Mysterious Story

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One day the parents of the handsome girl decided that it was the time
for her daughter to get married. When her parents announced that
they were looking for a husband for her daughter, lots of boys around
the country came to visit her. But the girl didn't like anyone, she rejected
his marriage requests. Among them was a pirate who anchored his
ship in front of the castle to be able to contemplate the beauty of that
lady. Obsessed, he passed all the night and day, with his gaze fixed on
the castle, attentive to any gesture from his lover. His crew abandoned
him. The days passed and the pirate didn’t have enough food for eat
but he didn’t want to go to find it because her dear could go out to the
castle and he would not be there in that moment to complemplate her.
Two days later the lady went out for a walk. When the pirate saw her he
ran to talk with her, but she ignored him. This situation happened
several times, but the pirate didn’t give up. The lady was tired to see the
boat every single day in front of her castle. So, one day she decided to
talk with him to ask his that he had to leave, because she didn’t want to
marry with anyone and less with a pirate. Although these words hurt the
pirate, he was very happy because the princess had gone to talk to him,
thing that he didn’t expect. After a long conversation, the youngster
realized that the pirate was completely in love with her and even if she
asked him to leave, he would stay, although he wouldn’t go to bother
her. He would just contemplate her from his boat. So she decided to
give him a chance.
In this way the pirate and the lady started to see each other every day.
After a few days later the girl didn’t meet with him out of grief but
because she liked to stay with him. She ticked that he can be a good
husband for her and her family would be happy to know that her
daughter would finally have a man to get married. But their parents
when they see the pirate didn’t approve their relationship and she had
to break up with him.
Since that day the young woman did not speak to him again, when the
pirate approved him to speak with her, de girl ignored him.
One day, tired of waiting if her lover returned to treat them as before,
the pirate made a decision; In order never to get away from his esteem,
he sank the ship on that beach, in front of the castle, the ship did a
somersault, and was left upside down, with the keel raised.
By a spell that no one ever explained, the keel was turned into a large
rock. Today, we can see it between the Mar Menuda and the Grande
beach, witness and symbol of an uncompromising love. The people of
Tossa say that, on nights with a full moon, you can see the silhouette of
the pirate standing on the keel and that of the lady, leaning out of the
Torre d'en Jonàs, located on the first wall.

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