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Syllabus of M.A. Public Administration w.e.f. from the session 2014-15

M.A. 1* Semester

1. Administrative Theory-I
2. Public Pcrsonnel Administration
.). Administrative Thinkers-I
(a) Dcvclopment AdministraLion
(b) Disaster Management.
(c) LabourWelfareAdministration.
(d) Public Pr:licy Analysis
(e) Health and Hospital Administration
{a) Comparative Public Admi nistration
(b) Ba.sic Premises of indian Constitution
(c) Good Governance
(.1) Ifnvironmental Policy and Administration
(c) Politica-l 'fheory

2"d Semester

6. Administrativc'l'hcory-ll
7. Research Mcthods in Public Administration
8. Administrative Thinkers-Il
(aJ Social Welfare Administration
(b) lndian Constitrrtion
(c) Tcchniques of Administrative Improv-ement and Project Management
(d) International Administration
(") Polilics and Administration

(a) St;ite Administration
(b) E -Covcrnance
(c) DducaLiona] Administration in India
(d) Administriltive Law
k) State, Society and Public Administration


\'4t $^u^

, ,---.,, .../
3.d Semester t'

Indi an Administration-l
Methods of Data Analysis in Public Administration'
Democracy & DeveloPment

14 (a) Rural Local Administration

(b) Consumer Protection zrnd Welfare
(c) Public Internalional Law
(d) Pr<iject Work/irield StudY
(c) Arlministration o[ Environment and Human Ecolory

15 (a) Urban Local Govt. in India and U'K'

(b) Administration of Public Bnterprises
(c) Pubiic System Management
(d) Psycholory eLnd Administration

4th Semester

r6. I ndi a.rr Administration-II

17. Economic Poiicy and Administration
1U. Financial Administration
(n) Computer Application in Public Adminislration
(b) Womcn EmPowerment
(c) Corporate Governarlce
(d) Acjministration of Public Relations
(c) Urban Local Govt' in France and USA

(ri) Fluman Resource Management
(b) NGOs Management nnd Working
(c) Decentralization and Local Governance
(d) llural lndustrialization
(e) Public Officc Organisation and Management

v.'^ V--':

\Iel $L
Semester Code No.
Semester 1st
s@o Paper's Name Paper Code

I Administrative Theory-l PA-27

2 Public Personnel Administraion PA.2Z

3 Administrative Thinl<ers-l PA.23

4 Developrnent Ad ministration ?A-24

5 Disasler Marragement PA.25

6 Labour Welfare Administration PA.26

7 Public Policy Analayis PA-27

B llc:alth ancl I{ospital Administration PA-28

9 Conrpalative Pr-rbl ic Administration PA-29

i0 ll asi c Prr:nrises o1' Indian Constitutior-r PA-30

11 (loocl Cloverl)auce PA-31

l2 L:nviloninental Policy and Adrninistration PA-32

l3 Pulitical '['heory PA-33

emester o e o
Semester 2nd
1 Ad ministrative Theory-l I PA-36

2 Il,esearcir Methods in Public Adrninistration PA-37

3 Ad ministrative Thin l<ers-l I PA-38

4 Social Wellare Administration PA-39

lr lndian Constitution PA-40

(; 'l'ec.hni qu es o f Aclnri nistrati ve Improvement and Proj ect Management PA.41

7 Iutenratiur)cl Arlrninistration PA-42

8 Political and Adrninistration PA-43

9 State Administration PA-44

l0 E.G ove rna nce PA-45

11 Educational Adnrinistration in lndia PA-46

12 Administrative Law P A.47

13 State Socity & Public Admnistration PA.48

V--" /;

Semester Code No.

Semester 3rd
tndia n Administration-l

Methods of Data Analysis in Public Administraion

DemocracY & DeveloPment

Rural Local Admnistration

Cot-isumer Protection and We1{are

Public lnternational Law

Proiect Work/Field Str"rdY

Aciministration of Er-rvironment ry4 X!*3n Etol

LIrban Locai Govt. in India ?!q LU!
rtc|lini strati on of Publi c E4etprcSl

PubIic Svstetl Management

Psvchology aLrd Administration

lencv in Administration
Semester Code No ,2604
Semester 4th
hrcl ian Adrninistration-ll

Economic Poiicy and Administration

Financial Administration

Clomputet' APPI ication in Pr.rblic Admir"ristration

C0fp0ra1e Governance

\,\/or-neu EmPowermen t

Aclininistration of Public Relations

Urbrur Local Govt."in Fl'ance and USA

I I uLuan 11 esource Ntar-ragement

NCOs Management and Wltktn

DecentLalization and Local Governance

Rural Inclr:stra1 isation

Prrblic Of lice Organization and Mglggg'ng't

t/\ --t."

P:rper' (I ): Ail rninistrative'l'lreory-l
Max. Marhs; B0
ll'ime: 3 hours

Noie: The question paper will consist ol three sectiolts. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sectiotrs. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be lequired to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page, Section ,B'
will cor.rsist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section'C'will
consist of four questions, Candidates rryill be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries hvelve marl<s. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Uuit-l: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance of Public Adminislration. Public and Private
Acjministration. Ecology olAdrninistration: Social, Econornic, Cultural, Political and Legal.
Llnil- l I: Evoltttion of Public Adrninistration as an Independent Discipline. New Public Adrninistratiorr and
Nerv I'Lrblic Managernent Perspective.
Unit-lll: Scientil'lc Managenrent Theory, Bureauclatic lheory and Human Relations Theory,
tlnit-lV: Prirlciples of Organization: Hierarchy, Span of Control, Unity of Cornmand, Centralization and
DecerrlraI ization, Supervision and L-oord ination.

Reco rn rrrendtrd Re ferenccs:

i A.i{. -f1'agi, Public Administration-Principles and Practices, Atma Ram & Soni 16'r'Ed,; nelhi,
I 00')

2. Avasthi iind Maheshwari, Public Aclministr:rtion, LaxmiNarain Aggarwal, Agra, 1988.

3. C.P. Bhambhari (ed.), Prrblic Administration-'l'heory and Practice, Jaiparkash Nath publishers,
MeerLrt, 1992.
4. D.11. Saclrdeva and Meena Sogani, Public Aclministration: Concept and Application, Associated
PLrblishing I-louse, New Delhi, i989.
-5. l-{oward E Mcctrrdy, Public Acluinistrltion: Syslern, Comrnunity's Publishing Company, Syc.lney,
6. .1.D. Stl'ausstnan. Public Administration, IJolt, Rinehart and Winslow, New York, 1985.
I. N4ohif Bhattacirarya, Public ArJminislratiorr, World Press (2,d Ed,) Calcutta, l99l.
8. M.P. Shalnla and B.L. Sadana, Public Adnrinistration in 1'heory and Practice, I(itab Mahal,
z\ llrirrbircl, l()Bu
Nicholas J. i-lenly, Public AcJmn. And Public Allirirs, (3''l ed.) Prentice Hall, Englewooci Clifli. Nerv
Jelser,. I 975,
IU S.L. Cocl. ['ublic Administratiorr:'l'heory'& Prirctice, Deep & Deep Publications, New De]hi,200j.

-1 -

Paper {2); Public Personnel Adrninistration

Max. 80

Time: 3 hours

Note: 'l'he question paper will consist of three sections. candidates

will be required to attempt all the sections. Section A'will consist
of one question having eight parts of two marks each. candidates
wiil be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not
exceed half page. Section 'B' will consist of eight questions.
candidates will be rcquired to attempt five questions, each
queslion carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not
exceed three parges, section 'c' will consist of four questions.
candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each
question carrir:s twelve nr:rrks. Answer to any question should not
cxcced six pagcs.

Unit-l: Pubiic Persclnnel Administration: concept, Nature, scope and

SignilicaLnce. Bureaucracy: MecLning, Concept, Types, Recent
Trends and its roie in Modern society. pubric services and their
importance in modern society.

Unit-ll: Personnel system in Inciia with reference to Recruitment,

Classi{ication, Training, promotion ancl UpSC.

Unit-lII: salary Administra[ion, Service conditions and conduct Rules,

Disciplinary Actions and Remova] and Appeals, Retirement
Bcnelits and Central Administrative Tribunats.

Unit-IV: whitleyism in uI( and .Joint consultative Machinery in India.

Political Rights and Rights to strike of civil servants in India,
Adrnn. Culture and its significance.



Recommended References:

l. Aclministrative lRelorms Commissions, Reports on Personnel

Administration, 1969 and 2007.
2. Anne Stevens, The (]ovcrnment nnd Politics of France, London:
Mrrcmillan, L992.
3. C.M. .Jain, Public Personnel Administration, College Book Depot,
.Jaipur, 2003.
4. David E. Kalinger, Public Personnel Management, IPMA, Prentice
Hz.LIt Inc. /Englewood Clifis, New Jersey, 1986.

5. D.N. Balcher, Wage and Salary Administration, (2"a Ed.), Prentice

inc. / Englewood Clilfs,.NewJersey, L962.
6. Edwin, B. Flippo, Principles of Personnel Management, (4tt ed.),
McGraw Hill, Kagakushia, 1976.
7. G.P. Pilnnia and l-loshiar Singh, Administration and Social
Charnge, Printweli Publishers, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur 1985.
8. (]overnment ol India, Reports of Pay Commissions, New Delhi.
9. Maurice W. Cunning, 'lheory and Practice ol Personnel
Mimagement, London, I-leinenam, 1968.
10. O. Glenn Staxl, Public Personnel Administration, (7tr' Ed.), Oxford
IBFI Publication, New Delhi, 1977.
11. P. Ghosh, Personnel Administration, , Sudha Publication, New
Dclhi 1975.
12. S.L. Goel, Public Pcrsonnel Administration, Deep & Deep
Purblishers, New Delhi, 201.0.
13. S.R. Maheshwari, The Iligher Civil Services in France, Allied
Publishers, New Deihi, 1990.
14. V.M. Sinhzr, Personnel Administration (English & Hindi) RBSA
Swai Mern Singh Highway, Jeripur, 1985.
Paper' (3): Aclministrative'l'hinliers_l

Max. Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
Nole: The.question paper will consist of'three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections, Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two
marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any pait sliould not exceed half page. Section ,8,
will.consist of eight questions. Candidates wilt be iequired to attempt five question{eactr
carries eighf rrarks. Answer to any question shouid not exceed three pages:
consist ol four questions' Candidates rvill be required to attempt two queitions, each question
carries twelve rnarks. Answer to any qr-restion shoLrld not exceed ,i^ pugrr.
LJnil.-l: I(aLrtilya: viervs expressecl in Arathshastra with special reference
to Theory of State, principles of
PLrblic Adrrrinistration, Machinery of Governrnent and personnel
Administraiion; Critical
appraisal and relevance of his ideas in rlodern ase.
Thontas woodrotv wilsorr: contribution to adriinistrative thought
with regard to Administrative
Science, Politics-Administration Dichotorny, Comparative metl;ds and critrcal
evaluation of his
ideas to pt'omote the discipline.

[,1rr it-l I: Fredrick Winslow Taylot: Concept, development and principles of Scientific Managernent.
FLrrlctional Forentanship, Meutal llevolution, utility of Scientific Management in rlodern context
arrd criricisnr.
Ilenri Fayol: Activities, Elenrents and Principles of Administration, comparison with F.W.
1-uylor arrd critical evalrration.

Unit-ll l: LutheI Cullick and Lyndall Urrvicl<: Functions ol Adrninistration-pOSDCORB, Theory of

Departmerrtalisation, I-luman Factor in Public Administration and a critical
Mary Parl<er Follet: Views on Corrflict, Integration, Depersonalising orders, Coordinatiorr,
L.eaderslr ip and critical assessrnent.

t.lnit-lV: Geo|ge Elton Mayo: Iiarly experirnents, Flalvtholne Stucly's finclings

and Emergepce of Hupan
Relation 1'lreory.
Peler F. Dt'utrl<er: Mauagentent by ob,lectives. l(nowledge Society,
Comrnunication and Criticism. nr nr encled Re lcr-ences :

l. Arritai Eziorri, iVloc.lcrn Organisalions, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,

2 Bertt'anr M. Cross,'l'he Managing o[Organisalions, (Vol. I) The Free press,
New york, 1964.
3' Claudes, S. Ceorge Jr., 'l'he I'listory ot'N'i:rnagement'i'nougirt, prentice
I-lall, New york, 196g.
4' D'S Pugh and D.J' Hickson, Wrilers on organisations, (4ti Ed.) England:penguin
Book, 19g9.
5 D S PLrgh (ed ), Organisation'l'heory: Selected Reading, penguin Books,
Engiand, 1990.
6. David, 'l'he 'r'he ory of organisation, Heinerna]rn, London, 1970.
7' D'R' Irrasad. V.S. Prasad & P. Satya Narayana (Ed.), AcJministrative'l'hinl<ers,
Sterling publishers, New
l)rllri. l09l
S Drv ight Wa lclo, 'l'he Aclnr in isl ra ( ive State, ( 2nd Ed.) The Ronald press Company,
New y orl< 1972.
9' lnlernational Journal oII'}rrblic A<]milristration, Special Issue on Mary parl<er
Follet, Volum e30,ZO0l
l0 L A AIlen, Mattagctncnt and Organisalion, McCraw-Hill Book Cornpany,
New yorti, lqs6.

ll. Marino Pinto, 1\{anagernerrt "l'hinliers, AllietJ pLiblislrers, Boprbay, 19g6.

