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Lê Thị Huyền Trang - THPT Số 2 Bắc Hà
Nguyễn Thị Liễu - THPT Số 2 Bắc Hà
Nguyễn Thị Hồng Liên - THPT Số 3 Bảo Thắng
Trần Thị Thơm - THPT Số 2 Lào Cai
Date of preparation:
Date of teaching:
I. Objectives of the lesson:
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
+ Write a letter to reply to the request of information.
+ Recollect the form of a letter of request.
+ Use variety of vocabulary about the topic.
+ Average & below average students can use simple structures to write the letter.
+ Besides, good and excellent students can use compound, complex structures & to
write the letter. They also use a wide range of connectors flexibly.
2. Ability
+ Use structures in writing a letter of reply correctly
+ Improve vocabulary and related to replying a letter.
+ Improve writing a replying letter skill individually.
3. Quality
+ Raise a serious learning attitude; love writing a reply letter in some occasions at
school or in future jobs.
+ They know the ways to correctly respond to one’s request.
+ Improve students’ awareness towards the subject.
II. Teaching aids & teaching materials:
- Teacher: English papers, lesson plan, laptop, projector.
- Student: Handout with questions, paper, pen.
III. Teaching procedures:
1. Activity 1: Warm up & lead in.
a, Aims:
+ Make students become more eager to learn the new lesson.
+ Introduce students the new lesson.
b, Content:
+ Game
+ Introducing sentences.
c, Product:
+ Students feel happy and eager to learn.
+ Students know what they are going to study.
d, Process:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Game
- T divides students into 3 groups.
- T shows the letters on screen. Students
have to write their answers in an A0- - Listen to the teacher’s instructions.
- Which team has the right & the quickest
answers will be the winner.

Reorder the letters in order to make a

meaningful word.
I–Q–U–I–R–Y–N - Get involved in the game.
P- R – E –O- N- S - D
2. Lead in:
Today we will study a new kind of letter -Answer: A letter of replying.
which is used to respond an inquiry letter.
What is it?
2. Activity 2: Prepare students to write.
a, Aims:
+ Help student to analyze the letter of inquiry.
+ Prepare students some new words and forms (of a letter) that are necessary to
write a respond letter.
b, Content:
+ Study some new words & structures of the lesson.
+ Analyze the letter of inquiry in the textbook.
c, Product:
+ Student read the new words correctly.
+ Student know the form of a respond letter.
d, Process:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1. Task 1:
-T introduces the letter and asks them to -Listen and read the letter.
read through the letter.
- T introduces some new words so that -Listen to the teacher.
students can read the letter more easily.
* New words
+ par'ticipant (n): people who take part in -Write down.
an activity New words:
+ 'entry (n): a piece of work or the + par'ticipant (n): people who take part in
answers to a set of questions, which you an activity
complete in order to take part in the + 'entry (n): a piece of work or the
competition. answers to a set of questions, which you
- pro'cedure (n): the way of doing sth. complete in order to take part in the
- 'venue (for an event or activity): the competition.
place where it will happen. - pro'cedure (n): the way of doing sth.
- 'venue (for an event or activity): the
place where it will happen.
Somebody +be+ very pleased to give
somebody something.
- T reads the words again and asks - Repeat the words.
students to repeat those words.
- T asks students to read the words in - Work in pairs to read the words.
- Students read the words in pairs and - Work in pairs and correct each other’s
correct each other’s mistakes. mistakes.
- T asks some students to read the words - Read aloud.
again. - Read aloud.
- Some individuals read the words aloud.
- T asks students to read the letter and
then answer the following questions in
pairs in 4 minutes. - Read the letter.
- Write the questions in the notebook.
* The questions: - Work in pairs in 4 minutes to answer the
1. What is the requirement for the people questions.
who want to participate in the English 1. The competition is for those who are
Speaking Competition? interested in practicing English with
native speakers.
2. What did Thu Trang want to know? 2. She wanted to know: the number of
participants, entry procedures, venue, date
- T moves round to see whether students and time, and the phone number/ e-mail
need help. of the Language Centre.
- T asks students to share their ideas with - Ask teacher if necessary.
their friends.
- T asks some students to present their - Share the ideas with friends.
- T gives comments on students’ attempts. - Present in front of the class.
2. Task 2
- T introduces the situation clearly. -Listen.
- T asks them to study the given details.
- T reminds students that this is a kind of - Listen.
formal letter. - Study the details.
* Formal letter - Students listen to the T and take notes.
+ Address of the sender.
+ Date
+ Beginning: Thank Thu Trang for the * Formal letter
letter and welcome to the competition. -Listen and write down.
+ Content: Provide needed information. - Study the following given details.
+ Ending
+ Signature. + Address of the sender.
+ Date
+ Beginning: Thank Thu Trang for the
letter and welcome to the competition.
+ Content: Provide needed information.
+ Ending
+ Signature.
3. Activity 3: Finish the first draft of writing an inquiry respond letter.
a, Aim:
+ Write a complete letter using teacher’s suggestion above.
b, Content:
+ Study some new words & structures of the lesson.
+ Analyze the letter of inquiry in the textbook.
c, Product
+ Student's writing in his/her first draft.
d, Process:
Teacher & pupils’ activities Contents
- Ask students to write a letter to respond
to Thu Trang's letter, using the given
details. - Do the writing task.
- Let students write in 10 minutes.
- Ask two students to write on the board.
- Move around to conduct the activity.
- Give some comments on some students’
4. Activity 4: Give learners feedback on their writings.
a, Aim:
+ Correct students’ common mistakes.
+ Give students feedback on their writings.
b, Content:
+ Form of the letter
+ Task response
+ Grammatical mistakes
+ Word choice.
+ Cohesion
+ Coherence
+ Compound, complex sentences and a wide range of connectors are used by
good students or not
c, Product:
+ Students know their mistakes & they can correct those ones themselves.
d, Process:
Teacher & pupils’ activities Contents
Kate John
106 Tran Hung Dao Street Hoan Kiem District,
- Ask some other students to Hanoi, Vietnam
give remarks on the letters on
the board. Thu Trang
- T checks and give the correct 140 Kham Thien St, Dong Da District
answer. Hanoi, Vietnam
- If there is enough time, T can Dear Thu Trang,
have students exchange their Thank you for your inquiry of 17 October asking for
writing among students within the information about the English Speaking
a group so that they can check Competition on our Language Centre’s website.
their friend's work and give We are pleased to give you some details about the
remarks. competition. The number of participants is limited –
just 25. The competition is held on 25th November
-T gives feedback on students’ 2007. It takes place at 106 Tran Hung Dao Street,
writings. Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. It starts at 8 p.m.
Contestants should arrive at 7 p.m. for registration.
For more information, please contact at the phone the
phone number: (04) 9838188 and email:
We look forward to welcoming you to the
Yours sincerely,
Kate John
3. Consolidation (1’)
- Write a letter to reply to the request of information competition
4. Home work (1’)
- Write the final draft.

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