is a big community behind Drupal, this makes it easier for
beginning users. [ CITATION McB21 \l 8192 ]
Optimized for Performance and Drupal could be harder to optimize because of the higher skill
Speed level required to optimize the code. Drupal is capable of having
a good performing website with great speeds.[ CITATION
dru21 \l 8192 ]
Security Drupal has more security flaws than other CMS programmes
because of its nature being open-source. For client who need
more security can turn to Guardr which provides modules to
improve security. [ CITATION McB21 \l 8192 ]
Documentation and Community There is a big community who is contributing to the
support development of Drupel. Naturally there is also a lot of
documentation available and community support that comes
with that. [ CITATION Wik211 \l 8192 ]

In this report we are going to take an in-depth look on 2 very popular content management systems
or in short CMS programs. The 2 content management systems we are going to take a look at are
WordPress and Drupal.
We are going over several topics. Functionality and accessibility of WordPress, where we discuss the
themes, plugins, mobile application options. For Drupal we are looking at the Core, this includes the
Core Modules and Themes.
The report also goes over the support of different business models for both WordPress and Drupal
and what available visual site managements tools both software programs use. How good is
performance and stability of those systems are is also a topic in the report. Continuing, we are going
to discuss the connectivity of both systems and how they comply with internet standards of today.
At the end of this report we are looking at an evaluation of those content management systems and
what pricing they have.

Experience with WordPress

I do not have much experience with WordPress because I did not build my E-skills website with
I’ve watched some videos and WordPress looks great to use and have a lot of customizable options. If
I were to start another website, I would definitely start using WordPress like some of my class
colleagues already are doing.

If you are going to take a subscription with WordPress, you can choose between 5 options. Every
upgrade includes more features.
2 Payment option: monthly or yearly. If you choose yearly you will have to pay the full amount of 1
whole year. If the user decide to pay monthly. The yearly rate increases significantly. The prices
mentioned below are the monthly prices when choosing the yearly payment option. [ CITATION
Wor213 \l 8192 ]

1) Starting with the free version, you can already start creating your very own website. You can
create a simple website. You don’t get a free domain on that website. This option is free of
2) The second option is called “Personal”. Here we already get some features. Some of those
features are that you get a free domain for 1 year, no advertisements, accepts payments,
support through e-mail. This option costs 4 euro per month. This option is great for personal
3) Th third option is called “Premium”. All the benefits of previous options are included. Here
you will gain the features of having great hosting, support via live chat, uploading videos are
possible and implementation of Google Analytics. This option is great for free-lancers
4) The fourth option is called “Business”. All the benefits of previous options are included. The
biggest advantages are that you can included all WordPress plug-ins (+55 000 plug-ins). You
have an automated back-up system. Also possibility of integrating SFTP and a advanced SEO
system. This is the best option for small business
5) The final option is called “E-commerce”. All the benefits of previous options are included in
this package. The biggest features are that you can accept payment from more then 60
countries, an integration with the best delivery services and premium design option for E-
commerce business. You can conclude that this is the best option for E-commerce
[ CITATION Wor213 \l 8192 ]

Finding pricing for Drupal is a bit harder then it is for WordPress. Drupal does not mention any pricing
on their website immediately. Drupal is free to download and using it should not have many direct
costs with it. But if you do not have the technical coding background, it is much harder to create a
website via Drupal. Therefore other developers are making your website and this costs a lot of
money to complete the whole website.

Via an article I’ve found online that states that a the costs for implementing a standard Drupal
project can cost up to 30 000 to 40 000 dollar. If the website is getting more complicated, the total
cost of that website could go as high as 100 000 dollar.
There could also be scaling costs. If the business is growing, your website should also grow. This can
add costs later down the road. [ CITATION Wid18 \l 8192 ]

Conclusion and reflection on the assignment

This assignment helped me gain more insight on what Content management systems are. Having
researched quite a lot of information, I have already a basic understanding on what WordPress and
Drupal are offering.
I think I would use WordPress more than Drupel personally, if I ever want to create a website myself
because Drupal is a bit too advanced at the moment for me. If I would work or have a bigger business
I would go to Drupal because they have to more growth possibilities where you can implement more
complex features.

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List of figures
Figure 1 - Logo WordPress.....................................................................................................................4
Figure 2 - Logo Drupal............................................................................................................................4
Figure 3- Bartik.......................................................................................................................................6
Figure 4 - Core Theme Bartik..................................................................................................................7
Figure 5 - Data Visualization..................................................................................................................8


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