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Activity - Seasonal Stars - Submit Your Answers Here!

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LATEST Attempt 1
23 minutes 0 out of 20

* Some questions not yet graded

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Score for this attempt:

0 out of 20
Submitted Sep 1 at 12:34pm
This attempt took 23 minutes.

Question 1 Not yet graded

/ 1.3 pts

Which labeled constellation do you see highest in the southern sky?

Your Answer:

Taurus is the highest constellation in the southern sky.

Question 2 Not yet graded
/ 2.7 pts

What constellation is just to the left (i.e., east) and what constellation is
just to the right (i.e., west) of the highest constellation at this instant?

Your Answer:

The constellation to the east of Taurus is Gemini and to the west of Taurus
is Aries.

Question 3 Not yet graded

/ 1.3 pts

Noting that you are exactly on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun,
what time is it (assume a 12 hour day-12 hour night)?

Your Answer:

The time would be midnight (12 a.m.) when the sun is directly opposite
from my location on Earth.

Question 4 Not yet graded

/ 2.7 pts

 In six hours, will the observer be able to see the Sun? If not, why not? If
yes, in what direction (north, south, east or west) would you look to see
the Sun? 

Your Answer:

The Sun will be rising at 6 a.m. in the east. It would be viewable in the
summer but still below the horizon in the winter.
Question 5 Not yet graded
/ 1.3 pts

What constellation will be behind the Sun at the time described in

question 4? 

Your Answer:

The constellation behind the Sun will be Scorpius

Question 6 Not yet graded

/ 1.3 pts

When it is noon for the observer, what constellation will be behind the

Your Answer:

The constellation behind the Sun at noon will be Scorpius.

Question 7 Not yet graded

/ 1.3 pts

One month later, the Earth will have moved one-twelfth of the way around
the Sun. You are again facing south while observing at midnight. Which
constellation will now be highest in the southern sky?

Your Answer:

Gemini will be the highest in the southern sky at midnight.

Question 8 Not yet graded

/ 1.3 pts
Do you have to look east or west of the highest constellations that you
see now to see the constellation that was highest one month ago?

Your Answer:

A person would have to look west of Gemini to see Taurus.

Question 9 Not yet graded

/ 2.7 pts

Does the constellation that was highest in the sky at midnight a month
ago now rise earlier or later than it rose last month? Explain your

Your Answer:

Taurus would have risen earlier. Taurus reached its highest point and now
has gone past the horizon.

Question 10 Not yet graded

/ 1.3 pts

Last night you saw the star Betelgeuse exactly on your eastern horizon at
5:47 PM. At 5:47 tonight, will Betelgeuse be above, below, or exactly on
your eastern horizon?

Your Answer:

Betelgeuse will be above the horizon at 5:47 p.m. on the next day.

Question 11 Not yet graded

/ 2.8 pts
Two students are discussing their answers to question 10.  Do you agree
or disagree with either or both of the students? Why? 

Your Answer:

I disagree with Student 1 because they omit that the Earth has two
motions, daily and yearly motion. The yearly motion affects what time the
stars rise and the daily motion is what makes stars appear to rise and

I agree with Student 2 because they were correct in saying the Earth goes
around the Sun, the constellation Taurus rises earlier each month so it
must rise a little bit earlier each night. Betelgeuse must do the same thing.

Quiz Score:
0 out of 20

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