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By Debbie Stapleton

 Taurus Traits & Overview

TAURUS DATES: April 20 – May 20

SYMBOL: The Bull
MODE + ELEMENT: Fixed Earth
HOUSE: Second
BODY PARTS: The Throat
BODY PARTS: The Throat
COLORS: Green & Light Pink SIGN IN

TAROT CARD: The Hierophant

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac and the ruler of the second house, is all about
reward. Unlike the Aries love of the game, the typical Taurus personality loves the rewards
of the game. Think physical pleasures and material goods, for those born under this sign
revel in delicious excess. This zodiac sign is also tactile, enjoying a tender, even sensual,

Taurus zodiac sign adores comfort and likes being surrounded by pleasing, soothing
things. Along these lines, they also favor a good meal and a fine wine. The good life in all
its guises, whether it’s the arts or art of their own making (yes, these folks are artistic as
well), is heaven on Earth to the Taurus-born.


Taurus Symbolism + Myth

The human connection to the constellation of Taurus is very old, harking back to the early
bronze age. The sign of the Bull’s position in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere has
been used by many ancient cultures for timekeeping to signal the original Spring Equinox.
Taurus has been associated with blessing agriculture and marked the time to plow and
plant vital crops for worshipping cultures like Sumeria, Babylon, Greece, Rome, and even
New Mexico.

Taurus also represents the beautiful mythological White Bull that Zeus changed into to
woo princess Europa. Zeus/The White Bull carried the princess across the Mediterranean
Sea to the island of Crete. There they conceived a son, “the good king” Minos, who ruled
over Crete for many generations and appeared in many legendary stories.

Taurus Element, Mode, and Season

In the western tropical zodiac, Taurus begins on April 20, commencing the middle and
heart of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the time of year when the sun’s heat
and light are beginning to intensify, and the days are beginning to lengthen toward the
Summer Solstice. Taurus season is when nature’s abundance and fertility begin to
blossom, becoming stable and sustained, lending to the earthy and generous qualities of
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the Bull’s archetype.

Fixed Mode
Taurus is the first of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of
endurance and stability in the center phase of the four seasons. Taurus begins the middle
of Spring, when the season is most “fixed” and established, lending to the grounded,
immovable, and somewhat rooted tendencies of this sign.

Earth Element
Taurus’ element is earth, the heaviest and most solid element, thought by ancient
astrologers to be the densest form of matter. Earth represents the very structure that all
of nature is built with and upon, and without it nothing could take a material form.
Taurus’ affinity for being methodical, patient, and dependable are all akin to the solid,
heavy earth element.

Taurus Planetary Rulership

Domicile of Venus
In classical astrology, Venus was assigned rulership of both Taurus and Libra. Taurus was
thought to be the nocturnal/night home of Venus, a generous and pleasure-loving earth
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sign that allows Venus to harness and materialize all of her earthly gifts and bounties.
Among these are affection, attraction, good food and drink, and beautiful, artistic

Those born with Venus in Taurus will likely be drawn to creating, accumulating, and
enjoying these Venusian gifts. They may also have tremendous patience and dedication
that they can apply to their various crafts and relationships. When it comes to Venusian
matters of friendliness, pleasure, and often indulgence, those born with Venus in her
nocturnal domicile will take to these qualities naturally.

Detriment of Mars
Taurus is in polarity with the fixed water sign Scorpio. Classically ruled by Mars, Scorpio
likes to confront, conquer, and divide, where Taurus, ruled by Venus, lives for harmony,
patience, and enjoyment. Mars, when in the opposite sign of his preferred home, is said to
be in detriment or at a sort of disadvantage in the earthy, slow, and steady sign of Taurus.

Imagine Mars, the planet of war, combat, and drive, tempered and contained in a languid
Venusian world of pleasure and peace. Mars would need to compensate somewhat,
potentially giving those with Mars in Taurus a very long fuse, and a preference for
avoiding confrontation.

