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94-141 Story of chand kazi & sridhara kolavecha

By H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

The following is a class on the pastimes of Lord chaitanya,given by H.H Radhanath Swami
Maharaj in October 9,1994 in Bombay ,India.

Maharaj:and also,great acharyas,Ramanuja acharya,Sri Madhvaacharya,they also,took great

pleasure,in iducing others,to hear & chant the glories of the lord,through Sankirtan.When the
supreme personality,Godhead appeared on this earth.He came,especially to establish,this
process as a Yuga DHARMA & he came to inaugrate,the highest realization,of pure love of God.

Advent of Lord Chaitanya:

Through the chanting,of this Hare Krsna maha mantra.This began in Sri Navadwip dham,when
sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,returned from Sri Gaya dham,after his,intiation.From Iswara Puri,he
was in a captured in the feelings of separation,of Lord Sri Krsna.Infact,it is explained:”Sri Krsna
chaitanya radha krsna nahi anya”that the one absolute truth,divides into two,Radha & Krsna,for
the sake of enjoying one another’s ,ecstatic love.

Lord Sri Krsna,is the ah!Param Vishay vigraha,& Smt Radha rani is the ,Param ashraya
vigraha.That means Krsna is the supreme enjoyer,he is the supreme object,of all love& Smt
Radhika RANI,she is the supremost one,in whom Krsna receives all of his enjoyment & she is the
supreme most lover,the supremost giver,of bhakti & Prem.

And eternally,they reside in the spiritual world,of Goloka vrindavan.They expand

themselves,into various manifestations,in the Vaikuntas,they become Lakshmi Narayan,Sita
Ram,Bhudevi Varahadev,Lakshmi Narasimha,& so forth.For the purpose of ,conducting the
affairs of the material existence ,sometimes,their expansions expand themselves,as Parvati
Shiva,in the role of Devatas.But the essence,of all existence,is that wonderful exchange,of
love,which is taking part.

In Sri Vrindavan Dham,between Radha Gopinath,& all living beings.Directly or indirectly,are

simply meant for one purpose,to assist,in that loving exchange,or in other words,to be a part,Of
god loving & enjoying,himself,his own eternally separated,pleasure potency,Hladini shakti.But
Krsna,wanting to taste,the inconceivable nature of Smt Radharani’s love,wanting to
understand,what it was about himself,that invoked such,incomprehensible ecstasy,within her
And wanting to ,actually experience,the happiness,of her love for him, Radha & Krsna come in
this age of Kali yuga,as an incarnation,apparently as an incarnation.In the form of Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu,although he is the original,Supreme personality of Godhead,& Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu,his purpose,was to manifest,within this world,the love of Vrindavan,the love of Sri
Radha,for all living beings,& to invite everyone,to come to this spiritual world,to assist,in these
ultimately pleasurable,loving affairs & how simultaneously,by teaching,by the chanting of the
holy name of Krsna under his,order.

Mahamantra and its benefits:

With his grace & blessings,we could all,all living beings,perfect our lives,in pure love of God.So
although the maha mantra,over 5000 years ago,was stated in the Kali Santarana
Upanishad.When Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,personally came to chant,& to give his order,that
all living beings should take this ,mantra.At that time,this maha mantra,was impregnated,with
the special infinite grace,of the all attractive Personality of Godhead.

So actually we should,know,that although people all around,are chanting the names of God,&
many are chanting,the Hare Krsna maha mantra,to receive it,on the order of
Mahaprabhu,through the representatives of Mahaprabhu,is something extra ordinarily
different,because the Maha mantra will have,that most munifesantly,merciful effect in our

If chanted sincerely.So,Lord Gaura sunder was ,chanting in the house of Srivas thakur,with his
intimate associates,& they wouldn’t allow,anyone but,the highest most elevated,purified
souls,to take part in these kirtans.Simply for the reason,that great transcendentalists,when they
come together,in their love for Krsna,sometimes they display,such symptoms of ecstasic
love,that common man & women & even devotees,they cannot understand it.

