Human Resourse

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Subject code: BSA 30682

Lecturer : Dr. Do Xuan Truong

Full name : Nguyen Tien Manh
Student ID : 18050767
Class : QH_2018E _QTKD_CLC 2
Date of birth : 30/12/2000

HA NOI, 5/2021
Recruiting plan lecturers who hold PhD degree and be able to teach in English
and the implementation of training these activities for lecturers
1) Recruiting plan :
1.1: The preparation of recruitment plan:
The first thing to do for this plan is to prepare a complete and detailed content to
introduce the University of Economics and Business (UEB). The university's
recruitment information must be explained in a concise, attractive way but still retain
the most important information related to UEB. Building a clear information
platform about people, culture, and working environment will help the recruitment
of UEB university to attract attention, increase stimulation, and attract excellent
candidates when they engage in work here.
In addition, an indispensable part is to create a job description about the position, the
requirements that the job will place, the rights and obligations of the candidate and
the working conditions to help The candidate determines whether he or she is a
perfect fit for the job. Specifically, the recruitment target that UEB is aiming for will
be PhDs, and they can use English fluently in teaching and working at the university,
as well as the number of current vacanciesis 10 lecturers. Details of benefits, salary
and other benefits will also be provided or may be agreed upon after the candidate is
recruited into UEB. These help candidates have the clearest view of their image when
they are hired. Specifically, the recruitment plan is as follows:
1. Vancancies: Lecturers with Pd.D degree
2. Number of recruitments : 10 lecturers
3. Recruitment time: 1/6/2021 - 30/6/2021
4. Requirement:
- Graduated with a Ph.D with majors related to the Economics
- Candidates have at least 5 years of experience in this field, and had scientific work

- Candidates have foreign language certificates English level B2 equivalent or
- Age between 30-45, candidates in good health.
5. Benefits:
- Work in a dynamic, creative and highly integrated environment.
- Supported by the UEB, creating favorable conditions to develop the postion of
associate professor and professor, participate in training programs of university.
- Excellent lecturers have the opportunity to participate in teaching high-quality
training programs or national and international research projects.
- Attractive salary, negotiated during the interview process, increasing according
to working capacity
6. Application form:
- Scientific curriculum vitae
- 2 scanned copies of originals/notarized copies of bachelor's, Ph.D. degrees,
- Continuing to complete the profile after being recruited
7. Recruitment contact information:
- Department of Human Resources
- Address: University of Economics, building E4, VNU Campus, 144 Xuan Thuy,
Cau Giay, Ha Noi
- Phone number: 024 3754 7506
Hotline: 037 690 1598
- Website:

1.2: Recruiment anouncement:
After the process of completing the preparation steps for the recruitment process, the
recruitment announcement will be the next step to be done. This announcement will
aim to reach as many applicants as possible. Recruitment announcements will be
made to ensure that the right person, the right job, this is based on the information
transmitted must always be the most correct and effective. Recruitment notices are
sent to candidates in many ways, which can be announced on the company's main
website, on social networking sites, forums, groups, job sites, newspapers ... Since
the applicants are highly qualified doctoral candidates, recruitments will be posted
on websites related to research fields related to the candidates themselves. such as
training, science, business, ... Or another selection method is that the recruitment
office will directly contact a number of PhDs in many ways, recognize them as
potential factors for UEB, send invitations to collaborate in teaching at UEB. This
initiative in recruitment can benefit UEB better both in terms of human resources as
well as the long-term development process.
The Human Resources Department will make a recruitment plan to establish a
recruitment council of UEB. Members recruitment council of will include the
Department Manager according to the set targets. At the same time, Department of
Human Resource Management. will issue recruitment documents according to
certain templates for candidates.
1.3: Receive and process candidate applications:
After being notified of recruitment, candidates will be provided with information by
the recruitment side of UEB for candidates to contact the office of the Human
Resources Management Department of UEB. The current job of the human resources
department will receive all these records, not missing any candidate's records.