]"2. Peter', M. BIau, IJureaucracy irr N4odern Society, Randorrr House,
New yorl<, 1962.
lS Satya Deva, "Thcoly o1'Adrninistraf ion", in Adnrinistrative
Management, July-Sept., 19g3.
l'1' Swinder Singh, tJchera i,orr<ashan, punjabi university press, patiala,
l5' Shrrnt Sun Nisa Aii. Itninertt Adrninisl.rativc'l'hinl<ers,
Associated publishing House, New Delhi, 199g.
l6' S.l{ Maheshrvari. r\clminis(ra{ive'l'hinl<ers, Macmillian ln<Jia, New Delhi, 199g.

v.z F----
*cl *

Paper a (A): Developrnent Administration

Max. Marks: BO

Time: 3 hours

Nol cr: The question paper will consist of three sections. candidates
will be required to attempt all the sections. section 'A'will consist
of one question having eiglrt parts of two marks each. candidates'
willbe required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not
exceed half page. section 'B' will consist of eight questions.
candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each
question carries eight marlcs. Answer to any question shouid not
exceed three pages. scction 'c' will consist of four questions.
Candidates will bc'rccluircd t<l attempt two questions, each
qucstion carries twelve rnarrks. Answer to any question should not
cxcccd six pagcs.

UniL-l: Devclopment: Concept., i\4r:aning, Origin. Development and its

Dimensions, Deve'lopment and Modernization. problems and
Prospects ol Development. Approaches of Development.
Sr-r s tainable Development,

UniL-ll: Deveiopment Adminislration: Concept, Nature, Scope, Features

and significance. objcctivcs ol Dcveiopment Administration,
Development Administration and Non-Development
Administration Dichotomy. Ecologr of Deveiopment
Administration. Administrative Development: concept, Need,
Problems and Sources.

Unil-lll: Bureaucracy and Dcvelopment Administration; Citizens and

De:velopment Administration. NGOs and Development
Administration, llole o['A<Jmn. culture in Development Admn.

Unit-lV: Development Administration- Inter.action arrrong Bureaucrats,

Politicieins, Technr)cr.ats, planning- projects and plan
Formulation, Plan implementation ernd Evaluation.

\rct TA

-'l o'-

Eooks Recornmended:

l. c.N. Bhalerao (ed.): Administration, Poiitics and Development in

Indi:r, Lal Pani Publishing House, Bombay, L972'
2. Cherry oertzel, Maure Goidschmidh and Donald Rotchild,
(iovernment ancl Politics in Kenya, Nairobi, 1970'
3. Irred W. Riggs (Ed.), lirontiers of Development Administration,
Durham: N.C' Duke, University Press, L97O'
4. Gabriel Alrrrond and G.B. Well: Compeuative Politics: A
Dcvelopmental Approach, oxlord & tBH Pub. co. New Delhi, L976.
5. Irwing, Swndlow (Eri.): Devr:iopment Administration: concepts and
Problems, Syrzrcause, NY Syracuse University Press, 1963'
6. .Joseph, La. Palombara (Bd.): Bureaucracy P-olitica-l
Dcrrelopment, Princeton: N.J Princeton university Press, 1963'
7. Preeta Joshi: vikas Prakashan, Jaipur, RBSA, Swai Man Singh,
Llighway, Chaura Rasta (2nd t:d') 1991'
8. lto5, Macridis and B Brown, comparative Politics' (4th ed.)
Flonwood, DorseY Press, 1972.
(). uNO, Development Aciministration: current Approache" Trd
in Public Administration for National Development, New
Yrrrk, 1975.
10. S.L. Coci, Dcvelopment Administration, Deep ernd Deep, New
D<:lhi, 201+.
11. Kataria Suronder, Adminislration Culture in India, Malik & Sons,
>l l-

Paper'4 (li): Disaster Management

Max. Marksr B0
- 'time: 3 hours

Nole: The qLrestion paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be lequired to attempt all par1s. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. Section 'B'
rvill consist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight Lnarks. Answer to arry question should not exceed three pages. Section'C'will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve nrarks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Un it-l: Concept Meaning and Classification of Disasters. Methodology to cope with Disaster in India,
Disaster Management Cycle, Disastel Management-Recent Trends, Impact of Natural Disaster on
Env and Development.

U n it-l I: Lfisaster Mitigation: Basic Principles and Elenrents of Disaster Mitigation, Flood Mitigation
Practices in India, Action Plan for Earthqr.rake.

t.lnit Ill: Rehabilitation and Reconstruction, Strategies for Effective Disaster Management. Sl<ill Training-
searclr, Rescue and Evacuation, Distribution of Relief Matelial, Ernergency, Damage Assessment,
T'enrpolary Shelfers ancl Wareliousing Stock Pilling.

tJnit lV: Disaster Awareness, Role of Disaster Managers, Role of NCOs, Community, Training of Disaster
Managels, Use of Fornral Eclucation Systerr, IJmerging Issues and Lessons for Fulure.

Iteco m mended Relerences :

i. David Alexander, Natural Disaster, UCL Press, London, I993,

2. Gopal Bhargana, Environmental Challenges and Ecological Disaster, Global Prospective, Mittal
Publisers., Ncrv 1)elhi, 1992.

Jacl< D. Kafiaz, Crisis l{esponse Planning: I,'orward a Contingent Analysis, Journal of The American
Planning Associaf ion 50 (l), Winter, 1984.

4. I(athal<ali Ragchi S., Drouglrt Prone Incliir: Problems and Prospects, Agricale, New Delhi, 1991.

.5. Melvin A. Benalde, R:rce Agains( tianrine, Orient Longr-rians, Bontbay . 1972.
6. V.l(. Sharma. Disastcr N,larragement, Nevv LJniteci Process, New Delhi, 1995.

1. V.V. Bor-l<ar, Impact of Drouglrt on Rur:rl Lil'e, Popular Pral<ashan, New Delhi, 1975.
8. W. Nicl< Calter, Disaster Managernent: A Disaster Ilanclbook, Asian Development Bank Manila, 1995.
\- Faper 4 (D): public policy Analysis

Max. Marks: B0
'l'ime: 3 I,lours

iYote: 'l'tr<: qur:st.ion papor

rvill consist or three se<:tions.
ilttcmpt all thc scctions. S<:<:l.ion A' rv,r consist cnndidates wilr be requirr.:d to
parts.f two mnrks r:a<:h. czl.didate:s wilr b<.: required of .ne q;;";., having eight
Ansrvt:r to any part shoulrl not r:xcee. io-.t,.,*pt;rI p^rts.
halI page. Srction,g;Jir consist of eight
qur:stions. candidntcs wili bc r<:rtruirer1
to aitr:mpt ri"., q".*tiur", ,ro"h quesri.n
carries eight marr<s. Answr:r to any question
ser:tion 'c'will consist of ftjur question'.s.'-can<lirjates ""t "*".,ra three
to attempt
tr'r<> riuest.ions, each quest.i.n
cnrries twcrvr: rnnrks. a.r**".'t,, any guestion
should no1. excccd six pages.

Unit-I: Pr-r.blir: Policy: Mr:aning, Naturr:, scop<:, Diffr:renr:r:

br:twr:en policy an<l Irure, r:]ersis
of polic.y l,'ormul:rtion, Irnporl.ilncc and Constraints.

U:riL-IL Itllir:y-Mal<ing approach,

.Poli<:y analysis, policy impact and r:valuation an.
appro:]ch of polir:y r':v:rlua1.ion, polir:-y int<,:rvcnt.ion: ,,,.". .irJyltand
povcrt.y.programrlc, industri:rl policy, pan<:ha.ynl.i ---"J \-' rerorm, anti
Unit-III Policv Ii;rrrruration: conr:cPi., Irok: oI r:)urei,ru<:ra<:y,
Lr:gislature and ./r-rrliciary i,
Poli<;y F.rrnulat.iorr. Irollcl, Making ilnrl Itolc
oi n4.riiia, irt..""t Groups ,r-rrl
Politic,l P^rties in Iblicy Maki,g, Franning cornrnission,'Naiionar
r:ou nr:i I (NI ) C) : Cor-nposil.ion a nd lr.unctions. r)evelopment

Unit-fVl l)oli<:y lrnplt:rnr:ntation: Meaning, I?o1<: r>l'Non-.()ovr:rnmental

Irnpk:rnr:nL^tion. Rr:lnti.,ship 'trt:trvt:en k:gislarturc Agcnci<:s in I\rlicy
Irnplc:r.cntation, int<:racr.ion tr<:twr:cn g.v<,.rnm<:nt orrJ"lrJi"i^r1, in r)oiic.y
irnpk:rrrr:nta tion
and NGo, I)robrems i.
Recommended Refcrences:

1' Arnol<-1 J' l-lci<.icnh<:imcr, llugh Helco and carolyn Tcich Adams, ccl*pnrativc putrlic
ol'Scir:ial tL,r.,g,, in Durrpc oi,a nrr,..i"u, st. Martini r]-.., N.,r"
;:[],r;i; ')
? E' '/ncoh cfrarlcs, policy and Bureaucracy, p. Van
3. 0. Lindibkrrrr Charleq Tie policy Making process, Nost.*rn. co. r97(.:.
li)ng.leurood Cliffs, M.J lrrcnticr:
f1i.r1l Incorpornti<;n, 1 96g.
4' 'J*mr:r; Ii' Andcrso,,-public portcy Mal<ing, l\r:v'y.rk: prr:,gr:r,
5 r979.
'Ionr:s, oharl<:s: An Introtluction to the dturly of public Adnrinistration policy,
llrrlol<s (lolr: I']rrbrishing co., Monct.ary, cnrirornia
6' Larry N. c<:rsr.on, Makingpublic roricy, Grc,nvir:w,1:,,r "ci.l roao.
ilr sJott, I,-orsman usA, rqg:l
7' szrlrrri, pubrtc RJticv: concepiuar oi*"rrrtorrs,
xrrau Mahai, Alraiabaci,
8' I)zrr"rl ll' Appleb-y, Policy and Administration,'l'hr: (/nivc-:rsity olAlbara prcss. 1949.

Paper 5 (A): Comparative public Administration

@ Max. Marks: B0

Time: 3 hours
Note: The question paper wiil consist of threc, sections, candidates
wifi be required to attempt all the
sections. section 'A'will consist of one question having eight parts
of two marks each. Candidates will
be required to attempt ail parts. Answer to any part shourd not
exceed harf page.Section 'B' will
consist of eight questions. candidates will be required to attempt
five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any quc.stion should not exceed
three pages. section ,c, will consist of
four questioris. candidates will be required to attempt two questions,
each question carries twelve
marl<s. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-l: Comparative Public Administration (CpA): Concept, Nature, Scope

and Significance. Approaches and
Methods to thc, study of CpA: lnstilu I jonal , Behaviour, Structural Functional,
- Ecological and
a pp roach.

Unit-ll: Weber's Typology of Authority. Salicnt Fcatures of Administrative System

of uK, usA and France
with special llef erence to ldeal type of Bureaucratic Model.

Unil-lll: Riggs'Typology of Developing Socic'ties with Particular Reference to the prismatic

Society and Sala
Model. Administration of Developmerrt and Administrative Development; problems
anc prospects.

Unit-lV: A Study of Salient Featurc's and Control Mcchanism of Administrative Systern of UK, LJ.S.A. and
Fra nce.

Recommended References:

F. Heady and Stol<es, Papeis in Comparative Public Administration, Institute of public

University of Michigan USA, 1962.

F'w. Riilgs, Administration in Developing Countries - The Theory of Prismatic Society, lloughton
Miffen Co.
Boston 1964,

3 Lucian W. Pye., Aspects of Political Development, Amerind, Publishing Company

Ltd., New Delhi, 1966.
4 National Productivity Council, Personnel Management in Japan, usA and Britain, New
Delhi, Npc 1963.
5 RJS Baker, Administrative Theory and Public Administration, London Hutchinson & Co.
Ltd. j.972.
6 U.l(. Royal, Commission in the Civil Service (2 Vols),. 1953-S5.

7 W. Robson (ed.), Civil Service in England and France l-togarth, 1956.

W.J. Sif f in, Towards the Comparative Study of Public Administration, Indiana University press, Bloomington
lndian, 1959.

*-\4G-, l<-4L/,t--'-- -+1-
-lq '
k- Paper 5 {B}: Basic premises of Indian Constltution

Max. Marlis: 8o

'l'ime 3 l-lours
Note: 'lhe question paper wiil consist of three sections. Can<lidates rvi11 be
required to attempt all the sections. Section A, will consist of one
questlon rraving eight parts of two marks each. candidates will be
requirerl to attempt a1l parts. Answer to any part shoul<1 not exceed
hall page. Section 'B' wiil consist of eight quesrions. candi4ates wirl
be requirerl to atternpt five questions, each question cerr-ries r:ight
marks. Answer to erny <luestion shoul<j not exceed three pages.
Section 'C"'vill consist ol lbur <luestiorrs. Candidates wiil be rerluire<i
to attempt tlvo rluestions, cach question carries twelve marks. Answer
to ..rny queslion shoukj rrot exceed six pages.

[Jnit-I: Maklng o1'the constitution, salient features ol constitution, prearnble,

Fur-idarnental I?ights, r)irective Principles of state po1i.1,,
Iiundamental. Iluties.

