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L-4/T-l/ME Date: 17/02/2018


L-4/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: ME 401 (Internal Combustion Engines)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume reasonable values for missing data, if any. Symbols have their usual meanings.

1. (a) Briefly discuss, how the present-day piston shape, size, and weight have evolved

during the last four decades. Use adequate sketches. (10)

(b) Show, on a pressure versus CAD graph, the sequence of events in a four-stroke and

a two-stroke SI engine operating cycle and discuss. (10)

(c) Calculate at its maximum rated power, the mean piston speed, bmep, and specific
power of a four-cylinder naturally aspirated ID engine having a displaced volume 1.47

litres, bore 76.5 mm, stroke 80 mm, and maximum power 37 kW at 5000 rev/min. (15)

2. (a) Compare the working principle, merits and demerits of a water-brake dynamometer

with that of an eddy-current dynamometer. (10)

(b) What is the specific power of an IC engine? Why IS it important for engme

designers? Explain. (10)

(c) The attached table gives typical design and operating data for IC engines. Discuss
the variation of bmepof the engines at all operating regimes viz., at their rated points,
at WOT, etc. Also comment on mean piston speed, specific power, specific volume,

and fuel conversion efficiency of these engines . (15)

.Typical design aod ~perating data for internal combustiQn engines

Rated maximum
Welgbtl Approx.
Power per power best
Operadlll ComprtSSlon Bore, Stroke/ . Speed, bmep, anlt ,olame ntlo, We,
cycle ntlo m 1Iore re,/mln atm kW/dm' kg/kW g/kW'b

Spark.lgnltlon .ngln •• :
Small (e.g. motorcycles) 18,4S 6-11 0.05-0.085 1.2-0,9 4500-7500 4-10 20-60 55-2.5 350 .
Passenger cars . 4S 8-10 0.07-0.1 1.1-0.9 45()()..6SOO .7-10 2G-5O 4-2 270
Trucks 4S 7-9 0.69-0.13 1.2-0.7 3600-5p<lO 6.5-7 25-30 6.5-25 300
Large glI8 e,!gines 18,48 8-12 0.22-0.45 1.1':'1.4 3OG-900 6.8-12 3-7 23-35 200
Wankel engines 48 ==:9 0.57 dm' per chamber 601»-8000 9.5-10.5 35-45 . 1.6-0.9 300

Diesel eng,lne.:
Passenger cars 48 17-23 O.Q75-0.I 1.2-M 4000-5000 5-7.5 18-22 5-2.5 250
Trucks (NA) 48 .16-22 0.1-0.15 1.3-0.8 21()()..4()()() 6-9 15-22 7-4 210
Tnic:ks (TC)
48,25 .
7-3.5 200 I
6-18 190
;industria~ marine
Large engines, 28 IG-12 0.4-1 1.2-3 1l.G-400 9--17 2-8 12-50 180
marine and

Contd P/2

ME 401

3. (a) Draw the P-v diagram for an actual SI engine superimposed on the P-v diagram for
an ideal constant-volume cycle. Explain the differences between the two curves. (10)
(b) Rank the ideal constant-volume, constant-pressure, and limited-pressure cycles
according to their efficiencies (10)
(i) for a given expansion ratio and given heat input;
(ii) for constant maximum pressure and temperature.
Prove them graphically, using P-v and T-s diagrams.
(c) What limits the compression ratio of SI engines? How is this limitation abated by
using the Miller-cycle engine and the Atkinson-cycle engine? Show the cycles on P-v
and T-s planes and state the consequences. (15)

4. (a) By using a suitable diagram, briefly discuss the AFR requirements of an SI engine
throughout its operating range. (10)
(b) Discuss the important qualities of SI and CI engine fuels. (10)
(c) Write short notes on: (15)
(i) HCCI and GDI;
(ii) Unit injector system and common-rail system.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Briefly explain the physical meanings of SIT and Flammability limits of a
combustible air-fuel mixture. (10)
. "'
(b) What is meant by 'heating values of fuels'? (5)
(c) Explain the effects of pressure, temperature, equivalence ratio and turbulence on
the flame propagation speed. (20)

