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Topic 7 PPT – Summary

• In the slides we talk about Bhishma, Devavrata, Satyavati, Amba and sri Krishna. In this slides
we hear a lot of stories and good deeds done by all of the people mentioned. Bhishma
Bhishma was the son of King Shantanu, a descendant of the Kuru and goddess Ganga. He
was called as Devavrata in his childhood who once intercepted the flow of the Ganges with
his arrows. In the battle of Mahabharata, Bhishma was the best warrior on the Kauravas’
side and hence was made the first commander of the battle. He had sympathy for the
Pandavas and desired their victory but did not grant them any concession and tried to defeat
them in the battle. Bhishma advised Yudhistra on various important subjects, necessary for a
king, for several days, such as duties of a king, duties for crisis period, duties for attaining
Moksha, duties for offering charities, duties for women folk, etc. Devavrata Considered as a
great example of devotion and sacrifice. He was a very good archer, and he won a battle
with his Guru Parshurama, who is otherwise unbeatableDominates the entire itihasa
spanning over 5 generations. When Devavrata came to know of the king’s sadness, he
begged the king of the Kaivarta's for the girl’s hand for his father’s sakeTook a pledge, in the
presence of all, that the son born to her would be sole heir apparent. He also took another
terrible pledge that he would never marry. Sri Krishna was Born in the Yadava clan of
Mathura to Queen Devaki and her husband, King Vasudeva Born on the eighth day or
Ashtami of the Bhadrapada month as per Hindu lunar calendar. Janmashtami, also known as
Gokulashtami, is a major Hindu festival in India and celebrates the birth of Lord
Krishna.Eighth incarnation or avatar of Lord Vishnu.

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