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Introduction to

Configuration in R/3

The following topics are covered by this

 Overview

 Prerequisite

 Configuration Profile

 Dependency knowledge  Processing sequence of dependency knowledge

 More help?  Data base storage

 Low level and high level configuration

 Additional topics
 Material variants

 Class Nodes

 Communication with other application

 Important function modules / programs

 Internal tables

 Performance issues
 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 2

Variant Configuration is the modeling of complex products in R/3. The

Features of the products are realized by the customer.

It is integrated or has interfaces to the following modules:

CA-CL Classification
LO-MD-BOM / LO-MD-MM Material Master, Bill of Material
PP Routings, MRP, Production order
PP-PI Master Recipes
SD Sales, Conditions
MM Purchasing
CO Costing

Moreover, you have interfaces to CRM (IPC) and APO

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 3


You can configure


•Standard networks in the Project System.

•PM General maintenance task lists

•Model service specific

The realization of a product’s Bill of Materials / routings is controlled by

the configuration model and its dependency knowledge which is
modeled and designed by the customer.

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 4


BOM / Routing adjusts to customer needs:

1. The car should be green

2. 192hp motor
3. Convertible

1 2 kmat 3
11 12 21 1 22
2 3 31 32
111 12 11
311 321
111 211 323
1111 121 2111 312 322
1111 2111

11111 11113
313 323



 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 5


What do you need to run Variant Configuration?

Attach Dependency
Define Characteristics Knowledge Pricing
With values Discounts/ Surcharges

Attach Dependency
Collect them in a Knowledge
Class of class type 300 Attach Dependency
Control the scenario
Configuration Profile

Super BOM Configurable Material


Attach Dependency
11 12 13


Super Routing 1
Attach Dependency
11 12 13 Knowledge

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 6


The material must be marked as configurable in the material

master. (transaction mm02, basic data 2)

Sales: Item category group 0002/0004

Delivery Plant

MRP: Strategy group e.g. 25

MRP type e.g. PD

MRP lot size EX

Availability check 02

Individual/collective 1

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 7

Configuration Profile

It controls the scenario how variant configuration is being

integrated in the sales document process.

The main dependency logic is attached to it.

You may define your own user-defined interface.

The class assignment is done here.

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 8

Configuration Profile

•Planned/Production Order
• Select the level of BOM explosion (none, single level, multi-level) in the sales
order. Up to that level you have
• All configurable items are configured in the sales order
• Sales relevant items are copied to the sales order as sales items
• Value assignments are stored on the data base for each configurable

BOM explosion
In the sales order 11 12 13

111 112 121 122 131 132

1121 1321

1122 1322

BOM explosion
In pland/prod order

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 9

Configuration Profile

•Sales Order Set

• Products are supplied together, but not assembled together (Its just a grouping)
• Only sales relevant BOM items are exploded
• 11, 12, and 13 have their own BOM, can be sold separately, not only in group 1!

Sales relevant

11 12 13

111 112 121 122 131 132

1121 1321

1122 1322
Planned/Production relevant

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 10

Configuration Profile

•Order BOM
•Used for customer specific adjustment of the BOM
•Value assignment is done in SD, but no BOM explosion

Value assignment done

in SD

11 12 13

111 112 121 122 131 132

1121 1321
BOM explosion and changes done in CU51

1122 1322

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 11

Configuration Profile

Two types of order BOM can be choosen

•Result oriented (saves the final result with manual changes)

•Knowledge based (saves the Super BOM , manual changes, dependency


In general BOM explosion is controlled by BOM usage

BOM application

BOM Filters

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 12

Dependency knowledge

The following types of dependencies exists:

Dependency Where attached Used for

Characteristic value Hide a value
Characteristic Hide a characteristic
Characteristic Make a char required
Selection condition
BOM/Routing Select components
Characteristic Value
Infer values, send
Characteristic values from root
Configuration Profile material to
Infer values top down
Constraint Configuration Profile
and vice versa

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 13

Dependency knowledge

Main difference between procedure and constraints


Procedures ► sequential order, exactly once after every ‘Enter’
Constraints ► no fixed order, only if there are relevant changes

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 14

Dependency knowledge

Color=‘red’ $root


x $self

How to refer to the objects in the BOM?

e.g. $self.HD = 2 if $root.color =‘red’

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 15

Dependency knowledge

Characteristic Value

Preconditions Color = green

Width = 25.1 inches if $self.Color specified

Selection Conditions horsepower 192


If $root.horsepower = If $root.horsepower = If $root.horsepower =

160 192 232

Comp 1
Comp 2
2 Comp 3

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 16

Dependency knowledge

Characteristic Value

Procedure HD 100 $self.HD = 100 if $self.CPU=2


Moreover you can call functions from procedure

Function(CPU = $root.CPU, HD=$self.HD)

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 17

Dependency knowledge


Objects: PC IS_A (300) PC , PT IS_A (300) PRINTER

(usually refer to the objects by the class and class type)

Conditions: PC.CPU = 2

(defines when the constraint run)

Restrictions: PC.HD = PT.COLST

(you can restrict or set values, call functions or access variant tables)

Inferences: PT.COLST

(What characteristic should be inferred)

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 18

Dependency knowledge

Finally, a few words about variant tables. They can be used in procedures,
constraints and preconditions and selection conditions for value restriction
or value set.

