Veterinary Workforce: Implications of The 2013 US Veterinary Workforce Study and Recommendations For Future Actions

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Veterinary Workforce

Implications of the 2013 US Veterinary

Workforce Study and recommendations
for future actions
AVMA Workforce Advisory Group

Members of the AVMA Workforce Advisory Group

Link Welborn, DVM, DABVP (Chair), President, Tampa Bay Veterinary Medical Group, Tampa, Fla
Jane Brunt, DVM, Executive Director, CATalyst Council Inc, Annapolis, Md
Margaret Coffey, DVM, MBA, Director, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La
David Gersholowitz, MBA, Chief Operating Officer, BluePearl Veterinary Partners, Tampa, Fla
Eleanor Green, DVM, DACVIM, DABVP, Carl B. King Dean of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medical
& Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex
Jeffrey Klausner, DVM, DACVIM, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President, Banfield Pet Hospital, Portland, Ore
Roger Saltman, DVM, MBA, Group Director, Cattle-Equine Technical Services, Zoetis, Cazenovia, NY
Carin Smith, DVM, President, Smith Veterinary Consulting Inc, Peshastin, Wash
Scott Spaulding, DVM, President, Badger Veterinary Hospital, Janesville, Wis
Michael Thomas, DVM, President, Noah’s Animal Hospitals, Indianapolis, Ind
Karl Wise, PhD, Associate Executive Vice President, AVMA, Schaumburg, Ill

AVMA Staff Consultant

Michael Dicks, PhD, Director, Veterinary Economics Division, AVMA, Schaumburg, Ill

This article has not undergone peer review; opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Address correspondence to Dr. Dicks (

Introduction the veterinary workforce that could be used to estimate

future supply and demand under alternative scenarios
In June 2011, the AVMA Executive Board approved and allow the AVMA to periodically update projections
a new strategic plan that included as one of its goals en- as additional information became available.
hancing the veterinary workforce in the United States The final report of the workforce study, the 2013 US
such that veterinary employment opportunities would Veterinary Workforce Study,1 has recently been released.
be identified and the demands of society with respect Having overseen the study process from beginning to
to the supply of veterinarians would be better under- end and having thoroughly assessed the data, analytic
stood. Later in 2011, the Executive Board approved the procedures, and associated findings, the Workforce Ad-
establishment of a Veterinary Economics Strategy Com- visory Group is confident that the Veterinary Workforce
mittee to advise the board and a Veterinary Economics Study is credible and based on sound analytic methods.
Division to manage economics programs of the AVMA. In reviewing the report, the Workforce Advisory Group
In response to AVMA member desires for reliable identified 11 important implications of the study and de-
information about the status of the veterinary profes- veloped recommendations for future actions.
sion, the Executive Board commissioned a study of the
current and future supply of and demand for veterinar- Implication 1—Excess Capacity
ians and veterinary services by employment sector and of Veterinarians and Veterinary Services
geographic region, and established the AVMA Work- Results of the Veterinary Workforce Study concur with
force Advisory Group to oversee the study. In April findings of previous studies in indicating that there is
2012, IHS Healthcare & Pharma in partnership with excess capacity (ie, the ability to provide services in
the Center for Health Workforce Studies at the State excess of the quantity demanded at a price that con-
University of New York, Albany, was chosen to conduct sumers are willing to pay) in certain geographic areas
the study. and certain sectors of the veterinary profession and fur-
The overall goal of the study was to provide rel- ther suggest that this excess capacity will likely persist
evant veterinary workforce information to veterinar- through 2025.
ians, prospective veterinary students, educational in-
stitutions, and policymakers. Integral to this effort was Results of the Veterinary Workforce Study indicate
the development of a computer simulation model of that the supply of veterinarians in the United States in

