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I. Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. a. door b. floor c. cool d. chore
2. a. decide b. mile c. kind d. sitting
3. a. mystery b. sky c. type d. apply
4. a. admitted b. deleted c. controlled d. intended
II. Choose the correct words or phrases
6. By the end of next month, we _______ our English course.
a. have completed b. will be completed c. will have completed d. completed
7. If you had worked harder, you _______.
a. will not be sacked b. are not sacked
c. will not have been sacked d. would not have been sacked
8. It was _______ we could not go out.
a. such cold that b. so cold that c. very so cold d. too cold that
9. Nobody can prevent us from _______ good things.
a. do b. doing c. did d. done
10. Mr. Pike _______ English at our school for 20 years before he retired last year.
a. is teaching b. was teaching c. has been teaching d. had been teaching
11. You should be responsible _______ what you have done.
a. of b. for c. with d. on
13. People do exercise _______.
a. keeping fit b. making fit c. to keep fit d. to make them fix
14. I never forget _______ I went to school.
a. the time first which b. what the first time c. that the time d. the first time when
15. During the past two days, I _______ ten chapters.
a. read b. have read c. was reading d. had read
16. California, with the population of more than 23 million, is _______ populous state in the US.
a. as b. more c. most d. the most
17. I cannot help _______ anxious about the exam results.
a. to feel b. feel c. feeling d. felt
18. It is essential that every student _______ to learn English at university.
a. to have b. have c. has d. had
19. Let's go out for a drink, _______?
a. shall we b. do we c. do us d. let us
20. We have a party tonight and Daisy is worried about _______.
a. what to wear b. which wearing c. that she wearing d. these wearing
21. It is _______ you to make your own decision.
a. out of b. for down c. on about d. up to
22. These trousers need _______.
a. clean b. to clean c. cleaning d. cleaned
23. Let's wait until the rain _______.
a. stops b. will stop c. has stopped d. is stopping
24. I am right, _______?
a. am not I b. don't I c. aren't I d. am I
25. We could not avoid _______ what they were talking about you.
a. overhear b. to overhear c. overheard d. overhearing
26. My father sometimes _______ the washing up after dinner.
a. washes b. takes c. makes d. does
27. I don't like hunting. - _______.
a. Either do I b. I do, too c. Neither do I d. I don't neither
28. She is Vietnamese _______ birth but she was born in the US.
a. by b. on c. from d. up
29. You needn't always _______ about the pollution.
a. to complain b. complain c. complaining d. complained
30. I remember _______ them somewhere in the city.
a. to see b. saw c. seen d. seeing
31. You had better _______ harder or you will be sacked.
a. to work b. work c. worked d. working
32. I have not made _______ my mind yet.
a. to b. in c. up d. on
33. He likes beer and fried chicken, ______ is the reason ______ he is too fat.
a. which / when b. that / why c. who / where d. whose / whom
34. This is the only library ______ we can obtain scientific information.
a. where b. which c. that d. why
35. I'd rather you _____ to work late.
a. don't go b. didn't go c. not go d. not going
36. You have to study harder to _____ your classmates.
a. lose track of b. keep up with c. take care of d. put an end to
37. Conserve the environment _______ we will have to suffer terribly.
a. if b. or c. and d. in order that
38. As soon as it stops raining, we _______.
a. leave b. left c. will leave d. have left
39. By the time I get home, I _______ for four hours.
a. walk b. was walking c. will walk d. will have been walking
40. The earth is one of nine planets _______ orbit the sun.
a. who b. whom' c. whose d. which
41. The customer insisted _______ seeing the manager.
a. of b. on c. in d. about
42. It is not worth _______ that film.
a. see b. to see c. seeing d. seen
43. Most animals' sense of smell _______ acute.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
44. They whispered _______ no one could hear their private conversation.
a. so that b. such that c. so as to d. in order to
45. At present, _______ is doubling every 37 years.