6. (a) Briefly explain the features of typical SI engine combustion phases. (10)
(b) Write a short note on MBT. (5)
(c) Briefly explain surface ignition and knock in SI engines. Identify the factors
affecting SI engine knock. (20)

7. (a) Make a brief comparison between SI engine and CI engine knock. (10) .
(b) Write a short note on typical diesel spray structure. (5)
(c) With suitable diagrams, briefly explain the phases of a DI Diesel engine
combustion. (20)

8. (a) Briefly explain the toxicity and effects of engine pollutants on humans. (10)
(b) Write a short note on 3-way catalytic converter. (5)
(c) Briefly present chemical mechanisms to form NOx. (15)
(d) Draw a typical test layout of the standard exhaust emission measurement system of
gasoline passenger car. > "(5)
L-4/T -lIME Date: 22/02/2018
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: ME 421 (Fluid Machinery)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume reasonable value for missing data.

1. (a) What is dynamic'action of fluid? Describe the impulse-momentum principle used

for rotodynamic machine to calculate power. (10)
(b) Derive the expressions of force exerted by the jet on an inclined flat plate and the
division of flow along the plate surface. (10)
(c) Ajet of water 6 cm in diameter impinges on a curved vane and is deflected through
an angle of 170°. The vane moves in the same direction as that of the jet with a
velocity of 40 mls. The rate of flow is 180 lis. Determine (i) the components of force,
(ii) horse power developed, and (iii) hydraulic efficiency. Neglect friction. (15)

2. (a) Why is Pelton wheel called impulse turbine? Derive an equation for the maximum
hydraulic efficiency of a Pelton wheel. (17)
(b) A Pelton wheel is working under a head of 500 m and an efficiency of 85%. An
electric generator is connected with the wheel whose efficiency is 95% and it is
generating 4000 kW. The speed ratio is 0.47 and the jet ratio is 10. Find (i) flow rate,
(ii) diameter of the wheel, and (iii) the synchronous speed of the generator at 50 Hz. (18)

3. (a) Write down the function of a draft tube in a hydraulic turbine. Why is draft tube a
possible location for cavitation? (8)
(b) Derive an expression of specific speed for a hydraulic turbine. (10)
(c) An inward flow reaction turbine develops 2600 kW at 300 rpm under a head of 35
m. The overall efficiency of the turbine is 82% and the discharge is radial at outlet. The
speed ratio is 0.95 and the flow ratio is 0.35. If the hydraulic losses are 15% of the
available energy, find ~he guide blade angle at inlet, blade angle at inlet, diameter of
the wheel at inlet and the width of the wheel at inlet. (17)

4. (a) Describe the governing system of impulse turbine. (10)

(b) Give the comparison between fluid coupling and torque converter related to their
performances. (8)
(c) A Pelton wheel develops 10000 kW under a head of 350 m with 82% overall
efficiency. Find out the percentage reduction of the diameter of the jet in order to
reduce the output of the wheel 50%. The speed of the wheel is constant and the
coefficient of the velocity for the nozzle is 0.98. (17)

Contd P/2
ME 421

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define the terms 'slip' and 'coefficient of discharge' in relation to a reciprocating
pump. Under what circumstances does the coefficient of discharge become greater than
unity? (6)
(b) Find an expression for the total work done by a single acting reciprocating pump

considering piston acceleration, velocity head and frictional losses. (12+4)

Sketch and label the corresponding indicator diagram.

(c) A single acting reciprocating pump has the following characteristics: (13)
Cylinder diameter = 100 mm, stroke = 300 mm, suction head = 4 m, suction pipe
diameter = 75 mm and suction pipe length = 4 m. Estimate the maximum speed at
which the pump can be run avoiding cavitation. Assume total frictional losses = 1 m
and vapor pressure of water = 2.5 m water (abs).

