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Reg No: 11713045

Name: Kaggallu Anjaneya Swamy Wari Rohith


Citizen Journalism, journalism that is directed by individuals who are not

proficient journalists but rather who posts the information utilizing Web sites,
online journals, and web-based media .When this kind of things will happen means
when any disasters happened in any places then the people in that place will take
pictures of that incident and they will immediately upload about that situation in
social media
Citizen Journalism is being evolving faster due to development of various
social media platforms in addition to that increasing of people who uses mobile
phones so these made the Citizen Journalism more accessible for people


Blogging is nothing but composing, photography, and other media that is

independently published on the web. Writing for a blog began as an open door for
people to compose journal style passages, however it has since been fused into
sites for some organizations. The signs of contributing to a blog incorporate regular
updates, the language which is not formal , and opportunities for readers to start a
Writing for a blog is as basic as acquiring a site and uploading original content on
it. Educated bloggers can purchase a domain name and can create the site
themselves. Those with less HTML content can make an account with web
applications like WordPress that improve the website architecture and distributing


Basically Search Engine Optimization that is SEO is the method by which we

can increase the quantity and quality of the traffic to our Web Application.
You may consider the search engine as a site you visit to type an
inquiry to Google, Yahoo, Bing or whatever search engine you are using
will replies with a long list of links to webpages that can answer
your question. A site isn't generally a site until you have content. Yet, SEO
for content has enough explicit factors that we've given it its own part.
Search Engine Optimization change regularly and SEO strategies develop
because of those changes. So on the off chance that somebody is offering you
SEO exhortation that doesn't feel very right, check in with the particular topic


Virtual Reality contrasts fundamentally from past types of journalism in that it

offers an introduction, yet additionally a tangible encounter of the real world. In
this manner, it gives an exceptionally unique degree of encountering the news than
understanding print or watching varying media material. VR is regularly
characterized by means of two principle highlights: presence and submersion. Until
now, the most famous specialized arrangement for VR journalism has been 360
video, in spite of the fact that this offers a restricted encounter of quality and
drenching. Numerous bottlenecks are forestalling the spread of VR in reporting.
Additionally, numerous moral inquiries require arrangements before VR reporting
can become standard.


Utilizing Crowd Sourcing, writers can discover in any case distant data that adds to
their examinations. In a few nations, publicly supported examinations have
revealed significant news, including lawbreaking and debasement. Publicly
supporting can likewise disclose a more extensive scope of viewpoints about a
story point, prompting more comprehensive and target news coverage. Therefore,
publicly supporting can uphold the editorial standards of exact, objective, and
straightforward announcing. Additionally, it connects with members and
encourages a more grounded connection among readers and journalists. At last, in
its utilization of publicly supporting journalism can institute all the more
productively in its monitorial function in the public arena.


Social Networking is the utilization of Internet-based online media sites to remain

associated with companions, family, partners, clients, or customers. Person to
person communication can have a social reason, a business reason, or both,
through destinations, for example, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram,
among others. Long range informal communication has gotten a critical base for
advertisers trying to draw in clients. Facebook remains the biggest and most
famous informal organization, with more than two billion individuals utilizing the
stage. It was followed, arranged by prominence, by Instagram, Facebook
Messenger, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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