These natives may tend to be complacent, and at times it can take them a while to get
motivated. It may not be a disadvantage per se, but more of an adaptive and Venusian way
of using drive and anger that is not as immediately raw or visceral as it appears in Aries or

Though it may take them a long time to tap into their anger, once roused, stand back, as it
may all come out in one volcanic blast! It is interesting to note that Mars in Taurus folks
often have an incredible amount of endurance and strength and may use their power
methodically, carefully, and often in the service of others.

Taurus House Rulership

The second house
In the modern astrology system of the Twelve Letter Alphabet, each zodiac sign rules one
of the twelve houses in the birth chart. This innovation was created by psychological
astrologers to match sign affinities to related house topics. Taurus was assigned the
second house of security, possessions, and personal wealth since Taurus’ earthy and
material pursuits are aligned with the concerns of this house. Since Taurus is ruled by the
planet of love, it invites an abundant Venusian sub-signature to the second house.

The fifth house

The fifth house

In classical astrology, Taurus’ planetary ruler Venus, was said to find its “joy” in the fifth
house of creativity, sexuality, and life’s pleasures in the birth chart. The fifth house was
also called the house of “good fortune” by classical astrologers, meaning it was connected
to all of the good and beneficial occurrences and resources that can come our way in life.
This is related to Venus classically being the planet responsible for bestowing us with
luck, fertility, prosperity, and connecting us to our romantic and sexual experiences. As a
result, Venus is able to “joyfully” express it’s especially helpful and bountiful offerings
when placed here, and is the historical source for how this house’s pleasurable
significations were originally conceptualized.

Taurus Characteristics
Ruled by Venus, Taurus’ archetypal traits are derived from its receptive, feminine, or yin
qualities, making this sign oriented toward contemplation and engagement with inner
awareness. Alive in both a Taurus woman or Taurus man, those born with the sign of the
Bull as their rising, sun, or moon sign have a steady, patient, and generous energy in the
core of their personality, as if the bounty of Spring were alive in their souls.

As a fixed sign, Taurus’ personality traits hold the qualities of being a sustainer. As a
result, those with the sign of the Bull prominent in their charts tend to be great at
dedicating themselves to see projects and relationships through.

Taureans can be thought of as the “builders” of the zodiac, since being ruled by Venus,
these natives faithfully serve producing and facilitating material abundance and all that is
beautiful, nourishing, or pleasurable in life.

The primary Taurus strengths can be found in their patience, and their ability to be
resourceful, productive, and consistent. Peaceful and receptive, Taurus folks tend to be
lovers of good common sense. They often think concretely and practically, and carefully
consider what they mean to say.

Being a fixed earth sign, Taurus can be counted on to stabilize, sustain, and preserve what
they value, be that their work or their relationships. While cardinal signs are good at
beginning, and mutable signs are good at change, Taurus natives are reliable and steady
in completing what they start and dogged in honoring their commitments.

As a result of being born under a fixed earth sign, Taurus may take their time to patiently
b b k l d kill b t ith th i t d t i ti d f
absorb new knowledge or skills, but with their strong determination and powers of

concentration, they rarely forget a lesson learned. SIGN IN

With the influence of Venus over their lives, those born under the sign of the Bull are
naturally connected to the beauty of the earth, and the sensuality of their own bodies.
Taureans love to enjoy and preserve nature and feel rebalanced and recharged by
spending time walking on or digging in the earth.

As masters of the material world, Taurus natives are usually creative and very skilled at
handicrafts of all kinds and love to collect, accumulate, and share beautiful, well-made
treasures. Though they love receiving, giving gifts is a favorite activity for the sweet and
sentimental Bull, who generously showers their friends and lovers with beautiful gifts.

Similar to Libra, Taurus usually has the Venusian signature of good taste, yet this may
appear in a more rugged and earthy aesthetic. Those born under the sign of the Bull adorn
themselves with fabrics and accessories that are not only beautiful to the eye, but have
some texture or tactile quality that “feels” good to wear, or touch.

Some potential weaknesses in the Taurus archetype are rooted in their great strengths.
Though patient, and peaceful, this can lead to these natives being somewhat complacent
at times, making them vulnerable to getting stuck in a rut and feeling unmotivated.