They will take it as a show or they will try to imitate to appear to be advanced or other things
like this& also for people who have mixed desires,it changes the atmosphere. Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu,just like in Vrindavan,there is no question of any conditioned soul or
neophyte,devotee entering into Vrindavan.Asadhana bhakti,cannot go into the spiritual
world,as long as we are struggling to control our senses,as long we have even a slightest tinge
of material desires ,even though we are following the regulative principles of krsna

We cannot enter into the Supreme abode,of Vrajbhumi because it’s a place of Raga bhakti.Of
true and pure spontaneous love,& Srivas thakur’s house ,was non different from
Vrindavan.Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,was enjoying there with,his eternal nitya siddha
associates,but the kirtans,were so sweet,& so loud,& in those days Navadwip was a,large large
city,with a very big population & it was very opulent,very wealthy,high seal of education& so
many people were proud & puffed up & they couldn’t tolerate,many of the Brahmans,they
were not allowed entrance ,into Srivas’s house.They were thinking they had the right to
anything they desire(10.45) & others who were,in the garb of being,religious people sometimes
even Pandits,they were actually atheistic by nature& they would criticize in so many terrible

That these vaishnavas ,what kind of vaishnavas?there is no such thing as a real vaishnava.There
just howling & crying,they hardly have enough food to eat,they are all just a bunch of
beggars,parasites to society& yet here they are chanting the holy name.Howling & keeping us
awake all night,preventing us from having a good hard day work’s,due to lack of sleep,& they
are crying,what is their position?of these most ill fated?degraded souls?we should tie them by
their necks and smash their heads together .We should take house of Srivas & uproot it,&
through it into the Ganges.

In this way,speaking so many envious ,words as they were simply envious,but actually the
majority of the population of navadwip,like anywhere was innocent,& they loved Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu.Nimai Pandit he was their Hero,he defeated Keshav Kashmiri ,& he was so
beautiful & so charming,& he was so respectful to everyone,he was the darling of their hearts &
they were thinking & praying :When oh when will that day be mine?where we can be given
entrance into the Srivas’s house.How they are dancing& singing & praising the lord?immersed
in the ocean f the love of God.

But we are so unfortunate,because we have so many material desires,because we have so

many separate interests,we are not qualified,for what ,what do we have to do? Anything,to be
qualified for even for a moment,enter into the beautiful kirtan of Lord Nimai & others they
would say,that actually its because,of all these 1000 and 1000’s of envious ,atheistic rascals
always,blaspheming & criticisng the Lord,because of them that we are ,not allowed into the
house of Srivas.

But in the morning,when Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would appear in his own house,about
dawn.Sometimes, 1000 upon 1000’s of such devotees,who actually loved Nimai Pandit,&
wanted his mercy,they went to his house & when he would come to his door step,they would
all bow down to him & beg him for his blessings.That they could become pure devotees &
Nimai Pandit would,tell them that ,may you all!receive the blessing of Pure unalloyed love for

Instructions of Lord Chaitanya :

My instruction to you is you stop all sorts of Gossip,& you always hear & chant glories of LoRDS
holy name,listen & take this most illustrious & more potent,of all mantras.

Mahamantra, when Lord Chaitanya would tell them,repeat after me,16 name mantra of the

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

You take this mahamantra,& you chant it everywhere & anywhere you go,there are no hard
and fast rules in chanting of this mantra.But,you must chant this mantra with,strict regulation,&
discipline ,everyday.This is Mahaprabhu’s order & in your homes,with your families & friends &
with your relatives,you all come together,as much as possible & you take symbols,or you just
clap your hands & you sing together,the holy names.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

In this way,when you go to work ,spend your day,when you come home,come together it
doesn’t matter whether,you are man or a women,or even a child or when is old ,old you all
come together,as many as possible,whether it’s a small group of two or 3 or whether it is ,large
group of 15 ,20 ,100 ,1000.But every morning & every evening,you clap your hands & chant the
holy name.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

