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Apalall eZ soll yasriaall alas Aygs Ryelea's SILdt Ud foe goul / Aylietut yumide At ATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM F RIE-TIGHTIN Fire can not be exist in the absence of one of the following three items:- 1— Combustible material. 2- Oxygen. 3— Suitable temperature ( ignition temperature of material in the space }. In other words to extinguish an existing fire one of the above three mentioned items has to be minimized to alevel lower than the level needed for fire to be exist. Of course the first item.can not be minimized, but other two items canbe. ‘ 1— To minimize oxygen concentration, gas fire fighting system to be used. ~ Toreduce the temperature to a level lower than ignition temperature of the combustible material in the space, water fire fighting system to be used, using sprinkler systems, fire hose, fire hydrant Buildings and spaces can be classified as three main hazards occupancies, as shown below. 1. Classification of Occupancies. Occupancy classifications for this standard relate to sprinkler installations and their water supplies only. They are not indeed to be a general classifications of occupancy hazards. 2. Light Hazard Occupancies: Occupancies or portions of other occupancies where the quantity and/or combustibility of contents is low, and fires with relatively low rates of heat release are expected. 3- Ordinary Hazard Occupancies: 3-4 Ordinary Hazard (Group 1); Occupancies or portions of other occupancies where combustibility is low, quantity of combustibility is moderated, stockpiles of combust les do not exceed & ft (2.4m), and fires with moderate rates of heat release are expected. 3-2 Ordinary Hazard (Group 2): Occupancies or portions of other occupancies where quantity and combustbility of c moderate to high, stockpiles do not exceed 12 ft (3.7m), tires with moderate to high rates of heat rolease are expected. 4- Extra Hazard Occupancies: Occupancies or portions of other ‘occupancies where quantity and combustibility of contents is very high and flammable and combustible liquids, dust, lint, or other materials are present, introducing the probability of rapidly developing fires with high rates of heat release are expected. Asi-7.4 Occupancy examples ia the listings as shunen in the various hazard classifications are iniended to repiersent the norin for those oreupanry types. Urinal or abnor al Foc Ioosings ar corabustible char teteristies tnd se epeini ity for changes in these characteristics, fie 3 particular ‘occupancy, are considerations that shuld le weighed in he selection and classification The Light Hazase Classitication is interafed 1 ences ass residential accupancies; however, this is win iuuensed to preclude the use of listed residentist sorinklers, su residential occupancies of residemial ywiticns al pahice AS-T2.4 Light Hazard Oecupancies incline aecygsan ins having conitions similar so Churches jabs Eaves ond overhangs, if combustible construct ish no combustibles heneaih Educa Hespicals Tstitotional Libraries, except laige stack roons Musumg Nursing or Convalescent Hennes Ofes, induding Daca Processing Residenial Restaurant seating areas “heaters and Auditor and prorceniuns Unused aaties 5 excluding stages A+L4.7.2.2 Ordinary Hazard Occupancies (Croup 2) ——— include AiA.tia.n. Getting. gard th sve Oecupancies (Grou itwclude ecupancies luring craciinans saniigt eee AL inscalLavias prstersine ect ipa ‘Auteavobite parking nl she whic tusk Se hac al i Dsberier, Ueverage enanutacturing Gunners AAPL Ustea Harand Qerngunies (Gaon 1) iach Bai pratt suuteuing sal paces sernqranries fee vanoitions sy ’ Gorstorabie Usukanti Fl ase ve Chass anil gs procuets manstacturing Die Cresing ; Laundies Mona! Estivating Hestaurareac tate Piyswnond Rid particle has nna eacan cupanicies lia ving conditions shail to 7 sake i Printing (using inks with below 100° F |37.8°C} Cereal mitts flash its) Chrensel phasis — orinary Rubber redabming,compovuing, dying, willing, Girlecionery prado wuleanizing, Uisileries Sno ill cleaners Textile picking, opening, blending, enretting, carding. Fea wse Gaboing el EAtbmeepiEHeN emaltheddy Se Horse stables burl: . + Teale pests dan cdertg Untoistering with plastic foams Uber tage stack room ares Mauncimen {Bart Hazard Occupancies (Grew 2) include orcupancies Metal waking having saditions stile te Maecanite asphalt satan Taper and pulp ralla Flmomable liquids spraying taper proces plants Flow dealing tfersanl wheres Malile Morte oF wiodular building, spciibles Urbere Past atices Tinished enelosuc is presen ad has rosin Feng et publi nore eran Oper Oil quenchin ive manvdlnetutiug, Tobacen products planuhering # Wood machining Wood product aesexnbly. sy Eger TYPES OF SPRINKLERS:- REEF OPRINKLERS: Sprinklers defined according to orientation : |- Pendent Sprinkler : = against Mainly itis used in spaces where false ceiling is available. Sprinklers designed to be installed in such a that the water stream is directed downward the deflector. 2. Upright Sprinkler : Sprinklers designed to be installed in such away that the water spray is directed upwards against the deflector. Mainly itis used in spaces where false ceiling is not available, 3- Sidewall Sprinkler: Sprinklers having special deflectors that are designed to discharge most of the water away from the nearby wall in a pattern resembling one quarter ofa sphere, with a small portion of the discharge directed at the wall behind the sprinkler. Mainly itis used in spaces where sprinklers to discharge water horizontally. 4 Concealed Sprinkler: Recessed sprinklers with cover plates. 5- Flush Sprinkle : Sprinklers in which all or part of the body, including the shank thread, is mounted above the lower plane of the ceiling, 8-RECESSED Sprinkle: Sprinklers in which all or Part of the body, other than the shank thread, is mounted within a recessed housing, Sprinklers defined according to special application or environment: 1- Corrosion-Resistant Sprinkler: Sprinkler fabricated with corrosion resistant material or with special coatings or plant ings Plantings to be used in an atmosphere that would normally corrode sprinklers, 2- Intermediate Level Sprinkler / Rack Storage Sprinkler: Sprinklers equipped with integral shields to protect their fi operating elements from the discharge of sprinklers installed at higher elevations, 3- Ornamental / Decorative Sprinkler: Sprinklers that have been painted or plated by the manufacturer. | Re japaling: Conceal Automatic Sprinklers SEERE EERE ERERERERRRERERERE EE KLER SYSTEM DESIGN STE) 1 - Determined the class of hazard occupancy according to the type of space to be protected, the activity in this space, and combustible material in the space. 2- Determined the area of sprinkler operation according to class. of hazard determined in first step and according to step (5 ) 3- Determined the protection area per sprinkler according to class of hazard determined in first step and according to step ( 6). 4- Distribute the sprinklers in the area to be protected, according to step (2), step (5), step (6) and step (7), 5- Sprinkler Operation Area:- $-1 Light Hazard Occupancy. The minimum sprinkler operation area for light hazard occupancies is 1500 ft? (139 m? ). 5-2 Ordinary Hazard Occupancy. The minimum sprinkler operation area for ordinay hazard occupancies is 1500 ft2 ( 139 m? ). 5-3 Extra Hazard Occupancy. The minimum sprinkler operation area for extra hazard occupancies is 2500 ft? ( 232 m2). NOTE THAT: For areas of sprinkler operation less than 1500 ft? (430m?) used for Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies, the density for 1500 ft2 (139 m2) shall be used. For areas of sprinkler operation less than 2500 ft2 (232m?) used for Extra Hazard Occupancies, the density for 1500 ft? ( 138 m? ) shall be used 6- Protection Area ations Per Sprinkler:- 6-1 Light Hazard Occupancy. 