The influence of fixed earth is very strong, which can present as being averse to change,
and overly rooted in their ways and mindset. Though not particularly vengeful, Taurus’
long memory may mean they seldom forget a slight or mistake, and it may take offenders
a long time to earn back the Bull’s trust, or to change their minds.

This can be a strength when it comes to Taurus needing to respect themselves, as they can
often be taken advantage of or underestimated, however, this can become a stumbling
block if they are simply being stubborn or controlling to belabor a point.

Habits are a prominent theme for those born under the Bull, as their routines can help
them be productive and organized, but even if the habit has outlived its usefulness, they
may stick to it long after it is necessary. This could be problematic if they are clinging to
the habit for a sense of security, or if the habit has become unhealthy in some way. It may
appear especially in regard to food or drink which they will likely adore.

Fixed signs, with their determination and ability to focus and concentrate, are vulnerable
to “fixations” and obsessions, with Taurus getting overly attached to ideas, people, or
belongings. They may even treat their love interests as trophies, placing them on
i ibl id li d d t l hi h l d th t b l ti t l d
impossible, idolized pedestals, which can lead them to be overly sentimental and

possessive of their lovers.

Taurus’ love of fine objects can lead to pickiness and materialism, making them overly
focused on what they have, rather than their natural core, loving values.

Children born under the sign of the Bull will be well nurtured if they are urged out of their
comfort zones to try new experiences, to learn how to share with their friends, and to
share their friends! Being naturally sweet and caring, Taurus kids may enjoy giving food
and toys to little ones less fortunate than themselves as a practice of letting go and easing
their attachment to things.

Taurus Life Purpose and Career

Mantra and Purpose
The voice of conservation, preservation, and stabilization comes forward in the Taurus
mantra: I have. The Bull’s sense of purpose is all about materializing and stabilizing,
offering structure, dependability, and reliability to their relationships and communities.

We all have Taurus somewhere in our birth chart, so we can look to the house that the Bull
rules to find the specific area of our life we approach in a determined, steadfast way, or
where we need to call in the Bull’s calm and patient energy for mastery.

Taurus people tend to be drawn to any pursuit where they can establish, build, and
Taurus people tend to be drawn to any pursuit where they can establish, build, and
complete a goal, bringing abstract vision down into a materialized form. The worlds

growing plants and herbs, construction, artistic creation, and sensual tactility are all
appropriate outlets for Taurus’ talents and abilities.

Taurus at Work
Taurus’ patient and reflective nature make them uniquely suited for professions where
they are able to focus methodically on building and completing a project. Their careers
need to have some regularity and consistency to help them feel focused on the task at
hand. Their emotional balance, physical strength, and determination will likely be their
strong suit, so jobs where they are not physically challenged, or their ability to be
“hands-on” is underutilized will be a frustrating waste of their potential.

This could manifest in many professions, but likely will not be found in overly frenetic
and distracting work environments, as Taurus needs to take their time, be thorough, and
concentrate. Caregiving or service-type roles may be fulfilling, as they can use their calm
and dependable natures to ground others that need support. Their best roles will be found
in jobs where there is concrete gratification at the end of their day, which shows the
material affirmation of their progress.

Ruled by Venus, the ultimate work environment for the sweet dependable Bull needs to be
beautiful in a serene, earthy way. Taureans will also feel connected to their soul’s purpose
if they can create beauty for others in many nourishing and inspiring forms.

Venus and earth combine in the sign of the Bull to create an affinity for plant life and
living off the bounty of the earth. Taurus folks can be found among the world’s farmers,
ranchers, gardeners, and horticulturists. They may even enjoy applying their artistry as
florists, creating beautiful bouquets to express a feeling.

Hands-on and resourceful, Bull natives love to build and would likely find carpentry and
fine woodworking appealing. Here, they can use their tactile talents to sand and shape
long-enduring pieces of useful art.

Taureans are among the world’s great collectors, learning the history and story behind
antiques and found treasures. They may also be drawn to gemology, studying the
structure and value of the gems of the earth. This interest could also translate into jewelry
sales or even design.

