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Dewasa adalah Ketika kamu harus marah, tetapi kamu lebih memilih untuk memahami
Dewasa itu bukan peran usia, tetapi soal pengendalian diri
Makin dewasa harus bisa kontrol emosi, mengurangi ego.
Kadang rumit itu dirimu sendiri.

Why are you afraid to express your feelings?
The most selfish thing you have ever done?
What pointless things you hold on to?
The one moment you would repeat over and over?
What do you want to forget?
Who is the one you cared about but also avoid at the same time?
When will you stop worrying?
What is your reason to hurt?

You can’t skip chapters, that’s not how life works.

You have to read every line, meet every chapter.
You won’t enjoy all of it.
Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks
You will read things you don’t want to read,
You will have moments when you don’t want the stories.
Keep the world revolving.
Live yours, don’t miss out pages to end,
You have to keep going.

Mimpimu tinggi, sujudmu kurang rendah

Permintaanmu beribu-ribu, tapi sujudmu terburu-buru
The biggest lesson I learned this year is not to force anything:
Conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love
Anything forced is just not worth fighting for,
Whatever flows-flows, what crashes-crashes
If you able to do this, you will find yourself.

Dear myself.
Don’t hard on yourself, ask for help.

Mau ngingetinn aja

Jangan ngerasa paling menderita, karena
Dunia adalah realita, dan kamu bukan satu-satunya
Mahluk hidup di bumi.

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