6. (a) Briefly discuss the effects of air vessel in the operation of a reciprocating pump. (8)
(b) Estimate the savings in work against friction when an air vessel is attached to a
single acting reciprocating pump. (10)
(c) A single acting reciprocating pump has 100 mm diameter piston and 200mm stroke
length. The static suction head is 4 m, the diameter of the suction pipe is 68 mm and
the length of the suction pipe is 8 m. The diameter and the length of the delivery pipe
are 100 mm and 33 m, respectively. The static delivery head is 25 m. An air vessel is
.fitted very near to the cylinder on the suction side and another at a distance of 3 m
from the cylinder on the delivery side. If the pump speed is 65 rpm, estimate the power
required to drive the pump. Take, pump efficiency = 90% and the friction factor =

0.025. (17)

7. (a) Draw the necessary sketches to adequately explain the direction of fluid flow
through different components of a centrifugal pump. (8) .
(b) What is the function of volute casing in a centrifugal pump? Is volute casing also
used in rotary pumps? Justify your answer. (6)
(c) What do you mean by self-priming pump? Are centrifugal pumps self-primed?

What is done to avoid priming in a centrifugal pump? (6)

. (d) A centrifugal pump deliyers 0.20 m3 Is water against a head of 26 m while running
at 1000 rpm. The steady velocity of flow is 3 m/s and the vanes are curved backward at
an angle of 30°. If the manometric efficiency is 17%, find the diameter and width (or

breadth) of the impeller at the outlet. (15)

Contd P/3


ME 421

8. (a) Starting from the Euler equation, show that the manometric efficiency of a
centrifugal pump is a function of tangential velocity, flow velocity and the vane angle

at the outlet of the impeller. (15)

Hence discuss why the vane angle at the outlet is kept as low as possible.
(b) Derive an expression for the theoretical head-discharge relation in a centrifugal

pump. What is shut-off head? (10)

(c) What are affinity laws? What are their usefulnesses? (10)
A 10 liter/sec centrifugal pump runs at 1450 rpm against a head of 20 m. What head
will be developed when the pump runs at 1500 rpm? What will be the discharge at this
L-4ff-l/ME Date: 27/02/2018
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: ME 415 (Refrigeration and Building Mechanical Systems)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Assume reasonable value for any missing data. The symbols have their usual meanings.
Refrigeration and AlC Data Book will be provided.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) What are the modifications that are introduced in reversed Carnot cycle to convert
it into an ideal vapor compression refrigeration cycle and why? Show these processes
on P-h and T-s diagrams. (15)
(b) Calculate the power required by the two compressors in an R134a system which
serves a 50 kW evaporator at -30°C and 60 kW evaporator at -6°C. The system uses
two stage compression with inter-cooling and removal of flash gas. The condensing
temperature is 32°C and the intercooler temperature is -6°C. Draw the schematic
diagram and P-h diagram of the system. Also calculate the COP of the system. (20)

2. (a) Define EER, SEER, kW/ton. Show the variation of COP with the evaporator and
condenser temperature. (7)
(b) Briefly describe the evaporative cooling psychrometric process with example. (8)
(c) Air enters a window air conditioner at 1 atm., 35°C, and 80 percent relative
humidity at a rate of 12 m3/min. The air leaves the cooling section as saturated air at
12°C. Part of the moisture in the air that condenses during the process is also removed
at 12°C. Determine the rate of heat transfer and moisture removal from the air. (20)

3. (a) Classify fire and specify the type of extinguisher necessary for each type. (5)
(b) Briefly describe the standpipe and hose fire protection system with a schematic
diagram. (15)
(c) For a facility having building of light hazard-I type, 20 rentable floors, each 1500
m2 Floor-to- floor height = 3.7 m. According to BNBC, determine the storage
cap~1ity of water for fire protection for that building. (5)
,(d) Draw a typical diagram for fire protection system with ground and gravity roof tank
with adequate domestic and fire reserve (according to BNBC). (10)

4. (a) Draw a schematic diagram of electric traction lift and show its different
components.' (15) ,
(b) For an office building,;"downtown, diversified use, 12 rentable floors above the
lobby, each 2000 m2• net. Floor-to-floor height = 3.7 m, determine a workable elevator
system arrangement. (15)

(c) For an escalator of 35° incline, two passenger per, step, speed of 0.5 m/s and 500
mm tread or step length, determine the number of persons moved .pe~,hour.
. .':
Contd P/2

ME 415

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. .(a) Classify different types of compressors used in refrigeration systems. Describe the
working principle of a scroll compressor. (17)
(b) What are the characteristics of an air-cooled condenser? Describe with neat
sketches an air-cooled condenser used in an air-conditioning system. (18)