6-11 Under smooth ceiling construction and under beam and girder construction the protection area per sprinkler shall not exceed 200 sq ft (18.6 m?) for hydraulically designed sprinkler systems the protection area per sprinkler may be increased to 225 sq ft (20.9 m2) 6-42 Under open wood joist construction (as defined in 41.3.7) or under open Composite wood joist construction of 18 in (406 mm ) nominal or less depth, the protection area per sprinkler shall not exceed 130 sqtt (12.41m? ). 6-2 Ordinary Hazard Occupancy. §2.1 For all types of construction the protection area per sprinkler shall not exceed 130 sq ft (12.1 m2), 6-3 Extra Hazard Occupancy. 6-3-1 The protection area per sprinkler shall not exceed 90 sq ft ( 8.4 m? ) for any type of building construction, except protection area per sprinkler shall not exceed 100 sq ft (9.3 m?) where the system is hydrauticanty designed. High - piled storage. In buildings used for high- piled storage ( High Pile Storage is defined as solid piled storage in excess of 12 ft (3.7m) In height or palletized or rack storage in excess of 124. (3.7 m), ihe protection area per sprinkler not exceed 100 sq ft (9.3 m: ) Exception: Sprinkler spacing may exceed 100 sq ft (9.3 m2) but shall not exceed 130 sq ft (12.1 m2) in systems. hydraulically designed, 7- Spacing and Location of Upright and Pendent Sprinklers 7-1 Distance Between the Branch Lines and Between Sprinklers on the Branch Lines . 7-4-1 For Light Hazard Occupancies, the distance between branch lines and between sprinklers on the distance lines shall not exceed 15 ft( 4.6m). 1-12 For Ordinary Hazard Occupancies , the distance between the branch lines and between sprinklers on branch fines shall not exceed 15 ft (4.6.m) 74.3 For Extra Hazard Occupancies, the distance between the branch fines and between sprinklers on the branch lines shall not exceed 12 ft ( 3.7m) 7-1.4 In buildings used for high = pited ( High Piled Storage is defined as solid piled storage in excess of 12 ft. (3.7 m)in height or palletized or rack Storage in excess of 12 ft. ( 3.7 m), the distance between the branch lines and between sprinklors on the branch lines shall not exeeed 12 ft ws SEEEEEEREERERSREERERE ERE (3-7 m) except, in bays 25 1(7. 6 )wide, a spacing of 1216 in. (3.8 m) between branch lines is permitted. 7-2 Distance from Walis 12.1 The distance from the walls to the end sprinklers on the branch lines Shall not exceed one — half of the allowable distance between sprinklers, on the branch lines. The distance from the walls to the end branch lines shall not exceed one-half the allowable distance between the branch lines. For exception relating to small room. 72.2 Sprinklers shall be located a minimum of 4 in ( 102 mm ) from a wall, 8- Determine pipe sizes either by hydraulic calculations method or by pipe schedule method, as shall be explained later. 8- Determine pump head and capacity suitable for the system, 3-1 Two fire pump to be used in the system, to ensure system operation in case of electric power off during fire. A) Ifthe building is equipped by stand by diesel generator, the two fire Pumps can be electrically driven pump and shall be connected with the generator. 5) If the building is not equipped by stand by diesel generator, one fire Pump to be electrically driven pump, and the other to be diesel engine drivon pump. 11- Calculate the capacity of water storage tank required to fire fighting Purpose, according to water demand for sprinkler, and hose and according to table ( 2.2.1 (b) ) and fig 5-2.3 ( area / density curves ) for Hydraulically Designed Sprinkler Systems. And according to table (22.1 (a) ) and fig 2-2.1 (b) ( area ! density curves } for Pipe schedule Sprinkler Systems. BEB EEE ‘Area of sree speaven, 2 (2:2.1 (a) ) and fig 2-2.1 (b) ( area / density curves ) for Pipe schedule Sprinkler Systems. rinining Density, teyutrements tor Minivauin Water Supply Requiremen Totat Combined Inside and Hazard Sprinktors aside Ouiside