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SCIENCE 8 Quarter 1

Week 1-2
Date Submitted:____________
Parent’s Signature:_________

Grade & Section:__________________Subject Teacher: PEPITO R. BANIQUED, JR.

MODULE 1: Forces
MELC: Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the
object to the amount of change in the object’s motion. (Week 1, S8FE-Ia-15)


Directions: Fill in the blanks with correct word/s. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. Any push or pull is called ________________.
2. ________________ refers to the size or strength of the force while ________________ points to
where the object goes. The direction of the arrowhead indicates the direction of the force. The length
of the arrow represents the amount of force (relative magnitude).
3. There are two types of forces, namely ________________ and ________________.
4. Applied, friction, normal and tensional forces are examples of ________ forces.
5. Gravitational and magnetic forces are examples of ________________ forces.
6. ________________ are forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
7. ________________ are forces that cause a change in the motion of an object.
8. The sum of all forces acting in an object is called ________________.
9. If the forces in an object are balanced, the net force is ________________.
10. If the forces in an object are unbalanced, the net force is ________________.


Directions: Examine the ball on top of the table. Choose the letter of your answer to the given
conditions below:

Answer Condition Option

1. In letter A, is the ball at rest? A. Yes B. No

2. How can you make the ball A. The ball has to be B. The ball has
move? pushed or pulled. to be pulled
3. In letter B, what happens to the A. The ball moves in B. The ball does
ball when you push it with the same direction not move.
enough force? as the force.
4. In letter C, while it is moving, A. Exert a force B. The ball has
how can you make the ball opposite the motion to be pushed
stop? of the ball. in the same
direction of its
5. In letter D, how can we make A. The ball has to be B. The ball has
the ball change its direction? pushed sideways. to be pushed
in the same
direction of its
MODULE 2: Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
MELC: Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force is exerted back
on it. (Week 2 S8ES-IIa-15)
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct term/s. Write your answers on the space provided.
1 ____________ is the tendency of an object to resist any change in its initial state. If it is initially at
rest, it tends to remain at 2 ____________. On the other hand, if it is initially moving at constant
velocity, it tends to continue moving unless acted upon by a 3____________. Inertia depends on
the object’s 4. ____________. Newton’s 5 ____________, also known as the 6____________,
states that an object at rest remains at rest and an object in motion will continue to move in a straight
path with constant velocity unless acted upon by a net force. Newton’s 7____________, also known
as the 8____________, states that acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force
causing it and inversely proportional to its mass. In symbol, 9 ________________.
Newton’s 10 ____________, also known as the 11____________, states that for every action, there
is an equal and opposite reaction. When air resistance is neglected, all objects fall toward the
ground with the same acceleration called 12 ____________. It is approximately equal to
13_________________. The force that causes object to fall toward the center of the Earth is called
14 ____________. It is expressed through the equation 15 ____________.


Directions: Identify the law of motion that applies in each situation. Write your answers on the space

Situation Type of Laws of Motion

1. Throwing garbage on the river would go back to the
community during the flood season.
2. It is easier to push an empty shopping cart than a loaded
3. The baseball is thrown into the air after being hit by the
4. When walking, your foot pushes the ground backward, and
the ground pushes your foot forward.
5. A runner who reaches the finish line must continue running
for some time.


Quarter 1, Week 1-2 Score: _______
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on the space provided.
____1. What is the definition of weight?
A. the size of an object
B. the time it takes to get on a ride
C. the amount of matter in an object
D. the magnitude of the force of gravity on an object
____2. Which law states that forces act with equal magnitude and in opposite direction?
A. Law of Inertia B. Law of Interaction
C. Law of Acceleration D. Law of Gravitational Force
____3. For every _________ there is an equal and opposite ___________.
A. action, action B. reaction, action
C. action, reaction D. reaction, reaction
____4. What Newton’s law of motion requires the use of seat belt in cars?
A. Law of Inertia B. Law of Interaction
C. Law of Acceleration D. Law of Universal Gravitation
____5. A guava with a mass of 0.200 kg has a weight of ___________.
A. 0.200 N B. 1.96 N
C. 4.50 N D. 10.0 N
____6. A stone hits the ground before a flat sheet of paper because ___________.
A. it is less massive
B. it is more massive
C. the acceleration of gravity is greater on the stone
D. there is more air resistance against the flat paper
____7. If the mass of an object is 45 kg on Earth, what is its mass on the moon?
A. 45 N B. 45 kg C. 441 N D. 441 kg
____8. Which of the following phenomena applies the first law of motion?
A. A leaf sways back and forth falling from a tree.
B. When a ball falls on the floor, the ball bounces back up.
C. When pushed with the same force, a car accelerates slower than a grocery cart.
D. When a cardboard with coin on top is suddenly pulled, the coin falls into the glass.
____9. According to the second law of motion, the net force is the product of mass and acceleration.
Which of the following has the greatest acceleration?
A. A 5.000 kg stone pulled with a 10 N net force.
B. A 0.5000 kg toy car is pulled with a 9 N net force.
C. A 7.000 kg metal ball is pushed by a 17 N net force.
D. A 500.0 kg truck accelerated by 1000 N net force from its engine.
____10. In a grocery store, you can easily push a cart with 5 kg sack of rice than a cart with a 10 kg
sack of rice to the counter. Which of these explains the situation?
A. Law of Inertia B. Law of Interaction
C. Law of Acceleration D. Law of Universal Gravitation

For items 11-20, write the letter that best describes the effect of force in the object in each
situation. A force causing an object to:
A - start moving
B - stop moving
C - change direction
____11. pushing a cart ____16. throwing a ball
____12. catching a ball ____17. running in an oval

____13. lifting a sack of rice ____18. braking of a moving car

____14. steering a moving boat ____19. blowing across rising smoke

____15. throwing darts on a dartboards ____20. hitting a baseball with a bat

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