6. (a) Why is liquid over feed evaporator suitable for multiple evaporator air-conditioning !
system? Describe this evaporator with necessary diagram. (17)
(b) What are the desirable properties of a refrigerant? Explain the necessity of each
particular property for efficient running of a refrigeration system. (18)


7. (a) Briefly describe the principle of operation of a steam jet water vapour refrigeration
system. What are its advantages and limitations? Draw a necessary schematic diagram. (15)
(b) The operating temperatures of a lithium bromide-water absorption system are as:
Generator 100°C, condenser 34°C, evaporator 7°C, absorber 28°C. Draw the
schematic/block diagram of the system and calculate the following: (20)
(i) The heat supplied to the generator.
(ii) The heat rejected at the condenser and absorber.
(iii) The cooling effect.
(iv) The coefficient of performance of the cycle.
The mass flow rate delivered by the aqua pump is 0.58 kg/so

8. Estimate the cooling load of a class-room for 40 students at 3 pm for the following
conditions: (35)
Location: Chittagong
Date: April 15
Floor: 8m x 8m, 4m height
Roof: Type 5, without suspended, 25 mm wood, 25 mm insulation
Walls: 254 mm brick with 12.7 mm plaster on both sides
Windings: 13% of wall area on north and west walls. 10 mm clear glass, U = 2.8
Light: 25 W1m2 flourescent bulbs
(i) Assume standard indoor conditions as recommended in ASHRAE.
(ii) Assume no heat transfer through floor, south and east walls.
(iii) Assume reasonable electrical appliances.
3 ,~
ME ~\5

2000 (907) 12 1'0

.2500 (1134) 17 '13
3000 (1361) 20 16
3500 (1588)- 23 19
4000 (18M) .28 22


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L-4/T-l/ME; Date: 05/03/2018


L-4/T,.1 B. Sc: Engi~eering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: ME 467 (Automobile Engineering)

Full Mark~: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
---------_ .._._------_._--_._---------~--

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Abbreviations have their standard meanings.

1. (a) Distinguish between DTC and OBD for an automobile. Why are they used? (10)
(b) What do you understand by a VIN? Briefly explain. . (7)
(c) State reasons why the cooling load on an automobile may vary. Briefly explain how

a car air-conditioning system supports variation in cooling load. (10)

(d) What is a "Manifold Gauge Set"? Briefly explain its use in automotive A/Csystem. (8)

2. (a) Briefly state the method of conversion of typical Diesel buses for running on CNG

in Bangladesh. (10)
(b) What is a STAP? Briefly explain its function in a retrofitted CNG vehicle. (9)
(c) What do you understand by "Cylinder Testing" for a CNG run vehicle? Why is it

recommended for e~~ry 5 years? ' (10)

(d) What do you u~derstand by a 3-stage pressure regulator for a CNG vehicle? (6)

3. (a) State the methods by which we can realize the charge condition of an automotive

battery. (9)
(b) What is an "Oxygen Sensor"? Briefly explain its use in emission control of a

modem automobile. (9)

(c) Briefly explain'the role of an "Overrunning Clutch" for the protection of an
" .

automotive starter motor. (9)

(d) What do you understand by "Single Wire" configuration used in .automobiles?

What is its advantage? (8)

4. (a) Briefly explaii1,"Slipping" and "Skidding" conditions for an automobile. Why do

we want to avoid them? (10)

(b) What are "Rear Spoiler" and "Air Dam"? Why are such features incorporated in car

body shape? (8)

Contd P/2

; .\

ME 467
Contd ... Q. NO.4

(c) An automotive tyre is designated as- 200/80 R 15 H. What do you understand

from the specification? (5)

(d) What do you understand by "Overturning Speed"? A vehicle weighing 750 kg with
only the driver is taking a turn at a radius of 5 m. The vehicle has a wheel base of
2.2 m, track width of 1.5 m and height of the C.G. at 0.6 m from the road. Calculate the
vehicle velocity in km/h to prevent overturning for taking this turn. What will happen

if the number of passengers increases? (12)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5; (a) How does a vehicle with four-wheel drive differ from a vehicle with all-wheel

drive? (6)
(b) Describe how a multiple disc clutch engages and disengages. (9)
(c) Name the basic parts in a gear box and describe the purpose of each. (20)

6. (a) Compare disc brake and drum brake. (8)

(b) What is ABS? How does itwork? (8)
(c) Describe the working principle of a power assisted braking system. (12)
(d) What are the types and the characteristics of brake fluid? (7)

7. (a) How does power steering differ from manual steering? Explain the purpose of the

power-steering pressure switch. (15)

(b) Write short notes on- (20)
(i) Camber,
(ii) Caster,
(iii) Toe,
(iv) Four wheel steering.