Being naturally tactile and sensual, Taurus folks may be drawn to body care and may
make some of the strongest, yet most calming and sensitive massage therapists.

The Bull’s affinity for wealth and resource management should not be overlooked when
id i i f i f hi i B ki d i b
considering appropriate professions for this sign. Banking and accounting may be
suitable and appealing, as well as roles as stockbrokers, treasurers, and economists.

Ruled by Venus, the Bull loves beauty and art, so these natives are very likely to be creative
and artistically talented. Being patient and hands-on, they may enjoy sculpture and
pottery. Tailoring and fashion design could also be appealing too, allowing them to work
with tactile fabrics to create beautiful adornment.

In classical astrology of many traditions, Venus is associated with music, and Taurus rules
over the throat in medical astrology, giving Taureans a sweet, calming voice. This vocal
tone could lead them to singing careers in many styles of music.

Taurus Compatibility
When exploring overall compatibility in astrology, it’s important to take more than the
sun sign into consideration, as the rising sign, moon, and other planetary cross-
connections will tell the whole story in relationships. That being said, Taurus natives will
tend to blend best with water signs and earth signs; and may need to work harder on
relationships with fire signs and air signs.

Fire signs
Taurus may enjoy the lively quality of the fire signs but may not enjoy their impulsiveness
and volatility long term. Mars-ruled Aries, especially, may be too brash and impatient for
the calm and grounded Bull.

Sagittarius’ need for change and adaptation may be at times a challenging theme for
Taurus. The two may move at very different speeds and have contrasting values when it
comes to material pursuits and possessions.

Leo and Taurus share a love for parties, beauty, and life’s pleasures, but both being fixed
signs, an equal capacity for stubbornness between them may cause too much friction to
allow them to go the distance.

Air signs
Air signs are swift, speedy, and social, which is inspiring and stimulating for Taurus, but
with the Bull being so methodical and rooted, the two elemental natures may move at
such different speeds, it may be a challenge to sync up their lives.

Gemini, especially, brings a rather frenetic and often mischievous nature to the
relationship that may only confound and annoy practical and methodical Taurus in the

Libra and Taurus share the rulership of Venus, which brings some affinity and shared love
for art, beauty, and luxury between them. They could be surprisingly well-suited, yet
challenges could arise when Libra wants to be socially spontaneous, and Taurus wants to
firmly stick to a predetermined plan.

Aquarius with Taurus could either inspire growth or be too tricky to harmonize. Saturn-
ruled Aquarius takes their contrarian, intellectual debates as seriously as Taurus takes
their pleasures and luxuries, so they may come at an impasse in temperament and values.

Water Signs
Water signs bring vulnerability and emotional intelligence to a relationship with material
Taurus, which is naturally fruitful and complementary.

Cancer will be very good at nurturing Taurus, and Taurus will be able to reciprocate with
emotional support and dependability. The two will likely make a cozy, inviting home

Taurus and Pisces are a great love match. Pisces broadens Taurus’ receptive capacities by
bringing spiritual and philosophical awareness to their lives. This can help ease the Bull
out of their comfort zone in a way that does not threaten their security, and Taurus offers
grounding to Pisces soulful and mystical wanderings.

Mars-ruled Scorpio can bring sexual magnetism to a relationship with Taurus, which can
be either magnetic or polarizing. Both have some possessive tendencies and security
issues that may come up to the surface that they can either understand in each other or
exacerbate if they are not sensitive and self-aware.

Earth signs
Earth signs have the greatest elemental affinity with Taurus, sharing themes of stability,
practicality, and sensuality between them.

Two Taurus together are two peas in a pod, enjoying the same routines and comforts
together easily. It will be important for them to also value some growth and change
between them to keep their relationship dynamic, however, they may just truly enjoy
feeling cozy and secure together.

Taurus and Virgo share many affinities and may especially connect over their interests in
body care and nature. Virgo may balance Taurus’ tendency for indulgence with herbal and
health recommendations, and Taurus may help ground and soothe Virgo’s somewhat
anxious nature. There is much for the other to enjoy and depend on here.

