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PEA's Quad PHYSICS Gravity & Gravitation, Rotational Dynamics SHM

Gravity & Gravitation, Rotational Dynamics SHM

1. A particle cover equal distances around a circular path in equal interval of time. It has uniform non zero rate of change of
a) Linear displacement b) Angular displacement
c) Linear velocity d) Angular velocity
2. A particle is moving along a circular path. The angular velocity, linear velocity, angular acceleration and centripetal acceleration of particle at
6 6 6 6
any instant are ω, v , α and a c then incorrect relationship is
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
a) ω ⊥ v b) ω ⊥ α c) ω ⊥ a c d) v ⊥ a c
3. The length of second hand of a watch is 10 cm. The change in angular speed of watch after 15 seconds will be
a) 0 b) 5π cm/s c) cm/s d) 10 2 cm/s
4. A tube of length L is filled completely with an in compressible liquid of mass M and closed at both ends. The tube is then rotated in a
horizontal plane about one of it's end with uniform angular velocity 'ω'. The force exerted by liquid at other end is
MLω2 MLω2 MLω2
a) b) MLω2 c) d)
2 4 8
5. A ball of mass 0.5 kg is tied to a thread and rotated at constant angular velocity of 10 rad/s in a horizontal circle of radius 1m, the centripetal
acceleration is
50 100
a) m/s2 b) m/s2 c) 50 m/s2 d) 100 m/s2
2π 2π
6. A solid sphere, hollow sphere and a ring are released from top of an inclined plane so that they slide down the plane. The maximum
acceleration down the plane is for
a) Solid sphere b) Hollow sphere c) Ring d) Equal

7. A particle moves along a circle of radius 20m with constant tangential acceleration. If velocity of particle is 80 m/s at the end of second
revolution after motion begin then tangential acceleration is
a) 640 π/s2 b) 160 π m/s2 c) 40 π m/s2 d) 40 m/s2
8. In a gear system, a wheel of 30 teeth is coupled to one of 10 teeth. If the larger wheel has 30 teeth and spin 10 revolutions/s then smaller wheel
spins at no of revolutions per second at
a) 25 b) 28 c) 30 d) 35
9. A solid sphere rolls down on an inclined plane of inclination θ. The acceleration of sphere along the plane will be
5 5g 3g 2gsinθ
a) g sinθ b) c) d)
7 7sinθ 5sinθ 7
10. A wheel of angular acceleration of 3 rad/s2 and initial angular speed of 2 rad/s. After 2s it has rotated through an angle
a) 6 radian b) 10 radian c) 12 radian d) 4 radian
11. A thin circular ring of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis vertical to its plane with constant angular velocity ω.
If two objects of mass m are attached gently at opposite end of diameter of ring. The angular velocity of ring will be
Mω ω(M + 2m) Mω ω(M – 2m)
a) b) c) d)
M + 2m M M+m M + 2m
12. The angular velocity of a wheel increases from 100 rps to 300 rps in 10 seconds. The number of revolutions made during that time is
a) 600 b) 1500 c) 1000 d) 2000
13. A rod of length 'l' is held vertically with lower end on table. The rod is released then it topple about lower end then velocity of upper end while
hitting on table is
g g
a) b) 3gl c) 3 d) 2gl
l l
14. Two sphere have same mass & moment of inertia. One of them is solid and other is hollow. The ratio of the radius of solid sphere to that of
hollow sphere is
2 5 2
a) 2 b) c) d)
5 3 3
15. Two thin uniform rods of mass M and length l are joined together to form a cross. The moment of inertia of the cross about an axis passing
through point at which two rods are joined and perpendicular to plane of cross is
Ml2 Ml2 Ml2 Ml2
a) b) c) d)
12 6 4 3
16. A sphere of mass 10 kg and radius 0.5 m rotates about a tangent on sphere then moment of inertia will be
a) 5 kg m2 b) 2.7 kg m2 c) 3.5 kg m2 d) 4.5 kg m2

For B.E. Entrance Preparation, Contact PEA, Thapathali, Ktm, Ph: 01-4245730/4257187 1
PEA's Quad PHYSICS Gravity & Gravitation, Rotational Dynamics SHM
17. The ratio of radii of two spheres of same mass, having same moment of inertia about their diameters in which one is hollow and another is

a) 3: 5 b) 5: 3 c) 25 : 9 d) 9 : 25
18. The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod of length 'l' and mass M about an axis passing through a point at a distance from one of its end
and perpendicular to the rod is
Ml2 Ml2 7 Ml2
a) b) c) Ml2 d)
12 9 48 48

