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How to Series: 2



The Development Action Section is designed to assist you as a member of ISN Medical
with planning your development within your current position. It will assist you in creating
your development objectives and guide you in creating plans to achieve these objectives
with your Supervisor. This development plan is included in your Growth Activation Plan.

This module involves the following steps:

1. Understanding your development principles.

2. Understanding behaviours from previous feedback.
3. Understanding what factors will influence the results you need to achieve.
4. Identifying the development activities you require in order to deliver the results.


Before commencing you should note the following principles: dynamics that
You should not expect automatic acceptance by your Supervisor of the promote
development activities you identify each year and the activities you agree
on need to be related to lateral development within your current position. performance
Your development is primarily your own responsibility. But your also support
Supervisor is responsible for having an open development discussion with learning and
you. They will provide the support of the implementation of your
Development Plan through coaching, releasing you for training and behavioural
development. However, in agreeing a development plan with you, your
Supervisor will also be considering ISN Medical’s needs. change.”
. Most development activities are available ‘on the job’. You should explore
every opportunity to develop skills and competencies through your
current position. Structured training is one way of developing
competencies, but there are many other options that might be more Katzenbach
readily available to you. It is important to consider your personal learning
style when determining your development activities.

Your Development Plan is a record of what you and your Supervisor have
agreed. You should aim to achieve your agreed results and development
objectives. There is no direct “penalty” for not following through on your
Development Plan. However, if you fail to pursue agreed development
activities and your results suffer as a consequence, you can expect to see
this reflected in your Annual Performance Review.

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This section will help you to consider your desired results and feedback received
from previous review, peers and others and what you could do differently to
improve on them.

It is suggested that you do the following:

Step 1: Record your view of current results and performance.

Step 2: Identify gaps between your actual results and the results you were aiming

Step 3: Take the opportunity to talk with peers, direct reports, your Supervisor and
others to get feedback on your performance.

Step 4: What would you consider your strengths as you consider the Objectives you
have set?

Step 5: What changes do you have to make? “Personal

Step 6: What new competencies need to be developed? development is
a major time-
saver. The
Did you understand what is really expected of you?
If not, clarify expectations and priorities. better you
Did you understand how important these expectations are? become, the less
If not, review expectations and priorities.
time it takes
Do you have the competencies/level of proficiency needed to achieve theses you to achieve
If not, ensure you get the opportunity to regularly practice them and seek regular your goals.”
feedback. If you don’t have the competencies, arrange training or other activities
within your job to develop them. ―Brian Tracy
Did you have all the information needed to achieve the results you are aiming for?
If not, ask for advice; discuss with colleagues, review information, systems, and
instructions so you have to all the information you need.

Are there any other factors that will stop from achieving the results you are aiming
If yes, you should discuss these with your Supervisor.

Is there a simpler or more effective way of achieving the desired results?

If yes, how do you capture these lessons to build efficiency in your current role?

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The Shared and Leadership Competencies as signed off by the Executive Team outline specific
areas we as a company need to develop. To this end ISN Medical will provide some mandatory
training in these areas. There may be need to improve some specific behaviours in your
proficiency of these organisational competencies or need to improve your proficiency in some
of them. You may need to improve or focus on Departmental Competencies or some
Individual Needs that are associated with your current position.

If you choose development activities, which are not specific to

Shared and Leadership Competencies they should be prioritised to
identify key opportunities, to positively impact on your results in
your current role over the next 12 months. Your proposals here will
potentially form the basis of your development discussion.
The onus is on you the employee with support from your Over the long
Supervisor to identify the appropriate development activity.

run, superior
Therefore in order to create your Development Plan, you need to


What competencies and/or level of proficiency you will need to

depends on
develop within your existing position.
What development activities you require to acquire these
competencies and/or level of proficiency.

Review the shared and leadership behaviours required for your learning.
current position. Focus on competencies that will build on your
strengths, develop new strengths and help address opportunities
for growth in your current role. Make sure these development
activities are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,
and time bound). Peter Senge
Review the shared and leadership behaviours required for your
current position. Focus on competencies that will build on your
strengths, develop new strengths and help address opportunities
for growth in your current role. Make sure these development
activities are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,
and time bound).

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It is suggested that you consider the following:

What competencies and /or level of proficiency will you have to develop to
perform effectively in your current position?
1): ___________________________________________________
2): ___________________________________________________
3): _____________________________________________________
Learning is not
What Shared and Leadership Behaviours will you have to develop?
1): ___________________________________________________
the product of
2): ___________________________________________________
3): _____________________________________________________
Learning is the
What development activities would help you achieve your objectives?
1): ___________________________________________________ product of
2): ___________________________________________________
3): _____________________________________________________ activity of
Having considered your development needs you should now come up with Learners
actions that will enable the behavioural change and or build the competencies
required for success performance in the year.

Examples of Development Actions are listed below. The list below is provided as John Holt
guide not a the mandatory development action list for ISN Medical. Resource
requirement should be considered in choice of action

Examples of Development Actions

Expand accountabilities: Self-development programs

Attendance and involvement in Reading skills training – (Study manuals,
specially designated meetings bulletins, reports, other printed materials
On-the-job coaching and feedback Specialized fields
counseling Reading (e.g. technical books, trade journals,
Serve as a conference leader or trainer management literature, etc.)
Formal presentation opportunities Writing skills training
Understudy training Mentoring
Planned exposure to another function Home study courses and formal evening courses
Lateral transfer Active participation in community and civic
Vacation or replacement assignments affairs
Special assignment/projects Personal development workshops:
Work one-on-one with a specialist Modeling or role playing:
Training programs (in-house or Planned structured behavior change:
external) Personal counseling by a trained professional

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