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Learning Area ENGLISH Grade Level SIX

W4 Quarter THREE Date

I. LESSON TITLE Presenting Comprehensive Report: View Points in an Issue
Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Presenting a Coherent, Comprehensive Report on Differing Viewpoints on an
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction 50 mins. Every day you have to deal with different issues in life, politics,
Panimula business, love, society and many more. They’re everywhere. You can read
them in newspapers, you can watch them on television or can hear them on
a radio broadcast. Every significant issue is discussed and dealt with. Issues
and happenings around the globe are reported and talked about on social
media, at home, in the office or in gatherings. Nothing that happens in society
today can escape the keen-eye of the news reporters and their readers.
At your age, you are already exposed to these issues from which
you can see posted on your Facebook page, on Twitter, on YouTube and on
other social networking sites, but have you watched or read a report that
seems to be biased or slanted?
In this lesson, you are expected to develop your skills in detecting
biases and to critically analyze an issue to understand the viewpoints of an
author. Furthermore, you are expected to present a coherent and
comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue.
Read the examples of news reports below. They are from different
sources. Analyze the manner of their presentation and answer the questions
that follow.

MANILA - A House of Representatives panel is set to investigate next week the

shootout between police officers and anti-narcotics agents in Quezon City
that left 4 people dead and 4 others wounded.

MANILA, Philippines — While it is too early to say whether or not the Philippine
National Police (PNP) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) were
toyed by drug syndicates in the “misencounter” in Quezon City, it is a possibility,
PDEA Director General Wilkins Villanueva said Thursday.

1. Are the news articles about the same events?

2. How are the articles the same? How are they different?
3. What do you notice after comparing the articles?
4. Are there differences in the manner of their presentation?
5. Did the author include his/her personal viewpoints about the issue?

Notice that although these articles are about the same events, their
manner of presentation are different, the first article focuses its lead on the
event that took place or the “what” and “who” of the news while the second
article directed its readers to focus on the idea or possibility of irregularities or
mistake that took place in the said operation.
Analyzing the differences and similarities between these reports will
make you realize that similar events and factual information may be
presented in different lights. Of course, reports should remain neutral, but
because people who write them have their own viewpoints, backgrounds
and biases, news reports do not always remain neutral. However, it is always
important to become critical consumers of media to avoid being deceived
by the untruthful information scattered in print and online sources.
Moreover, developing your skill in evaluating differing viewpoints
is an essential critical thinking skill because it enables you to analyze
divergent ideas and integrate differing, even contradictory, sources. The
skill is valuable as you research papers, examine social and political issues,
and resolve controversy.
In evaluating, you may consider the following suggestions:
1. Temporarily set aside your own opinion about a particular issue.
2. Consider looking at the similarities and differences that exist among
the various viewpoints.
3. Identify the assumptions on which each view is based.
4. Find and evaluate evidence that suggests the viewpoint is well thought
5. Read more and think about the ideas that differ from your own to avoid
paying more attention to points of view with which you agree and treat
opposing viewpoints superficially,
6. By writing a summary, you will be able to analyze particularly complex,
difficult, or very similar viewpoints. Through the process of writing, you will
be forced to discover the essence of each view.
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B. Development 50 mins. Directions: Write a comprehensive report in your notebook regarding the
Pagpapaunlad following issues with differing viewpoints in A and B by answering
the guide questions below.
Issue Viewpoint A Viewpoint B
1. Parents can serve as This is only applicable Some parents are
an alternative to those who are not busy working and
teacher while the working and have having them as
learners are under the knowledge and skills teacher at home is
distance learning in different subject not possible.
program. matter.
2. Modular learning as It assures that the Some parents are
tool in making the learners continue to the one
learners learn the learn their lesson at accomplishing the
home. modules for their

Guide Questions
1. Among the two issues presented on the table, to which issue can you
2. How do you handle the issue you have encountered?
3. Considering the issue in number 1, what is your viewpoint about it? Explain
your answer.
4. Considering the issue in number 2, what is your viewpoint about it? Explain
your answer.
5. Write your comprehensive viewpoints for the issues stated in number 1 and