8. (a) Draw a neat sketch of a liquid-filled shock absorber and describe its construction

and working principle. What do you understand by "Semi-active" suspension? (18)

(b) With a schematic diagram, describe the working principle of a torque converter. (17)
L-4/T-l/ME Date: 05/03/2018
L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: ME 461 (Control Engineering)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Symbols indicate their usual meanings. Assume any missing data.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Identify the type of controller used for the system shown in Fig. for Q. No. 1(a).
What is the benefit of using this type of controller? Mention the limitation of this
controller when used alone. Draw the necessary block diagram for the given unity
feedback system, and derive the corresponding transfer function. Draw a typical step

response curve for that system showing the effect of change of controller gain
. (20)

Pivot point . i,,
frrini . ----.....;. . A--...t
natural \
. !
spring. ~'

. water level
Outlet pipe to
irrigation system
Fig. for Q. No. l(a)

(b) Using Ziegler-Nichols tuning rule of second method, determine values of the

proportional gain Kp and integral time Ti for the system shown in Fig. for Q. No. l(b). (15)

F(s) 1

Fig. for Q. No. l(b)

2. (a) What is Routh-Hurwitz criterion for stability? Mention its limitation. (10)

(b) What is Nyquist plot? Sketch the Nyquist plot of a system G(s) = s ~~ 0 . (15)

Contd P 12
ME 461
Couid ... Q. NO.2

(c) One thermometer (r = 3s) initially at O°C is exposed to a harmonic input

r(OC) = 100+ 75sin(0.25t). Determine the amplitude ratio, phase shift and time delay

of the frequency response for that thermometer. (10)

3. (a) What is the usefulness of root l()cus method? How can you tell from the root locus

if a system is unstable? (10)

(b) Consider a unity feedback system where, (25)

G(s)- K(s-lXs-2)
- (s+lXs+3)
(i) Sketch the complete root locus.
(ii) Find the jro-axis crossing point.
(iii) Find the break-away and break-in points.
(iv) Find the range of gain K that makes the system stable.

4. (a) Define gain margin and phase margin, and describe how they are related to the

stability of a control system. (10)

(b) Plot the asymptotic attenuation and phase angle diagram for an open-loop transfer

. ( ) 1000 (25)
functIon G s = (1+ Xl + 0.00 Is) .

(i) the gain margin,
(ii) the phase margin,
(iii) the nature of stability.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Differentiate between open-loop and closed-loop control systems. Describe

feedback control system with a practical example and the related block diagram. (18)
(b) Derive the differential equations of motion for a spring-mass-damper system and a

torsional system. (17)

Contd P/2

ME 461
6. (a) Given the system and torque-speed curve in Fig. for Q. No. 6(a), find the transfer

function, G(s) = ~ f:l. (15)

Fig. for Q. No. 6(a)

(b) A transfer function is given as follow: (5+ 10+5=20)

G(s) = 361
(i) Find the spring constant, viscous-coefficient and the mass of the model.
(ii) For a unit step input, determine the rise time, peak-time, settling time and
%08 of the system.
(iii) Draw the response graph of the system.

7. (a) Reduce the system as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 7(a) into a single transfer function. (17)


Fig. for Q. No. 7(a)

(b) Find the sensitivity of the system and the steady-state error of the system to
changes in parameter K as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 7(b) with a step input. (18)

R(s) ?, + E(s) K C(s)

(s+ a)(s + b)

Fig. for Q. No. 7(b)

Contd P/4


ME 461

8. (a) Figure shown in Fig. for Q. No. 8(a) is an electromechanical positioning system. (25)
(i) Draw the block diagrams for the system using derivative feedback.
(ii) Derive the closed loop transfer function.
(iii) Show the system damping ratio;

Bridge voltage

8£ -:

. D.c
e Amplifier u motor
r :~

- - feedback - - - - - - - ~ - ~ech~i~l- - - - - -l
poten tiometerco nnection

Fig. for Q. No. 8(a)

(b) For a unity feedback system with (10)

Find the range of values of the system parameter K for which the system is stable.
L-4ff-1/ME Date: 05/03/2018

L-4/T-l B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: ME 445 (Noise and Vibration)

Full Marks : 210 Time : 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.