So the day this instruction was,given by the lord,to the residents of Navadwip.It spread like wild
fire,& this was the instruction the Lord would give,whenever he would meet the people,& they
would ask him how to affect their lives? & soon,house after house after house after house ,by
the 1000 of household’s they all heard the instructions,of the Lord,& every morning, ,& every
evening,around all of Navadwip.All that could be heard,is the clapping of hands & tingling of
symbols which,accompanied by chanting of holy names of Krsna.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

And people became so intoxicated,they are so attached to the chanting of Krsna’s name for
wherever they went,in their work ,in their market places,in their agricultural fields,people were
naturally,constantly throughout the whole day,chanting the holy names.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

And those people too much indulging too much in false pride,& atheistic views,they became
further infuriated upon seeing and hearing this,& this Nimai Pandit he is,ruining our whole
town,he is destroying our whole civilization.Every where ,wherever we go we are hearing ,this
chanting of Krsna’s name,& they were saying what is wrong with the,true instruction of the
Vedas?that the name of God should be chanted in meditations,silently within the mind.Why are
the polluting this atmosphere with the,concoction, Nimai Pandit at one time he was a great
scholar,but now he has become a mad man & he is transforming everyone into
sentimentalist,but no one would hear.

The devotees they,didn’t care,because you have to know,that no great personality,who has
ever come to this world,witout being acutely criticized & accused .But those who have sincere
hearts,they see quality in the substance,of such a great persons heart & desire&life & they
don’t care anything for such words.So, in this way,at night Nimai Pandit would be in the house
of Srivas having wonderful kirtan & throughout the day,the whole of Navadwip practically & in
all directions under his instructions was chanting this Hare Krsna mahamantra.

He told them besides mahamantra,also you should chant this mantra,

Hari haraye nama Krsna yadavaye namaha,

Govinda Gopal Ram Sri Madhusudan,

Chand Kazi his reaction to SANKIRTAN:

Everywhere,& when the news came,to the Kazi,who was the Governmental officer in charge,of
that particular district.He became infuriated,because they had already conquered all of
Navadwip & their attention was to convert everyone to their own Islamic,religion& basically the
hindus,were suppressed.Here their appeared to be some sort of,revival,because wherever the
Kazi soldiers,or officers would go,they would hear people clapping their hands & chanting th
holy names.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

He was infuriated,how dare they do this?I have already set a Law,that this is illegal,& he sent his
soldiers,& he personally went with them & as the devotees of Lord chaitanya,were freely
chanting & dancing,they began to terribly abuse them.Teribly beat they would literally beat the
devotees,& they would threaten,that if we,the Law of the land is now that if anyone,ever again
is,caught indulging in this Sankirtan,then not only will they be beaten,but will be put in
prison,they will be tortured all of their family members,mothers,their fathers,their childrens
,their brothers,sisters they will all be, put in prison,& tortured.

And we will plunder & take away,steal all of their possessions,& on occasion they even took,the
Mridanga drum,which is like the symbol of,kirtan.Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati thakur,over his
temples,he would put as the domes,9 Mridanga drums representing,9 processes of devotional
service & representing the purpose of all of these temples,is simply one to teach the world,how
to engage in the beautiful kirtan of the holy name.

It is a fact,that the Yuga Dharma,in this age of Kali,we should know diety worship is not,the
recommended process in itself,it is only to assist,the process of Sankirtan. Diety worship was

recommended process in Dwapar Yuga.

Hari nam Hari Naam Hari Namaiva kevalam,

Kalo naste va naste va gathir anyatha.

So the actual temples are,simply places to learn to teach,to people how to love,Sri Sri Radha &
Krsna through the transcendental process of performing the Sankirtan of the Mahamantra &
the Mridanga is the symbol,of Sankirtan.So when the Kazi,had the Mridangas broken,& was so
much abusing,threatnening&htting the devotees.They all became very afraid.Sometimes ,he
and his soldiers would literally,chase after the devotees,make them run in fear for their lives .