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2012 (90,200) exceeded the demand for veterinarians Even so, the AVMA cannot develop a robust work-
(78,950) by approximately 11,250 (ie, an excess capac- force and economics research program on behalf of the
ity of 12.5%) at current pricing levels for services. Fur- profession without the active participation of key veter-
ther, results indicate that excess capacity ranging from inary stakeholders. Veterinary medicine is a small pro-
11% to 14% (ie, from 9,300 to 12,300 full-time equiva- fession, and a substantial effort will be critical in maxi-
lents) would persist each year from 2012 through 2025. mizing opportunities to better understand the complex
This supports a finding of “little evidence of widespread dynamics and trends associated with the veterinary
workforce shortages in veterinary medicine” in the 2012 workforce and economics.
report “Workforce Needs in Veterinary Medicine”2 by
the National Research Council. Importantly, however, Recommendation—The AVMA should maintain
because of limitations in the available veterinary work- and build on available veterinary workforce and eco-
force data, it must be emphasized that the reported ex- nomic databases to ensure the accuracy and complete-
cess capacity is an estimate, and that additional study ness of the information and allow for the development
is needed to understand the true excess capacity in the of data-driven conclusions. Other associations and or-
veterinary profession. ganizations, such as the Association of American Vet-
erinary Medical Colleges, American Animal Hospital
Recommendation—The AVMA should identify Association, American Association of Equine Practitio-
and implement strategies to increase the demand for ners, and American Association of Bovine Practitioners,
veterinarians and veterinary services and provide an should be encouraged to contribute data.
annual update on the estimated current and projected
supply of and demand for veterinarians and veterinary Implication 3—
services. Individuals Entering the Workforce
Sufficient information to calculate statistically valid
Implication 2—
long-term trends for the number of individuals enter-
Workforce and Economic Data
ing the US veterinary workforce on an annual basis is
In studying the supply of and demand for veterinarians not available.
and veterinary services, the AVMA embarked on an ini-
tiative of great importance to the veterinary profession According to data from the Association of Ameri-
and those needing veterinary services. The absence of can Veterinary Medical Colleges, mean annual growth
some needed data was notable, and considerable ef- in the number of new graduates from colleges of veteri-
fort was made to collect all applicable information nary medicine in the United States has been 1.6% over
available. Nonetheless, some conclusions are based on the past 33 years. However, annual growth has fluctu-
opinion surveys and assumptions where data were not ated over this period. From 1980 through 1987, an-
available. The 2013 US Veterinary Workforce Study nual growth averaged 3.9%, whereas growth from 1987
should be considered a starting point, not an ending of through 2004 was essentially flat and annual growth
efforts, to better understand the supply of and demand from 2004 through 2013 averaged 2.6%.
for veterinarians and veterinary services and overall In addition, information is not available on the num-
veterinary economics. ber of new graduates entering the US veterinary work-
force from veterinary schools outside the United States
The Veterinary Workforce Study highlights areas during this period. However, data from the National
where additional research could potentially improve Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners indicate that
the understanding of trends affecting the veterinary the mean annual growth in the number of candidates
workforce, and a list of potential research opportuni- who applied for licensure through the various licensing
ties was developed as a result of data limitations and boards in the United States and passed the North Ameri-
research gaps identified during the study. can Veterinary Licensing Exam from the 2001–2002 test
Similarly, the National Research Council report2 cycle through the 2011–2012 test cycle was 3.4%.
was delayed several times in part because of inconsis- Further, a mean annual growth of 4.5% is project-
tencies in the way various segments of the veterinary ed for 2012 through 2015 in the combined number of
profession have compiled veterinary workforce data, individuals expected to graduate from colleges of vet-
making it difficult to analyze long-term trends or make erinary medicine in the United States and number of
predictions for the future. US citizens expected to graduate from the 20 colleges
Fortunately, the AVMA, as the umbrella organiza- of veterinary medicine outside the United States that
tion for the veterinary profession, is well positioned to are members of the Association of American Veterinary
serve as a repository of workforce and economic data, Medical Colleges.
perform analyses of these data, and conduct additional Because a statistically valid trend in projected mean
research. This is particularly true owing to the estab- annual growth in the number of individuals expected to
lishment of the Veterinary Economics Division and enter the US veterinary workforce could not be devel-
Veterinary Economics Strategy Committee, the desig- oped from the available data, the Veterinary Workforce
nation of a National Economics Strategy Reserve Fund Study assumed a baseline projected future growth rate
within the AVMA budget, and the development of a for entrants into the US veterinary workforce of 2% per
veterinary workforce computer simulation model as a year as well as an alternative scenario with an annual
component of the Veterinary Workforce Study. growth rate of 4%.