duration Only —agpm Hose — gpm Hose — gpm in Minutes; eer 0 30 6 toe ten ” oy, ar tH 0 wom 6, hen inn v0 cor. Derren) 7m 20 1 3 on ta ue 120 4 ned by authority heving or i att | pet = GO409 oan gpm = 3788 Une Nowe: BERBERS RE RERBERBREREREREREREREERE HYDRAULIC ALCULATIONS " Occupancy hazard classification is the most critical aspect of the sprinkler system design process. Once the hazard classification is determined and sprinkler spacing and piping layout has been proposed in conformance with the requirement of the standard, the designer can begin a setics of calculations to demonstrate that the delivery of a prescribed rate of water application will be accomplished for tho maximum number of sprinklers that might be reasonably expected to operate. This number of sprinklers, which must be supplied regardiess of the location of the fire within the building, is the ba of the concept of the remote design area. The designer needs to demonstrate that the shape and location of the sprinkler arrangement in the design area will be adequately supplied with water in event of fire. Prior to locating the design area, there is a question of how many sprinklers are to be included?. This question is primarily addressed by the occupancy hazard classification. Fig. (1 ) contains an example for area / density curves from which the designer can select a design area and density appropriate for the occupancy hazard classification A point on or to the right of the curve in the figuro(s) is acceptable. In either event the fire is expected to be controlled by the sprinklers within the design area, without opening any additional sprinklers. 5e00 4so0 Yooe |. 3500 Boece fA IN SQ.FT 1Se0 A ze i \ iyenL__4 it yp Fel eis OL wl ed DENSITY iN GPAISQ rr. FSC). Sample WUCAldensity cer ye ' J EXAMPLE (1): Using area / density curves shown in Fig. ( 1 ] to select a density over 1500 ft? in light hazard occupancy. Solution: a selection of 0.15 gpm/ tt? is indicated, EXAMPLE (2 Based on the point selected from the sample area / density curve above and the proposed maximum spacing of sprinkler, the number of sprinklers to be included in the design area can be determined. if sprinklers are spaced at 12 x 15 ft so as to each protect an area of 180 ft?, the design area of 2400 ft would include 2A00/8 The remote design area is required to have a rectangular shape, with the long side along the run of the branch lines. The length of the design area ( needed to dotermine how many sprinklers along a branch line are contained within it )is found by multiplying the square root of the design area by a factor of 1.2. Again, any fractional result is rounded to the next whole sprinkler, EXAMPLE [3 \Fthe 14 sprinklers from Example 2 wore spaced 12 feet along branch lines, {6 fect apart, the length of the rectangular area along the branch lines would be IF the sprinklers were spaced 16 feet along branch lines 12 feet apart, the ‘Same length of the design area would include only 4 sprinklers. Where sprinkler protect an irregular aroa, NEPA prescribes that the area of Coverage for the sprinkler must based on the largest sides of its coverage. in other words tho area which e sprinkler protects for calculation purpose equal to: Where $ is twice the larger of the distance to the next sprinkler (or wall for an end sprinkler } ia both the upstream or downstream directions, and L is twice the larger of the distance to adjacent branch tines ( oF wall in the case of {ast branch line ) on either side. This reflects the need to provide more water with Increasing distance from the sprinkler, since increased flow tends to expand effective spray umbrella of the sprinkler. The minimum flow from a sprinkler must be the product of area of coverage multiplied by the minimum required density. EXAMPLE (4 iF standard 4" orifice sprinkler protects an area extended to 7 fect on the north side ( half the distance fo the next branch line }, § feet on the south side (to a wall }, 6 feet on the west side ( half the distance to the sprinkler on the branch line ), 4 feet on the east side ( to a wall ), the minimum flow required for the sprinkler to achieve the density requirement selected in Example (1) can be determined completing two steps. The first step involves determining area of coverage. in this case 1681 The Second step involves multiplying this coverage area by tho required density Where Qis minimum flow required Ais area of coverage pis required density Fig. ( A-6-4.4.1(a) ), Fig. (A-6-4.4.1(b) show exampies of determining most remote area, or hydraulically most demand area Pressure Requirements of the Most Remote Sprinkler:- = When flow through a sprinkler orifice takes Place, the energy of the water changes from the potential energy of pressure to the kinetic energy of flow A formula can be derived from the basic energy equations to determine how much water inside the piping af the orifice However, this formula contains a factor ¢ which 's a discharge coefficient characteristic of the orifice and which must be determined experimentally. For sprinklers, the product testing laboratories determined the orifice discharge coefficient at the time of listing of a particular model of sprinkler. To simplify things, all factors other than pressure are lumped into what is experimentally determined as the K-factor of a sprinkler, such that Where K has units of gpm / ( psi)% Hf the required minimum flow at the most remote sprinkler is known, determined by either the arca/density method or the Special sprinkler listing imum pressure needed at the most remote sprinkler can easily be NFPA 13 sets a minimum pressure of 7 Psi at the end sprinkler in any cvent, so that a proper spray umbrella is ensured. EXAMPLE ( 5 }:- The pressure required at the sprinkler in Example (4) can be determined using the above formula if the K-factor is known, A midrange K-tactor for a standard %" orifice sprinkler is 5.6 If the sprinkler spacing is irregular or Sprinkler with different K-factors are used, caro must be taken that each sprinkler is Provided with sufficient flow, As the calculations proceed toward the system riser, the minimum will be known, stated in the form of a Specific flow at a specific pressure, Table ( 2) shows the “ K factor for Sprinkler different orifice sizes. Table (2) [ Nominal | Se a oe aate Orifice | | of Nominal | | Size (in. || Orifice Type |“ Factor | % in. \ | | Discharge a ES sce pe cia | Small —|~ta-39- 83] 7 Smait Standard — | | 17/32} Targe 45° bee 90° Standard Elion 9° Lane Torn Faw utrely Vale Sn Check Equivatent Pipe Length Chae ee with Haven and Wiliams sori © (FE the Giguere FabicF4 00 120 only. For other values gor Vale af 120 te plng faeeor ‘Thi bated upon the Irtion You rie (00 low salu or ruivalen pune erga salable w the authority having mene or JOE vatiston in design of ming check valve: the pipe equivalents iedtive ia UA HOPE: The sabe appbes all ppenc pipe lied Table VA ta 3:16 6* Temperaiure Ratings $1561 andard arc ule $1601 Frame ans caloted sn accordance with The slivers in Exception Na 1” The color identification oF colored frame arn Exeeptiow No ‘Aler Table 3-16.6.1 Color udentiftcation as not required for riling spriublers or simnilur decorative twee 2 should bF ia hore chart vo be consdered average perature ratings of automatic spriaklersy Aulomauc spritlers shall have thei the color code designated Table $165.1 with (he following exceplions for coated spronklers meyt op of the defteccor, the cots of the coating matersal pated! Temperature Ratings, Classifications and Color Codings Wea Hes esi 204 ten He Tate atgs ELEVATION LOSSES: Variation of a pressure within a fluid at rest is related to the density or unit ( specific ) weight of the fluid. The unit weight of a fluid is equal to its density multiplied by the acceleration of gravity. The unit weight of water is 62.4 Ibsitts This means that one cubic foot of water at rest weights 62.4 