Lord Chaitanya’s -Sankirtan Yagna:

So they all approached Lord chaitanya,& they told him we cannot have this
Sankirtan,anymore.What about our families? What about our livelihood? What about our very
lives?then ,

Lord chaitanya told them you just go on with your chanting,you don’t worry about this Kazi,if
you take shelter of Krsna,Krsna will protect you.But when he saw that his devotees,were very
much afraid,& he heard the threatening & embarrassing words of Chand Kazi he,became

We see,”let us see what this Kazi will do now?Lord Nityananda,you go throughout all of
Navadwip,to the homes,to the market places,& you announce to everyone,that today everyone
should come forward,to congregationaly chant the holy names in the streets & I will personally
lead the Sankirtan party,we should know,that previous to this,the common people of Navadwip
,had never seen the beautiful dancing of Lord Chaitanya.

They had heard him,& they were following his instructions,but he never himself came out to
the streets to lead Sankirtan.He told that let everyone,come into the streets,with a big powerful
torch,let their be such 100 of 1000’s of millions of torches & today we will all sing the holy
names of Krsna,& the Kazi will be finished.So the news,spread throughout,that Lord
Gaurasunder himself was going to lead,the whole city in the beautiful congregational chanting
of the holy names.No exaggeration,literally millions upon millions of people gathered,at the
house of Lord chaitanya.

Just waiting to see his beautiful Golden form & when he came out effulgent,like millions &
trillions of sun his beautiful complection,he glance so loving,his beautiful lotus spot like eyes
upon anyone,& everyone& he induced everyone,to begin to chant the holy names of Krsna &
then he divided,all of these millions of people into,various groups.He divide 1 group,were
Haridas thakur would be the lead dancer,another where Srivas Pandit would be the lead
dancer,you see the way Lord Chaitanya orchestrated,dancing is not just wild that everyone des
everything.But is under the coordination of a lead dancer & everyone follows.

According to the particular pattern of dancing of him.In another group Advaitha Acharya,was
the lead dancer,& then he looked at Lord Nityananda prabhu,& when he looked at Nityananda
with eyes full of love,he said Nityananda prabhu,he said I will dance with you,because I cannot
bear separation from you even for a moment.We will dance together,& upon hearing this
instruction Nityananda prabhu”s eyes began to flow,with tears which were dropping nectar of
his beautiful eyes& then sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,began to lead the chanting.

Began to lead the dancing,at this time it was about noon,when the kirtan began,& they started
going through the streets,& Mahaprabhu, was dancing so beautifully& although they were
million upon millions of voices,loudly calling out the holy mahamantra.Still,in all
directions,above the sound of all of them,was th thundering,rumbling beautiful sweet voice,of
Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu chanting the holy names of Krsna :

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu ki jai!they started moving through the streets,Vrindavan das thakur
explains,that it was like,the river Ganges,flowing in human forms,through the streets of
Navadwip & wherever they would go,there were millions of people on the sides of the
road,Men & women & children.When they saw this wonderful chanting& dancing they all just
left their homes & they all joined in.First when they saw the beautiful form of Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu in the front,they began to decorate the road like throwing ah chipped rice &
puffed rice,& coins & all sorts of other decorative flowers so that the Lord could dance,nicely on
these decorated roads.They were offering the best they had to the lord & as the kirtan was
going by,they were just,it was jubilant ,it was ecstasic.

Everyone was just being,besides themselves drowning in the ocean,Of Harinam Sankirtan &
everyone as the party went by ,they joined the procession & although the procession was
millions of people.At every moment it was growing bigger it was swelling,more & more &
more& it is described that people just,left their homes without even closing their doors &
thieves were thinking now is the chance,there is so much noice,& nobody is caring anything ,we
can go in every house we want & we can just clean it out.We can steal everything ,we will
be,wealthy,this is an opportunity,that we have always been waiting for.

This is like the ultimate,fulfillment of the desire of every theif.But,as they started going to the
houses,the sound of the holy name was,so sweet & so attractive they became,so purified that
they just started ,raising their arms &crying out the names of Krsna .

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

And by hearing the beautiful,sweet voice of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu & his millions of
followers,they became so purified that they just lost all,of their attachements ,& all desires
for,material things and they just ran & jumped into the,kirtan & started dancing with great joy
& devotion & the atheists when they saw this they became,very annoyed,envious people,they
gave all sorts of threats,like this Nimai Pandit is just,drawing the whole civilization,we will call
the kazi.We will go and tell them that the,Kazi soldiers are coming & let them,see what they
do?they will,run & hide.All these sentimentalist.