There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

Symbols have their usual meanings. Assume reasonable values of any missing data.

1. (a) With a neat sketch describe how a condenser microphone works. (10)

(b) Distinguish between (10)

(i) accelerometers and microphones.

(ii) sound and vibration.

(c) A spectral density function is defmed as S p (j) = ( 10-3 ~ ). exp( - f II kH,)

-10 Pa2 (10)

Take,Srej=4xl0 -.

Calculate (i) pressure spectral level (PSL) at the central frequency of 1.2 kHz for an .!.. rd
octave band sound signal, (ii) corresponding PBL.

(d) "Low frequency noise is difficult to control" - explain why. (5)

2. (a) Define following terms with necessary equations and figures: (15)

(i) Acoustic impedance, (ii) diffraction of sound, (iii) Acoustic resonators.

(b) List the role of a noise control engineer. (5)

(c) An observer receives sound from 3 distant sources as shown below: (15)

Power (dB) Frequency (kHz) Distance from observer (m)

Source # I 120 1 9
Source # 2 130 1.2 20
Source # 3 125 1.1 15

Assume freely propagating direct sound field. When all the three sources are ON,
calculate at observer position:
(i) Resultant SPL and corresponding values of p, E and x at a frequency of 1.1 kHz.

Take a = O.

(ii) Resultant SIL when a = 0.10 dB/m.

Contd P/2

ME 445

3. (a) (i) List the requirement of a good auditorium. (10)

(ii) List the sound sources for ducts in an HVAC system for an auditorium.

(iii) Why is high density porous acoustic board placed on the walls of an auditorium?

(b) Suppose, a heavy duty compressor is to be installed in a factory. With sketches

describe the standard practice for such an installation as far as noise and vibration control

is concerned. (15)

(c) Following figure shows a sound source that radiates sound at variable frequencies but
audible for the receiver.

~ ~_.L=QJ~'1i--".
Fig. for Q. No. 3(c)

Plot SIL versus frequency curves for the left ear (L) and the right ear (R) of the receiver.

Briefly explain why your drawn curves differ. (10)

4. (a) A room (l5x12x3 m3) has following acoustic data: (10)

a (ceiling and floor) = 0.20}

at 1 kHz
a (walls) = 0.15

(i) Calculate RT of the room at I kHz.

(ii) A machine of acoustic power 0.025 Watt is turned on in the same room. Given,
Qe = 2, calculate SPL at a distance of 9 m from the machine.

(b) With a sketch explain how machine room sound from the basement can reach the top

floor of a multi storied building. (10)

(c) A vertical slender rod (length = I, cross-sectional area = A, Young's modulus = E) is

fixed at the top end. While the bottom end is attached with a heavy mass M. Derive
displacement u(x,t) of the rod by inserting appropriate boundary conditions in the

governing equation stating vibration of an elastic rod. (15)

Contd P/3

ME 445

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) A thin rectangular plate is bent into a semicircular cylinder as shown in Fig. for Q.
No. 5(a). Determine its period of oscillation if it is allowed to rock on a horizontal
surface. (10)
(b) (i) Briefly describe the working principle of a Lanchester Damper with sketch. (10)
(ii) Set up the differential equation of motion for the system shown in Fig. for Q. No.
5(b). Hence, determine the expression for the natural frequency of damped
oscillation. (15)
6. (a) The rotor of a turbine 13.6 kg in mass is supported at the midspan of a shaft with
bearings 0.4064 m apart as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 6(a). The rotor is known to have an
unbalance of 0.2879 Determine the forces exerted on the bearings at a speed of
6000 rpm if the diameter .of the steel shaft is 2.54 em. Is vibration isolated for this

problem? (15)

(b) (i) Discuss the differences between a velometer and an accelerometer. (10)