pounds. The cubic foot of water, or any other water column one foot high, thus results ina Static pressure at its base of 62.4 pounds per square foot. Divided by 144 Sduare inches per square foot, this is a pressure of 0.433 pounds per square foot of water column. A column of water 10 feet high similarly exerts a pressure of = 10 ft x 62.4 Ibs/ ft? x 1 ft / 144 in?, = 4.33 psi. This static Pressure at the top of both columns of water is equal to zero ( gauge pressure }, or atmospheric Pressure. On this basis, additional pressure must be available within a sprinkler System wator supply to overcome the pressure loss associated with elevation. THIS Pressure is equal to 0.433 psi per foot of elevation of the sprinklers above the level where the water supply information is known, EXAMPLE (6 The pressure that must be added to a ‘system supply to compensate for the fact that the sprinklers are located 120 ft above the supply can be found by multiplying the total elevation difference by 0.433 psi/ ft HYDRAULIC CALCULATION EXAMPLE ALCL ATION EXAMPLE 7499 Frankia Road Charleston, Sc es a ate ys). Contiacl Ho, _4001 Dasigr daa (Sceupancy Casstisation _O Donsily. 0215 _ expan? Avea of Arpiica Srovcial Spr No, of Sprinter: Catcuntoa i} sack Demand er Sprinter — Name ot Contactor Name of Dosigner —_ Addis Aulhorly Having Jvieetsion S| Nazi Pina cana ZF idan oi iv Jo-015 Grnig 3 | ‘ans Pon Proceiol Heumal | 4, & | Lokation Lengt Sucmary|minsencel «U7! vf [fe / aside 16196 Sat > a | 4 | [ion va ene > to | oe eu lo 05.4 aL? 6] | a la ess (0 = , __| | ees fa veo! 1 190] 0109 Joa [bu ° pe oo ee ost Figure A-6-2.21c1 - PIPE SCHEDULE Pipe Schedules shall not be used, except in existing systems and in now systems or extensions to existing systems The use of pipe schedule design approaches is festricted to rather small Systems, unless relatively high residual pressures aro av, Schedule networks have apparently served as an acceptable design tool for many years, some misuse of the pipe schedule tables resulted in the festriction on this design method 5 54 * General. the pipe schedule sizing provisions Shall not apply to hydraulically calculated systems, sprinkler systems having sprinklers with orifice other than % in (13 mm) nominal and listed Piping material other than that covered in table. Extra hazerd and exposure Protection system shall be hydraulically calculated. NOTES TO BE FOLLOWED ON PIPE SCHEDULES: It should be noted that the numbers of sprinklers shown in the pipe Schedule tables are maximum number for the minimum size pipes shown, 2 The demonstrated effectiveness of pipe schedule systems is limited to ‘heir use with ” (13mm,) orifice sprinklers. The use of other size orifices nay Fequired hydraulic calculations to prove their ability to deliver the required amount of water supply. 3- Long Runs of Where the construction or conditions introduce unusually long runs of pipe or many angles in risers or feed or cross mains an Increase of pipe size over that called for in the schedules may be required to compensate for increased friction losses. 22 SCHEDULE FOR LIGHT HAZARD OCCUPANCIES 1- Branch ti cross main. es shall not exceed 8 sprinklers on either side of the Exception: where move than 8 sprinklers on a branch line aro necessary, lines may be increased to 9 sprinklers by making the two end lengths 1 (25.4mm,), 1%" (33mm), respectively, and the sizes thereafter standard, Ten Sprinklers may be placed on a branch line, making the two end lengths 1" (264mm,), 1 4” (33mm.), respectively, and feeding the tenth sprinkler by a 2%" (64mm.) pipe, 2- Pipe sizes shall be in accordance with table (3) TABLE (3 ) Light Hazard Pipe Schedule | STEEL COPPER ini 2 Sprinklers 1 2 Sprinklers lam 3Sprinklers | 1 3Sprinkiers | 1H 5 Sprinklers 1% 5 Sprinklers |g 10 Sprinklers 2 12 Sprinklers | laye 30 Sprinklers 24" 40 Sprinklers | | a 60 Sprinklers | 3 65 Sprinklers | jaw 100 Sprinklers 3% 115 Sprinklers ja” 4 | |For SiUnit 1 in.