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Wei-Li Kao

Contact: (+886) 905-681-180 Email:

National Taiwan University
Masters in Information Management 2017.9 – 2019.7
• Overall GPA : 4.0/4.3
• Coursework: Design and Analysis of algorithms Statistical Learning Machine Learning Foundations
Advanced Statistics Applied Deep Learning Information Retrieval and Text Mining
• Master Thesis: A Deep Learning Approach to Learning from Crowds

B.S. in Information Management 2013.9 – 2017.6

• Overall GPA : 3.7/4.3 Major GPA : 3.75/4.3 Dean’s Award

Computer Science
Data Science Python / R / D3.js / MySQL
Programming Languages Java / C++
Web Development HTML / CSS / Javascript (JQuery) / Java (JSP)
Version Control Git (Version Control , Workflow)
GEPT High-Intermediate / Advanced
TOEIC 980/990

Intern Experiences:
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC)
• Researched and built an automated supply chain network graph by employing natural language processing
techniques including entity recognition and relation extraction on 10-K financial reports.
• Won 3rd place in intern final competition with over 200 contestants.
SkyREC (retail consultant startup)
• Analyzed customer behavior through data collected from image recognition in the data analytics team.
• Improved the efficiency of generating analysis reports by 250% by building an automated analysis system.
• Provided customer churn rate and revenue predictions, scheduling and sale recommendations for
renowned retail companies.

TA for Linear Algebra and Statistical Learning 2017.9 – 2019.6
• Worked on automated grading systems, anti-plagiarism systems, provided counseling
Captain of the NTU information management volleyball team 2015.8 – 2016.8
• Led a team of 20 people, organized practice sessions, competitions and other activities.
Runner-up of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Young Diplomat competition 2011

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