This recruitment is aimed at doctoral students who are able to teach in English, so in
terms of experience and knowledge, the level of candidates is already very high.
Therefore, the step of selecting candidate profiles suitable for the environment at
UEB will have to be more rigorous, especially in the future, they will be the ones
responsible for teaching and training many students at UEB. University. The
recruitment office will base on the job requirements at UEB, the candidate's profile
about the experience, qualifications, suitable for the specialized fields that the
university is looking for or not, to match suitable for the number of lecturers to be
recruited in each field.
In the process of selecting candidates, there will be many excellent candidates, but
whether they are suitable for the job requirements at UEB will be another matter, so
the selection of candidates will have to be takes place in a transparent and clear way,
so that both candidates and employers can understand if what they want from each
other can be achieved for cooperation or not.
1.4: Contacting candidates who have passed the selection round for interviews:
After selecting the most suitable resumes, Department of Human Resource
Managementschedule of UEB schedule einterviews and contact the selected
candidates. This helps the employer review and re-evaluate whether the candidate's
ability is really suitable for the job or not.
The interview process will be a good tool for the employer to learn more about the
candidate's information and will understand the candidate's desire through questions
and answers related to the candidate's field. such as exploiting their competencies,
skills, potential factors, and contributions to students, themselves and the university
which they will work.
The process of welcoming candidates will also be carefully and thoughtfully
prepared. Each candidate will be provided with a separate meeting time for the

interview, the interview location information is clearly provided at the UEB campus,
convenient for the candidate to know well to move to the meeting interview location.
The reception desk will also have someone on duty to welcome and guide candidates
participating in the interview. This helps candidates feel that they are respected by
the employer, creating the best conditions for them to make the best interview
Before starting the interview round, the candidates will take part in a small test with
the main content of which will include general knowledge test, professional
knowledge test, and professional knowledge of lecturers. All tests are conducted
and guaranteed in English. After completing this test, candidates participate in a
face-to-face interview.
Interviewing candidates by UEB recruiters will mainly focus on English interviews
in the field of education because the people who need to be recruited will be lecturers
with doctorate qualifications, besides there will be open explore the areas of expertise
for which they will apply: what is their previous experience in the field, how
knowledgeable are they in the field, ... the questions asked in order to ensure the
quality of candidates to meet the future working process at UEB.
After the interview process with the candidate, the interviewer will once again clarify
and more fully about the orientations of UEB for the candidate to understand once
again as well as help them see their orientation in the future. Is it suitable for the
working environment of UEB ? After that, the candidate will be allowed to ask the
employer questions about their benefits, about the company or any issues that may
arise in the course of their employment and will specifically answered by the
From there, based on all the interview information, test results after waiting for the
head of UEB's human resources manager to make a decision, the recruitment office

of UEB will confirm with the candidates. selected students to partner with UEB’s
1.5: The probationary process will take place when the candidate is selected as a
lecturer at UEB :
The process of reviewing applications, negotiating and selecting suitable candidates
has been temporarily completed. After selecting the best candidates after the
selection round and interview, the candidates will be accepted into the probationary
The probationary period will be the most objective and honest assessment of the
candidate. At UEB, it takes a long time for lecturers who teach students at the school
to get used to the work here, especially new lecturers who have no teaching
experience. So during this time, new lecturers can join as teaching assistants to
gradually adapt to teaching.
When gradually getting used to teaching during the probationary period, the lecturer
will have teaching sessions in front of the UEB university's member council.
Through the process of observing and evaluating lecturers, the council will make a
decision whether to meet the board's requirements and finally decide to declare the
official recruitment for the lecturer.
1.6: Formal contract:
After completing the stages, it is necessary to meet and re-evaluate the entire
recruitment process with the lecturer. What has been achieved as the initial goal,
what has not been achieved needs to be supplemented or has a necessary additional
Both the employer and the employee will proceed to sign the official contract
according to the previous agreement, The employer's profile needs to be complete
and the contract signing is in accordance with Vietnam labor law.
2) Carry out training activities for lecturers:

* Training objects:
Lecturers who are working at the University of Economics and Business are capable
of undertaking or are working as main lecturers.
* Training objectives:
After fostering, students can improve their professional and professional capacity,
develop professional capacity, perform well the tasks of teaching staff, and meet the
professional title standards.
Through the process of analyzing and evaluating the profile of the lecturer, the
teaching work of the lecturers at the school in a periodical time, the human resource
management department will synthesize and develop a common training plan for all
* Training reasons :
Due to the fact that the team of full-time lecturers has not been professionally trained,

working on the spirit of self-study and working experience mainly.