=25.4mm. Exception: Each area requiring more sprinklers than the number specified for 3%" ( 83mm. ) pipe in table ( 3 ) and without Subdividing partitions ( not necessary fire walls ) shall be suppliod by mains or risers sized for ordinary hazard occupancies. 3- Area limitation to Light Hazard occupancies:- The maximum floor area to be protected by sprinklers supplied on each System riser on any one floor shall be in a tight Hazard occupancies is aS limited to the protection area of 52000 ft? (4831 m?). Piping is sizeq accordance with Table ( 3 }, unless there are more than 100 sprinklers in @n area without subdividing partitions ( not necessary fire walls ) shall he Supplied by mains or risers sized by Ordinary Hazard occupancies, SCHEDULE FOR ORDINARY HAZARD OCCUPANCIES 1- Branch lines shall not exceed 8 sprinklers on either side of the cross main. y making the two end lengths 1 (254mm), 1 %" (33mm.), respectively, and the sizes thereafter standard, Ton Sprinklers may be placed on a branch line, making the two end lengths 1° (28.4nwn.), 4%" (33mm,), respectivoly, and feeding the tenth sprinkler by a 2%" 64mm.) pipe. 2- Pipe sizes shall be in accordance with table (4 ) TABLE (4 Ordinary Hazard Pipe Schedule f-; 5 SREEC,. j ~ COPPER” Tv 3 2 Sprinklers Tq 2 Sprinklers jim 3Sprinklers 4. 3 Sprinklers jinn 8 Sprinklers 5 Sprinklors fae 10 Sprinklers 12 Sprinklers jam 20 Sprinklers 25 Sprinklers ge 40 Sprinklers 4 Sprinklers js“ 65 Sprinklers 75 Sprinklers 4a” 100 Sprinklers 115 Sprinklers |e 160 Sprinklers 180 Sprinklers ler 276 Sprinklers 300 Sprinklers |For siunit 4 in, = 25.4 m Exception: Where -the distance between the branch lines exceeds 12 ft. (3.7m), or the distance between sprinklers on the branch line exceeds 12 ft. (3.7m), the number of sprinklers for a given pipo size shall be accordance with table (5), TABLE (5) Number of Sprinklers — Greater than 12 ft. Separations STEEL Fates ] COPPER Te 18 Sprinklers 2% 20 Sprinklers | ab 30 Sprinklers 7 36 Sprinklers jane 60 Sprinklers | 3H 65 Sprinklers For other Pipe and tube sizes see Table (4) ae 5.4mm. 3- Area limitation to Ordinary Hazard occupancies ‘The maximum floor area to be protected by sprinklers supplied on each For S{Unit 7in. System riser on any one floor shall be in a light Hazard occupancies is limited to the protection area of 52000 ft? ( 4831 m2). existing system. New system for Extra Hazard occupancies to be hydraulically calculated. The use of pipe schedule design approach for Extra Hazard Occupancies had been discouraged in recent years, and was prohibited in 1991. TABLE (6 ) Extra Hazard Pipe Schedule SCHEDULE FOR EXTRA HAZARD GCCUPANCIES STS MAIACARD GCCCUPANCIES: 1 The piping schedule shown in table | 6 )is reprinted only as a guide for [ STEEL | COPPER be ~ tSprinklers [1 aves 2Sprinklers | 1%" 2 Sprinklors jaw § Sprinklers | 1% 5 Sprinklers jz" 8 Sprinklers | 2 8 Sprinklers 2% 15 Sprinklers au 20 Sprinklers an 27 Sprinklers | 30 Sprinklers an 40 Sprinklers 3H 45 Sprinklers 4” 55 Sprinklers | 4 65 Sprinklers 5” 90Sprinklers | 5 100 Sprinklers je” 150 Sprinklers 6 170 Sprinklers For Sl Unit 1 in. = 25.4 mm. 2- Area limitation to Extra Hazard occupancies:- The maximum floor area to be protected by sprinklers supplied on each system riser on any one floor shall be in an Extra Hazard occupancies is limited to the protection area of 25000 ft? (2323 m2), NOTE THAT: 3. Area limitation to Solid piled storage:- Solid piled storage in excess of 15 ft. ( 4.6 m) in height or palletized or rack Storage in excess of 12 ft. ( 3.7 m) in height limited to the protection area of 40000 ft2 (3718 m?). 26 FIRE HOS: 1. Pressure Limitation. The maximum Pressure at any point in the system at any time shall not exceed 65 psi (4.5 bars ). 2- Location of Hose Connections 2-1 General: Hose connections and hose st: ns shall be unobstructed and shall be located ‘not less than 3ft (0.9m) or more than sft (1.5m ) above the floor. 