a. the population world b. the world of opulation
c. the world population d. the world's population
46. There _______ my friends.
a. come b. comes c. coming d. is coming
47. One thousand dollars _______ a large sum of money.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
48. The water is _______.
a. such polluted that we cannot drink it b. enough polluted for us to drink
c. too polluted for us to drink d. too polluted for us to drink it
49. This house is _______.
a. their b. their's c. of them d. theirs
50. He took _______ the business after his father died.
a. on b. over c. away d. in
51. The house was full of boys, ten of................. were grandchildren.
A. who                         B. which                   C. whom                      D. whose
52. My parents want me to study to behave well.
A. either/or B. neither/nor C. either/both D. not only/but also
53. It was the letter that yesterday .
A. was arrived B. arrived C. were arrived D. arriving
54. The boy likes computer games. He can spend all day ______ them.
A. to play B. play C. playing D. plays
55. I like music. I’d rather you ____ me to play the guitar.
A. teach B. to teach C. taught D. teaching
56. I can’t stand people with no ……….of humor.
A. ability B. sprit C. keenness D. sense.
57. Your friendship should be based on …………
A. basic B. fragile C. mutual D. blind.
58. Friendship is two-sided …………, it lives by give and take.
A. affair B. event C. aspect D. feature.
59. Instead of _______ about the good news, John seemed to be indifferent.
A. exciting B. being excited C. to be excited D. to excite
60. My teacher advised me ________ on a computer course.
A. to be taken B. being taken. C. taking D. to take
61. More schools are hoped ________ in rural areas in the coming years.
A. to have been built B. to build C. to have built D. to be built
62. He refused …………….her ………….for herself.
A. to allow / think B. allow / to think C. allowing / thinking D. to allow / to think
63. This victory was a ……………………….in our country’s history.
A. period B. milestone C. memory D. point of time
64. My boss doesn’t …………… to use the telephone for private calls.
A. let B. get C. know D. allow
65. I think it’s no good …………………him about that.
A. to tell B. told C. being told D. telling
66. Keeping fit ………………….taking exercise every day!
A. seems B. tries C. concerns D. means
67. I remember ……………to the zoo when I was a child.
A. to take B. to be taken C. taking D. being taken
68. John had agreed ………………….me in his office.
A. to meet B. meet C. meeting D. met
69. I’d rather be hungry than eat that food
A. I can’t stand being hungry so I’ll eat that food B. I am hungry and I want to eat that food
C.I am hungry enough to eat that food D. I prefer being hungry to eating that food
70. I am crazy about computer games.
A. I am interested in computer games B. I am terrified of computer games.
C. I went mad because of playing computer games a lot D. I am bored with computer games
71. He spends all his free time fishing
A. He goes fishing whenever he has free time B. He is busy finishing all time
C. He likes eating fish D. He has no time for fishing
72. I am frightened of living on my own
A. I am fond of living on my own B. I am bored with living on my own
C. I enjoy living on my own D. I am afraid of living alone
73. He didn’t prepare his lesson  so he  couldn’t  answer  the teacher’s  questions. 
A. If he prepares  his lesson  he can answer  the teacher’s questions.  
   B. If he prepared  his lesson he could answer  the  teacher’s  questions.
    C. If  he had prepared his lesson  he could  answer  the  teacher’s  question.
   D. If  he had prepared  his lesson  he could  have answered  the  teacher’s
74. How about going to a dance tonight ?
   A. You would like  to go to a dance tonight .
   B.  Are you going to a dance tonight ?
   C.  Let’s  go to a dance tonight , shall we?
   D. Would you like me to go to a dance tonight ?
75. I didn’t eat anything yesterday so I am hungry now
   A. If I ate something yesterday I would not be hungry now
B. If  I had eaten something yesterday I wouldn’t have been hungry now
  C. If  I  had eaten  something yesterday I  wouldn’t be hungry  now
  D. If  I had eaten  something yesterday  I won’t be hungry  now

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