* Training activities for lecturers:

Based on the training needs of lecturers, each type of job and position is different,
the training objectives will be implemented accordingly. Specifically, the training
program will focus on key issues such as training in teaching skills, applying modern
new teaching methods that are being used by many universitys such as teaching with
new technologies, teaching new technologies, and applying new teaching methods.
teaching and learning online, improving the English language proficiency of the
lecturers...For each training program, the human resource management department
will meet the requirements that the lecturers need to achieve corresponding to each
training program. This requirement will help the evaluation of training results in the
future to be favorable, objective and fair. At the same time, through that, UEB's
training organization managers have an accurate basis for evaluating lecturers, and

lecturers can also self-assess their professional qualifications to help lecturers strive
to achieve their goals.
• Contents of the training program for lecturers:
Through the student curriculum at the school, the manager require will the designated
lecturers to prepare the program content of each subject, the lesson in the content,
the overall curriculum according to the school. Those in charge of direct training will
all have lesson plans, lectures, and materials for each trained lecturer.
• Clarifying perception of trainers about training:
Nowadays, it cannot be denied that the importance of training in the field of
education. It is really necessary to propagate and foster the awareness of teachers
about the role and meaning of teaching as well as to build a clear understanding of
the standards of the work of a position. This help them understand their
responsibilities and obligations in the training process and their work in the future.
• About pedagogical professional training, vocational skills:
The training instructors will be highly qualified instructors with long-term
experience working at UEB. The training instructors will give pre-prepared materials
for the trainees to study first and then exchange them with the training instructors.
The training instructor will only guide trained lecturer on how to build lesson plans,
reference materials, and study lectures and basic content orientation or adjust the
content prepared by the trainer. The theoretical contents of the trainer must be
actively researched and completed, the training instructor will only supplement and
modify to perfect.The training instructor will provide many examples to illustrate,
real-life training situations and new knowledge materials, to understand the problems
systematically, make it easy for trainers to absorb. During the training period, the
teaching team will be able to participate in seminars or professional activities to learn
more from other lecturers and improve their professional qualifications.

After developing the teaching plan, the lecturers will go to the practical stage by
directly participating in teaching in the classes with the direct participation of the
training instructor in the role of supervising and supporting the lecturer. This helps
to adjust the teaching method, how to deliver the lecturer's presentation in the right
direction. Practical content will take up a significant amount of the total training time
for the trainers.

• Training to be able to rotate teaching multiple subjects or related fields :

Some lecturers need to teach some new subjects related to their expertise within the
subject area they teach. The training instructor will tutor, supervise and test the
trained lecturer , if they pass the training program and get the consent of the faculty
of the Department, the additional teaching will be recognized.
• Building an online teaching training system:
The school should have a plan to build a system for storing and evaluating training.
The information in the system includes lecturer information, the process from
training to official work of the lecturer, the instructions on the training program
common to all lecturers, this system will bring information long-term value in the
future as well as will be an important data store for the future training of trainers
and for UEB itself.
• Associate with some VNU member universities in training lecturers:
University of Economics and Business is one of the members of VNU university
besides other university members. Not only limited to training programs, other
member schools also have long-term and short-term training programs for lecturers.
This is a good opportunity for training exchange between lecturers in a new
environment as University of Laguages and International Studies, University of
Engineering and Technology,... This training process will help the trainers expand
their expertise in a more diverse and effective way.
* Evaluation and arrangement of lecturers after training :

When the training course is completed, the level of job completion of the trainer is
approved by a number of indicators such as:
Targets Before training After training
Amount of work

Quality of work of

Ability to handle

Working attitudes
Creativity at work
Discipline, work rules
Total score

This assessment will be graded by the instructors and the school's board and
commented on the trainer's work process. After that, the department in charge of
training will summarize and give a final report on the results of each lecturer,
specifically as follows:
• Evaluation of quality after training:
+ Evaluation of lecturers through training results, evaluation of the school's
pedagogical council.
+ Evaluating lecturers Through reflection, students' scores for lecturers through the
teaching process, lecturers' professional groups, and trainers' training reports
• Organizing the arrangement of teaching positions of lecturers after training:
+ Proper arrangement of training expertise, creating the best conditions for lecturers
to promote their full working ability on the basis of their specialized training.
+ It is possible to arrange according to the wishes of the needs in accordance with
the expertise of the lecturer
+ Arrangement ensures a balance and harmony in the number of teaching staff
+ Arrange according to the trained plan.


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