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Good morning, everyone, I am here to share with you the life of Edgar Allan Poe.
For most people, Edgar Allan Poe brings to mind images of murderers and madman,
premature burials, and mysterious women who return from the dead
Poe was a versatile writer who wrote short stories, poetry, a novel, a textbook, a book of
scientific theory and hundred of essays and book reviews.
Poe’s reputation today sets primarily on his tales of terror as well as on his haunting lyrics
(the rest is shown na sa ppt po)

Born in Boston in 1809 to Elizabeth Arnold Poe and David Poe.
Both of his parents were actors.
David Poe abandoned his family while Edgar Allan was just a young boy.

The three children were separated and raised by different families.
Poe was taken by John and Frances Allan.
John was a successful merchant.
The Allans raised Poe but never formally adopted him.
Poe attended the University of Virginia and did very well in Latin and French. However,
John Allan refused to pay Poe’s gambling debts, and Edgar Allan Poe had to drop out of

Poe realized that literature, not military, was his true “calling” and tried to get out of West
John Allan refused to give Poe permission to resign.
Poe was court-martialed for refusing to report for class or duty.
Poe moved to Baltimore where he lived with his very poor aunt, Maria Poe Clemm and her
young daughter, Virginia. 
In 1833, he wrote, “Ms. Found in a Bottle.” It led to a job offer as an editor for a magazine in
Richmond, Virginia.
In 1835, he accepted the position of editor and married his thirteen-year-old cousin, Virginia.
In 1838, Poe moved his family to Philadelphia where he worked as an editor for Graham’s
Magazine. He wrote some of his most famous stories: “Fall of the House of Usher,”
Murders in the Rue Morgue,” “The Gold Bug” and others.
In 1842, Virginia became ill with tuberculosis 
In 1845, “The Raven” was published.
In 1847, Virginia died of tuberculosis.
For the next two years, Poe continued to write poetry and short stories.
On October 7, 1849, while in Baltimore, Poe died at the age of 40. There are many mysteries
concerning his death. It has been attributed to “acute congestion of the brain” to drug and
alcohol overdoses.
: The raven is said to be one of poe’s most famous poem, just a quick fact about it
The Raven is a poem that has many interpretations. Onecould say The Raven is a
reflection of Poe’s delusions, or a foreshadowing of his premature death. Furthermore, this
poem could even mirror his struggle with Poe’s dark past.The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe has
been the inspiration formany widely acclaimed motion pictures such as Batman, The Crow,
and even story lines for T.V. sitcoms like the Simpsons. Edgar Allan Poe was the first to use
araven to symbolize death. One thing is for certain Poe didstruggle with reality and his past.
He was a man thatemulated women. After losing many women in his life Poedefinitely had a
premise for writing on loss.

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