Capricorn, the authoritative cardinal earth sign, shares the Bull’s love for concrete results
and material mastery. Taurus and Capricorn can build an empire together, constructively,
and methodically. Both are very sensual, with Taurus maybe being a bit more so, inviting
Capricorn into enjoying more intimacy, relaxation, and pleasure to balance their strong
work ethic.

Taurus Health
In classical astrological medicine, there were four temperaments that were connected to
four vital fluids and four essential constitution types. Being an earth sign, Taurus is
associated with the melancholic temperament, which was understood to be cold and dry.

The melancholic temperament was thought to be connected to the spleen, which filters
blood and supports immunity. The melancholic constitution was also considered to be
connected to a metaphorical substance in the body that ancient physicians called “black

This represented a tendency for the melancholic constitution to become cold and
stagnant, where toxic substances were able to build up too much and not be adequately
cleaned out. This lends itself to the medical astrology idea that Taurus’ mood and
constitution can become too sluggish and fixed if it is not balanced by movement and

Taurus’ constitution had another layer to it by this ancient medical system, which comes
from cool and moist Venus’ rulership over the Bull’s sign. This was said to add a
phlegmatic quality to Taurus as well, making this constitution also prone to congestion
and phlegm build-up. Overall, Taureans have good powers of recuperation and
endurance, but may need to stay warm, mobile, and motivated to keep themselves in
optimal health.

 Body Parts
In classical astrological medicine, the entire zodiac was mapped out on the human body,
with Taurus ruling over the lower jaw, neck, and throat. As a result, those born with
Taurus prominent in their birth charts may have strong necks but may also need to guard
against throat infections and thyroid gland imbalances.

Those native to this sign will need to keep their bodies warm and circulating to promote
Those native to this sign will need to keep their bodies warm and circulating to promote
 movement and elimination. Being born in the heart of Spring may lendSIGN IN

healing and regenerative abilities to their bodies, but Taurus shouldn’t take this too much
for granted. Earth signs can benefit from heating foods that promote digestion, clearing,
and circulation, as well as proper hydration.

Herbal Allies
Broadleaf plantain is a plant ruled by Venus, which grows abundantly as a weed and has
many medicinal uses. It can be made into a poultice to draw out stingers and infections
and is cooling to burns and skin irritations.

With Venusian qualities of connection and reparation, it’s an astringent that can help
tighten and close wounds and mend raw digestive tissues. It can also help tone and
tighten organ tissues in the body that have become overly damp or sluggish due to the
Bull’s phlegmatic/melancholic constitution. Plantain has a mucilaginous quality, which
soothes pain, and contains many vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious herbal
addition to salads.

Poke root contains the medicine of antipathy for Taurus, meaning it brings stimulating
qualities that are opposite and remedial to the Bull’s slow metabolism and sluggish
circulation. Traditionally under the rulership of Mars, poke root has a prodding effect to
activate lymphatic drainage and to also break up thick mucus deposits and cysts. It is also
helpful to combat strep throat, severe colds, and throat infections of all kinds, that
Taurus’ may be prone to.

Cayenne pepper also offers medicinal antipathy to the Bull’s health, being very warming
and stimulating. It brings vital heat to the body when it is feeling cold and stagnant and
can have an awakening effect on the mind and circulation. Cayenne causes sweating,
which promotes detoxification and elimination and can also help to melt and liquefy thick
mucus in the sinuses and lungs. Used in moderation, it can be a great Taurus herbal and
culinary ally.

Esoteric Taurus
The Three Decans of Taurus
Each of the twelve zodiac signs represents a thirty-degree slice of a 360-degree band of
constellations, circling the earth. The thirty degrees of each sign can be further
subdivided into 3 ten-degree decans, or faces, each with its own planetary sub-ruler
placed around the zodiac in Chaldean order.

These decans or faces can be used for timing magical rituals when seeking to evoke and
h ’ l d i h li h f
harness Venus’s planetary power. In studying the Taurus personality, we can use the faces

of Taurus to fine-tune the flavor and nuance of planets or points placed within these
decanic degrees.