So no matter ,how much the ocean of Love of God comes,to drown the world,even when the
Lord himself comes,still there will always be envious people simply criticizing devotees.So
as,Mahaprabhu is dancing,it is described,that his beautiful golden form,was trembling in divine
love & every moment was so graceful,gracious that it simply,charmed & inundated the heart &
sometimes his body,it was decorated by, beautiful,speckles of dust,that had risen from the

And at other times,he was soaked with tears of nectar that flowed from beautiful lotus eyes &
his wonderful hair,was black like a raven,it was flowing down his shoulders,& it was decorated
with beautiful flowers & garlands.The site was so sweet & charming that people were
thinking,this is non different from Krsna the son of Nanda Maharaj has appeared & when the
demigods looked down upon this, beautiful site,sometimes they would actually see Lord
Chaitanya as,Krsna playing his flute,dancing along the banks of Jamuna.

And also at times,all of the residents of Navadwip would,join the kirtan ,they were so engrossed
in,the activities of the Spiritual world,that they actually assumed 4 arms.Because Vaikunta had
personaly ,desecended,but they were so enraptured,in ecstasy of chanting the names,that
nobody even noticed,that they all had 4 arms.They were simply immersed,hearing the beautiful
sound of Harinam Sankirtan & Sri Chaitanya ,Mahaprabhu his voice,like thunder was echoing in
all directions inducing,everyone & anyone to be rapt in Krsna’s sound in his name & the people
of Navadwip it was the most glorious & blessed day of their life.

Because it was the first & only time,as of then that they had ever seen, beautiful dancing of
Lord Gaura sunder & they danced & chanted throughout the day & when the evening started
coming, Sri Chaitanya ,Mahaprabhu ordered for everyone,to light their torches.
What we are about to explain,is not something that can happen in this material world.But it
could only happen by the supreme will of the,Personality of Godhead.Just like Krsna,within an
instant he,created 16,108 beautiful palaces,that put Indra’s homes to shame,in Dwarka Dham.
It is no difficulty,Krsna’s acintya shakti inconceivable potencies can do anything at any
time.Another time in Dwarka Dham,Krsna & his relatives in the Yadu Dynasty,they began to
have water sports,in the ocean,which is water mixed with salt.But as they were splashing
together,& having wonderful fun in the water,by the inconceivable arrangement of the Lord.

The salt water was transformed into water that was more sweet&ambrosial & nectar for the
pleasure of his devotees.So how is it that all of a sudden ,millions of millions of people
enraptured in ecstatic love wher all chanting the holy names at all once?flling the whole
town,this is the arrangement of the Lord,& when he ordered for the torches to be,light lit,all at
the same time,simultaneously,these torches which were built to be very big & which would
consume,huge amounts of oil,literally millions & millions of them,all of a sudden began blazing
with fire into the sky & it is explained it was such a beautiful,scene that it appeared that,Krsna
had incarnated as Brahmajyoti in,Navadwip dham & everyone was dancing,& as they were
dancing,the flames of the torches were dancing.

Kirtan party approaching Chand Kazi’s house :

Into the sky,everything was lit up,& the kirtan proceded,throughout the bathing ghats ,through
all the market places, throughout all the Navadwip dham & soon Chand Kazi he could hear.He
could hear these tumultuous sounds,of the names of the Hindu Gods,& he became so Angry,”I
have given my ordinance,that this chanting of Harinam is banned,who dares to defy my
instructions?he told his soldiers you go & see who this is ?& what this is?,I will punish them all
severly,I will forcibly convert them into my religion.So the Chand Kazi soldiers,very powerful
trained military men,they went,& when they saw,this Sankirtan of so many people,& they were
all chanting so loudly,& as they were chanting ,each one of them appeared as powerful,as a
1000 lions.