19. The ratio of radii of gyration of a circular disc about a tangential axis in the plane of disc and a circular ring of same radius about tangential
axis in the plane of ring is

a) 2 : 1 b) 5: 6 c) 1 : 2 d) 2 : 3

20. A particle of mass 5 kg is moving with 3 2 m/s along a line given by y = x + 4. The angular momentum about origin is

a) 0 b) 60 kg m2/s c) 75 kg m2/s d) 49 2 kgm2/s

21. A ring starts from rest and acquires an angular speed of 10 rad/s in 2 second. The mass of ring is 500g and radius 20 cm. The torque on ring is
a) 0.02 Nm b) 0.2 Nm c) 0.1 Nm d) 0.01 Nm
22. A circular ring of mass M and radius R is rolling on smooth horizontal surface with speed v. The KE of ring will be
1 1 1
a) Mv2 b) mv2 c) Mv2 d) Mv2
2 4 8

23. An inclined plane makes an angle 30° with horizontal. A solid sphere rolling down this inclined plane has a linear acceleration of
5g 2g g 5g
a) b) c) d)
14 3 3 7

24. When earth stop rotating about its axis, the acceleration due to gravity will remain unchanged at
a) Equator b) Latitude of 45° c) Latitude of 60° d) Pole
25. A body of mass 'm' is raised from surface of earth to a height 'R' from surface of earth then increase in PE of body will be
MgR 1
a) b) 2 MgR c) MgR d) MgR
2 4

26. The height at which value of g become one fourth of that on the surface of earth is
a) R b) 2R c) d) 4R

27. The radius and mass of earth are 4 times and 80 times that of moon. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth is 10 m/s2 then
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of noon will be
a) 1 m/s2 b) 2 m/s2 c) 3 m/s2 d) 4 m/s2
28. Energy required to move a body of mass m from an orbit of radius 2R to 3R is
a) b) c) d)
12R 3R 8R 6R
29. When speed of rotation of earth increases then wt of body on the surface of earth
a) Increases b) Decreases c) Remain unchanged d) May increase or decrease
30. The wt of body decreases by 1% when raised to a height 'h' from surface of earth. The change in wt of body when taken to a depth 'h' from
surface of earth is
a) 0.5% decreases b) 1% decreases c) 0.5% increases d) 2% decreases
31. A body of mass 'm' is placed on the surface of earth is taken to a height 3R from surface of earth then increase in PE of body is
mgR 2 3 mgR
a) b) mgR c) mgR d)
4 3 4 2

32. The angular velocity of earth is ω. The angular velocity at which it rotate so that a body at equator become weightless is
a) 289 ω b) 17 ω c) 8 ω d) 2 ω
33. Two bodies of mass m and 4m are placed at a distance r. The gravitational potential at a point on the line joining them where gravitional field
is zero is
9Gm 4Gm 3Gm 6Gm
a) – b) – c) – d) –
r r r r

2 For B.E. Entrance Preparation, Contact PEA, Thapathali, Ktm, Ph: 01-4245730/4257187
PEA's Quad PHYSICS Gravity & Gravitation, Rotational Dynamics SHM
34. The escape velocity for the earth is 11.2 km/s. The mass of another planet is 100 times the mass of earth and its radius is 4 times the radius of
earth. The escape velocity of planet will be
a) 56 km/s b) 2.8 km/s c) 33.6 km/s d) 112 km/s
35. The time period of a satellite to revolve around earth is 5 hrs. If the separation between earth & satellite is increased to 4 times the initial value
then period of revolution will be
a) 20 hrs b) 10 hrs c) 80 hrs d) 40 hrs
36. Two planets of mass m1 & m2 are at a distance 'r' apart. The minimum velocity of a body of mass 'm' from mid way of two planets so that it can
escape away from gravitational pull of both planet is

