Player's Handbook Errata: Races Warlock Using Ability Scores

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Player’s Handbook Errata

This document corrects or clarifies cer- quires concentration, it doesn’t require Tavern Brawler (p. 170). The feat
tain rules in the fifth edition Player’s concentration in this case; the spell lasts doesn’t give you proficiency with unarmed
Handbook. Recent printings of the book for its full duration. strikes, since you’re already proficient.
include revised text that reflects the expla- Weapon Master (p. 170). The chosen
nations here. Warlock weapons must be simple or martial.
Quick Build (p. 106). Ray of sickness
Races should be charm person. Using Ability Scores
Dwarven Combat Training (p. 20). Pact of the Chain (p. 107). When you Hiding (p. 177). The DM decides when
Dwarves are proficient with the light ham- let your familiar attack, it does so with its circumstances are appropriate for hiding.
mer, not the throwing hammer. reaction. Also, the question isn’t whether a creature
Drow Magic (p. 24). Here “once per Pact of the Tome (p. 108). Any cantrip can see you when you’re hiding. The ques-
day” means you must finish a long rest to you cast with this feature is considered a tion is whether it can see you clearly.
cast the spell again with the trait. warlock cantrip for you.
Infernal Legacy (p. 43). Here “once per Eldritch Invocations (p. 110). A level Adventuring
day” means you must finish a long rest to prerequisite in an invocation refers to war- Suffocating (p. 183). If you run out of
cast the spell again with the trait. lock level, not character level. breath, you can’t regain hit points or be
Book of Ancient Secrets (p. 110). The stabilized until you can breathe again.
Bard rituals needn’t be from the same spell list. Vision and Light (p. 183). A heavily
Song of Rest (p. 54). A creature regains obscured area doesn’t blind you, but you
the extra hit points only if it spends one or Wizard are effectively blinded when you try to see
more Hit Dice at the end of the short rest. Your Spellbook (p. 114). The spells cop- something obscured by it.
ied into a spellbook must be of a spell level Long Rest (p. 186). You regain at least 1
Fighter the wizard can prepare. Hit Die when you finish a long rest.
Feinting Attack (p. 74). The advantage Spellbook (p. 114). A spellbook doesn’t
is lost if not used on the turn you gain it. contain cantrips. Combat
Empowered Evocation (p. 117). The Ready (p. 193). You have until the start
Monk damage bonus applies to one damage roll of your next turn to use a readied action.
Deflect Missiles (p. 78). The range of of a spell, not multiple rolls. Melee Attacks (p. 195). The rule on
the monk’s ranged attack is 20/60 feet. Overchannel (p. 118). The feature unarmed strikes should read as follows:
Eternal Mountain Defense (p. 81). A doesn’t benefit cantrips. “Instead of using a weapon to make a
monk must be 17th level, not 11th, to learn melee weapon attack, you can use an un-
this discipline. Equipment armed strike: a punch, kick, head-butt, or
Water Whip (p. 81). This discipline re- Ammunition (p. 146). Loading a one- similar forceful blow (none of which count
quires an action, not a bonus action. handed weapon requires a free hand. as weapons). On a hit, an unarmed strike
Reach (p. 147). This property also deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1 +
Paladin determines your reach for opportunity at- your Strength modifier. You are proficient
Divine Smite (p. 85). You can expend tacks with a reach weapon. with your unarmed strikes.”
any spell slot, not just a paladin spell slot. Two-Handed (p. 147). This property
is relevant only when you attack with the Spells
Ranger Paladin Spells (p. 209). The spell is de-
weapon, not when you simply hold it.
Ranger’s Companion (p. 93). If you structive wave, not destructive smite.
Weapons (p. 149). Unarmed strike
are incapacitated or absent, your beast Wizard Spells (p. 211). Trap the soul
doesn’t belong on the Weapons table.
companion acts on its own, focusing on shouldn’t appear on the spell list.
protecting you and itself. It never requires Multiclassing Mass Cure Wounds (p. 258). This
your command to use its reaction, such as Class Features (p. 164). You gain the spell’s school is evocation, not conjuration.
when making an opportunity attack. starting equipment of your first class only. Mass Heal (p. 258). This spell’s school
Bestial Fury (p. 93). When you com- is evocation, not conjuration.
mand the beast to take the Attack action, Feats Phantasmal Killer (p. 265). The fright-
the beast can attack twice or take the Mul- Athlete (p. 165). The third benefit ened target makes a save at the end of its
tiattack action if it has that action. should instead say climbing doesn’t cost turns, not the start.
you extra movement. Polymorph (p. 266). This spell can’t
Sorcerer Grappler (p. 167). Ignore the third ben- affect a target that has 0 hit points.
Flexible Casting (p. 101). The created efit; it refers to a nonexistent rule. Revivify (p. 272). This spell’s school is
spell slots vanish at the end of a long rest. Magic Initiate (p. 168). The feat’s limit necromancy, not conjuration.
Twinned Spell (p. 102). To be eligible on casting the 1st-level spell applies only True Polymorph (p. 283). This spell
for Twinned Spell, a spell must be incapa- to the casting given by the feat. can’t affect a target that has 0 hit points.
ble of targeting more than one creature at Martial Adept (p. 168). The superiority Weird (p. 288). The frightened target
the spell’s current level. die is added to any others you have, no makes a save at the end of its turns, not
Elemental Affinity (p. 102). The dam- matter when you gain them. the start.
age bonus applies to one damage roll of a Polearm Master (p. 168). The bonus at-
spell, not multiple rolls. tack uses the same ability modifier as the Creature Statistics
Wild Magic Surge (p. 103). If a Wild main attack. If in doubt, the Monster Manual version of
Magic effect is a spell, it’s too wild to be Sentinel (p. 169). Ignore “within 5 feet a creature’s stat block is authoritative.
affected by Metamagic. If it normally re- of you” in the second benefit.

@2015 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.

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