Harinam Sankirtan ki Jai!!!!So they became, very afraid, very afraid & they heard Nimai’s
voice,going so loud & they saw his beautiful, dance they were just bewildered,& they were
fearful & they ran back to Chand Kazi & they said we should run , we should hide , we should
get out of this place because,there is nothing you can do.These people ,some mystic power has
overcome,all of them & theirs millions of them & while they were chanting,we heard many of
them say we will destroy the Kazi,we will destroy his home ,we will kill him ,we will punish him.

We are not trying to protect you either,I think we should all run for our lives,& the Chand Kazi
became very,much afraid ,he didn’t know what to do?& as the Sankirtan became closer &
closer,his soldiers they became,so afraid,his ministers,that they wanted to run somewhere to
hide.But everywhere ,they would go there was just devotees,with raised arms loudly
chanting,the holy names:

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

So what they did?is that they didn’t want to be identified,as non believers,so they took the
clothes that wrapped over their heads & they,put it over their faces ,so they
wouldn’t ,refrain(43.10) to the Lord of ,Quaran they wouldn’t be recognized,& offcourse the
devotees,they didn’t recognize anything or anyone they were just,chanting& dancing & soldiers
of Chand Kazi,they were just raising their arms,so that they wouldn’t be distinguished & they
started dancing in the kirtan just so that,they would look like everyone else,& they would not
be detected & in this way,everyone joined the wonderful kirtan of Mahaprabhu & when they

WHAT IS REAL Prem Bhakti?

came to Chand Kazi’s house,the crowds were so angry,now you may wonder why?why if a
devotee is intoxicated with Love of God would he become angry?because,when the Lord is
offended,or when the Lord’s devotees are offended,a real devotee out of love becomes Angry.

You are not angry in that situation ,you have no real love.Prem bhakti is not just something
passive ,it is something dynamic,but even that anger is out of compassion.Just like the Supreme
Lord himself,a pure devotee part & parcel of the Lord,develops godly qualities,now you know
that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is so,peaceful & so loving,he is the embodiement of
all love & peace.But,when Hiranyakashipu was offending Prahlad,Lord Narsimhadev didn’t
appear like this,he didn’t have his hand out offering,blessings he had his,claws out
offering,death & annihilation.

Sri Narsimha Bhagwan ki jai!!!When Sri Lord Ramachandra saw how ,Ravana was massacring
the Brahman race,& exploiting ,innocent ,chaste & faithful women.He didn’t come,in a mood of
Shanti,he came with his most dangerous,sharpened arrows to destroy the demon with,great
anger.So,in this way,when they heard the blasphemies of the Lord,& how devotees were being
beaten,& threatened with imprisonment &sacred drums were being broken,the devotees out
of love,out of devotion,they were furious,Haribol!!
And as they gathered around the Chand Kazi’s house,they started tearing apart his gardens&
his boundary walls & although the chanting was tumultuous,still they chanted , Chand Kazi
could hear within his house the sounds of the words destroy the Kazi!!& his soldiers already
deserted him ,they were already in the Kirtan.Hehe!!

At that time Nimai came to the house,according to Vrindavan das thakur,he called out :Kazi
come!!So many threats you have made ,now you come,let us see what you will do?

No lecture from 46.59 to 47.12.

Frm 47.13:

Surrender of Chand kazi to Lord Chaitanya & Mahaprabhu instructions to him:

It is explained,that ultimately the Kazi,came down on Lord Chaitanya’s request,& he came down
in a very submissive& humble mood,& so Lord Chaitanya became very submissive& humble &
Chand Kazi said to the Lord:that actually yourself,& your father & your grandfather & myself we
were actually ,associates.So that means I am actually your uncle,so you shouldn’t hurt your
uncle.So then,on the basics of the teachings of the Quaran, Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
had,a debate with Chand Kazi.Because you see Lord Chaitanya was not secretarian.It is not that
one scripture is correct & another, scripture is incorrect.It is not that one religion is right &
another is religion is wrong.All religions are different manifestations of the grace of God upon
the world.

But it is the secretarian concept,which is born of the perverted understanding that,true religion
that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu couldn’t tolerate.