Characteristic Key field



Color X

Table MY_CPU ( CPU = $self.CPU,

HD = $self.HD,
Color = Color )

Depending on the color , CPU and HD are infered.

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 19

Additional topics

 Processing sequence of dependency knowledge

 Data base storage

 Low level and high level configuration

 Material variants

 Class Nodes

 Communication with other application

 Important function modules / programs

 Internal tables

 Performance Issues

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 20

Processing sequence of dependency knowledge
in the interactive configuration

Procedures are exactly processed once for each configuration

run (e.g. pressing enter)

1. Procedures
1. Procedure of configuration profile
2. Procedure of characteristics
3. Procedure of characteristics values

2. Preconditions

3. Selection conditions

Constraints run whenever there is a change of a relevant


Use the trace functionality to figure out what runs!

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 21

Data base storage

The main anchor where the configuration of an object in an application is stored

AFPO Production order
PLAF Planned order
RESB Reservations
VBAP Sales orders
MARA(CUOBF) Plant independent material variants
MARC(CUOBJ/V) Plant specific material variants
EQUI Equipments
SER00 Serial numbers
EBAN Purchase requisitions
LIPS Deliveries
EKPO Purchase orders
VBRP Invoices
BGMP Master Warranty Item
ESLH Service packages
PBED Independent requirement data

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 22

Data base storage

Use CUOBJ and go to transaction cutableinfo

There you get all relevant configuration data stored in different tables on the data
base on one screen.


IBIB Basic data Ibase, objnr

Instance (=ibase+1)

IBIN Instance In_recno (internal uni identif)

Valfrom, valto, cuco (profile)

IBINOWN Owner of instance Inttyp, (obtab), objkey

Characteristic values of an
IBINVALUES Sybmol_id, ataut

IBSYMBOL Char-value combinations Atinn, atwrt, atflv

e.g. u9c 225714

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 23

Low level and high level configuration

High level configuration

interactive configuration , all dependencies like constraints are

Low level
refers to background explosion of BOM, production order creation, MRP

o selection condition,

o procedures changing master data

o class nodes replacements

! Not read are: dependencies of char, char values , configuration profile-> no

constraints, some syntax are not supported like $set_pricing_factor...

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 24

Material variants

Arise from a configurable product and has a certain configuration

stored. Can be put on stock with its configuration.

Plant independent material variants  mm03, basic data 2,


Plant specific material variants  mm03, mrp3, marc-cuobj

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 25

Class Nodes

Using classes instead of hundreds

of similar BOM items:



Item 11
Class item
Item 11
Item 12
Item 12
Item 13
Classify objects
Item 13

Item 14
Item 14

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 26

Communication with other applications

Very important is the pricing

Reference characteristic to SDCOM-VKOND – see note 187162

Very common is changing master data via dependencies

e.g. number of components in the BOM

Reference characteristic STPO-MENGE

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 27

Communication with other applications

The following fields can be changes by variant configuration.

Reading access to sales order data

VBAK Header data

VBAP Item data

MAEPV Material master fields

MAAPV Material master fields

VBKD Sales document: commercial data

VBPA_AG Partner: sold-to party

VBPA_WE Partner: ship-to party

VBPA_RE Partner: bill-to party

VBPA_RG Partner: payer

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 28

Communication with other applications

Changing access by using VCSD_UPDATE Structure

Gross weight of item (BRGEW)

Net weight of item (NTGEW)

Unit of weight (GEWEI)

Volume (VOLUM)

Volume unit (VOLEH)

Item quantity (KWMENG)

Sales unit of measure (VRKME)

Conversion factors

Target quantity (ZMENG)

Target quantity unit (ZIEME)

Article description (ARKTX)

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 29

Communication with other applications

You moreover have the possibility to change master of BOM, routing and
master recipes
Item text (POTX1 and POTX2)
Variable-size item sizes 1–3 (ROMS1–3)
Number of variable-size items (ROANZ)
Variable-size item quantity (ROMEN)
Component quantity (MENGE)
PLPOD (task list and master recipe)
Activity types (LAR01–06)
Standard values (VGW01–06)
Unit of measure (VGE01–06)
Work center (ARBPL)
Operation description (LTXA1, LTXA2)

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 30

Communication with other applications

PLFLD (sequence of operations)

Lot size from (LOSVN)

Lot size to (LOSBS)

PLFHD (production resources/tools)

Quantity (MGVGW)

Quantity formula (MGFORM)

Required quantity (EWVGW)

Required quantity formula (EWFORM)

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 31

Performance issues

-> Check note 917987

for performance aspects in Variant Configuration

 SAP AG 2003, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name / 32

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