G(m1 + m2) G(m1 + m2) G(m1 – m2) G(m1 + m2)

a) b) 2 c) d) 2
2 r r r
37. The escape velocity of body for earth is ve. A body is projected with velocity 2ve, then it's velocity in interplanetary space will be

a) ve b) 3ve c) 3 ve d) 5 ve
38. A ball of mass M is at a distance r from uniform rod of mass m and length 'l' then force of attraction on mass due to rod is
GMm GMm GMm GMmr
a) b) c) d)
r(l + r) l+r r2 l+r
39. The maximum height attained by a body projected with a velocity equal to one third of escape velocity from surface of earth of radius R is
a) b) c) d)
2 3 5 8
40. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planet A is 9 times the acceleration due to gravity on planet B. A man can jump to a height 2m
on the surface of A then height upto which he can jump on the surface of planet B is
a) 18 m b) 6 m c) 1.5 m d) 4.5 m
41. A particle executes SHM with a time period of 2s and amplitude 5 cm. The maximum velocity of particle will be
a) 2.5 π cm/s b) 5 π cm/s c) 10 π cm/s d) 20 π cm/s
42. A particle excite SHM. The amplitude of oscillation is 2 cm. At position 1 cm from mean position the magnitude of acceleration is equal to
magnitude of velocity. The period of oscillation is

2π 3 1
a) 2π 3 b) c) d)
3 2π 2π 3
43. When a hollow ball is filled with water and used as pendulum bob. If water drains out of a small hole at bottom, the period of oscillation will
a) Decreases b) Increases
c) Remain unchanged d) First increases then acquire initial value
44. A pendulum recording correct time on earth is taken to a planet having both mass and radius half that of earth. The length of pendulum on
planet will be
a) 0.5 m b) 1 m c) 2 m d) 4 m
45. A spring of force constant K is cut into 4 equal parts which are joined in parallel to each other. The force constant will
a) b) K c) 2K d) 16K
46. The period of SHM is 16s. If it starts from mean position and velocity after 2s is π m/s. The amplitude of oscillation is
a) 2m b) 2 2 m c) 4 2 m d) 8 2 m
47. A body executing SHM has amplitude 4 cm. The distance at which PE and KE of body are equal from mean position is
1 2
a) 2 2 cm b) cm c) 2 cm d) cm
2 6

48. The frequency of oscillation of spring is n is cut into 2 equal parts then frequency of oscillation will be
n n
a) b) n c) n 2 d)
2 2
49. The fraction of total energy is in the form of KE of body in SHM at one half of amplitude is
1 1 1 3
a) b) c) d)
8 2 4 4
50. The time period of body in SHM is T. The time taken by body to reach at half of amplitude from mean position is
a) b) c) d)
2 4 8 12

For B.E. Entrance Preparation, Contact PEA, Thapathali, Ktm, Ph: 01-4245730/4257187 3
PEA's Quad PHYSICS Gravity & Gravitation, Rotational Dynamics SHM
51. Two pendulums A & B oscillating simultaneously with time period T and . The phase difference between them when B complete one
oscillation is
a) 60° b) 45° c) 90° d) 30°
52. A spring is extended by 2 cm then energy stored is 100 J. When it is further extended by 2 cm then energy stored increased by
a) 300 J b) 400 J c) 200 J d) 100 J
53. The period of a simple pendulum is T. If this pendulum is in a lift accelerating upward with then period will be

T 3 T
a) 2T b) c) T d)
2 2 3

54. A spring gun of spring constant 90 N/cm is compressed 12 cm by a ball of mats 16g. If trigger is pulled then velocity of ball is
a) 50 m/s b) 90 m/s c) 40 m/s d) 60 m/s
55. Two particles in SHM with same frequency and amplitude along a straight line. They pass each other while going in opposite direction each
time at which displacement is half of amplitude. The phase difference between them is
π 5π π 2π
a) b) c) d)
6 6 3 3
56. The energy of simple pendulum of length 1m is 2J when amplitude is 4cm. If amplitude is reduced to 2 cm keeping length same, the energy of
pendulum will be
a) 4 J b) 2 J c) 1 J d) 0.5 J
57. A particle executing SHM has amplitude 4 cm. The velocity of particle is 10 cm/s at mean position. The distance at which velocity become 5
cm/s from mean position is

a) 3 cm b) 5 cm c) 2 3 cm d) 2 5 cm
58. A particle is in SHM of period 2s. Starting from mean position the time after which KE become 75% of total energy
1 1 1 1
a) s b) s c) s d) s
12 6 4 3
59. A simple pendulum has time period T. If bob is immersed in a liquid of density one tenth of metal of bob then time period will be

9T 10 9
a) T b) c) T d) T
10 9 10
60. A 40 kg boy jump from 4 m on a platform mounted with spring. As the spring compress the platform is pushed down by 0.2 m below it's initial
position. The speed of boy when platform depressed by 0.1 m is
a) 6.9 m/s b) 7.9 m /s c) 8.9 m/s d) 10 m/s

..The End..

4 For B.E. Entrance Preparation, Contact PEA, Thapathali, Ktm, Ph: 01-4245730/4257187

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