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 Definition and types

 Histoire
 Legality
 Pour vs contre
 Right to die organisations
Lou Clark is an Average Jane from a small town in England. She worked at café until
its owner abruptly announced that he was shutting the place down, leaving her
jobless. Bummed, Lou goes job hunting until she lands a gig as a caretaker for a
paralyzed man named Will Traynor.

Will is a young business executive and extreme sports enthusiast whose life was
forever changed two years earlier when he was hit by a motorcycle while crossing
the street, leaving him almost completely paralyzed. His mother, Camilla, tells Lou
that her job will be to monitor him at all hours of the day, even though he already has
a professional taking care of his medical needs.

That is, until Lou learns the truth about why she was hired: after a previous suicide
attempt, Will made his mother promise to take him to an assisted suicide facility in six
months to end his life. Lou's job has actually been to make sure he doesn't hurt
himself before then.
Although Lou is shaken by this revelation, she has a plan: she'll take Will on a series
of excursions to show him that life is still worth living.Some worked , many did not
Will is determined , stagnant , nothing seems to give him hope to live.
Eventually, Lou relents and decides to share Will's final moments with him at
Dignitas, the assisted suicide facility. She makes it to Dignitas in time and shares a
tender moment with Will before he goes through with the procedure.

Before his death, Will writes Lou a letter that specifically requests that it only be
opened while Lou is in a Paris café. So she goes. The letter says that Will has left
Lou a small amount of money so she can go back to school and follow her dreams. It
also expresses Will's sadness at causing her pain, though he hopes that she will
emerge from the other end of her grief as a better person. Thus begins a bold new
chapter in Lou's life.

Although euthanasia is illegal in most countries, a few like The Netherlands,
Belgium, and Luxembourg have legalized it under certain conditions .A few
states in the USA, including Oregon, Washington, Vermont, and Montana, have
also permitted it. In Morrocco, no specific law exists pertaining to euthanasia;
however, the legal view may be inferred from article 392: « Any person who
intentionally kills another person is guilty of murder and shall be
sentenced to life imprisonment » that forbids murder, or ending a person's
life. Moreover, euthanasia is forbidden under Islamic teachings 

The legalisation of assisted suicide and the extent of doctors' involvement in the
practice continue to generate heated debate within the medical, political, and
religious communities.

* Historically, the discussion was strongly influenced by the Dutch model that
permitted a doctor actively to hasten the death of a suffering patient. By the

*however, an alternative model had emerged. This increases patient control by

enabling self administration of drugs and limits the doctors' role to assessment
and prescribing while involving non-physicians and non-governmental
organisations in the dying process.

* we are talking about physician assisted suicide , olso known as Euthanasia

orr mercyfull death

There are 4 main types of euthanasia, i.e., active, passive, indirect, and
physician-assisted suicide. Active euthanasia involves “the direct administration
of a lethal substance to the patient by another party with merciful intent” [2].
Passive euthanasia is “withholding or withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment
either at the request of the patient or when prolonging life is considered futile.”
Indirect euthanasia refers to the prescription of painkillers that may be fatal in an
attempt to relieve suffering. Physician-assisted suicide refers to a medical
professional aiding a patient in terminating their life upon the patient's request .

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