First Decan of Taurus: Mercury

Degrees 0 through 9 of Taurus are ruled by Mercury, making those with planets in the
first decan potentially more talkative and analytical than the typical grounded and
complacent Bull archetype. The personality of those born in this decan can be more
intellectually focused, and perhaps more literary in their artistic expressions. Since
Mercury’s influence can add a nervous undertone, these natives may be prone to a little
more worry than other decans of the Bull since Mercury’s influence can add a nervous

Second Decan of Taurus: Moon

Degrees 10 through 19 of Taurus are ruled by the moon. This is the exaltation of the moon,
so it is a very powerful placement, both emotional, artistically, and magically. Folks with
planets or points in this decan may be especially lucky, generous, and sentimental,
blending the nurturing forces of the moon with the abundant Venusian tendencies of
Taurus together in an auspicious way.

Third Decan of Taurus: Saturn

Degrees 20 through 29 of Taurus are ruled by stern and serious Saturn. The influence of
the planet of time and trials in this decan amplifies the dogged and determined qualities
of the Bull, making those born with planets or points here potentially very disciplined and
persistent. Saturn is associated with elders, so there may be a suggestion of longevity in
this face of the Bull.

Taurus Tarot Cards

Major Arcana: The Hierophant
The Tarot card that correlates to Taurus is number 5: The Hierophant. This card depicts a
holy figure of authority, who was “The Pope” in older versions of the Tarot. The
Hierophant sits on a throne, with one hand raised to the heavens, and a cross scepter in
the other hand that represents the intersection between heaven and earth. The
Hierophant symbolizes our earthly rituals and expressions of spirituality and holds the
knowledge and traditions that help us connect to the divine.
This card appears to remind us to put our belief in the unseen, yet palpable creative and
benevolent forces at work in our lives, and the universe. It also holds a shadow meaning,
warning us to beware of becoming fixated on the material trappings of spiritual authority,
lest we become spiritual materialists. This temptation can arise when we begin to put too
much trust in the accumulation of wealth and impressive titles, becoming disconnected
from our true values and hearts.

Minor Arcana
5,6, and 7 of Pentacles

In the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, the Suit of Pentacles, also known as Coins or Disks, is
associated with the element of earth. Here, we see the three decans of Taurus assigned to
the 5, 6, and 7 of Coins, cards associated with the awareness that comes with cultivating
material mastery. These cards may speak to times when we are examining how to manage
our finances, and physical resources, or are making choices in regard to monetary success
or abundance.

5 of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus

The 5 of Pentacles corresponds to the first decan or face of Taurus. It carries the nervous
yet adaptive sub-signature of Mercury and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the
card of “Worry.” This card appears when we may be feeling materially strained or
impoverished and may be coming to a crisis. This dynamic card invites us to refresh our
sense of resiliency and security by trusting the spiritual forces of the universe to renew
our hope.

The “Worry” card highlights the inherent “instability in the very foundations of matter.”
(Book of Thoth)

6 of Pentacles: Moon in Taurus

The 6 of Pentacles corresponds to the second decan or face of Taurus. It carries the
abundant sub-signature of the moon and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the card
of “Success.” This card appears when we are feeling successful and prosperous, so much
so that we are considering the ways we can give back some of what we have been given to
maintain our gratitude and spiritual balance.

The “Success” card represents “the full harmonious establishment of the energy of the
(earth) element.” (Book of Thoth)

7 of Pentacles: Saturn in Taurus

The 7 of Pentacles corresponds to the third decan or face of Taurus. It carries the stoic
sub-signature of Saturn and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the card of “Failure.”
This dynamic card appears when we may be feeling restless and want to speed up the
growth and fruition of our material projects and past endeavors.

This card warns that we need to stay patient and disciplined, and not perceive the slow
unfolding of developments as a “failure.” Failure looms, however, if we fail to understand
the nature of events, and how to realistically face the material challenges of the moment.

The “Failure” card hints at patience being the “fruits of a great tree, its solid roots in
fertile land.” (Book of Thoth)


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