Unir.-ll: Distinctive I'eiltures of'Indian Irederation, Legis.lative, Adrninistrative

and lrinancial l?elations tretrveen the {.Jnion an<] the states, .lrencls in
cr:ntre-state l?elatiorrs, stare Government- Governor, chief Minister
aLrd Council of Ministt:rs.

unit-lll: centre Government, l)rcsidr:nt, Vice presi<ient, l)rlrne Minister,

cr:ntra1 council ol' Mirristers, cabiner committ.r:es, frunction of
CaL;inr:t Cornnri l.t.ees, llrnr:rgcnc1, I )rovisior-rs.

r tJnit -iV: ij'eatures o1'Pilrliarncnia.n-i, covcrnment, Fr:atrrres of prel;idr:nrii,rl

Corre rnmt:nt., Mr:rit.s anri I.lernerits of l)arliament_ilr.v Systein, I{easons
lbr adopting l)arliirrrt:lrtilrv s.ystcrr, I)istinction bet.ween Inclian ancl
l:lrilish Modcls, lJlectoial [lclbrrns Sinct: 1996.
lJoolis Reconr mcnr!etl:

,'\vasthi ancl Avasthi (2002), Iirdiarr Adnrinistration, La.rrri Narain, Agggarwal, Agra.
llastt'D.D.(2000), Introdticiion to the Conslitution ol Inclia, Wadhwa and Contpany. Nerv
Fadia and Fadia. (20 l2), Irrdian Adrrrinistlation, Sahitya Bhavan pubiication, Agra.
cranville Ar-rslin (1999), -l'lre Inclian constitLrtion- corner stone o1'a Nation, oUp, Nerv
Malresrvari. s.R. (200 l), Inclian AcJministlation. orient Blacl<srvan, Flyclerabad.
I'}ylce, l\4.V. (2009), An Introduction to the c.'orrstitLr(ion ollncjia. vil<as. New Deihi.
l{anresh l(. Alola arrcl lla.jrri Goyai (2002). lrrdian prrbli<: Adilinistraiir-rn. Vishrva parhirsjran.
Ncn l)elhi. .
Sathe. S.P. (2002)..ludicial Activisnr in Inciia,. oxlorcl LJniversity press, Nerv Delhi.
Srrbiish (1. l(ashyap (1989), Indian Polity: ltctrospect ancl Prospect,, National Pr-rblic [-lousc,
z\ I ln hir bad.
C. I(aslr.vap (20 l0). lndian Constitrrtiorr: Conilicts ancl Controversies. Vitasta.
'l'lre Constitulion
of lndia, Covernntcnt ol'Intlia, 2009. N*v Delhi.
](. Krishne (1996), Public Aclnrinistlation in India. Alliecl PLrblications. Nei,v Delhi.

- lt-


Max. Marks:80
Time: 3 hours

Note: 'l'hr: question paper will consist of three

attt:rnpt all the sr:ctions. Sc:<:tion ,A, w,r consist c:rndidat<.:s wiil bc rcquired r.<;
parts of two marl<s <:nr;h. canciidates wilr be ,rr ,rr. lr..iion traving eight
r,:quired io-rrii.,-pt ap
Ansr'irr:r to a.ny pi:rt shour<I nr;t r:xceed halr
pagc. section ,n,*iii consist of cight
r1u<:stions. candidntes.wilr b<: r<:rluired to
attempt five questrons, each questi.n
<;arrics eight marks. Answ.r r.o any question
Set:tion 'c' wilt consist ol ltrur qr-restioi. candiriates .*"..a
"otbe require<]three pngc:s.
tr'r', rluesf ions, r:rlr:h rluesrion r:nrries twcrv<.: m,rks.will to atternpt
sLroulrj not.excec<.i six pag<.:s.
nn**.r1., any qnestion
Unit-I: oorlrl-Governanco: Mr:aning, N:rture an<i Importance,
charar:teristics and its

Unit-II: world conct:trltualiz^r.i<t^ oI Good-Govcrn.tnce, origin of concept, worrri

Iilanl< Asp<:ct ol Go.<i-Gov(-)rn,lrloo, chnlrcng.:s <lI G<lod-Govcrn,tncc.
unit-III: 1'rairring for (io<-rd-Govcrnal1oe, Pcople-r)nrticipntion
A<'lministrative llttrics, valut:s and Accountability, Factr:rs
developr.c,t, iniegrity in
and M<.:asurr:s t, contror corrnptirln.
unit-rv: Ilunrnn"Rilght: 'l'vpcs (r:ivil, politi<;al, er:on'mir:, social
rights), M<:r:hanisnr i.rn6 cultur,l
lrrr Ilurrriin Itight prritet:t.iorr.
Recommerrded References:

t. A'S' Ail't:l<ar, State and Government in Ancient India, Motilzrl

Ban:rrsidass, Dr:lhi,
2. I) l'k:ld, Political rhcory and the Modern state, cambridge, polity prcss,
3. r. ounningham, Thcories of Democracy-A critical Intioduction, London lrnrl
Ncw York, l{utlerlge, 2002.
4. (] A History of poritical philosophres, G<:orge Allcn and Unwin, Lonclo,,
5. l,.I), [jara<iat, Political Ideologies: Therr origins and Impact,
Englewood cliffs
NJ, l)rcn1.i<;c IIall, i989.
6. M. Albgro'r,:,rnr_l I!. King (erls.). The Global age, Cambridgc, polity,
a ll. cohr:, ilnd P. Kc.r'rr:<iy. Grobal socrology, London, st-. Martin press, 1999.
8. It.N. Ilcri, Thc History of political thought. A short Introduction,Lond<>n,
9. Ii. Ir'<:r, The Moral an<l Politicar Thoughl of Mahatma Gancrhi, ourr, 1923. I<)TT.
r0. Sir Il l:Jari<cr, The Polttical thought of Plato and Aristotle, Dover l)urblicatio,s,
Now York, 1959.
,, I
\'*iJ- (n
UZ u4z

-l{ - A,{4 zl"-e'l
I'a1icr (6): rtdnrinistr.ative'l'lreory-ll

Max. Marks: 80
I'ime: 3 hours
N 0tc: Tlre qirestion paper rvill consjst'of three sections. Candidales will be required to attempt all the
sections. Sectiorr 'A' will consist of one cluestion having eight parls of two nrarks each. Candidates
rvill be reqLrired to attempt ali parts. Ans\r,e| to any part shoLrld not exceed half page. Section ,B' will
corrsisl ol eight questions. Candidates will be reqLrilecl to afien,pt five questions, each question carries
eiglrt rnallis. Arrswer to any question shotrld not exceed three pages. Section'C'will consist offour
qLrestions. Candidates wiil be required to attenlpt two questions, each question carries twelve marks.
Ansrvei tt.r any question shor-rld not exceed six pages.

[Jnit,l: Stlltctllre ol'Olgar.rization: Chief Execr.rtive

- Role and Irunctions. Line, Stalf and Auxiliary Agencies.

U rtit-I l: Adrninistrative Behavior: Decision Mal<ing, Leader.ship, conrmunication and Motivation.

Unit-l l l: Tt-atrspatency in Adrninistration with special relerence to Right to Information Act.2005. Citizens
and Aclministration.

[-rnil-lV: Adnrirristrative l-au': Irrrpoltance ol Aclrninistrative Law, Delegated Legislation- Meaning, Types,
Advantalles. Li mitations. SafegLtards.

Recorrr nrerrded Iteferenccs:

A.l{.'l'r'ar:i- Public Artnrinislraliorr-principles ancl practices, Atma Ram & Sons (6,r,8d.) Delhi,

Avasthi ancl Mahcshu,ali, ['ublic Arlr,ilistrariorr, l-axrrriNarairr Agganval, Agra, l9gg.

C.P. Bharnblrali (Ed.), Public Arlnrinistration-'l'heory and Practice, Jaiparkash Nath publishers,
NI(ctLtl. lg(,r.'.
D.R Saclrdcva and lVleetra Sogani, l'ublic Administration: Concept antl Application, Associated
l:'Lrblislrinq lloLrsc, Netv Delhi, I9fi9.

Flou'ald E Mcculdy, Public Atlrrrinistlatiorr: systern, comnrunity's publishing company, Syclney,


6 J.D. StraLrssrlan, I'ublic Aclrlinistration, IIolt, Rinehart and winslolv, New york, 19g5.
7 l\,loirir Llhatracha|ya, I,ublic Administr.ation, World press (2,,d Ed.) Calcutta, 1991.

s N4.P. Sltalrrra and B.L. Sadana, Public Arlrninistratiou in 'l'heory and PrBctice, I(itab Mahal,
Allahabad. I 988.
Niclrolas J. l{errly. Public Aclnrn. Arrd I,rrblic AI'lairs, (3'd ed.) Prentice Hall, EugJewood Cliffls, New
.lersey, 197"5.
l0 S.1.. Coel, l'ul-rlic Administrati0ri: I heory & Practice, Deep & Deep Pubiications, New Dellri, 2003.

ql- Y--^
*---..- \q"r/

\4' \,J-
l'rpcr (7): llesearclr Methods in Public Adrninis(ration
Max. Marl<s: 80
'I'ime: 3 hours

N0 te: 1-he clLrestion paper will cor.rsist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Sectiorr 'A' rvill consist ofone questiorr having eight parts oltwo marks each. Candidates
rvill be recluired to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed halfpage. Section'B'
rvill consist ofeight qLrestions. Cirndtclates lvill be lequiled to attempt five questions, each question
carlics eigirt rlarks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section'C'will
consist of four questions. Candidates rvill be required to attempt two questions, each qttesfion
carries twelve rnarks. Ansv,er to any qLrestron should not exceed six pages.

LJnit-l: Ilescarch: Meaning, Chalactelistics, Significance atnd Reseat'ch process. Social Research:
Mernirrg, nalure and lypes. ScienLrfic Merhod: Features and stages/steps.

tJnit- t l: llcsearch Problerl: Selection. Delinition and Statement of the Problem, criteria and techniques
ilvolvcd in Definirrg the problenr arrd evalLtation of the problem. The Hypothesis: Meaning,
Significance, Sources, FeatLrres, types and Linritations and Cliteria ofa Good Hypothesis.

tlnit-lll: Revieii,ol-the Relafecl Literature: Pu|pose, exploring the Sources ofrelevatrt literature in libraries,
I{esearclt Peliodicals, Theses, Dissel'tationS, Newspapers, Covernment Reports and Internet'
Orgarrisirrg and Analysing the revierved literature.
Rescitclr Design: Meaning. Need, leatules and types of Research Design: Exploratory,
I r.:.r i1'.ive ltrrd fxpctitttetttll.

lJrrit-lV: Data flollection-Printary Data and Secondary Data, J'ools and 1'echniques of Data Collection:
QLrestionnaile. Intcrvierv. intervieiv Sclrcdule iurcl Observtition. Criteria to Select appropriale tools
lirr l)ata Coliectiou.

l{ccor:r rrrcrrtlcrl lttl'c'r't'rtccs:

L Il.M.. .laitri [{ese:trch Methodoiogy, Ilcsearclr Publications (Hindi), Jaipur, 1995'

l. C.R. Kothari: Rcsearch Metlrodology: N,lethods &'l'cclrniques (2'd Ed.), Wishwa Prakasltah, Nerv
l)elhi, (l{eprint), 2002.
:1, C.J., I)earsorrs: ]'hesis & Projecl Worli, z\ Cuide to Research &'l'hesis Writing, Allen & Unlvin,
L,rrrdorr. l9li.
Deverrdra ThaliLrr', llesearch Metlrorlologl, in Sociat Sciences, Deep & Deep Publication, New Delhi,

Coocle & I,lattc; Methods of social Itcseirrch, McG|aw I-lill Book con.rpany, New Delhi, 1987.

.lolatlral Arrderson; tlelly, Il. DLlrstol. Millicent Poole, 'l'hesis & Asignment Writing' Wiley
L:.astcIrr l.,iurilccl, Nerv Delhi, 1977.

1. .lohn Llcsl. Ileserarch in Eclrrcation, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1978.

8. P.V.. YoLlrs: Scicp(ific SocialSur.r,er,& Ilcscarch, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1979.
I{.N.. Trivecli ancl O.P. ShLrl<la; Ile'search Methodology, Researclr Puirlication (Hindi), Jaipur,2002

l0 S.R., 13r.jpai: Mcrlods of Social Sulvi:y & Rcsearch (Hindi & English), I(itab Mahal, I(anpLrr, 1995'

&- .'.u---'-$l)/
Pa1;er'(li): Acl urinistrative'l'hin kers-l I
Max, Marl<s: 80
'Iime: 3 hours
\0 te The' question papel wili consist ol'three sections. Candidates will be r'equired to atternpt all the
sect,ons. Section 'A' will consist olone question having eight parts oftwo marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all palts. Answer to any part should not exceed halfpage. Section'B'
will consist ofeight questiorrs. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
cal|ies eiglrt nrarks. Answe| to any question should not exceed three pages. Section 'C' will
consist ol'lour questions. Candidates rvill be required to attempt two questions, each question
carr-ies trvelve nrarl<s. Answer to any question slrould not exceed six pages.

