Design of Subsurface Drainage System

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Groundwater Elevation Table

Ground Surface Elevation (GSE) - depth of water = Ground Water Elevation (GWE)

Depth of Depth of
Hole No. GSE water GWE Hole No. GSE water GWE
table table

1 4425.70 2.8 4422.90 26 4423.00 5.0 4418.00

2 4426.40 2.6 4423.80 27 4424.20 2.1 4422.10
3 4426.80 2.5 4424.30 28 4425.15 2.3 4422.85
4 4427.30 2.5 4424.80 29 4425.50 2.4 4423.10
5 4427.80 2.5 4425.30 30 4425.90 2.5 4423.40
6 4428.30 2.4 4425.90 31 4426.60 2.4 4424.20
7 4428.75 2.0 4426.75 32 4427.15 2.4 4424.75
8 4429.30 1.9 4427.40 33 4420.40 2.4 4418.00
9 4424.35 2.0 4422.35 34 4421.40 4.3 4417.10
10 4425.70 2.1 4423.60 35 4422.85 2.5 4420.35
11 4426.20 2.0 4424.20 36 4423.00 2.4 4420.60
12 4426.60 1.8 4424.80 37 4423.80 2.6 4421.20
13 4427.20 1.9 4425.30 38 4425.05 2.5 4422.55
14 4427.50 1.8 4425.70 39 4425.80 2.4 4423.40
15 4427.99 2.2 4425.79 40 4426.30 2.3 4424.00
16 4428.50 1.8 4426.70 41 4419.70 2.5 4417.20
17 4422.90 2.0 4420.90 42 4420.50 4.8 4415.70
18 4424.40 4.9 4419.50 43 4421.30 2.5 4418.80
19 4425.40 2.0 4423.40 44 4421.20 2.3 4418.90
20 4425.90 2.1 4423.80 45 4421.10 4.0 4417.10
21 4426.30 1.9 4424.40 46 4422.50 4.0 4418.50
22 4426.70 2.0 4424.70 47 4424.50 3.7 4420.80
23 4427.31 2.0 4425.31 48 4425.50 2.5 4423.00
24 4427.80 1.8 4426.00 49 4419.30 4.6 4414.70
25 4421.70 2.2 4419.50 50 4419.90 2.8 4417.10
51 4420.05 3.4 4416.65
Hydraulic Conductivity Table

Hydraulic conductivity (k) from auger hole tests.

kave = ((k1*L1)+(k2*L2)+…+(kn*Ln))/(L1+L2+…+Ln)

Hole # Depth,d (ft) ∆d k(in/hr) Ave. k Hole # Depth, d (ft) ∆d k (in/hr) Ave. k

1 3 - 6 3 1.3 0.90 23 3 - 6 3 0.4 0.71

6 - 10 4 0.6 6 - 16 10 0.8

3 2.5 - 5.8 3.3 1.9 2.51 25 3 - 6 3 1.3 1.85

5.8 - 9 3.2 0.9 6 - 17 11 2
9 - 15 6 3.7
27 3 - 6 3 0.8 0.95
5 2.5 - 6 3.5 0.8 1.13 6 - 14 8 1
6 - 10 4 1.7
10 - 13 3 2 29 3 - 6 3 0.5 0.84
13 - 17 4 0.2 6 - 16 10 0.7
16 - 23 7 1.2
7 3 - 6 3 0.6 0.76 23 - 27 4 0.8
6 - 10 4 1.2
10 - 14 4 0.8 31 3 - 6 3 0.8 0.72
14 - 16 2 0.06 6 - 15 9 1.3
15 - 21 6 0.5
9 2 - 5.5 3.5 1.9 1.55 21 - 27 6 0.01
5.5 - 10.5 5 3.2
10.5 - 17 6.5 0.8 33 3 - 6 3 0.4 0.76
17 - 20 3 0.02 6 - 12 6 0.8
12 - 21 9 1
11 2.5 - 6 3.5 3.2 1.18 21 - 23 2 0.08
6 - 15 5 1.7
11 - 20 9 0.1 35 3 - 6 3 1.1 0.73
6 - 12 6 0.8
13 2 - 6 4 1.7 0.95 12 - 25 13 0.9
6 - 15 9 1.2 25 - 30 5 0
15 - 25 10 0.6
25 - 27 2 0.02 37 3 - 6 3 0.9 0.53
6 - 15 9 0.4
15 3 - 6 3 0.7 0.55
6 - 15 9 0.5 39 3 - 6 3 0.6 0.61
6 - 17 11 0.5
17 2 - 6 4 2.1 2.70 17 - 28 11 1
6 - 14 8 3 28 - 33 5 0
19 2 - 6 4 2.1 1.43 41 3 - 6 3 0.1 0.55
6 - 14 8 3 6 - 15 9 0.7
14 - 22 8 0.06
22 - 25 3 0.02 43 3 - 6 3 1.7 0.78
6 - 23 17 0.8
21 3 - 6 3 0.9 0.48 23 - 27 4 0.02
6 - 10 4 1.7
10 - 23 13 0 49 5 - 10 5 1 1.49
10 - 23 13 2.3
23 - 30 7 1.2
30 - 34 4 0
Computation of Depth and Spacing
Formula :
S = (4kH/v)[2(de)+H]
de = d
1+ 8d/πS In 8d/π3r
S = drain spacing
k = hydraulic conductivity
H = vertical distance of water table subway of two drains
de = equivalent depth of drain
v = replenishment rate
d = distance between impermeable layer to the drain
r = effective radius of drain (includes gravel envelope)

