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Raphael Z.

Briones /6 FA-Writing September 09, 2015

Aika Patricia R. Baldovino/5 Rebuttal Speech Score:

You cannot run games on the PC that are from consoles. If you can, you need to have an

emulator to run it and sometimes it has bugs that prevents it from running. If you want to play

Nintendo games, you are recommended to go with consoles. It’s true that PC can do a lot of

things but PC was built only for computing and for work, it was never intended to play intensive

games until it came to support for it. There are people out there that just want to play games.

What the third speaker spoke about customizing a PC has some issues behind it. When you

customize a PC, you need to spend a lot of money just to buy a new processor and graphics card.

Not only that, but it also consumes your time to wait for your customized PC. Buying a new

processor and a new graphics card can range from 20,000 pesos up to 30,000 pesos combined

depending on how expensive it is, and that is a lot of money you would spend compared to

buying a new console.

In console, you just need to buy the system and the games then you start playing. It will only

cost you spend 17,000 pesos along with the games which a few thousands to spend. In addition,

when there is a new game that are released for the both parties, the console would easily run it

because it is designed to run and play those games on the console. On the other hand, some bugs

and glitches may occur on the system of the PC and it will prevent the game from running. The

solution for this is very cumbersome. You would have to spend the entire day finding a way to

fix the errors and the glitches of the game. Some people will even find some patches from
unknown sources that they are not familiar with or even buying a new graphics card to support

the games video resolution.

The future of the gaming industry for consoles are interesting. The Nintendo Company released

their new Nintendo 3DS game console which provides a new 3D environment for the gamer’s

gaming experience. Furthermore, Nintendo announced a few games that will support the 3D

environment of the said console.

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