Max Weber: Origin of Bureaucracy, Types of Authority/Legitimation/ Dominartion,

Characteristics and Ideai Model of Bureaucracy, rllechanisrns to limit the powers of Bureaucraoy,
criticism of Bureaucratic inodel.
Herbell A. Siuron; Cliticisrn of Classical Theoly, Decision-making Theory. Rationality, Types of
decrsions, Organizational influence, Boundecl Rationality, Criterion of Efficiency and Criticism.

Ablahaur Maslorv: Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation, Self-actualized need and critical
Dorrglas Mc Cregor': Tlreory 'X' and 'Y' of motivation and its inrplications for Line-Staff
relationship and Cliticisnr.

Chris Arg;,ris: Strategies lbr Olganizatioltal Change, T-GroLrp or Sensitivity Training and
Fteclticl< Fler-zberg: Two-Factor' 'i'heory, Characterislics ol Flygiene and Motivation Seekers, Job-
cn, rcl.llrur,i lnd Critical evtlLrrtiorr.

F'red W. I{iggs: Ecologicai and Structural Functional Approaches, tdeal Models, Features ol
Prisr:ratic aird Sala Models, Bazaar-Canteen rrrodel, Change and Development Dimensions of
Societies and Clitical appraisal.
I(rrl Malr: lnlluencc ol Hegel. tlre ori3in. ainrs and implications of Bureaucrccy. Brrreauclacy in
Tlansitiorral State, Theory oi Dialectic Materialisrn, Class Struggle and Alienation and relevance
ol'l(arl I\4arx.

Itctorrr nrclrderl Relrrcnces:

I Arnitai Ez-iorri. Morlcrn Orgrrrizatiols, Nerv Delhi: Prerrtice Hallof India, Pvt. Ltd., 1964,
2. Bertlam M. Gross,'ilre Man:rging ol Organizatiorrs, (Vol. I) New Yorl<: The Free Press, 1964.
, Claucies, S. Ceolge Jr.,'l'he Ilistor:y olManagernent'l.hought, Nelv York: Prentice Hall, 1968.
4. D,S. i'uglr ancl lJ.J. llickson, Writcrs on Organizations, (4th Ed.) Englancl: Penguin Bool<, 1989.
5. D.S. l)ugh (Lid.), Organization'l'heorv: Selected Reading, England: Penguin Books, 1990.
6. Davici Silverrnan. 'l'he 'l'heory of Organizalion, London: Heinemann, 1970. "
7. D.l{. Prasad. V.S. Plasacl & P. Satya Nara.vara (Ed.), Adminisfrative'l'hinl(ers, New Delhi: Sterling
P.ibl,-lrcrs. I9l|.
8. Divight \\/alrlo,'l'he Aclministrative Sta1e, (2"d Ed.) Nerv York: The Ronald Press Cornpany, 1972.
9 L.A. Allen, Marrirgernerrt and Organizalion, New Yoll<: McCraw-Hill Book Corrrpany, 1958.
10. Ivlalirro Pirrto, N'lanagerrrenl 'l'hilrke rs, Bombay: AIIied Publishers, 1986.
ll. Peter. M. IJlau, Ilureaucracy irr N4odcrn Society, New York: Random House, 1962.
12. Satya Deva. "Theory of Administration", in Atlrninistra(ive Management July-Sept. 1983.
n. Srvinder Singh, [.lcltcra l,olt Pral<ashan, Patiala: PLrnjabi University Press, 1993 (Pbi).
l.t. ShLnn Sun Nisa Ali, linrinent Adnrinislrtrtive'l'hinliers, New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1998.
15. S.11. Maireslrivali, Adminis{rative'['hinliels, r"New Delhi: Macmillan India Ltd. 1998.
16. Special Issuc on Mary Parker [.'ollet, lntemltional Jorrrnal of Public Adn.rinistration, Volurne 30,2007.
Prrpcr'9 (A): Social Wcllarc Aduriuistralion

Max. Marks: 80
'l'ime: 3 hours

The qr"restiou paper rvill consist ol- three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt
all the
sections. Seotion 'A' will consist ofone cluestion having eight pads oftwo marks each'

u,ill be required to attempt all par-ts. Answer to any pafi should not exceed halfpage. Section 'B'
will corrsist ofeight questions. Candiclates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
cailies eiglrt marks. Ansrver to any question should not exceed three pages. Section'c'r'vill
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each
calries trveive uarks. Answer to any question sltould not exceed six pages'

col]cepts of Social welfare, Social Justice and Social change. Meaning, Nature, Scope and
PIiilciples o1'social Aclministration. Social Policy- A Stirdy of Relevant Constitutional Articles'

of women
orgilrisalion and Frtrrctions: Minislry olsocial Justice and Empowerment' Deparlment
ancl CIrild I)evelopment at Cenlral l-evel, Central Social Welfare Board- Its Composition'
Frrrrctiorrs and StatLts.

tini{-lll: Orgalisation ai the State i-evel (i'lar-yana) - Directorates of Social Justice and Empowet'tnent'
in Field of
Cornl:)osition and FLtttctions of state Social Welf,are Aclvisory Board Personnel Policies
Social Adnrinistration.

National Cornrrrissiorrs lor SCs. STs and Wonren-Progratnmes for the Development of SCs,
Un il- iV:
anrl wonren. Role of Non-Governmental organisations (NGO',s) in Socio-Economic

Itrcurtt nteiltlctl ltc[(I t'llc( \:

cl.P. lJar.rhwal (ed.) social Justice in Inttia, Bharat Bool< centre, 17, Ashok Marg.
Lucl<now' 1998'
lntrotluclion lo SocialAclnrinistration, Rutledge and l(egal Paul, London, 1965
2. Davis C. March, An
D. l)aul Chariclhary. Social Welfare Arlrrrirlistration, New Delhi, Attna Ratn & Sons,
.1. D.l(. Mishra. sor:ial Aclruinistration (lliDdi), JaipLrr: college tsook Depot, Tripolia Bazar, 1990.

5. D.P. Charrdhar'1', social Welfare Adrrinistration, Atnla Rant & Sons' Delhi l992'
(r D.t{. Sachcle'a. socirl well',rre Adpriuistration (English and Hindi), Kitab Mahal,
Vlolrirrcler Sinir[ (Ecl.), Socill Potic.l'antl Adrnirristration irr lrrclia,
M D Publishers, New Delhi' 1996
8 l).D. l(ull, Ccntre Social well:rre [loard, Nelv Delhi: Asia PLrbllshing I'loLrse,
g. Sirvach, volun{ary orgartizalion irnd Social welfare, Shanl<ar
Publications' New Delhi'

10. S.L. Coel ancl l{.1(. Jain, Socialwellare Adrninistration, vol. l, New Delhi: Deep & Deep, 1988'
I I. SLrr.rnr]cr.a l(ataria, Sociat Adrninistratiorr (llincli), RBSA Publishers' SMS High Way, Jaipur'
t2 'f.N. chatL.rrvcdi ancl S.l(. chanclra social Atlrninislralion Development and change, New Delhi IIPA
I 980

ll. V..laganacihart. Social Wellare Orgarrisirtion, New Delhi, IIPA 1966'

S-- v^'n---'
t- \
W \,*u-
H'R 1-^s}l
-2-o* -':-l

I':rprr'9 (l]) Irdian Constilu{ion

Max, Marhs:
Time 3 Hours
80 -
Candidates will be required to
N ote: fhe question papel wiil oonsist of three sections
olone question having eight parts of
artenrpt ali the sections. Scction 'A'
rryill consist
attempt all parts Answer to any palt
trvo marks each. candidates rYill be required to
shouldnotcxcecdiralipagc sccLion'B'u'illconsistoleightquestions
question carries eighl marks Ansrver
u,ill be requirecl to atLcmpl IiYc t}teslions' caoh
to any cluestion shot'tld tror cxcced thtee pages' Seotion'C'will consist ol- lbur
rvill be reclLrired to attempt two questions' each question cat'ries
r:iLrestions. Candiciatcs
not exceed six paiges'
t\!elvLr lnarks. Ans\ver to an; ilucstion should

Fcdcral [eatttrcs oi' trhe Constitution' Unitary Feature

ol tlre Constitution, Critical
Struclure ol' the Constitlltion. Amendmcnt
cvaluatlon of lhc Conslilution. Basic
proccclure of the Conslittttion'

and Functions of State Infbrmation

Right to lntbl.nation Act. Conrposition, Powcrs
Conrt.nission. Clonlposition' Polvers ancl Funations of Central Infbrmation
Conrnrissiotr. Redressal o1' CiLiz-cn Grievances' LokPal and Lokayuktas

tirnctions' Unjon Public Service

lllccliorr Conrrnission- Conlposititln' Potvers alld
and [runctions' National Human Ilights
Conrmissiotr- Cotlposition. lndependence
Pct'fot'mance of the Commission'
Conrnrissiotr- Colllposition. l:unctions' Ilole and
ILtno!ions and 'lurisrjiction'
Ccnttitl Vigilancc Cotrtnrisslon- Cortposition'

Suprcme ()ourl- Orgarlizatiotr. i\ppoitrlntetrt

anil I{crnoval oi"ludges' Independence'
Court' Iligh Clourt- Organization' Appointnrent
.lLrrisiliction and l)owe rs ol Srtl:rertlc
Ittticpi:ttdciloe' Jtrrisdiction atrd Porvers ollligh Cotlrt'
lncl Ilcntovrl ol'Judi-lt:s,

llo,rl,s Recom rncrttlctl:

Laxmi Narain' Agggarwal' Agra'

Avasthi and Avasthi (2002), lnclian Aclnrinistration,
BasLr,D.D.(2000), lntroduction to tile ConstitLrtion of lndia' Wadhwa al"rd Company' Nelv
Adninistration, Sahitya Bhavan PLrblication'
I'a<iia and Faditr, (2012). lndian
Stone of a Nation' OUP' New
Clanvilie Atrslin (1999), fhe Indian Constitution- Corner
ilellr t.
Mahesrvari (200 I ), I nclian Adminisl ration, Orier.rt Blackswan'
S. 11.

(2009). An Introcluction to lhe Constitution ol lnrlia' Vikas' New Delhi'

Pylee, M.V
Ilanreslr K. Artlt.aatlclllajlliCoyal(2002).lnriiarlPlrbiicAdnrirlistration.VishrvaParkashan,
Nerv Delhi
Oxford L)nivelsilY Pless, Nerv Delhr'
Satlre. S.P. (1002). .lLrdicial Activisnr in lrrdia' '
Prospect, , Natiorral Public I-louse,
Srrbash C. l(iishyap (1989), lndian Polity: lLetrospect and
'l'lre Constilution oF Inclia, Coverriment ol lndia' 2009' New Delhi'
PLrblications' New Delhi'
l(. l(rishnn ( 1996). PLrblic Aclminist|atiorr in lrrctia, Allied

Fapcr 9 (E): Politics and Administratior)

Max, Marks: 8O
Time: 3 Hours

Note: 'lhr:rlurt:sl.ionpap<:rwillcorlsislofthreesections'Candidateswillberequiredto
atl.i:rript. al1 .scctions' Scct.ion 'A' will consist of one
question having eight
part.s of two marks each. Canclidates will be required to 1-tlempt. alI pzrrts'
nr-ro.u,,. to any part shollkl not exceed h;rlf page Section 'B' will consist oI eight
quc':stions. Cnndidates will bc required to attempt {ive questions' .ea3h
cirrri,-" t:ight marks. Answr:r to any question-.should not exceed three pages'
,c, will consist of four questions. candirlates will be required to attempt
l.wo c1lles1.ions, each quesl.ion i:zrrries tr'velve marks Answer
to any question
shoukl not excr:ed six P::gt:s,
Sy*eP.- Structural and System Approach
Approachcs to thc sl.ltdy of Polil.ical
lrrgrort.itncc of Comp:rrativr: Analysis. Political Parties' Pressure Groups and
I,oiiticzri System. .t lrolitical Dcvelopment, Political system
l)( \ ( l()l)ilI13 Count ri(:s

to thc
Politi<:i,rl S]';i;- Moclt:ls ol A<lministrativc Syst.ern with-special reference
A<lministration Dichotomy. contribul.ion of
cont.ributi.n ol Ii.w. ltiggs. I)olitics-
Woorlrolv Wilson and ltrank 'l Goodnow

l3ur<:artcracy - Weberian lnlt:rpretation - Concept of

Administrative Statt:'
I,3ltrr:aucri:ci' and I)olit.ical Ir1colo15z, Marxist Interpretation of Bureaucracy'

1)Olit.ical Devclopmcnt.: lJurc:aucracy, Politicnl I)arties

Pressure Groups'
unit-IV: "and

Rccom nre ndctl Rcfcrenccs:

1. Almortd,l Colcman (ecls.), Thc Politics of Developing Areas' Princeton University
1t1.q,ss, I
Anthonl, l)owtts, An Econonric Theory of Dcmocracy' I-{arper' Ncw York'
').. Political Thought
3. ]rlre(rht I)oliri(:al 'lhcory, The Foun<lations of tweutieth Century
(l)riticc'rlon: 1)rin<:otr>n Unive:rsit.1' l')rt>ss, (1959)
4. i)r"rvid llristor-r, The Political System, l(nop[, Nerv York' 1953 -.
.l.ullock, ,lhe politics'of Burcaucracy, D.C., Public Aflairs Press, Washington,
:;. Gorr.lon
(; .1. Franl< (}ocirlnt:\v, l'olitics and Adrrrn' , Macmillnn,,
Ncw York' 1900'
Pub' I\t l'td '
.J.ll. Sirvi.rr:h, Dynamics of Iutliilrr Govcrnment and Politics' Sterling
Nr:rv l)cltti, 1985.
8 .].C, J<l1rri, Conrparative Politics, (2rrci Ii)r-tition) Sterling Publishers, New Delhi,
() W. l,uci::n 11,e, Aspects of Political Development' Amerind Pub'
Co"' New Delhi'
I 966,
10. M.N. Itoy, Parties, Folities axrd Powcrs, Calcutta' 1960'
lndiarrt ol Public Arin:inislriltion, Nt:rv D<:]hi'


. Paper l0 (A): State Administration

& Max. Marls: g0
Note: Time: 3 hours
The question paper will consist of three
sections. candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections Section 'A' will consist of one
question having eight parts of two
wiil marks each. cancridates
be required to attempt a, parts. Answer
to ury poi sr,orld not exceed haifpage.
will corrsist ofeight questions candidates Section ,8,
rvill be requireci to attempt
five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question
shourd not exceed three pages. Section ,c,
consist of four questions. candidates wirl
wiil be required to attempt two questions,
carlies nvelve marl<s. Answer to any question each question
shoulci not exceed six pages.
{./rr it- l: State Adnrinistration: Governor, chierMinisterand council of Ministers: chief secretary and his
vital role in the state Adnrinistration. centre-
state relationship: Administrative Dinrensions.
Unit-ll: Divisional conrmissioner': District Adrninistration;
Rore of Deputy commissioner in Di:;tr.ict
Adlninistration' The District Development'olficer.
Ac6inistration and politics. Grassroots
PopLriar Participation in adnrinistration.