C. Engagement 50 mins Directions: Complete the table by writing your comprehensive report about
Pakikipagpalihan following issues with differing viewpoints in A and B. Do this in
your notebook.
Issue Viewpoint A Viewpoint B Viewpoints about
the Issues
1. The use of Easy to access Not all learners
social media information for have gadgets to
like messenger learning. access
as a source of information using
information in the messenger.
2. Teacher uses Lessons can be It made the
videos to teach learned easily. learners exposed
the lesson to in the radiation.
the teacher.
Issue Viewpoint A Viewpoint B Viewpoints
about the Issues
3. Availability of Very useful in Not everybody has
learning answering the a reference books
materials like modules and used for learning.
activity sheets
books as
given by the
reference for teachers.
4. Studying at Learning can be Learning can be
home and possible and possible but not
learning from effective in very effective for
formal schooling. home schooling.
5. Keeping Stay at home Taking vitamins
yourself safe at and observe the and eating
this time of proper health nutritious food can
protocols in fight the effect of
going out to fight covid-19.
the virus

D. Assimilation 50 mins A. Directions: Choose your stand about the issue presented on the table.
Paglalapat Explain your personal viewpoint why do you take that stand
about the issue. Write your answer in your notebook.
Issue Viewpoint A Viewpoint B Viewpoints about
the Issues
1. Use of online Online learning is Modular learning is
and modular better than more effective
learning. modular compare to online
learning. learning.
2. Teacher as an There is no Books and other
effective tool in substitute for learning resources
making the learners teachers in can serve as a
educating the source of
learners like us information

B. Directions: Read the news article below. Analyze the ideas presented,
then make a report differing the viewpoints between
Senator .Gatchalian and Education Undersecretary San
Antonio. Give your personal viewpoints about it.
MANILA – Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian said Wednesday he was surprised at the
Department of Education’s report that over 99 percent of students passed
the first grading period of the current school year, which saw Philippine
schools shift to distance learning due to the pandemic.
At a Senate hearing, a presentation by Education Undersecretary Diosdado
San Antonio showed that 99.13 percent of students obtained passing marks
during the first quarter.
The figure was based on reports submitted by 156 out of 223 school divisions
across the country and had yet to include data from the Ilocos Region,
Central Visayas, National Capital Region and Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao.

“We’re not after the intention of misrepresentation of data. We just need to

appreciate it fully. But for now, personally, this is my personal thought, it was
just surprising that the results were all 99 percent,” said Gatchalian, chairman
of the Senate basic education committee.
The education official noted that the basis for most of the grades were
performance tasks and written outputs since schools did not administer the
usual periodic examinations.
San Antonio also attributed the passing mark to the DepEd’s academic ease
policy, which gives flexibility to students in answering and submitting

Gatchalian showed an assessment done by the DepEd’s division office in

Valenzuela City, where he previously served as mayor and legislative district
The assessment showed that Valenzuela students from Grade 7 to 10 had an
overall average performance rate of 48 percent to 55 percent across
different subjects.
“These are just preliminary results but I wanted to get an indication somehow
of whether our students are learning. This sounds more realistic, frankly
speaking, compared to the 99 percent who passed,” Gatchalian said.
“Of course, I want all of them to pass but realistically, we all know the
performance of our students,” the lawmaker added.

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Viewpoint A: ___________________________________________________________

Viewpoint B: ___________________________________________________________

My personal Viewpoint: ________________________________________________

V. ASSESSMENT Directions: Write your comprehensive report in your notebook regarding the
(Learning Activity Sheets for
Enrichment, Remediation or 50 mins following issues with differing viewpoints in A and B
Assessment to be given on Weeks Issue Viewpoint A Viewpoint B
3 and 6)
1. Too much exposure Study time lessens and Exposure to Gadgets
to gadgets like hampers with too improves technical skills
cellphone much exposure to
gadgets like
2. Peer influence Among peers you can Peer influence can bring
find friendship and drastic changes in
acceptance and behavior and attitude.
share experiences that
can build lasting bonds
3. Observing health This will lead the Additional expenses for the
protocols to fight people in the family because of buying
covid-19 pandemic community avoid the some alcohol and face
transmission of the virus mask
4. Effects of global Global warming is The practices of the
warming to the inevitable, it is the work people have impact on
people and the of nature global warming
natural environment
5. Challenges in It challenges a learner It consumes most of the
answering modules to study harder and learners’ time leaving less
read more to for their family and other
complete it things

VI. REFLECTION 30 mins. In your notebook, write your personal insights about the lesson using the
prompts below.
I understand that ________________________________________________.
I realize that ____________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about ______________________________________.

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