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Recommendation—A program should be imple- vices and the need to use other indicators of a shortfall
mented to collect and analyze data that provide reliable or excess in capacity. The National Research Council
information on the number of veterinarians entering report recommends that future actions be informed by
the US workforce each year, including specific data re- reliable national data on consumer demand for veteri-
lated to geographic region and practice sector. nary care and the economics of private practice.
Conducting research on the price sensitivity of ani-
Implication 4—Workforce Assessment mal owners for veterinary services is included among
the suggested areas for further research in the Veteri-
A systematic method to assess the number of veterinar-
nary Workforce Study. The 1999 KPMG study4 indicat-
ians changing employment sectors or becoming tem-
ed that the demand for veterinary services was not very
porarily or permanently inactive in veterinary medi-
responsive to price changes, with every 10% increase
cine and their reasons for doing so is not available.
in price estimated to decrease demand by only 4.3%.
While data on historical trends in the percentages However, the cost of veterinary care in clinical practice
of US veterinarians engaged in various employment has increased substantially since 1999, and it remains
sectors are available, meaningful information on the to be seen whether the relative price elasticity for vet-
numbers of veterinarians changing employment sectors erinary care has changed.
and their reasons for doing so is not available.
In an analysis of the AVMA member database, it Recommendation—Research should be performed
was found that approximately 18% of veterinarians to better understand how demand for veterinary ser-
self-identified as active were 65 or older. Following vices is related to the overall US economy, consumers’
consideration of additional information, this figure was disposable income, and the price of veterinary services.
adjusted to 10% for the purposes of the study. Never- In addition, methods to more directly assess consumer
theless, this difference highlights the need to regularly demand for veterinary services and identify factors that
collect data on the number of veterinarians becoming influence this consumer demand need to be developed.
inactive in veterinary medicine, both temporarily and
permanently, and their reasons for doing so. Implication 6—Demand for
Veterinary Services and Societal Needs
Recommendation—A system should be developed Given the current and projected rates of growth in the
to assess the number of veterinarians changing employ- number of veterinarians entering the US workforce
ment sectors or becoming temporarily or permanently and the projected rate of growth in demand for veteri-
inactive in veterinary medicine and their reasons for nary services, excess capacity of veterinarians in some
doing so. employment sectors and geographic areas is likely to
persist into the future. At the same time, the need for
Implication 5—Demand for Veterinary veterinary services, not only to provide optimal care
Services and Consumer Spending of animals but also to provide veterinary expertise to
The effects of the overall US economy on the demand address broader societal needs such as public health,
for veterinary services are unclear. Further, the relation- exceeds the demand for these services.
ship between consumers’ disposable income and the
demand for veterinary services is not well understood, The Veterinary Workforce Study did not directly
and readily available means to directly assess consumer assess veterinary education, but the study findings are
demand for veterinary services are not available. expected to help inform decisions by veterinary schools
regarding what sort of courses to offer and how many
According to a 2010 survey from the Pew Research students to admit to their programs. Colleges of veteri-
Center,3 more than half of all adults in the US labor force nary medicine are faced with several basic driving forces,
have reported a spell of unemployment, a cut in pay, a including meeting the demand by the public for veteri-
reduction in hours, or an involuntary shift to part-time nary education, meeting the colleges’ responsibility to
work since the Great Recession began in December train graduates who can fulfill societal needs, producing
2007. The Pew survey also found that since December career-ready graduates who are astute relative to the po-
2007, spending and borrowing habits of Americans tential opportunities and challenges associated with the
were characterized by a new frugality, with 62% of re- veterinary profession, and operating within a balanced
spondents reporting having cut back on their spending, budget.
and that Americans had diminished expectations for The veterinary colleges are actively involved in inter-
their financial futures and those of their children. With- nal discussions about recruitment, budgeting, class size,
out question, some of the data used for the Veterinary and how the college can help students understand the
Workforce Study1 and the National Research Council full range of career opportunities and train them for and
report2 were influenced by changes in the broader US guide them toward additional opportunities. The colleges
economy, but the extent to which these changes will are challenged to balance considerations of excess capac-
impact the future of the veterinary workforce and eco- ity in some sectors of the veterinary profession, unmet
nomic conditions for the various sectors of the veteri- needs for veterinary care and expertise, geographic im-
nary profession in the United States is uncertain. balances in the distribution of veterinarians, the increas-
The Veterinary Workforce Study makes note of an ing cost of veterinary education, and the educational de-
inability to directly measure demand for veterinary ser- mands of prospective veterinary students.