(ii) A simplified spring-mass vibration pickup as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 6(b) is used
to measure the vertical acceleration of a train which has vertical frequency of 10
rad/s. The mass weighs 1.75 kg and the spring stiffness is 0.75 N/mm. The amplitude
of the relative motion of the mass is 1.27 mm as recorded by the instrument. Find the
maximum vertical acceleration of the train. What is the amplitude of vibration of the

train? (10)

7. (a) Starting from equation of motion, derive the expreSSIOn for non-dimensional

amplitude for a Houdaille damper. (15)

(b) Forthe system shown in Fig. for Q. No. 7(b), WI = 90.7 kg and the absorber weight
W2 = 23 kg. If WI is excited by a 226 N-mm unbalance rotating at 1800 rpm, determine

the proper value of the absorber spring stiffness k2. What will be the amplitude of W2? (20)

8. (a) Write the governing equation of beam vibration and define its terms. Sketch a two
DOF system ~d a simple beam only with self-weight. Suppose both the systems vibrate
freely. Hence, distinguish between the two systems in terms of natural frequencies and

normal modes of vibration. (15)

(b) Using appropriate boundary conditions, derive the expression for first three natural

frequencies for a fixed-hinged beam. Consider only self-weight. (20)

• ME 4~5
- -,-

r .

I. I /
R .
" .


Z.' '.
fi~.~ ~.No. ~(b)



1"'1 ~----:------:-----

k .
. ~. ,

-~- , (.J
% ",-- I

i'. .
i m' /L,
",. '

I .
I \ I L' (1 .i

Fi~.Jar ex. Nt). 6 (b)


L-4/T-l/ME Date: 05/03/2018

L-4/T-1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

. Sub: ME 441 (Theory of Structures)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Symbols have their usual meanings.

1. (a) Derive the integral expressions of strain energy for a cylindrical bar of radius r and

length I, under (i) shear loading, (ii) flexural loading. (12)

(b) How do you differentiate the stiffness of the bar under the following cases? (11)
(i) shear loading, (ii) flexural loading, (iii) torsional loading.
(c) Find the total elongation of the tie bar shown in Fig. for Q. No. l(c) using an

energy approach. The bar is tapered slightly such that (12)

where, ~ is a small coefficient. Assume that the bar material follows the Hooke's law.

p p 'E> .

Fig. for Q. No. l(c)

2. (a) Derive the differential equation that governs the deflection of the beam shown in

Fig. for Q. No. 2(a). (18)

Also, find the expression of total potential energy stored in the beam.

Contd P/2
ME 441
Contd ... Q. No. 2(a)

'. ~

~Lj2--" --+-l!~--f
Fig. for Q. No. 2(a)
(b) Derive an integral expression of the neat potential energy stored in the following

beam-column shown in Fig. for Q. No. 2(b). (17)

---- --_ .._---------------------.,........---~-----


Fig. for Q. No. 2(b)

3. (a) With necessary graphical interpretation, define the stiffness of the following

springs: (i) compression spring, (ii) rotational spring. (18)

Explain how they can be used to model various end conditions of a beam.
(b) Derive the equations of motion for the spring-mass-pendulum vibratory system

shown in Fig. for Q. No. 3(b), using Lagrange's energy method. (17)
Assume the condition of small angle oscillation for the system.
Contd P/3



ME 441
Contd ... Q. No. 3(b)

, . I

Fig. for Q. No. 3(b)

4. (a) Explain how the 'free-edge' condition is modeled for the case of a thin plate. (17)
Derive the necessary mathematical conditions required to satisfy at the free end
surfaces of a thin plate.
(b) The lateral deflection of a thin square plate of sides a is given by the following

function: (18)

w(x, y) = Wo cos( : ) cos( 3: )

where W 0 is the deflection of the plate at the centre. The origin of the coordinate
system is at the centre of the plate.
Determine for the plate:
(i) the loading function,
(ii) ~upporting conditions at the end surfaces,
(ii) bending moments at the centre.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Define normal and shear components of stress. (5) "

(b) Discuss the sign conversions used for stress components with reference to 3-D
co-ordinate system. Show the positive stresses on a 3-D stress element. (15)
(c) What do you understand by stress and strain tensors? Explain how they are used to
represent the state of stress and strain at a point. (15)
Contd P/4