Un i(-lll: State Planning Machinery

- Board and Departrnent. District planning committee. pranning;
Exercise, Prograrnnre Imprementation.
state pubric Service commission.
[.]rrit-lV: Urban Managerrlerll; Problems 0lgrorving
cities. MLrnicipal ancl Rirral local boclies. State Irinanctr
Cor rr rl iss ion.

Rccoln nt elrrlt.tJ Rcfcrcnccs:

I A'irlrirrisrr';rL've Rcro|rrrs crrrnnrissic,rr. I(rr)u|r (\il

slrrc Atrrnirrisrration, ro6

2 Avasfrriarrcr Avasthi, pubric Adnrinistration

in Irrdia, LakshnriNarian Aggarw4r, Agra,200l
S A Avasthi. central Acirrrinistration, l'ara McGrarv FIill, publishers
co., New Delhi. lggg.
4. C.P. Bharnbr.i, pLrblic Adnrinistr.ation irr Inrlia,
Vikas, Delhi. I973.
5 I-{arish chancle. sharrna. State Adrninistiation
in India (Hindi), colrege Book Depot, Jaipur,2002.
6. S.[1. Maheshwar.i, State Covernnrent in lnciia, Macrnilliarr.
Nerv De]hi, 2000.
c l'] Pilania and FloshiaI singlr. Adrninist|ation & social
changes, printwell publishers,.taipur, 19g5.
8. I'loshiar Sirrgh and D,P. Singh, Incliarr Administr.ation:
current Issues and problems, Aalel<h
prrblishcr.s, .laipur, I 990.

9 lioshiar Singlr and N4ohincler I'rrblic Adnrinistr.ation

in lnclia: Theor.v & practice. Steriing
PLrblislrers. Nerv Delhi. l9!)0.

10, I)ran)ata[)a Sharnn, public Aclrrrinisl|atroil, lvkerralsslri publications.

l\4ccr,ut, ]978.
ll l{.8. Jflin, Contentporar'1'lssues in Incliirn Acjrrrinistt.ation. Vishal
lrublishers, Delhi, 1976.
l2 S.l{. Mahcslrrva'i, India, Adrninistration" oricnt l-ongrnan, Derhi,

-73 -

Papcr 1-0 (B): E-Governance

€: TilyTi";J:
Note: The question paper will consist of three sections.
Candidates will be requirec.l to
:tttempt all thr: sections. Section 'A'wi1l consist
of one qr."tio, }ruuirrglight parts of
two mnrks each. candidates -r.vil trr: required to. attempt
part should not exceecl h^rf p,gc. section ,ri, wilr a1r parts. i,."*.. to any
candirlat<:s will be requirer.i to atlempt five questions,_each or eight questions.
marks Answer to any question snolta not'exceed three pages. qrl.troi'.r.ries cight
consist oI four questions. chnclidntes will be requirr--d ser:tion ,c,*.ilr
to rlur:s.ion carries twcrv<: m,rks. Answer to any questionattempt two questions,
pages. should not exccerr six

Unit - I: Il-,g.v.rnan<:r:: con<:cpt, signifi<:,nce

Administri:1.ic)n to e-llovernaa-c<:, llok: o1'li-govt:rnanr:e
r:nd fea.u*:s
of traditional pur;lir:
Il!-mail, world widc web (www) Locar Aia N.:lwork
in Arlministrr:tion, Interrct,
(wAN). [r,AN). wide Area Nr:1.rv.rk

unit-Il: Nc'cesselry components ol IC'l'( Informal.ion and communication

irnpk:m.:nt,tion in zrriministration, role of ICT i" tr:chnologz)
lbr I(l'l implcrnr:ntation, rolc ol IC'l'in planrring,"a*irri"i.J;;;"t1"ilr,;;'il!.i?j"o
.rri.i.l,r., & service ciistrilrr_rti.n,
sugg<-'stion.Ior cffecl.ivt: IC'l inrplcmentation, *tirp
trt for ICT a",r"fufrurrri'i,,
r,rdminist.rtltio n, ".,
unit-III: cif izens r:nd ()overnrn<:nt Int.rlir<:<:: ICT nnd scll govcrnance,
ruft:l <levclopmr:nt, D-Panchayal., use ol ll-Govcrnance in public importance of IC,l. in
deliv<:ry, use of IC'l' in rural rir:vr:loprnent., rigricirit,-l.,r, & citizen servic<r
r'lrlucat.ion anrl 'r'raining(ir)-r.c:arning),' D-commerc.,
,un-"., empowerment,
i,i,..,.r"y Mission, Dist,nct:
J')clt-t<:illion, , llnilu,ay S<:rvir:<is; lroiicc-Irlll, Ibst.s
2005, sr.rilgr:sl.ion lor rcf irnpr<:incnl.ation in rurar rr<:r,r:Lorr,.r:rrt

unit-rVl Issttt:s zlnd Ch:-rllt:ngcs 1.o IJ-gov<:rnan<:e: Sr:r:uril.y, I)rivzrcy

lrt{iatsi'ru<:tltlal i"r:cilitit:s, Conrrr-'r:l.ivily, llcsorirr:r.:s, ir.,r;..,t
Il-rles, Dig;it.;rl [_)iYir]r;, in t<:r.rrrs .1.
<:osl-s-tlr:ncfjts ancl risl<s, 'l'rain<:ci rrr,lnr)ower,
al.titr-rcI: and cornmitmen1 oi.
ilr r<.:a nt:ral.s, sri ggr.ts1.1ons

Recommendcd References:

1' c s'lt' l)rabhu, E-Govcrnance: concepts and casc study, prenticc

Delhi (200a). Herll oI India, Ncw
2' G' David (iars,rr (<:ci.), lnformatlon Tcchnology and computcr
Administration: Issucs antl'rrends, Idr:a lrnri:n rrur,risrri,g, Applications in public
3 J' satyan.r',ya'a,-E-Government, prentice Flall .I I.aia, irercsc.y, usA, 1g9g,
4' New Delhi (200a).
Kiran ll<:rlr, r:t ur., Govt,@nct: New Governancc opportunrties,
5. sagr: pubrications, 2002.
M.P. Sharma, Towards E- govcrnance Manage.ment
Irr:blicaLrons, Ntcr,v I)r.:lhi. 2000.
Challengcs, Tata Mcgrag. I{ill1;
6 A change Managcment rool, Rawat publicarions, .Jaipur,
lr:lfi:ili lrb:.t"""'"nncc:
7 . Slrbhastr I3ha1.naga.r,, Ir,-Goverrrmcnt, Saiy: l)ubli<:a{.jon, Nr:w I)r:lhi, 200 t.
I wlvu, - Minisl.r.y ol. Inlbrrnatiorr .l\:chnoleg,1,, (.iOl.
L rvu, I'Jntvcr.silr., I.l.<: s(
10. r,vrv',v.iimahd, _ C<tntro lor ltl,Govt:r.rr;r,r,,,,
I 1' wrvg' permln'nic,lnlorpg-- Ministry o1' It:rsonnr:1,
l)ubli<: ()ricv:rnces, pr:nsions arr<l
Arlrniriisl r.;r I ivr: lft;lirrrns, ()OL
l? rvrvrv.darpg.nic.ln- Depnrl-mcnt ol.Aclrninistration l{riorrns,
l3 COL lli.rtairi,rsc on IJ-(]ovcrriancc
"vtvrv proiscts.
v/ --./
t-.-- u I

\r** Er)--\*rr'?
Paper l0 (L)): State, Society and Public Adrninistration

Max. Marhs: 80
Time: 3 hours
Nole: The question paper will consist o1'three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist ofone question having eight parts oftwo marks each. Candidates
wi)1 be lequired to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed halfpage. Section ,8,
will consist o1'eight questions. Candidates rvill be reqLrired to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight rrarl<s. Answe| to any question should not exceed three pages. Section ,C, will
consist of foLrr questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
can ies twelve marl<s. Answer to arry question shorrld not exceed six pages.

U nit-l: NatLrre of the State, Relationship ar-I]ong State, Society and Public Adrrinistration. Changing Role
olthe State: lssues and Challenges. and Marxist perspectives ofthe State.

tirrit-ll: Candhi an Pelspective, Inlerlace belween Citizens and Administration, Democratic peoples,
Struggles: Changing Nornrs of Social EqLrity, participation and Autonomy.

tl nit-l Il: Social Participation: Issues of, Gender', weal<er Sections and Environment, changing Nature of
lndlan Srate, Role of Bu'eaucracy in Policy FormLrlation, Implementation and Analysis.

UIrit-tV: ltnpact of Clobalization on Adurinistr-ation: Challenges to Traditional Bureaucratic PararJig;n,

Enlclrring Concepts: New Public Management, Good Governance, Covernmental Institutions:
'fou,ards Retbrrtrs, Growirrg Role
olCivil Society Organizations.

Itceorurrrended Referenccs:

A Core. l"rout Red tape to llesulls: Creating a Covernment that worl<s better costS less,
Covclnrnerrt Plinting Pless. Washinslon, DC. 1993.

Allia Dlrarne.ia (ed.) Oon{ernportrry Debu{es in Public Adnrinistra(ion, Prentice I-lall ol lndia. Ner.v
Dc llr i. I' r0.i.

3 cl. charles worth (ed.)'l'heory and Prrctice of public Administratiou, AApss, philadelphia, 1968.
.1 lndian .Journirl of Public Adririuislration, Special Issue, Vol. XLIII, No. 3, 2003.
-5 .1.A. I-lall, et al,'l'he s(ate: Its Naturc, Dcvelopment and prospects, polity press, cambridge, 1990.
(t John Pier|e (ed.) 13ureaucracy in Modcrrr state: An Intr.oduction to comparative public
Administlation, Edward Elagar, Englarrd, 1995.
Mohil flhattacharya, Reslructuling Public Arlministration: Essays in Rehabilitation, Jarvahar
PLrblishine co., New Delhi, 1999.
Neera Chanclhohe, state and civil socicl1,, Bxplorations in political Sage, New Delhi,
| 995

9. Ilaircsh I(. Arora. Public Administration: liresh perspectives, Aalekh, Jaipur, 2004.
10 l{osettbloonr David fl, el a/, Public Aclnrinis(ration: [Jnclerstanding Management, Politics and Larv
iir the IlLrblic Sec{or, Mc Crarv Flill. Neu,\,0r.k.2005.

