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last year in high school.
The year some may have been waiting for
students but neither.
But for me... This past year has been a
I will wait.
The year I will graduate and enter college.
I'm really waiting for the time when I will enter
my dream university.
Sianfoo UnivemiQ.
The university I really wanted. I've already study hard
so that you can be accepted and finally succeed my hard
work paid off.
Starting in August, I will officially become a student.
But before that, I have to pass the exam which will be
held in another month.
°Duh, Cathyl How are you, I'm afraid of exams, -
Linda has been my best friend since I entered high
school. I really love him, but after we IuIus-<He
willmoved with his parents to Balanda. It's sad because I'll
hang out with my best friend but I'm sure I'll meet new
people later at university. But sure sa¡a. no one can
replace Linda.
Sńe will be always my iron friend, even ssfer.
Maybe I'll introduce him to my new best friend
later in college.
"Don't worry, Lin. You've been studying hard. I'm sure
definitely pass," I encourage him.
°Actually, not just because of the test. I'm sad
becausewe will be far apart. Honestly I'm worried
aboutyou,° he said while holding me. I am happyhear it.
Linda and I are really famousclose and he's always
worried about me.
•Hey, @@1 I'm fine. If there's something I
after contacting you,° I told him.

Scanned with
“Will you be able to protect yourself[ }if there is a saga4
who approaches you† You are always kind and innocent, I
don't know which asshole will play with you.°
°ÏU'e//, thank you for always helping me."
° Yes! Because you can't tell which men are serious
and which are not! This is the reason I'm worriedwith you,
Cat,• kaünp in his trademark high voice. You are well
known as a person who is sociable and free to express
whatever is on his mind. Even before that, when our
seniors tried to approach you, Linda was the one who
put her hands on it by saying that senior was only after
my body. Kaæna Lindalah. our senior's mask was
revealed in front of everyone.
•Caky. I‹au know how popular it is for you. no?*ünda is
shopping with a worried expression on her face.
°W'e//, but not as popular you, Un," I replied.
°Hey, enough to leave me alone. We're talking about
you right now.- That's right, Linda is very popular because
of her beauty and very friendly nature. You have natural
blonde hair with a pair & she has rain forest green eyes.
He is also the type of person who will defend the weak and
the most anti-bullying. Linda will join hands, no matter who
it is” and will do her best to defend the bullied. Because of
his reputation, you are very proud of our class and brother
kebs. You never cared if he would get enemies because of
what he did because he thought he had done what he
thought was right.
°But it seems you won't be aware of your
surroundings because you're so focused on brother
Rînhie." He pressed the name u png automatically
making my face heat up.
°Aaw... How cufÄ" Linda immediately wrapped her
arms around my neck, With her height that soared to
173 cm, I was like a squirrel in her eyes where my
height was only 161 cm.
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