2-2 Locations: Shall be provided with 1% (38.1mm } hose connections in the following locations: a) At each intermediate landing between floor levels in every required exit stairway. 5) On each side of the wall adjacent to the exit openings of horizontal exits. C) In each exit Passageway at the entrance from the building areas into the passageway D) In covered mail building s at the entrance to each exit Passageway or exit corridor , and at exterior public entrances to the mail i 2:3 The distance between two adjacent will be so that all portions of each floor level of the building are within 130 ft (39.7m Jof a hose connection Provided with 1% in (381m) hose or within 120 ft ( 366m ) of a hose connection provided with less than 1% in ( 38-1mm ) hose. Distances Shall be measured along a path of travel originating at the hose connection. 3- Minimum Flow Rate: The minimum tlow rate for the hydraulically Most remote fire hose shall be 100 gpm. No additional flow required where more than one standpipe is provided, FIRE PUMP SELECTION " Specific requirements tor pumps used in sprinkler systems are contained in NFPA 20, which is cross-referenced by NFPA 13. Fire pumps provide a means for making up for pressure deficiencies where an adequate volume of water is available at a suitable net positive suction Pressure. Plumbing codes sometimes set a minimum allowable net positive Suction pressure of 10 to 20 psi. If insufficient water is available at such Pressures, then it becomes necessary to use a stored water supply. Listed fire pumps are available with either diesel or electric drivers, and with capacities ranging 25 to 5000 gem. Each pump is specified with a rated flow and a rated pressure Pump affinity lows govern the relationship between impeller diameter ( 0 }, Pump speed (N), flow ( Q), pressure head ( h ), and brake horsepower ( bph ) Tho first set of affinity laws assumes a constant impeller diameter. These affinity laws are commonly used when correcting the output of a pump to its rated speed. ‘The second set of affinity laws assumes a constant speed with change in impeller diameter ( D ). Pumps are selected to fit the system demands on the basis of three key points relative to their rated flow and rated Pressure. ( See figure 2 ). NFPA 20 specifies that each horizontal fire pump must meet these characteristics, and the approval laboratories ensure these points are met: A ee ae RATED ag rrnciry ete ra SHE nD BG PERCENT OF TOTAL RATCO HEAD | { 50 100. ‘Fo PERCENTAGE OF RATEO Capacity Pump performance curve Thoro are limits to flexibility in pump selection, however. For example, its not permitted to install a pump in a situation where it would be expected to operate with a flow exceeding 180 percent of rated capacity, since the Performance is not a known factor, and indeed available pressure is usually quick to drop off beyond this point. NFPA 20 gives the following guidance on what part of the pump curve to used. “A centrifugal fire pump should be selected in the range of operation from 99 percent to.150 percent of its rated capacity. The performance of the pump ‘when applicd at capacities over 140 percent of rated capacity may he adversely affected by the suction conditions. Application of the pump at capacities less than 90 percent of the rated capacity are not recommended. E ee The selection and application of the fire pump should not be confused with Pump eperating conditions. With proper suction conditions, the pump can Operate at any point on its characteristics curve from shutoff to 150 percent of its rated capacity.” For design capacities below the rated capacity, the rated pressure should be used. For design capacities between 100 and 150 percent of rated capacity, the Pressure used should bo found by the relationship made apparent by similar triangles Where P and Q are the related pressure and capacity, and P” is the minimum available pressure at capacity, Q’, where Q

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