\)/ --' \-"-u
l,t't(F grd

Paper (l t): Indian Adnrinistration-l

{"} Max. Marks: g0

Time: 3 hours

No{ c: 'fhe qLrestion paper

rvill consist o1'three seclions. Candidates will be r.equired
to attempt all the sections.
Section 'A' will consist of one question having eigirt parts
of t*"-,lt.r,,. clro,a.*s will be
required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part"shoirld
not halfpage, Section .u,wili consist
ofeight questions. candidates requiied to rrt.rft "*..ed
tve questions, E..i, qr.rii., carries eighr
tnarks' Answei'.to any question should not exceed
thiee pages. Section ,c, wiii consist of four
questions. candidates wiil be.required to attempt
two questioni, each question.urrieJt*.rrr,rurkr.
Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

[Jnit-l: EvolLrtiorr of lndian Aclnrinistration: Ancient,

Mughal period and British InflLrences on Inrjian
Administration; Features ollndian Adnrinistration, Fe,-deration
,na po.tiu*.ntury De*ocracy.
tJnirll: Political Executive u, ,n. ,n,on Level : Presiderrt, prime
Minister; and council of Ministers. The
cabinet Secreta|iat and central secrelariat. Administrative
nrgu,'iroti* Jno Functions of Ministry of
I-{ome, Del.ense and External Affhir.s.

tJnit-lll: Adnrinislration ol Larv and orclei at centre, State and District Levels. Botrd and
l--inance Corrrrnission. Centre_Stare Ilelarions_Legislarive.
Aclminir,roiiuil.,n.,,.,atilnd planning. ff
lJnil-lv: PLrblic Scrvices: AII Inriia Servicesl central and
state services- classification, Recruitrnent, Trainirg
anci P|ontotion. Service Rtrlc's and l'olitical I{iglrts o1'civil
servants. central personnel Agcnc,v;
lJniorr l,rrblic Service Corrrrrrissiorr

llecorn merrclctl fiefcr.enccs :

I Aclmrnistrati,c Rer'b.rns comrnission, Ireport on srrte Atrministration,

I 966-70.
2 Avastlri. (lerrrurl Atrrninistrarion, Tat,r Mcc'arv IIiil. I)Lrblishers c;.. N;;n.ri,i, r.rss
3. Avasthiand Avasrhi, pubric Adnrinistration in Intria, LakshmiNarian
4. C.P. Bharnbri, Ilublic Administration in Intlia, Vikas, Delhi,
aggarwai, ag*, zoor.
.5. G'P' Pilnnirr and ['loshiar Singh. Arlminislralion (t Social changcs, printwell pLrblishers,.taipLrr,
6. Iloshiar Sin.qh arrd Mohindel Singh, Public Aclnrinistrntion
ln India: 'l'hcory .t l,ractice, Sterlirrg
PLrblishers Reprinr, New Delhi, i990.
7. Floshiar Singh and D.P' singh, Inrlian Arlnrinistration: crrrrent lssues antl problenrs. Aaiel<h
publishers, Jaipur, I 990.
8. Ha|ish Chander Sharnra' state Administratiorr in lnrlia (l-lincli),
College Book Depor, Jaipur,2002.
9. Prar.rarama shararr; Prrbric A(rnrinistrirlior. Meenakshi pLrbricaiions,
ileerLrt, l97gl-
t0. R.IJ. Jairr. oorrrr:rnpornry Issucs in Inrriarr Arrrninistration,
vishar pLrbrisheis, Derhi. r976.
ll. s.ll Malrcsl^r'a'i. lncrian Adrninistratiorr, oricnt Longrnarr. Derhi, r9ti9.
12. V. Bhaskara Rao and Il. Venl(ateshwarlLr (ccl.) lrarliarirerrtary I)enrocracy
in lrrrlia: .l.rends antl lssues,
\4illirl l)u[).. Ne rv Dc]lti. Ig87

t) \$/c/,
A. ,

-Z( ^
Pal:e:'(12): h{ethods ol Data Analysis in Public Adntinistration

Max. Marlc: 80
'l'ime: 3 hours
Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist ofone question having eight parts oftwo nrarks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any pa$ should not exceed halfpage. Section'B'
will corrsist ofeight questiorrs. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carr-ies eight rnarks. Ansrve| to any question should not exceed three pages. Section 'C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attelnpt two qu
estions. each questjon carries twelve nrarks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

[.]lit-I: i)rocessing anci Analysis o1'Dara- Editing: Meaning and objectives. features and problems
Classitlcation: nreaning, objectives, leatures, types and methods. Coding; meaning and
Ob.jectives. Tabulation: meaning, ob.jectives, n-rerits, types and limitations.

U rrit-l l: The Data Analysis and Plesentation: Diagrarns; types of Diaglams, Ceneral Rules for
CorstrLrcting Diagrarr:s, linritations and choice. Graphs: Techniques ofConstructing Graphs, types
and lirrrii.atir.rns of Gr-aphs. MeasLrres of Centrai Tendency: Use, merits and Calculation of Mean,
ivleclian arrd Mode.

(lrtrt-lll: lnlerprctalion ol' Data and Thesis/Dissertation/ Report Writing: Need of interpretation and
technicliresof interpretation, Docuntentation Citation and style of Thesis/Dissertation writing:
itrootnotes, References, Appendices, Bibliography and Rules for Citation ofDissertation/Theses.

I{escarch llepolt: OLrtline/Layoul o1'li.esearch Report, Steps, and Criteria used for writing the

Urtit-lV: Using lnternet Services and SPSS irr Research: Intelnet Services: Search Engines, online Journals
arrd texts, Statistical llel'eience Sites, Data Sources and e-Lnaii. Using SPSS for Data Analysis
Contents: Starting, exiting cleatirrg data flle, Univariate Analysis, Bivariate Analysis and
l\4ultivrrriate Analysis and'l-esls o1'Signiticance. Resealclr Project Assignments: Preparation,
Stages. Sr.rbnrission and evaluittior oi'llesealch Proiect.

Ilccoln rnended Rel'crencos:

G, Allcrr arrd C. Sl<inner'. llandbook lbr Research Students in Social Sciences, Felnrer Press,
L.ondorr. 99 l.

C.8., Sebovar', N4anual lor Report and'l'hesis rvriting, F.S. Crofts ancl Co.,New York, 1929.
l{owald, S. []ecker, Writing lbr Social Scientists: llow to Start and liinish your'l'hesis, Booli or
Article, Univelsity olChicago Press, Chicago, 1986.
4. J.BelyAnderson,elal'l'hesisandAssignrnentwriting,WileyEasternLimited,NewDelhi, 1971.
5 .loseph, Glbalcli, MLA Handbool< f'or wlitels of Research papers, 6'r'Editjon, Alfiliated-Eas!-West
Pless, Nerv Delhi, 2004.
6. John. W tlest, and Janres V. I(ahn, Ilcscarch in Iidrrcation, Prentice Hall ol India, New Delhi, I 992.
1. N.l-l..Nie.etal,Statistical Pacl<agelbrtheSocialSciences,McGrawH'ill,NewYorl<, 1979.
8 [).N. Mrrlihcr-ii, Melhodology in Socirl Research: Dilcmmzrs and Perspectives, Sage Publications,
Neu, Delhi, 2008.
q R.l--. i:-.llen (Ed.) !)thnographic llesearch: A Guide 1o Ceneral Conduct, Academic Press, Lo:rdon,
1 984.

er;,.. ffi, Deruocracy and Development

Max, Marks: 80
'ime: 3 hours

Note : The question paper rvill consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist ofone question having eight parls oltwo marks each. Candidates
wi)1 be required to atternpt ail pafts. Answer to any part should not exceed halfpage. Section ,B,
will consist ofeight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questionsleach question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three
fages. Section
,c, will
consist of lour questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two queitions, each question
carries trvelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

t-lnit -l: Meaning, Nature, Types and Signiticance of Democracy, Essentiars ofDemocracy, Approaches to
De nrocracy - Clrssicai. EIire a,rd Marxi:Ln Theories.

L.lnir -ll: Theor-ies of Representations-Terlitorial and Professionai basis. Methods of Minority

Represerltation-Ploportional Repr-esentation (Single Transferable Vote System and iist system)
Secorrd Ballet Syslem, Multi Vote System etc. Elections and Electorate Systent. political parties,
Pressure Croups, Public Opinion, irolitical parlicipation.

tlnit -lll: Meaning, Nature ancl Dintension: o1-Dcveloprnent, Approeches to Development, Role of the Stare
in 'and
Developrnent challengcs in i''r rvor'ld countries, Sustainable Deveiopment and its
i m portance.

Unit -lV: Development Administlation, lrnpelatives and Perspectives, Role of Local Self Covernment (pRIs
and MLrnicipal Bodies) in context of Developrnent-Policy Formulation and Execution at local
lcvel, I'eople Participation in Developrnent, Reiation between Democracy and Development in

Recorn mended Rel'erenccs:

t. A.ll [3ilch. Concepts and'l'heories of Modenl Democracy, Routledge, London and New york,
1 993.
' ). Antho,y A'bl.ster., Denrocracy Millorr l(eynes, Open University press, 19g7.
3. A. AInlond, Gabriel and S. Janres Coleman (eds.),'t'he Politlcs of Developing Areas princeton:
PrinceLon University. 1960.
4. Ilansal, Plern Larha, Admiuistrative Development in India, Sterling, New Delhj, 1974.
5. ilha$aclrar.l,a,yol.,l,,DevelopnrentAdnrinistration, Woi'ld Press, I(olkata, 1997.
6. Ilraibalrri, I{alph (ed.), I,olitical and Adnrinislrative Developnrent, Durham, Dul(e University press,
I 969
1. C.P. lJat'llrval, (ed.), I'ublic Adnriuistration in India: Iletrospects and process,New Delhi, Ashish,
r 993

8 ('.1'. Illr.rnrbli. I he lndi:rn S(arc: l;ilr) ycirrs Deliti.

Shipra. I997.
9 I Budge. anci D. N4acl<ie, (eds.) Developirrg Denrocracy, Sage, London, 1994.
10. l.aPalonrbala, Joseph (ed.). Bureaucracy and Political Develo.prncnt, Princeton, princeton
Irress. I 963.
l1 MathLrr', KLrideep (ed.), Developnrcnt I'r.rlicy ancl
Administration, sage, New Delhi, 1996).
12 N,D. Arora and s.S. Awasthy, Politica[I'heory, I.lar-Anancl pubricaiion, New Delhi, I999.
l3 O.P Dwivedi, DeveloJrrnent Adnrinistralion: Ii'ronr Unclerdeveloprnent to Sustainable
Dt'vclopnrerrt, Macrniilan Press, L,ondon, I994.
1.1 l-.N. Chaturvedi. Politics! Ilurcaucracy ancl Developrne.t, New Delhi, Uppal, 199g.

\ $p-
l1 Ilural I-ocal Adnrinistr.ation
Max. Marlc: 80

The question paper rvill consist of rhlee secrions. candidares wiil be required," Ilffiiliii:
sections. Section 'A' will consist ofone question having eight pafis oltwo marks each. Candidates
will be |equired to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed halfpage. Section 'B,
will consist ofeight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight nrarks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section ,C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
cau'ies trvelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Meaning, Concept and Scope o1' RLrral Local Administlation, Crowth of Rural Administt-ative
lnstitutiorls in India. In.rpact of lSalwant Rai and Ashok Mehta Comnrittees Reports on Rural
DeveloPrnent. Panchayati Ra.i in India: Organisation and Working of Grarn Panchayat, panchayat
Sarnrti and Zila Parishad.

Pancltavati Raj Administlation and Adnrinistrative Machinery for Rural Development at

Narional, State, District and Blocli Lcvels. Olficial-Non-official Relationship Rural Leadership,
Pcople's Participation, Role of Political parlies in panchayati Ra.j,73"r constitutional
Arrrr'rrdnrcrrl Ac1.

Policl airtl Proglatrtles for Rural Developrnent: Mahatnra Crndhi National Rural Ernploylrent
Ctrararrtee Schetne, Nalional RLrral Health Mission(NRI{M), National Rural Livelihood Mission
r\ltl.M r

Rtrlal Industrialization, Role of District Industry Centre, Cooperative and Rural Developrrent.
ltole of Cooperatives, Cooperative Principles. Fornts of Cooperatives.

Recorn mended Rel'crenccs:

L A.s. Malik, couccpt and strategy of Itur:il Industrial Development, M.D. publications, Nerv
Dcllri. 1995.
7. B.S. I{hanna. Ii.ural Developmcn( in India, Deep and Deep publications, New Delhi, I992.
). 13hatnagar, llural Developrrrent in lrrdia, Light and Lile publishers, New Delhi, 197g.
4 I'losltiar Siirgh, Adnrinistration oI l{ural Developnrcn( in India, Sterling Publishers, New
l)(llri. l!r9.i.
l,klshiul Sirrqh, Rural Dcveloprncnt in India, Printwell publishers, Jaipur, I 985.
.Journal ol'[tural Developmerrt, National lnsfitLrte of RLrrrt Development, Hyderabad.
l(uruli.sholra, A Joulnal of Rural Development, Covernment of lndia.
N4ohinrier- Singh, R.ural Devi,lopnrent in lndin- Current Perspeclive, IntellectLral Publishing
I IoLrse. Ne r.r De lhi. 1992.
I. S.N. N{ishra. Nerv Ilorizorrs in Ilural Developnrent Adnrinistratiol, Mittal Publicarion, New
lJ(11il. r9E9
I0. l\,laheshwat'i, Local Covernrnent in India, Origin Longman, New Delhi, 19g4.
lt. Maheshwari, Rural Develolrrueut in India: A Irublic policy Approach, Sage publications,
N"rv llellri, 1985.
12. l{ajbir Singh, Ilural Developrnent Adrnirristralion, Anrnol Publication, New Delhi, 2004.
I3. Srhib Singh arrd Srvindel Singlr, l,ocal Governmenl irr Inclia, Neli Academic publishing co.
Jrtllandho'. M92.
l.l. Vasant Dcsai, I"urrdarneutlls oI ltural Developnrerrt: A systems Approach, FliLnalaya
I)r"rLrlishirrg l-louse, New Delhi. 199 l.

-21 -
Paper l4 (B): Consumer Protection and Welfare

Max. Marl<s: 80
Time: 3 hours

Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Arrswer to auy part should not exceed half page. Section 'B'
will consist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Ansrver to any question should not exceed three pages. Section.'C'r,vill
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

[r n it-l : ConSuurer Movement in Inclia: Origin, Growth, FeatLrres, Issues and Trends. Consumer
Environment. Consumer Rights.

