Caste System vs. Class System

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C a s t e Sy s t e m v s . C l a s s Sy s t e m
Directions: The caste system in Ancient India and the class system in the United States
both create an unequal balance of power in their civilizations. Specific qualities or
traits separate people into groups, which results in certain groups having more power
than others. However, there are some major differences between the caste system
and class system. You must be able to explain these differences in order to fully
understand our social structure!

1) Define the meaning of the word caste.


2. Identify three major differences between the caste system in Ancient India and the
class system in the modern-day United States. Fill in these differences in the Venn
Diagram below.


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Directions: Carefully read each scenario and answer the following questions.

Scenario #1: Squidward lives in an underwater civilization called Bikini Bottom, where he
works at a local restaurant called the Krusty Krab. Squidward’s job is to sell Krabby
Patties to as many customers as possible. His real dream is to become a famous clarinet
player and direct his own symphony. However, his destiny is to work forever at the Krusty
Krab with his “best friend” Spongebob.

3) Does Squidward live in a caste system or a class system? ___________________

4) Argue why Squidward lives in a caste or class system. Use evidence from Scenario #1
to support your answer!



5) Suppose that Squidward is living in a caste system. Identify Squidward’s varna and
explain your choice.



Scenario #2: Johnny Bravo lives with his mom in a civilization called Cartoon Network.
Johnny works as a cartoon character in children’s television shows. All of Johnny’s
ancestors also worked as cartoon characters. One day, Johnny decides that he does
not want to be an actor anymore and will become a warrior instead. Johnny has the
freedom to make this career change, even though it is different from his family’s work.

6) Does Johnny Bravo live in a caste system or a class system? __________________

7) Argue why Johnny Bravo lives in a caste system or class system. Use evidence from
Scenario #2 to support your answer!



8) Suppose that Johnny Bravo is living in a caste system. Identify Johnny’s varna based
on his new career and explain your choice.


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