Water requirement (W.R) = ET/Ea
Replenishment rate (v) = 10% (W.R)
Vertical distance of water table subway of two drains (H) = drain depth - lower water table depth

d ave. depth = (12 ft * 1 m/3.28 ft = 3.65 m )
H = 6 -3 = (3 ft * 1 m/3.28 ft)=0.789 m
r = 12 in ( pipe diameter) + 6 in ( gravel envelope) = 18 in (25.4 mm/in)(1 m/1000 mm) = 0.4572 m
v = 10 % x 10 mm/day x ( 1 m/1000 mm) = 0.001 m/day
average hydraulic conductivity:
k1 = 1.19 in/hr x (25.4 mm/in)x (1 m/1000 mm) (24 hr/day) = 0.7254 m/day
k2 = 1.465 in/hr x (25.4 mm/in)x (1 m/1000 mm) (24 hr/day) = 0.89 m/day
k3= 0.8 in/hr x (25.4 mm/in)x (1 m/1000 mm) (24 hr/day) = 0.49 m/day
k4= 0.7 in/hr x (25.4 mm/in)x (1 m/1000 mm) (24 hr/day) = 0.41 m/day

S (assume) = 50 m
For A1
v (m/day) d (m) H (m) r (m) k1 (ft/day) S (m ) de (m) computed S remarks
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.7254 1 50 3.22 128.61
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.7254 420.08 3.59 135.11
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.7254 537.56 3.60 135.32
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.7254 550.55 3.61 135.34
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.7254 551.69 3.61 135.34 135

For A2
v (m/day) d (m) H (m) r (m) k2 (m/day) S (m) de (m) computed S remarks
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.89 2 50 3.22 142.52
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.89 420.08 3.59 149.67
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.89 537.56 3.61 149.90
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.89 550.55 3.61 149.92
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.89 551.69 3.61 149.92 150

For A3
v (m/day) d (m) H (m) r (m) k3 (m/day) S (m) de (m) computed S remarks
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.5 3 50 3.22 105.75
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.5 473.62 3.60 111.14
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.5 613.51 3.61 111.30
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.5 627.60 3.61 111.31
0.001 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.5 628.72 3.61 111.31 111

For A4
v (m/day) d (m) H (m) r (m) k4 (m/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.4 4 50 3.22 53.25
0.0033 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.4 473.62 3.60 55.96
0.0033 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.4 613.51 3.61 56.04
0.0033 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.4 627.60 3.61 56.05
0.0033 3.65 0.789 0.46 0.4 628.72 3.61 56.05 56
W.R 10

k1 1.19 0.725424
k2 1.465 0.893064
k3 0.8 0.49149
k4 0.7 0.405384
Design Capacity of Drainage System

Q = kiA Q/lateral =Q main/no.of lateral

where: or
Q =discharge Q/lateral =AV
kave = hydraulic conductivity where:
i = hydraulic gradient A = cross -sectional area of pipe
A= area to be drained = πd2/4
V = (1.486/n) R 2/3 S 1/2
R = hydraulic radius
=A/P = d/4
P = wetted perimeter
S = slope
n = roughness coefficient
d = diameter of pipe

For A1
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 135 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w (width of strips) 1.38 1143.70
l (length of strips) 6.30 5228.35
Area 5,979,664.0 ft2
i 0.0010
k1 0.7254
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0010
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0008

Q 4,147.7 (Ft3/day)
0.048 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 38.73 12 laterals
Q/lateral 345.6 (Ft3/day)
0.004 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.14 ft
1.70 in 3 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 5,979,664.0 0.0010 0.7254 0.018 0.048 0.0010 0.35 4.19 say 8
Size of lateral drain pipe 5,979,664.0 0.0010 0.7254 0.018 0.004 0.0008 0.14 1.70 say 3

