English Syntax Module 3 (Structural Approach) Task

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English Syntax

Module 3 (Structural Approach) Task

Name: Hannah Jerica G. Cereno     Block: AB English Language 2A

I. Constituency

A. Identify whether the underlined words form a constituent or not.

1. The sickly president denied leaving the country. NO

2. The sickly president denied leaving the country.  YES
3. The sickly president denied leaving the country.   YES
4. The sickly president denied leaving the country.    NO
5. The sickly president denied leaving the country.     YES

B. Identify at least three constituents in each sentence. Show the constituency tests you
used to validate your answers.

1. Senator Revilla’s proposal seeks to double vacation leaves for state workers.
2. The DOH chief strongly urges the easing of quarantine rules.

II. Structural Analysis

Identify the lexical category of each word in the following sentences, then divide each into the
noun phrase and the verb phrase.  Label them according to the given abbreviations:
D Determiner
N Noun
PN Pronoun
V Verb
Aux Auxiliary verb
Adj Adjective
Adv Adverb
P Preposition
Con Conjunction
C Complementizer 
NP Noun phrase
VP Verb phrase

1. The students need a phone.

(S (NP The students)
  (VP need
   (NP a phone)

2. They use the phone for their classes. 

(S (NP They)
 (VP use
  (NP the phone)
   (PP for
   (NP their classes

3. Daryll loves the purple phone that Lester gave him.

(S (NP Daryll)
(VP loves
(NP the purple phone)
(S (NP Lester)
(VP gave
(NP him

4. The officers of the class and their teacher thanked Joshua profusely for his help.

(S (NP (NP The officers)

(PP of
(NP (NP the class)
(NP their teacher))))
(VP thanked
(NP Joshua)
(ADV profusely)
(NP his help)))

5. The old professor proudly said that Angela and Julie had won the contest.

(S (NP The old professor)

(VP (ADV proudly)
(S (NP (NP Angela)
(NP Julie))
(VP had
(VP won
(NP the contest

6. Laika secretly told me that you are very scared of your poor clueless teacher.

(S (NP Laika)
(VP (ADV secretly)
(NP me)
(S (NP you)
(VP are
(PP of
                              (NP your poor clueless teacher

7. The truth is that I asked him about it.

(S (NP The truth)

(VP is
(NP (NP that)
(VP asked him
(PP about
(NP it

8. I was forced to buy a new laptop yesterday because my old one crashed.
(S (NP I)
(VP was
(VP forced
(S (VP to
(VP buy
(NP a new laptop)
(NP yesterday))
(conj because
(S (NP my old one)
(VP crashed

9. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

(S (NP Colorless green ideas)

(VP sleep
(ADV furiously))

10. They gyre and gimble in the wabe.

(S (NP They)
(VP gyre and gimble
(P in
(NP the wabe)))

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