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Ge ih Astral Sight A rare ability that blesses a witch with enchanted eyes imbiled with phychic sight of the planes and the magical beings that Swell beyond the physical medium ship: verbal and telepathic communications are made possible Sue to the Astral Manifestation that occurs while channeling, The planes can be viewed through a form of channeling simifiar to clairaudience. Although the astral, spiritual, and ghostly planes are layered upon the physical, therefore the witch fas a passive ability. Yet to the witch it seems to be always active seeing mortals and beast specters, Those given Astral Sight are horn with enchanted eyes; which gives the indiwidual a foot old in many planes. This may eventually give the witch the ability of fading to other planes. — =S— CONJURO INVOCO EL PODER DELA NATURALEZA INVOCO EL PODER DE LOS CUATRO ELEMENTOS INVOCO EL PODER DE GosGlMantc a TRES VECES TRES. SABIDURIA PARA INVOCOELPODERDE peatizarnsus DESEOS,, PADREMADREPARA y QUuESUS DUDAS SEAN RESUELTAS, Y SU QUEMEESCUCHENEN FUERZAPERFECTA, ¥ TU ESTE MOMENTO Y¥ PODER DE BRUJA SEA EN LIMPIEN, PURIFIQUENY ESTA VIDA Y LAS QUE RENUEVEN, SELLENY _—-VENEN, QUE ASI SEA PROTEJAN AQUIEN L PRONUNCIE ESTE WROQUETENGAEL 2 ee GlLAamoufy >A spell to change Appearances IGLAmouR is AD AGE OLD SPELL CHAT is used TO, NOT ONLY TEMPORARILY Change YOUR PHYSICAL APPEARANCE BUC TO ALTER OTHERS PERCEPTION OF YOUR APPEARANCE. this speLL bas MANY TCechnigues, some OF wibich can Be Achieved Wich A simple sPeLL, others wibich Requirke A Potion. GLAMOUR SPELL CAN ALSO BE USED OF OtbERS TO PROTECT Them FROM evil, disguise The INNOCENT CAN sLO@L DOULN The Demons TRACKING ABILITY, ALLOWING MORE Time FOR The VANguish OR PROTECTION METHOD. ILAmouR CAD ALSO BE USED TO TRICK A PERSON/DEMODN This is Done BY GLAMOURING INTO A GUISE OF A DEAD PERSON OR OTHER SIGNIFICANT Being. Bau EFFECTS OF A GLAMOUR ARE completly REVeRABLE. Emory AnIpulation ‘Spell m s nmymind, 3) thoughts Roam Ree, Let these memories no LONGER BE. Remove the thing Imust forGeét, Replaceitwith Yasy% amindreset. 5

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