For A2
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 150 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 0.69 571.85
l 2.56 2124.02
Area 1,214,619.2 ft2
i 0.0019
k2 0.89
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0019
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0024
Q 2,083.9 (Ft3/day)
0.024 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 14.16 5 laterals
Q/lateral 416.8 (Ft3/day)
0.005 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.12 ft
1.49 in 3 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 1,214,619.2 0.0019 0.89 0.018 0.024 0.0019 0.24 2.84 say 5
Size of lateral drain pipe 1,214,619.2 0.0019 0.89 0.018 0.005 0.0024 0.12 1.49 say 3

For A3
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 111 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 2.36 1960.63
l 3.46 2875.59
Area1 5,637,968.9 ft2
b 1.77 1470.47
h 1.38 1143.70
Area2 840,890.2 ft2
Total area 6,478,859.1 ft2
i 0.0021
k3 0.5
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0021
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0016
Q 6,799.8 (Ft3/day)
0.079 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 25.91 8 laterals
Q/lateral 850.0 (Ft3/day)
0.010 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.17 ft
2.10 in 4 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 6,478,859.1 0.0010 0.5 0.018 0.079 0.0021 0.36 4.33 say 8
Size of lateral drain pipe 6,478,859.1 0.0010 0.5 0.018 0.010 0.0016 0.17 2.10 say 4

Adjusted lateral spacing

For A3
v (ft/day) d (ft) H (ft) r (ft) k3 (ft/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 3 100 7.05 352.71
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 473.62 9.19 394.31
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 613.51 9.36 397.49
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 627.60 9.38 397.73
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 628.72 9.38 397.75 398

For A4
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 56 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 1.10 914.96
l 2.36 1960.63
Area1 1,793,899.2 ft2
b 0.79 653.54
h 1.18 980.31
Area2 320,339.1 ft2
Total area 2,114,238.3 ft2
i 0.0019
k4 0.4
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0019
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0015
Q 1,671.0 (Ft3/day)
0.019 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 35.01 7 laterals
Q/lateral 238.7 (Ft3/day)
0.003 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.11 ft
1.32 in 3 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 2,114,238.3 0.0019 0.4 0.018 0.019 0.0019 0.22 2.61 say 4
Size of lateral drain pipe 2,114,238.3 0.0019 0.4 0.018 0.003 0.0015 0.11 1.32 say 3

For A5
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 0 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 0.79 653.54
l 0.79 653.54
Area 427,118.9 ft2
i 0.0060
k5 0.0
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0060
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0048
Q 0.0 (Ft3/day)
0.000 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral #DIV/0! 2 laterals
Q/lateral 0.0 (Ft3/day)
0.000 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.00 ft
0.00 in 3 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 427,118.9 0.0060 0 0.018 0.000 0.0060 0.00 0.00 say 4
Size of lateral drain pipe 427,118.9 0.0060 0 0.018 0.000 0.0048 0.00 0.00 say 3
q/lateral = (πd2/4)* [ (1.486/n)*d/4^ (2/3)* s^(1/2)]

d^3/8 = 4*(4^2/3)*n*q/π*1.486*(s^1/2)

d^8/3 = 2.1591*n*q/(s^1/2)

k ave = Σk/ total # of k

Computation of Depth and Spacing

For A1
v (ft/day) d (ft) H (ft) r (ft) k1 (ft/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 1 100 6.83 396.86
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 420.08 9.00 445.68
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 537.56 9.20 449.91
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 550.55 9.22 450.28
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 551.69 9.22 450.31 450

For A1
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 450 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 1.38 1143.70
l 6.30 5228.35
Area 5,979,664.0 ft2
i 0.0010
k1 2.6
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0010
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0008
Q 14,866.3 (Ft3/day)
0.172 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 11.62 12 laterals
Q/lateral 1,238.9 (Ft3/day)
0.014 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.23 ft
2.75 in 3 in diameter

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 5,979,664.0 0.0010 2.6 0.018 0.172 0.0010 0.56 6.76 say 8
Size of lateral drain pipe 5,979,664.0 0.0010 2.6 0.018 0.014 0.0008 0.23 2.75 say 3
Computation of Depth and Spacing

For A2
v (ft/day) d (ft) H (ft) r (ft) k2 (ft/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 2 100 6.83 396.86
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 420.08 9.00 445.68
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 537.56 9.20 449.91
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 550.55 9.22 450.28
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.6 551.69 9.22 450.31 450

For A2
lateral drain diameter (d 3 in
Spacing (S) 450 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 0.69 571.85
l 2.56 2124.02
Area 1,214,619.2 ft2
i 0.0019
k2 2.6
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0019
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0024
Q 6,087.7 (Ft3/day)
0.070 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 4.72 5 laterals
Q/lateral 1,217.5 (Ft3/day)
0.014 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.19 ft
2.22 in 3 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain p 1,214,619.2 0.0019 2.6 0.018 0.070 0.0019 0.35 4.24 say 5
Size of lateral drain 1,214,619.2 0.0019 2.6 0.018 0.014 0.0024 0.19 2.22 say 3
Computation of Depth and Spacing