Unit-ll: Evolution of Consumer Protection Lzrrvs, Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Basic Features and
Limitations. Amendments to Consttmer Protection Act, 1986'

Unit-lll: Legislative Frameworl< for Protecting the Consumer. Acts relating to Standardization of Goods-
Weights and Measures Act, Drugs and Cosmetics Act. Grievances Redressal Alternative, Role of
NGOs in Grievances Redressal.

Unit-lV; Public Interest Litigation, National and State Cornmission, District Consumer Dispute Redressal
L-ot utrt.

Recom m ended References:

l. Avtar Singh, Upbhokta Sanrakshan, Sithant abr.n Parkria, Estran Book Corrpany.

2. Mohini Sethi, Prenravathy Seetharaman, Consumerism A Growing Concept, 1994.

3. R.K. Dangia, Consunret'Protection Laws arrd Procedures, Allahabad Law Agency, 1996.

4. Ramesh l(. Arola, Anuja Culati, Consumer-Orientation Premises and Perspectives, 1996.

5. Satya Sundaram, ConsLltner Pt'olection in India, 1985.

Yoginder S. Verrna and Chandrakant Sharnla, Consumerisrn in India, 1994.

w v-'"
s}-- \NIx91
\ _" -l

Paper l5 (A): tjrban l,ocal Government in lndia and [J.K.

Max. Marl<s: 80

3 hours
Nole: The qtrestion paper will consist ol three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' rvill consist olone question having eight parts oftwo marks each. Cindidates
rvill be required to atternpt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. Section ,8.
will.consist of eight qtrestions. Candidates rvill be required to attempt five questionieach question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not oxceed three pages. Section ,c,will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries trvelve marks. Answerto any question should not exceed six pages.

Meaning, Scope and Significance ol Urban Local Government. Urbanization: challenges and
remedies. Features of Urban Local Covernment in India and UI(.

[Jn it- I [: Str'r-rcture, Ot'ganization and Functions ol Urban Local Covernnrent India and UK,

State-Local relations in India: Problems and Suggestion. Central-Local relations in Britain. 74'r,
(Constitutional) Amendnrent Act, 1992: Features and Criticism.

MLrrricipal Pet'sorrnel Adtninistrrrtion-Various Types. Recruitrnent, Training and persopnei

Probletns. Municipal Leadership. I{t-rle of Political Irarties. People's Par-ticipation.
Firrance in India: Problerns and Rerreclies.

Recornm entled Relerences:

I c.P. Berthwal, understancling l,ocal self Government, Bharat Book Centre, Lucknow 1997.
2 David wilson & chris Game e/ al, l.rtcal Government in the united Kingdom, Macmillan,
London. I994.
1. Iloshial Singh, Local Covernment in In<iia, Britain, I;'rance and USA, Kitab I\4ahal, Ajlahabad,
4. J.A Chandler, Local Govelnrnenl 'l'orl:ry, (3nd ed). Manchester University Press, ivlanchester,
r 996.
5_ Jolrn Creenwood and David Wilson, Public Administration in Britain, George Allen and
Unwin. Boston, Sydney, 1984.
0. N4ary arrcl Anna Stevens, l,ocal Covernrnent in France, La Documentation fianchise, paris"
!0,.9:.? Saohdeva. Urban Local Covernnrent and Arlministr-a(ion in Inrlia, Kitab Mahal, New
Delhi. 1000
Pladeep Sachdeva, Reform ol'l-rench L,ocal Government: the Decentralized process, I. J.p.A.,
April-Jurre, llPA, New Delhi, 1989.
R L.. I(lrarrna^ l.,ocal Goverrtnrcrrl in I,'orcign Countries, Mohindra Capital Publishers,
Cirlntlisallr. I976..
l0 Sahib singh and swrnder Singh. l,ocal Governrnent in India, New Academic publishing co.,
Jalandhar. I991.
ll 'lorry [Jrvne. l,oc:il Covernntent
in lJritain, Penguin ]rress (5'r' ed.1, London, I990.

r \..^s
\ ,/'
-31 -
Paper-l 5 (E):'I'ranspa rency in Administration

Max. Marl<s: 80
Time: 3 hours

Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all pafts. Ansr.ver to any part should not exceed half page. Section ,B,
will consist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eight marks. Answer to any question shoLrld not exceed three pages. Section .C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries trvelve marks. Answerto any question shoLrld not exceed six pages.

Unit-l: Tr-anspat-ency: Mearting and Concept. Integrity in Adrninistration. People's participation in

Administration Citizen's Chafter.

Unitll: Agencies to Cornbat Corruption: Lol<pal, LokayLrkta. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI),
Central Vigilance Conrmission (CVC), State Vigilance Bureau, Transparency international.

Unit-lII: Right to Information Act-2005; Bacl<ground, Objects, Features, Exceptions, Penalties and Third
Prlty Prrrvisions.

Unit-lV: State Information Corrrnission and Central Information Commission: Composition, power-s,
Fr:nctions and Critical Evaluation. Administrative Relorms Commission at Central and State level.
Role of NCOs and Civil Society Organization.

Recom mended References:

1. C.P. Barthrval, Cood Governance in India, Deep and Deep publication, Delhi,2003.
2. J.N.. Sharnta. Porver Politics and corruption: A Gandhian Solution, Deep & Deep publications, 2004
J. J. Satyanaravana, I!-Covernrnent, Printece Hall ollndia, New Delhi, 2004.
4. P.F. Drucker, Ileyond the Information Revolution, Atlantic Monthly, Volunre 284, No-4, October I999.
5 World Banli Report, 1999.


-32- M,
A. q rh

Paper(16): IndianAclministration-Il
Max. Marks: 80
Time:3 hours
Note: 'Ilre question paper will
consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of trvo marks
each. Candidates will be
reqtrired to attempt all pails' Ansrver to any part should not exceed
half page. Section .B,will consist
of eight qLtestions' candidates rvill be required to attempt five questions,
each question carries eight
inarl<s' Answer to any question should not exceed three pages.
Section 'c' will consist of t'Jur
questions Candidates will be required to attempt two.questions, each question
carries twelve marl<s.
Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

LJnil-l: State Administration; Governor, Chief Minister and council of Ministers,

State Secretariat and Chief Secretary. District Administration: District
Coliector: powers, Functions
and his changing role in the District.

lJnit-ll: District Rural Developrnent Agency and special Development Progranrmes. Administration
welfare ol SCs ,and STs. Accountability ol Public Administration: parliamentary, Executive and
Judicial control over administration.

tinitl II: Issue areas in Indian Aclrrrinistration:-

(i) I'oliricrl & Pennanent ExecLrrives.
(ii). Generalist & specialist in Administrarion.
( iii) lrrtegrity irr Adrrrinisrr.arion.
(iv) Adurinistrative Reforrrs irrtention rvith special reform to 2",t ARC and 6,1, pay Commission

Unit-lV: (i) Lokpal & Lok Ayul<ras.

(ii) CorrsurrrerProtection.
(iii) Good Governance.
1ir t Righr 1o lnlorrrrarion Acr, 200.5.

Recorn mended Rel'erences:

l. Avasthi: CentralAdnrinistration, Tata l\{cCrar.y Hill, Publishers Co. pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. l9gg.
). C.P. tlhanrbri, I'ublic Administration in Inrlia, Vikas, Delhi, 1973.
3. C.P. Pilania & Iloshiar Singh. Arlministr:rrion & Social Ohanges, Printwell Pubiishers. Jaipur. 19g5.
4 Hoshiar Singh & D.P. Singh, Irrdian Adnrirrislration, Current Issubs ancl Problems, Aalekh publishers,

lloslriar.Sirreh & Mohinclel sineh, Public Adrninistratiorr in INDIA:'l'heory & prncrice, Ster.ling
Publisirc'rs l{eprint, Nerv Delhi. 1990.

6. Prantatanra Shaian, Public Administration, Meenal<shi Publications, MeerLrt, 1978.

1 R.B. Jain, Oortternporary Issues in Indiarr u\drninistrrtion, Vishal Prrblishers, Delhi, 1976.
B. S.l{. Mahesirwirri. Indian Adrninistration, Orient Longnran, Delhi. 1989.
9 V. [.]ltlsl<allr I{ao and B. VerrkrrtrshrvarlLr (.'rl.)P:rrliarnentirry Dernocracy in INDIA:'l'rends and Issues,
NlirLal Pub.. Ncrv Delhi. 1987.

w1 L'' -*'\-

^tl ' t'

IinJler (17); licononric policl, g Arlnlinistr.aliorr

Mar. Marl<s: g0
lhe questio, paper r.viu consisr of rrrree sectio,s. a."Ji;:[;'Ji';:
reclLrired to atternpt sections. section ,A, will consist of one
all the
question having eight parts of'trvo rnarks each.
candidates will be required
to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed
half page.
Section 'B'will consist of eight questio,s. Candidates
wilr be required to
attempt five questio,s, each question carries
eight marks. A^svue. to any
Section ,c, wiil consist of four
queslion shoLrld not exceed three pages.
questions' candidates wiil be required to attempt
trvo questions, each
question carries twelve marr<s. Answer to
any question should not exceed
six pages.

Unit-I:., Features and ob-rective of Economic poricy,

Instrurnents of
Econornic lrolicy, Corrrponents of Econornic polic1,,
Meaning of
Developing Economy, crraracteristics of Deveroping
countries , Rie of
Goverrrrnent irr Economic Development.

Unit-II: It4eaning, Features and objectives of Economic pranning,

Need and
Ir,portance of pranning i, India, Evorution of Economic pranning in
lndia, Planning Machinery i, India_ NITI Aayog, planning of on
Economic Developmenr orstate, Achievernents
Failures of Five year
PIans in India, Industriar poricies before Independence,
Industriar poricy
of I 948, Industrial policy of I 956, New Econonric policy l99l .

Unit-III: Meaning and characteristics or pubric Enterprises,

Utirity and Demerits
of Public Enterprises. objectives of pubric Enterprises in india,
and llole ol' public Enterprises in rncria. Departmentar
fomr of
o.ganization- Feattrres. !t'rits arrd Demerits., pubric
Features, Advantages, I)isadvantages, Government
Company_ Features,
Advantages, Disadvantages

Unit-IV: Need of control over pLrbric Enterprises, Various agencies

of contror on
Public Enterprises, parriamentary contror on pubric Enterprises,
Parliamentary conrmittee on pubric undertakings,
Ministeriar contror on
PLrblic undertakings, Ar-rdit contror on pubric undertakings, probrems
Public Enterprises in Inclia.

A. (ihos,, Indian Economy-lts n-aturc and problems, The World press pvt
C'alcrrlta. l9li6.
2' A'll llanscrr: Public Eulerpriscs :rnd Econornic l)evclopment.
Iloulle<jge ancl Kcgan.
l.onclon. lt)72.
A.N. Aggar.$al. Intlian Econonr,y. Wilcy liastern Dclhi.

,/ t4 \-'

\ry.r/, V---
4* \ ,/ \,\ i

\it.'.. 'tte,.
ii IJS,\ t\1\l
i r i-ri:r r:' . .i. ,|;1'. i '.i';r;

L.)Lii iilt.l \Lri)illliil:Lill. [;ltli:trt l t0tt0,:ir- \' ( !trlt;ri 'ti ( 'r" l)cllli' 2i)00'
lloslri.rr Siilett & !lollltr.lcr Sirllll'. t'trblit;\tlnrinislratiorr in lnclia:'I'lrcot'r'rrnd
['r'rrtticc, SitllirtrL l)Lrlll]sllcls, ' e\\ i)cli'i- 199(l'
l(lrnrta I)r'ltslrel" I'ialnirlg itl i\liirl\e1; [iconontt: A ol'thc F |ench Piarlniug svstelr.
iil' \. \r'rr ,)(lhr I')B l.

l.a:irtrl Narain, l,rinciples an(l l)rrf(ice of I'ublic [inlcrprises l\{anngernent, S. Chand

& Clo.. Nen, Dclhi. 1988.
lr4olrinder Singh (Lld.):sorne Asl)ccts of Put)lic Eilterprises in India - A Plea for
relbrms " Uppal I)ublishing I Iousc. Ner'r' Delhi- 1993.
Prahlad Kunrirr Basu. Public Entcr'prises Policy, Performance and Professionalism,
Allicd. Nerv Delhi. 1982.
R.l). N4ishra. District Planning. Corroept Publishing Comparry, Nerv De lhi,
S.(.. Kuchhal. Tlre lntlus{rial [conomy of India, chaitanya Publishing
l 9s7.
Allen and
Sarrl l]strin and P. I-lolmcs. Frcnch Plnnnitrg in Theory and Practice''George
tjnrvin. London. I 983.
l,ondon. 1984.
Paper (18): Irinancial Administration

Max. Marhs: 80
Timel 3 hours
Note: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the sections.
Section 'A' will consist of one questiorr having eight parts ol two marks each. Candidates will be
reqr-rired to attempt all parts. Answer to any paft should not exceed half page. Section 'B' will consist
of eight qllestions. Candidates will be reqLrired to attempt five questions, each question carries eight
trral'l<s. Answer to any question should rrot exceed three pages, Section 'C' will consist of foul
questions. Candidates will be required to attempt trvo questions, eacli question carries twelve marks.
Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

LJ nit- I: Finanoial Adnrinistration: Meaning. Nature, Scope and significance Budget: Concept and Features.
Budgetary Process: Fornrulation, Enachr-rent and Execution.