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Fortunately, graduates with a veterinary degree are animal clinical practice. Even so, some practices are
well positioned to contribute to society both within operating at full capacity.
and beyond the veterinary profession because of the
breadth, quality, and comparative-medicine basis of Data from a 2013 Association of American Veteri-
their education, coupled with the outstanding nature nary Medical Colleges survey of 2011 and 2012 US vet-
of veterinary students. Veterinary medicine is the only erinary college graduates indicate that approximately
health profession that provides a broad foundation in 98% of respondents were employed in veterinary medi-
comparative medicine. All AVMA Council on Educa- cine or had been admitted to an advanced education
tion–accredited veterinary colleges are actively apply- program when surveyed a minimum of 6 months after
ing North American Veterinary Medical Education graduation.6
Consortium recommendations5 to alter their curricula Of respondents to a survey conducted in conjunc-
to better meet societal needs and graduate career-ready tion with the Veterinary Workforce Study, 53% indicat-
veterinarians. ed that their practices were not working at full capacity
and 38% indicated that their practices were working
Recommendation—Research should be performed at full capacity. While working at full capacity would
to better understand the differences between needs and seem to be a worthy goal for any clinical practice, no
demands for veterinary services, the factors that influ- additional characteristics can be ascribed to either set
ence these differences, and the means by which needs of practices from the survey data. Additional research
for veterinary services can be converted to greater de- is needed to identify characteristics of clinical practices
mand in the major employment sectors. In addition, the by geographic region and practice sector that are not
AVMA and Association of American Veterinary Medical only operating at high levels of capacity but also pro-
Colleges, along with other stakeholders, should con- viding optimal veterinary care while using good busi-
tinue discussions and forge even stronger collabora- ness principles.
tions focused on improving the ability of veterinarians
to meet societal demands for veterinary medicine and Recommendation—Research should be conducted
expanding the breadth of services veterinarians can to compare and contrast the characteristics of clinical
provide to society. practices working at full capacity versus clinical prac-
tices with high levels of excess capacity to determine
Implication 7—Excess Capacity and whether initiatives could be developed to enhance ca-
Efficiency in Veterinary Clinical Practice pacity utilization in practices with substantial excess
On average, veterinarians in clinical practice are work-
ing overtime (ie, > 40 h/work week) despite excess ca-
Implication 9—
pacity in clinical practice employment sectors.
Maldistribution of Veterinarians
The paradoxical situation of veterinarians work- Maldistribution of veterinarians and veterinary servic-
ing > 40 h/wk at a time when there is excess capacity es exists both geographically and by employment sec-
in veterinary clinical practice has developed to some tor, resulting in excess capacity of veterinary services in
extent because clinical practices have extended their some areas and excess demand in other areas.
hours of availability to provide nonemergency veteri-
nary services. In addition, as noted in the KPMG study,4 Even though excess capacity has been identified in
while the indivisibility of labor (ie, the inability to split some areas of clinical practice, as part of the Veterinary
some variables into fractions) is a problem in all health- Medicine Loan Repayment Program, the USDA identi-
care fields, using the most efficient amount of labor fied 187 veterinary shortage areas in 2010, 220 shortage
is much more difficult in veterinary practices because areas in 2011, and 198 shortage areas in 2012. These
most practices are relatively small or, as is the case for areas were nominated by state animal health officials
most large animal practices, provide ambulatory servic- and reviewed by a panel consisting of federal and state
es. This problem arises with facilities and equipment in animal health experts to determine whether each nomi-
veterinary practices as well. nated area should be designated as a shortage area.
Recommendation—Methods to measure and mon- Recommendation—The AVMA and other stake-
itor capacity in the major sectors of veterinary clini- holders should continue to provide support for initia-
cal practice should be developed. In addition, systems tives such as funding for the Veterinary Medicine Loan
should be identified to better match the availability of Repayment Program, authorization of the Veterinary
veterinary services to the demands of consumers, there- Services Investment Act, and passage of the Veterinary
by enhancing efficiency and reducing excess capacity. Medicine Loan Repayment Program Enhancement Act
and continue to support efforts related to one health in
Implication 8— an effort to expand veterinary services and employment
Veterinary Underemployment opportunities for veterinarians.
Unemployment of veterinarians appears to be quite Implication 10—Demographic Trends
low; however, underemployment (ie, employed work-
ers who are not fully occupied by productive work) ex- Demographic trends in the United States related to age,
ists in small animal, equine, food animal, and mixed race, and ethnicity and the lower levels of animal own-