For A3
v (ft/day) d (ft) H (ft) r (ft) k3 (ft/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 3 100 6.83 348.07
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 473.62 9.11 392.79
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 613.51 9.30 396.28
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 627.60 9.31 396.55
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 628.72 9.31 396.57 396

For A3
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 396 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 2.36 1960.63
l 3.46 2875.59
Area1 5,637,968.9 ft2
b 1.77 1470.47
h 1.38 1143.70
Area2 840,890.2 ft2
Total area 6,478,859.1 ft2
i 0.0021
k3 2.0
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0021
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0016

Q 27,754.1 (Ft3/day)
0.321 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 7.26 8 laterals
Q/lateral 3,469.3 (Ft3/day)
0.040 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.30 ft
3.55 in 4 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 6,478,859.1 0.0010 2.0 0.018 0.321 0.0021 0.61 7.34 say 8
Size of lateral drain pipe 6,478,859.1 0.0010 2.0 0.018 0.040 0.0016 0.30 3.55 say 4

Adjusted lateral spacing

For A3
v (ft/day) d (ft) H (ft) r (ft) k3 (ft/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 3 100 7.05 352.71
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 473.62 9.19 394.31
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 613.51 9.36 397.49
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 627.60 9.38 397.73
0.0033 10 3 0.50 2.0 628.72 9.38 397.75 398
Computation of Depth and Spacing

For A4
v (ft/day) d (ft) H (ft) r (ft) k4 (ft/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 10 3 0.42 1.2 4 100 6.83 269.61
0.0033 10 3 0.42 1.2 473.62 9.11 304.26
0.0033 10 3 0.42 1.2 613.51 9.30 306.96
0.0033 10 3 0.42 1.2 627.60 9.31 307.17
0.0033 10 3 0.42 1.2 628.72 9.31 307.18 307

For A4
lateral drain diameter (d 3 in
Spacing (S) 307 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 1.10 914.96
l 2.36 1960.63
Area1 1,793,899.2 ft2
b 0.79 653.54
h 1.18 980.31
Area2 320,339.1 ft2
Total area 2,114,238.3 ft2
i 0.0019
k4 1.2
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0019
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0015
Q 4,890.8 (Ft3/day)
0.057 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 6.39 7 laterals
Q/lateral 698.7 (Ft3/day)
0.008 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.16 ft
1.97 in 3 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 2,114,238.3 0.0019 1.2 0.018 0.057 0.0019 0.33 3.91 say 4
Size of lateral drain pipe 2,114,238.3 0.0019 1.2 0.018 0.008 0.0015 0.16 1.97 say 3
For A5
v (ft/day) d (ft) H (ft) r (ft) k5 (ft/day) S (ft) de (ft) computed S remarks
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 5 100 6.83 348.07
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 473.62 9.11 392.79
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 613.51 9.30 396.28
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 627.60 9.31 396.55
0.0033 10 3 0.42 2.0 628.72 9.31 396.57 396

For A5
lateral drain diameter (d) 3 in
Spacing (S) 396 ft
drain material plastic pipe
n ( plastic pipe) 0.018
sand envelope thickness 2.0 in
r 5.0 in
in ft
w 0.79 653.54
l 0.79 653.54
Area 427,118.9 ft2
i 0.0060
k5 2.0
slope of main drain pipe (sm) 0.0060
slope of lateral drain pipe (sl) 0.0048

Q 5,146.0 (Ft3/day)
0.060 (Ft3/sec)
No.of lateral 1.65 2 laterals
Q/lateral 2,573.0 (Ft /day)

0.030 (Ft3/sec)
d 0.22 ft
2.58 in 3 in

Size of Drain Pipe A i k n Q s d (ft) d (in) remarks

Size of main drain pipe 427,118.9 0.0060 2 0.018 0.060 0.0060 0.27 3.21 say 4
Size of lateral drain pipe 427,118.9 0.0060 2 0.018 0.030 0.0048 0.22 2.58 say 3

Adjusted Discharge, Q (Ft3/sec) Size of Drain (in)

Lateral Spacing Number of
Area (ha) Lateral
(ft) Discharge of Discharge of Lateral
Spacing (ft) Main Drain Lateral Drain
Main Lateral
A1 5,979,663.96 135 - 0.048 0.004 12 8 3
A2 1,214,619.24 150 - 0.024 0.005 5 5 3
A3 6,478,859.12 111 398 0.079 0.010 8 8 4
A4 2,114,238.33 56 - 0.019 0.003 7 4 3
A5 427,118.85 0 - 0.000 0.000 2 4 3

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