LJnit-l I: Centre-State Fin'ancial Relations in India: Finance Comrnission: Composition and Function.
Accounting and Audit System in India: Role of Comptroller & Auditor-General (CAG) of India.

tJnit-lll: BLrdgeting: Performance Budgetirrg, Zcro l3ased Budgeting. Working Capital: Meaning, Component,
lnrportanee and factors allecting the Working Capital requirement.

IJnit-lV: Financial Control Agencies: Parliamentary Financial Control, Public Accounts Committee, Estimates
Comtnittee, Conrmittee on PLrblic Underlaking, Parliamentary Standing Committees. Finance
Ministry: Organisation and Working. Reselve Banl< of India: Organisation and Functions.

Reconr mended llel'erenccs:

l. Andlc1,, Sun<Jharanr, Public liinance, R.attan Prakashan Mandir, Agra, 1979.

2. B.P. Tyagi. [)ublic I.'inance, Jai Pral<ash Nath. N4eerut. 1997.

3. C.S., l-inancial Administration in India, I-lPJ I(apoor, New Delhi, 1987.

4. M.Y. I(han anci P.K. Jain, Finance Managernent, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1982.

5. Manjusha Sharn'ra ct O.P. Bohra, (t-lindi) Bhartiyr Lol< Vitta I'rahashan, Ravi Books, Delhi 2005.

6. MJK Thavalaj. IiinancialAclministration in India, Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi, 1996.

7 . R.N. Srivastava. Managcment of l?inancial Institutions, Flimalaya PLrblishing House, Bombay, l98B

8. Ruclclar Dult & K.P. Sundhararn, Indian [,lrorrorrr1,. S. Chanrl & Co.. Nerv Delhi, I997.

9. S.L. Coel, Prrblic I.'irrancial Aclministration, Deep& Deep PLrblications, New Delhi,2004.

(y-- \'---t-^*''-\'&9'l
\ J
\.^' "\
k ..
\/*/ I
Paper l9 (13): Women [irnporverment

Max. Marks: g0

Note: The question papbr will consist o1'three sectiorls. candidates

will be require, ,";i.lii"
sections Section'A'r'villconsistofonequestionhavingeightpartsoftwornarkseach.canclidates
will be requiled to attempt all parts. Arrswer to any part should not exceed hallpage.
Section ,8,
rvill consist ofeight questions. canciidates wiil be required to attempt
five questions, each question
car|ies eight marks. Ansrver to any rluestion shor,rld not exceed
three pages. section,c,wiil
consist ol four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt
two qrestions, each question
carries trvelve marl<s. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-l: Enrpowel'nlent: concept, Meaning arrd Rationare. women

Empowerment: Meaning and concept.
Empoq'ennent strategies: poriticar, Acrrninistrative, Sociar, curtural
and Economic.
LJ n it-l l: wonlen Etrlpowet'tnent; A Historical Perspective. constitutional Provisions
perlaining to wonten
Errllou errrrertt, Wornen Reservation.

Un it-l II: Adrninistrative Machinery for wornen Enrpowerment at Central, state and Local levels.
Prograrrrrres and, Scherrres lor wonren Empowernrent.
Donrestic violence Act, 2005.

Unit-lV: Role ol NCOs and Civil Society organizations in Empowerment, Sakshar Mahila
Samooh (SMS) .

Recom mended Relerenccs:

I ilharati Ray, lVomen of InrIia, Sage prrblications, 2005.

2 lluilding lVomen,s Capacities, Sage Publications, 2001.
) Daniel, W., Crorvell,'l'he Serva Movenrent ancl lLural Development,
Sage Publication, 2006.
4 Ceetanjali Misra & Radhika Chanclirarnani, Sexuality, Cencler anrl
Rights, Sage Publications, 2005.
5 Goel. Anrna. Orgarrisation anrt Slruclure of Wonren Developnrent
and Empowerment, Deep &
i)eep Publications, New Delhi, 2004.

6 Ilandboolt of Cender and Women,s Stuclics, Sage pLrblications.,2006.

Malavil<a I(ar-lekar and Leela Kastrtri, Indiarr Journal of Cender
Stuclies, Sage publications,2003.
8 Mllllilirttr,r' Chcrr. Witlou,s ilr I rrtl i:r. S.r.le pirbl icrt iuns, I o9 g.

9. Navnita Chadha Behera, GenrJcr', Conf lict and Migration, Sage pLrblications, 2006.

r0. Nee|a [-]Lrrra, Joy Deshrnukh-llar.raclive ailcl Ranjani I( N1ufihy,, Micro-credit, poverty
Ein pou'ernt err t, Strge prrbl ications, 200,5 _

il Ilinl<i Ilhattaclrari,a, JANANI-Morhers, Daughters, Motherhoocl, Sage publications,2006.

t2 llinl<i L:ihattachalya, Behind Closed Doors, Sage pLrblications, 2004.

l3 Shar.rila llege, Sociology olGentler, University olpune, Sage publications,2003.

l4 Rinl<i Bhattacharya, Behind Olosed Doors, Sage publications, 2004.

l_t. Savitri (looncsel<ere, Violence, Law ancl lVornen's Rights in South Asia,
Sage publications,,200u1.
16. Sal<rrrrtala Narasinrhan, Elnpowe ring lVonrerr, Sage lrublications, 1999.
1'/ Sangee{lra Pttruslrotltaman, 'l'hc Iimporvcrnrcnt oI Women in India, Sage publications.

\.}tt -
R.f* GP- €
\\r',/ 1.,
A,/ r i,7.

Paper l9 (l!): LJrban l-ocal Covernnrent in LJSA and l.'rance.

Max, Marks: 80
fime: 3 hours
Note: The question paper will consist 01'three sections. Candidates will be required to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist of one question having eight parts of two marks each.
will be required to attempt all pafts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. ,B,
will corrsist of eight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
callies eight marks. Answer tci any question should not exceed three pages. Section ,c, will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries trvelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-l: Meaning, Scope and Significance o1'Ulban Local Govelnment. Historical evolution
of urban local
Governnrent in USA and France. Ireatures olUrban Local Covcrnrnent in USA and F-rance.

Unit-ll: Structure, Organizatiorr and Furrctiorrs of Urban Local Covernmerrt in USA and France:
Depaltnlent and Colnntune in France and CoLrnties,'lowns and Special Districts in
USA including
Mayor Council Covernment and Council Manager Covernment.

Unit-lll: State-Local relations in USA. Central [-ocal relations in France. Local Covernment Relorms in
France and USA particularly Decentralization relorms in France.

Unit-lV: Mrrnicipal Finance in USA and France: Sources, Problents and Remedies

Recommended References:

C.P. Berthwal, [Jnderstanding Local SetfGovernmenl, Bharat Book Centre, Lucknow 1997.

2. Hoshiar Singh, Local Government in Intlia, tsr'itain, France and USA, Kitab Mahal, Allahab
ad, 1997.

N4ary and Antta Stet,ens, [,ocal Governrnerrt in I,-rance. La Documentation fianchise, paris.200l.

4. Pradeep Sachdeva, Reform of l,'rench l,ocnl Covernrnent: 'l'he Decartelized process,

I. J.p.A., April-
.lune, llPA, Nerv Delhi. I989,

R.1,. I(lranna, Local Governnrent in I,'oreign Countries. Mohindra Capital Publishers. Chandigarh,

6. S.R. Maheshwari, Iligher Civil cervices in lirance, Ahmed prakashan, New Delhi, 1991.

Vincent Ostrorn and Others, Local Governnrent in the United Staies, San Francisco. ICS press
Calilornir. 1Y83.

Vincet Wright, 'l'lte Government anr.l Politics of li'rance, 12"d edition), Macmillan Press, Londol. I996

\ {-1,-----"a
\-1 / R,
K"r. ,\.y
' L) ,
PrrJrer 20 (A): I Irrman Resource Managernenl

Max. Marks: 80
fime: 3 hours
No{e: The question paper will consist of three sections. Candidates will be required'to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist olone question having eight parts of two marks each. Candidates
will be required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed half page. Section 'B'
rvill corrsisl ofeight questions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each question
carries eigl.rt rnarks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section .'C' will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
can-ies trvelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Unit-l: I-lurrran Resource Managenrent: Meaning, Nature. Scope ancl Significance. Human Resource
Planning and Strategy, Job Anall,sis arrd Job Design.

Unit-ll: llecruitnrent, Pronrotion, Perlormance Appraisal, Rewards and Incentive Management, Employee
Benc llt s.

tJ nit-l I I: Training and Development, Management Development, Employee Capacity Building Strategies,
Total QLrality Management and Enrployee l-lealth and Safety.

LJnit-lV: Flurnan Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Discipline and Crievances, Human
Resource ALrdit, Managirrg Change at the Worl< Place, Stress Management.

Recommendcd References:

l. Arruradha Sharnra and Aradhana I(handekar, Strategic Iluman Resource Managenrent, Sage Publication,
New Delhi. 2006.

2^ B.S. llatra, lluman Ilesource Developnrent, Deep & Deep Publicatiotrs, New Delhi,2003.

4. Evan M BLrrntan, Janres S Bowman, Jorrathan P West and Montgomery R Van Wart, Fluman Resource
&{anagernent in Publie Service, Sage Publications, Nerv Delhi, 2005.

5. C.S. Batr-a and R.C. Cupta, llumarr Resource Managcment, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi,
l00 l

6. P.P.r\rya and B.B. Tandon, lluman Resource Development, Deep & Deep PLrblications, New Delhi,

1. 'f V ltao, llrrrnan Resource Development, Sage Publication, New Delhi, 1996.

8. V.1,. Nlichael, Ilunran Rcsources Man:rgemt'nI and Ilrrnrirn Ilclations, Flintalaya Publishing Ilottse, Nerv
Delhi. 200 l.

-3q -
Papcr 20 (li): NGOs N{anagernent and Worhing
Max. Marlts: 80
'fime: 3 hours
Thc cluestion paper will consist of thr-ee sections. Candidates wili be required, to attempt all the
sections. Section 'A' will consist olone question having eight parts of two marl<s each. Candidates
willbe required to attempt all parts. Answer to any part should not exceed hallpage. Section 'B'
will consist of aight qr:estions. Candidates will be required to attempt five questions, each questiolr
carries eight marks. Answer to any question should not exceed three pages. Section'C'will
consist of four questions. Candidates will be required to attempt two questions, each question
carries twelve marks. Answer to any question should not exceed six pages.

Conceptual Understanding: Voluntarism, Charity, Philanthropy and Voluntary Action. Voluntary

Organisations: Meaning, Types, Roles, Functions, Features, Advantages over Governmental
Organisations. History of Voluntary Organisations in lndia: Covernment Policy on Voluntary
Action duling Five Year Plans.

Role of Governnrental Organisations in Prornotion of Voluntary Initiatives: Planning Commission,

Central Social Welfare Board; State Social Welfare AdviSory Board; CAPART (Council for
Advancenrent of Peoples Action & Rural Technology; Union Ministry of Social Justice and
Erttl)ou clrrrcrtl.

Personrrel Managernent 1or VOs: Recluitment, Salary, Training, Pronrotion. Parlnership and
Netwolkiirg of VOs with Beneficiaries, Donors, Business I-louses, Media, Governntent.

tJnit-lV: Fr,rnding Palterns and Soulces: lnternal, External, F-ees and Voluntary Conn'ibr:tion by
Corttntunity, Grants-in-aid: Objectives, Types, Plinciples, Conclitions, Procedules. Sorne issues:
Accorrntiibility, Capacity Buiiding ancl Responsiveness of NGOs.

Recorn nrended Relcrences:

l Dym and I-larry Hutson, Leadership in Nonprofit Organistrtion, Sage PLrblications India,2005

2 Citizerr's Repolt on Cor.ernance and Developrne il20A'1 , Sage, 2007.

J Fenricla Hanclr'. i\4eenaz Kassanr, Suzzanne freeney, tshagyashree Ranade, Grass-Roots NGOs by Wonren
for Worrrerr, Sage. J006.

Goel. S.t-., I(urnar R., Adrninistration and Management of NGOs: I'ext and Case Studies, Deep &
Deep Public.rtiorr:. 1004.

5. Mari, FI l(aldor, N4arlies GIasius. Global (livil Society, Sage.2007.

6. Michael Nolton and Murray Culshaw. Celtirrg Starlcd in lrunrlraising, Sage,2000.

1. N .lavalanr, On (livil Sociely Sage,2005.

B Patlicia W Mi.rlprhy and.lanres V Crrrrninghanr, Orgarrizing lbr Community Controlled Developnrent,
Sage Publicatlons, 200i.
9. I{ajesh'farcion arrcl Ranjita Mohanty, Does C-ivil Societl, Matter,? Sage Publications India,2003.

l0 Rajeev Bhalgavr, Ilelrnult lleileld, CivilSocietr,, I'ublic Sphere nnd Citizenship, sage,2005.
ll Rajl<rrtrrar Sirvaclr, NGOs and Social Welfhre. Strankar Pr"rblisers, New Delhi,2004.

l2 S.t-. Coel, I{. I(urnar, Adrninistratiol :rrrd l\,lanagcnrerrt of NCOs, Deep & Deep Publications, New

li. T I( Oonrmen. Natiorr, (Jivil Society anrl Soci:rlklovenrents, Sage Publications lndia,200zl

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