ME 441

6. (a) What is volumetric strain? Show that volumetric strain is the summation of normal

strains on three mutually perpendicular planes. (17)

(b) Give the physical interpretation of bulk modulus of elasticity. Establish the
functional relationship among the following material constants: (i) bulk modulus of

elasticity, (ii) Lame's constant and (iii) shear modulus. (18)

7. Consider a cantilever beam as shown below:


Fig. for Q. NO.7

(a) Check the validity of the following function to be a stress function for the above

beam. (10)

~(x,y)= Ay3 + Bxy3 +Cxy

where, A, Band C are arbitrary constants.

(b) Determine the state of stress developed in the beam using the function in part
Q. No. 7(a). Compare the solutions obtained with those of elementary beam theory of

mechanics of materials. (25)

8. For a solid bar of elliptical cross-section under uniform torque T, determine the

(a) Distribution of stress, (9)

(b) Maximum stress and its location, (9)
(c) Rate of twist, and (9)
(d) Warping displacement. (8)


. L-4/T-1/ME Date: 11/03/2018

L-4/T -1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2016-2017

Sub: IPE 431 (Machine Tools)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Mention the kinematic advantages of GP series. (10)

(b) Ifn\ = 15, nz = 450 and z = 12, find the spindle speeds according to GP series and

AP series. (n\, nz and z have their usual meanings) (10)

(c) What is the aim of speed and feed regulation? How maximum and minimum

cutting and feed speeds are obtained? (15)

2. (a) Briefly mention the advantages and limitations of anti friction slideways. (10)
(b) What are the types of slideways? Which factors must be considered for the

selection of material of a slideway. (10)

(c) Explain the design of slideways for stiffness by analyzing the forces acting upon

the slideways surfaces. (15)

3. (c) Describe the advantages and application ofCNC machines. (10)

(b) Explain the working principle of plate jig with neat diagram. (10)
(c) Which workpiece holding devices can be used in a lathe machine to secure a

rectangular shaped job having a hole in the middle? Discuss their relative advantages. (15)

4. (a) What is the purpose of preload in ball bearing? How is it applied? (10)

(b) Discuss the impact of chips on machine tools structure. (10)

{c)What is a locator? Write short notes on the following locating principles. (15)
(i) Accuracy and tolerance
(ii) Fool proofing
(iii) Motion economy

Contd P/2
IPE 431

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) How can machine tools be classified? What socio-economic roles are played by
machine tools for the industries and the nation? Explain briefly. (10)
(b) State the locations and functions of the head-stock, tailstock, carriage and work-
tool holding devices in center lathes with the help of simple line diagram. (13)
(c) Classify, with examples, the motions that are imparted to the workpiece and the
cutting tools for machining in machine tools. Explain with example the different
methods or way of obtaining the lines "Generatrix and Directrix in various machine
tools. (12)

6. (a) With the help of suitable illustrative diagrams, connect the G and D with CMIFM,
T/W and the ways of getting G and D i.e., Tr/F/T.Tr/G in cases of (i) Boring, (ii)
Drilling, (iii) Slab milling and (iv) Shaping. (12)
(b) State the basic functions of the kinematic structure of machine tools. Also explain
the functional principle of each kinematic chain in the kinematic structure of any
machine tools. (12)
(c) Show symbolically how kinematic chains enable us to obtain tool-work motions
from the power sources in center lathe having E22 and Cl2 kinematic structures. (11)

7. (a) Explain the mechanisms which transform rotary motion into translation motion in
various machine tools. State the relative merits and demerits of stepped drive over
stepless drive in respect of transmission of motion and power in machine tools. (10)
(b) Briefly describe with the help of a simple diagram the construction and functioning
of a CI3 type compound kinematic structure of any machine tool. (12)
(c) Describe briefly with the help of suitable diagram the construction and working of
hydraulic-feed drive of any machine tool. (13)

8. (a) Explain the working mechanism of a digital displacement measuring device. (10)
(b) Describe briefly the maintenance activities required for longer service life of a
machine tool. (10)
(c) Write short notes on the following materials as they are used in machine tool
structure: (15)
(i) Ceramics
(ii) Ferro-cement
(iii) Steel

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