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She Needs Help

By Agniva Ridha Syakira


I was shopping with my dad in the local store not picking up too many groceries. Just
some milk and snacks. Everyone always seems to be so similar, the store was filled with tired
and rude people who are uninspired with no manners when they bump into you; When you've
got other stuff to shop for. After that, i went back to my dad’s car and waiting for my dad. I'm
surprised to see a teenager running around the car lot. She was trying a few people's doors
clearly turned away, but she looked scared and lost and couldn't be older than me.

Subtly watching where she's walking to see if she was trouble. She runs up to my car
looking out of breath from running. Shy and worried. I'd turn her away for something she
needed, unknowingly I roll my window down asking what's going on and why she seemed so

"I need to go somewhere, I'm scared, and I don't know what town this is." She
explained sadly.

"I can help you but I need a really good reason.. It's not advised to let anyone I have
no way of understanding who they are in my car." I let her know concerned yet hesitant.

"I understand that, I hope I'm not a bother to you." Her clothes looked warn and rough
around the edges but were clean so I unlocked the passenger as she got in with hesitation and
looking around as if she's avoiding to be seen.

"Do you have an explanation for me, I don't want to come off as rude or uninterested."
As I said warmly with a subtle smile. She started crying so I locked the door. She admitted
she's been running away from where she lived, because she didn't feel safe. "Honey, I'm
sorry, what made you feel that way?"

"The house had a bunch- a- a bunch of men, who would hurt me and do things to me
while I was asleep. There are a bunch of girls their that are many different ages, that are
treated similar." She looks away sobbing and in way that seemed like I wouldn't understand.
So I looked her in the eyes telling her that isn't a way to treat a girl her age. Also that she
wasn't a bad person for wanting a different way to live.

"That's not okay hun, a girl like you should be enjoying her childhood without
dangerous people in the picture!" Speaking kindly but firm. She became less sad and stopped
her tears. I gave her two water bottles from the back seat of my car. They were cold from the
sitting vehicle. "Is there anywhere I could take you? The hospital? A close family member,
um— ?" " I have no idea where my dad or mother is." She mentioned exhausted.

Later, my dad came back and got shocked. I explained to him shortly and fortunately,
he understood and want to help her; Oh! Her name is Kiara, by the way. Then we did some
small talks, she was looking curious about me, so do i.

I teared while listening to her stories. She’s in my age and suffered so much. I got hurt
by hearing that she were abused mentally and physically. And she couldn’t do anything
because those men are way stronger than her.

I took the initiative to take her to the mental wellness hospital, I’m not an expert, so I
believe the doctors will do greatto help Kiara. I’m worried. We walked in to greet the nurse
and explain to her. "Does she know you?" The nurse mentioned. “No, she was lost and she
came up to my car letting me know she was came from a house where these men would treat
her poorly, sexually abused her it seemed. I believe she may need to stay somewhere for
awhile until she can find her family. Wanted to do what I could, I gave her some water and
got food." I spoke genuinely.

"Did she mention her family at all?" The nurse asked concerned. "She said that she
many have been taken from her parents a few years prior." I chimed in, with concern.

"Wow, poor girl; I'm happy you were there to help to take her somewhere safe, giving
some peace of mind and trust. We probably won't know where to find the parents for alittle
while. She was taking with you, so you know a bit about her. Does she know any information
about her parents?" She mentioned serious. "It looked to me like she hasn't seen them in
awhile, she was in that house for a few years, along with some other girls of different ages."

I thanked the hospital worker and sat in a waiting room. A doctor came to grab me
and stated I could wait with her for awhile, and that it's not the first plan for non-immediate
family but she does trust me. "She's healthy aside from poor mental health and sexual

I walked to the room seeing her get IV fluid, I sat by the bed and talked with her.
"You're really strong Kiara, I'm glad I could help you."

"You think I'll be fine?" She mentioned straight way. "You'll definitely be okay, I
think you'll be staying at a care unit for awhile just to make sure you're mental health is okay
and your parents can find you." I explained in a caring tone. "That's not too bad.” She smiled.
"Although my mind doesn't feel to good." She worriedly admitted. "That's okay, my mental
health took a bit to improve after what happened to me as well. You'll start feeling better in a
little while, possibly a few months."

After a little while of waiting and occasional conversation a paramedic came near the
room with a stretcher, she got up to head over to where they'd transfer her to a residence
facility. She came up to hug me. "Thank you Sanya." I smiled, "No problem Kiara." Hugging
the girl back the way a mother would when her daughter goes off to college.

As she got on the stretcher I mentioned. "Hey, you'll be okay. Take this little dude.
He's been chilling on my dashboard but I want you to have him, something soft to have when
your in that care unit. His name is Teddu." Giggling exhausted she greets the bear. "Hi
Teddy!" I handed her my Rilakkuma stuffed bear. I could tell she was scared to be going to a
mental wellness hospital while she was holding back tears.

“I will visit you often, Kiara. If you need me, just tell the nurse and I will come here
for you. I hope you will get better soon.”

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