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ership and use of veterinary services by some demo- Future Actions
graphic groups have the potential to negatively impact
the future demand for veterinary services. The 2013 US Veterinary Workforce Study will
serve as a foundation for continued workforce anal-
Data from the Veterinary Workforce Study suggest yses and discussion and for evaluation of veterinary
a general trend of lower levels of animal ownership workforce issues by the veterinary profession, pro-
and veterinary services use by certain racial and ethnic spective students, educational institutions, and poli-
groups as well as by individuals 65 or older. cymakers. The need for input from multiple interest
Numerous projections indicate that the US popu- groups is clear. This study differs from those done
lation will become increasingly more racially and eth- previously in that it provides a veterinary workforce
nically diverse over time, with a higher proportion of forecasting model that will allow for more frequent as-
older individuals. In 2011, the Congressional Research sessments and better analyses of specific employment
Service projected that these trends will continue be- sectors and geographic regions, will allow trends to
yond 2030, with a significantly higher percentage of be followed over time, and will allow for continual
Hispanics in particular, and concluded that approxi- improvements in forecasts of the veterinary workforce
mately 18% of the US population will be 65 or older and the supply of veterinary services available to ani-
in 2025 (a 44% increase, compared with the percent- mals and the public. In addition, the study identified
age for 2000), while the percentages of individuals in areas where further research might provide useful in-
younger age groups will decline over the same period.7 formation; possible areas to pursue include evaluation
of the impacts of demographics and diversity, practice
Recommendation—Initiatives to enhance diver- models, and public policy.
sity and inclusiveness within the veterinary profession, Importantly, the study revealed substantial gaps in
such as the DiVersity Matters initiative from the Asso- the knowledge required to fully and accurately assess
ciation of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, and veterinary workforce issues. With respect to the supply
efforts by the AVMA and other organizations to provide chain for veterinary services, from the time applicants
education on cultural competency within the veteri- enter veterinary college to the time veterinarians exit
nary profession should be promoted. In addition, pub- from the veterinary workforce, meaningful information
lic awareness of the potential benefits of animal owner- is limited and unorganized. Information relative to the
demand for veterinarians and veterinary services, par-
ship and the use of veterinary services in general, but in
ticularly for individual employment sectors in specific
particular for demographic groups that tend to be less
geographic areas, is also scarce and unorganized. Indi-
likely to own animals and seek out veterinary services,
viduals and organizations within the veterinary profes-
should be enhanced.
sion must work together to collect the data required
for more robust analyses of the future supply of and
Implication 11—Balanced Perspective
demand for veterinarians and veterinary services. To-
Veterinary medicine is a fulfilling and exciting career, gether we have the potential to achieve a better under-
providing a stable source of income and a comfortable standing of the veterinary workforce and the future of
living for many people despite excess capacity in some the veterinary profession.
