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VP/Dir PdM
Evaluate outcomes,
PdMgrs P/L, PdM processes Startups / CEOs
Analyze, plan, Define Product
manage products Development tasks / owners

AIPMM Phase Review Process™
Hiring Managers
Coordinate w/ x- functional
project / product teams
Evaluate PdM candidates

Dev Team Members Recruiters

Support product Improve job descriptions,
development efforts candidate quality Inputs / Processes / Activities
Outputs / Deliverables / Milestones

Process Managers Academics

Customize process guides Define std tasks required
to plan & manage products
PdM Profession AIPMM – The Organization About the Product Management These phases are defined by universal
That Standardized the Product Framework (PdMF™) and standard verbs describing the major
Grow pool of activity of each phase.
qualified PdMgrs
Management & Marketing Body The AIPMM developed the Product
of Knowledge® Management Framework (PdMF™) The conclusion of each phase is defined
to offer product professionals a by decision points, or gates defining next
The Association of International Product
standard mechanism derived from steps in the product life cycle. Thus, the
Marketing and Management (AIPMM),
commonly accepted best practices. X-axis of the PdMF™ represents the
founded in 1998, promotes worldwide
KA-TIME FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK PARAMETERS excellence in product management This standardized framework has been entire life cycle of a product organized
improved to provide superior product by phase. It incorporates both the broad
education and provides valuable content,
Y (Knowledge) outcomes and to provide a practical user time activities of the Product Life Cycle
PjM PdM training, education, certification and
guide for building and managing product as well as the Phase Gate process. 
Y-Axis Knowledge Areas Knowledge Areas = Nouns professional networking opportunities.
lines across all industries and sizes of Y-Axis: Knowledge Area (KA)
Integration Resource Organization The mission of the AIPMM is to advance organizations.
Scope Communication Business the product management profession The Y-Axis of the PdMF™ consists of the
Schedule Risk Customer across all industries by creating the AIPMM uses the same knowledge- following knowledge areas (KA) unique
Cost Procurement Product
first Product Management Body of time (KA-Time) concept used by the to Product Management that are needed
Quality Stakeholder Market
Knowledge®, and the first industry Project Management Institute (PMI) to build products:
X-Axis Process Groups Time = PLC Phases = Verbs
certification exams. We create and to develop the time horizon methods • Organization
X (Time)
Initialing Conceive promote Product Management in the AIPMM’s product management • Business
Planning Plan standards and best practices like the framework. This concept provides a solid • Customer
X-Y Intersection = Inputs, Assumptions Executing Develop
Product Review Phase PRP™ to help foundation for defining the knowledge, • Product
= Tools, Techniques, Processes, Tasks Monitoring / Controlling Qualify
= Output / Deliverables Closing Launch Product Managers successfully develop activities, deliverables and milestones • Market
Deliver new products and improve product required over time to support products
Note that these KAs are generic. They
outcomes. throughout their entire life cycle.
are independent of industry, company
PdMF™ – The Product or technology and can be used for any
About the Product Management
product in any industry or company.
ABBREVIATIONS Profession Management Framework
The Product Management profession
Foundation of the PRP™ The PdMF™ - an X-Y Matrix
AIPMM Association of International Product Marketing & Management PmMgr Product Marketing Manager is the discipline responsible for the The PdMF™ can be graphically depicted And finally, the PdMF™ has X-Y
PdM Product Management PMI Project Management Institute planning, realization and marketing of as an X-Y matrix where the X-Axis is Time coordinate cells in the matrix containing
PdMF Product Management Framework PMBOK Project Management Body of Knowledge products throughout their entire life and the Y-Axis is Knowledge. Both are inputs, processes, activities, outputs,
cycles. Products can be tangible goods key to the development of a product. deliverables and milestones that are
ProdBOK Product Management Body of Knowledge PjM Project Management
or intangible services producing a attributes of that specific moment in time
PRP Phase Review Process PjMgr Project Manager X-Axis: Time = Product Life Cycle
measurable benefit to a customer. for that specific set of knowledge.
PdMgr Product Manager PgM Program Management The X-axis of the PdMF™ identifies the
The standardization of the Product
total life cycle of a product. This life cycle
PmM Product Marketing Management discipline through adoption
spans the entire life of a product from
of the PRP™, PdMF™ and Best Practices
conception through retirement and is
contained in the ProdBOK® Guide
also referred to as “cradle to grave”.
results in improved profitability for all
The entire product life cycle is further industries and companies.
 9120 Double Diamond Pkwy Suite 1996, Reno NV 89521  segmented by phases during its life cycle.
 +1 775.546.2024
AIPMM Phase Review Process™
Customer, Market,
Technology Conceive (P1) Plan (P2) Develop (P3) Qualify (P4) Launch (P5) Deliver (P6) Retire (P7)
Opportunities Product Introduction High volume steady Phase over to
state production new product

Address open issues in order to exit phase or seek Sr Mgmt guidance


Assess Product
Opportunities Program? No go
Assemble Product P1 P1 Exit P2 P2 Exit P3 P3 Exit P4 P4 Exit P5 P5 Exit P6 P6 Exit P7 P7 Exit
Go CFG team Charter PPP Review PPP Review PPP Review PPP Review PPP Review PPP Review PPP Review
Lessons Lessons
Org Strategy Go to Go to Go to Go to Go to Retire
Plan Develop Qualify Launch Production product

Approval to begin Product Program

Define Estimate P1 P2 BP P3 BP P4 BP P5 BP P6 BP P7 BP
Org BP volumes BP
P4 Sales

End of product
Plan Ops/Acnt Ops/Acnt

Gather &

Screening – Concept Validation

ID Mkt Create Beta

Customer Analyze Models Test CRM CRM CRM
potential Testing
Reqmts Plan

Design P4 PP
Create/ Arch Spec P5 PP Update
Feas Spec Identify
Evaluate Study product via
P3 PP ECOs Replace-

Requirements Refinement
Requirements Refinement

Mfg Test
Plans Hand-off ment
Spec to mfg Build/
Build Develop Deliver
product DVT Product

Portfolio Proto- P1 PP P2 PP
Prelim Final HW
Plan types Testing
PRD PRD Support Provide
Test Plans product product
SQA support
SW launch
Prelim RM Final RM Develop Support Support
product Mkt/Sales Trade Trade
documention Training shows shows

P3 MP -Final Launch Plan
P1 MP P2 MP -Prelim Launch Plan Launch Execute Mkt

product Promote
Operations Plan -Prelim - Final
Sales/Dist programs
Develop ment
Mkt Pgms

Org BP = Vision, Mission,Goals,Values Org Strategy = Innovative Org, Bus, Cust, Product, Mkt strategies Portfolio Plan = product family plan Operations Plan = on-going sales, marketing activities and results

Legend: PPP = Product Program Plan MRD = Market Requirements Document P1 – P7 = Product Mgmt Life Cycle Phases PP = Project Plan
Symbols: Activity Deliverable Decision End BP = Business Plan CRD = Customer Requirements Document Arch Spec = Architectural specification Feas = Feasibility study
MP = Marketing Plan PRD = Product Requirements Document Func Spec = Functional specification Mfg = Manufacturing/Production
Flow – Input / Output SP = Sales Plan RM = Roadmap Ops/Acnt = Ongoing business operations/accounting CFG = Cross Functional Groups Source: AIPMM Product Management Process Review Guide © 2012-2018

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