A) 12.5% Profit B) 25% Loss C) 25% Profit D) 12.5% Loss E) None of These

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1) A. Vinit buys at 6 mangoes for Rs 8 and sold them at 4 for Rs 6. Find his profit or loss %.

a) 12.5% profit b) 25% loss c) 25% profit d) 12.5% loss e) None of these.

1) B.Vinit buys mangoes at 4 kg for Rs 28 and sells them at 6 kg for Rs.60. To earn Rs. 108 as
profit, he must sell
a) 34 kg b) 32 kg c) 36 kg d) 38 kg

1) C.Vinit losses Rs 60 by selling mangoes at Rs 6 per mango but gains Rs 65, If he sells them at
Rs 6.25 per mango. The number of mangoes sold by him is
a) 500 b) 550 c) 600 d) 650

1) D.Vinit buys mangoes at Rs 5 a dozen and an equal number at Rs 4 a dozen. He sells them at
Rs 5.50 a dozen and makes a profit of Rs 50. How many mangoes does he buy?
a. 30dozens b. 40dozens c. 50dozens d. 60dozens

1) E.Vinit buys a certain number of mangoes at 50 per Rs 10 and the same number at 40 for Rs
10. He sells those mangoes at 90 per Rs 20. Does he gain or loss and by what percentage?
a) 1.33%loss b) 1.33% profit c) no loss no gain d) cannot be determined

2) A. If the cost price of 6 apples is same as selling price of 8 apples find profit or loss
1 1
a) 25% profit b) 25% loss c) 33 % profit d) 33 % loss
3 3

2) B. If the cost price of 8 apples is same as selling price of 6 apples find profit or loss
1 1
a) 25% profit b) 25% loss c) 33 % profit d) 33 % loss
3 3

2) C. The cost price of 20 apples is the same as the selling price of x apples. If the profit is 25%,
then the value of x is:
a.16 b.19 c.12 d.22

2) D. By selling 45 apples a man gains the selling price of 30 apples. Find his profit %.
a) 50% b) 33.33% c) 11.11% d) 30%

3) A.Shankar claims to be selling at cost price, but cheats his customers by giving 950 gm for
every 1 kg. find his profit.
a) 5% b)50% c)52.6 % d) 5.26%

3) B. Shankar claims to be selling at cost price, but cheats his customers by giving 900 gm for
every 1 kg. if he also cheats his supplier by taking 1100 gm for every 1kg, find his profit.
a) 10% b)11.11% c) 9.09% d) 22.22%

4) A. Kanak purchased two bikes at Rs 120000 each. One he sold at 20% profit and the other at
10% loss. Find his overall profit or loss?
a) Loss of Rs 12000 b) Profit of Rs 12000 c) Profit of Rs 24000 d) Loss of Rs 24000
e) None of these
4) B. Kanak purchased two bikes at Rs 120000 each. One he sold at 20% profit and the other at
20% loss. Find his overall profit or loss?
a) Loss of Rs 12000 b) Profit of Rs 12000 c) Profit of Rs 24000 d) Loss of Rs 24000
e) None of these

4) C. Kanak sold two bikes. One at Rs 18000 at profit of 20% and other at Rs 18000 at loss of
10%. Find his overall approximate profit or loss percent?
a) 14.28% profit b) 14.28% loss c)2.85% profit d) 2.85% loss

Kanak sold two bikes at Rs 12000 each, one at profit of 20% and other at loss of 20%. Find his
overall approximate profit or loss?
a) No loss or gain b) Profit of Rs 1000 c) Loss of Rs 1000 d) Loss of Rs 960

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