employment sectors and geographic areas and despite One important final note: the AVMA is permitted
the fact that salaries are not rising at the same rate as to collect, analyze, and publish veterinary workforce
educational debt. data, and by publishing these data, the AVMA intends
to inform veterinarians, prospective veterinary stu-
While income of veterinarians still lags that of oth- dents, educational institutions, and policymakers about
er health-care professionals with similar levels of edu- trends in the supply of and demand for veterinarians
cation, data from the 2013 AVMA Report on Veterinary and veterinary services. However, the marketplace, not
Compensation8 indicate that private practice owners, the AVMA, determines the supply of and demand for
board-certified veterinary specialists, and veterinarians such services, and as a professional association, the
working in industry have substantially higher incomes AVMA must not and will not interfere with market forc-
than do veterinarians overall. es. The AVMA Council on Education makes decisions
Even though some US veterinary colleges still have regarding the accreditation of veterinary colleges solely
robust applicant numbers, data from the Association on the basis of the quality of the veterinary education
of American Veterinary Medical Collegesa indicate that provided by those institutions, without influence from
overall there were approximately 2 applicants for each the AVMA, and is prohibited from considering factors
first-year veterinary college seat during the 10-year pe- related to the supply of or demand for veterinary ser-
riod from 2003 through 2012. vices when making accreditation decisions.
a. Maccabe A, Executive Director, Association of American Veteri-
Recommendation—Efforts should be made to aid nary Medical Colleges, Washington, DC: Personal communica-
in the management of educational debt, such as the tion, 2013.
Association of American Veterinary Medical College’s
Student Debt Initiative; to enhance the productivity of References
recent graduate veterinarians, such as the AVMA Suc- 1. Dall TM, Storm MV, Gallo P, et al. 2013 US Veterinary Workforce
cessful Graduates Initiative; and to continue to recruit Study: modeling capacity utilization. Schaumburg, Ill: AVMA,
the best and brightest students into the profession. 2013.

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2. National Research Council. Workforce needs in veterinary medi- sponsive, collaborative, flexible. Washington, DC: Association of
cine. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2012. American Veterinary Medical Colleges, 2011.
3. Taylor P, Morin R, Kochhar R, et al. A balance sheet at 30 months: 6. Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges. Survey of re-
how the Great Recession has changed life in America. Washington, cent DVM graduates of schools and colleges of veterinary medicine in
DC: Pew Research Center, 2010. the United States. Available at:
4. Brown JP, Silverman JD. The current and future market for aavmc%20data%20reports/aavmcsurveyofrecentdvmgraduates.pdf.
veterinarians and veterinary medical services in the United Accessed Apr 6, 2013.
States: executive summary. May, 1999. J Am Vet Med Assoc 7. Shrestha LB, Heisler EJ. The changing demographic profile of the Unit-
1999;215:161–183. ed States. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2011.
5. North American Veterinary Medical Education Consortium. 8. AVMA. Report on veterinary compensation (2013 edition): bien-
Roadmap for veterinary medical education in the 21st century: re- nial economic survey. Schaumburg, Ill: AVMA, 2013.

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