Mother Cow:

He said to the Chand Kazi,that :”Why you kill,& eat your mother?”

Chand Kazi said : what?nonsense I have never killed or eaten my mother!why you are saying

Because,the cow is your mother!!!from your earliest childhood she is providing you milk.Why
are you drinking her blood & killing her ?when she,becomes old?this is against all scriptural
understanding & then he proved on the basics of the teachings of Islam,how only for very
degraded fallen people is there,this sanction for eating,of meat .But for those who are coming
to higher realizations of Love of God,they are compassionate & non violent & he also
explained,that your misconception that God is impersonal,is not the conclusion of your own
scripture.But,the conclusion is that God is the Supreme personality of Godhead.He actually
proved to him,how the Supreme Goal of the Quaran was to surrender utterly with unalloyed
,devotion to Lord Krsna.

And the Kazi who was a great scholar understood,that everything he was saying was,absolutely
correct & then he said,Lord Gaurasunder,I have to tell you something,very confidential.When I
was sending your soldiers ,to disturb your kirtan,at times my soldiers would come back,& they
would be in great great anxiety,distress.They said when we came,before the devotees,& we
tried to beat them.Sometimes our beards would just,start flaming in fire &how our faces are all
burnt.There is something very powerful about these devotees chanting,the holy names
which,we cannot understand?

Dream of Chand Kazi:

& the Chand Kazi explained,how just the night before,he was sleeping in his bed,& all of a
sudden,it wasn’t a Dream,but was a reality.

That this most ferocious & extraordinary,being appeared before him.He was half man,& half
lion.The head of a lion,& the body of a man,but the claws of a lion.Then this most
extraordinary,personality,jumped upon my chest as I was,laying in Bed & his eyes were red with
anger I have never seen or heard of ,before & his tongue & his teeth were flashing like swords
& he was wild & he said:”Kazi,today I will rip you to pieces,you die!!!!”& he took his claws &
began to rip open my chest & as I layed there horrified looking,helplessly at this creature.I
realized,that I was finished.Sri Narasimha Bhagwan ki Jai!!!

And then this Supreme being,he told me,that you have not actually done anything to,serious
against my devotees yet,but if I hear from anyone ,anything,anywhere,that you have anyway
disturbed this chanting of the Holy name,I will come back to destroy you.!!!

The Chand Kazi explained that,I can understand,this was the Supreme personality of
Godhead.Then I can understand that,Sri Gaurasunder,that you are none other than the,
Supreme personality of Godhead.You are the orginal form of Allah,Krsna you are the Absolute
truth & therefore,I surrender to you!!Please accept me as your eternal servant & from this day I
make a proclaimation,that as long as my descendents rule this great city of Navadwip,that no
one will ever interfere,with the beautiful congregational chanting of the Holy names of Krsna.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

So Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,so pleased with his transformation,he blessed the Chand Kazi,&
bestowed upon him Prema Bhakti,love of God.

Story of Kolavecha Sridhara:

Afterwards,Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,along with his associates continued,the kirtan,to a

place called Simantadweep,because he wanted to see,his beloved devotee called Kolavecha
Sridhar. Sridhar is a very poor man,infact he was in utter poverty.He would just sell banana
leaves,& whatever little money he would make,very honestly he would,take half of his income
first & put it aside for the worship of Mother Ganga.Because Gangadevi is devotee of the
Lord,so to worship the Lord’s devotee,is the topmost process of worshiping & pleasing the Lord.

And he was ridiculed,by so many,when Nimai was a little boy,sometimes he would go to

Kolavecha Sridhar’s place & then he would bargain,with him,asking him to cut his prices for the
banana leaves in half.And Kolavecha Sridhar would say I am so poor,how can you do this to me?
I will starve.And sometimes Nimai would approach him in different ways,sometimes he would
say:”If you are so poor ,why do you continue this worship of Krsna ?What has Krsna given you?

I know you are always worshiping him & your Ganges servant,chanting his names ,what have
you gotten out of it? You don’t even ,have food to eat,you don’t even have proper clothes.Your
house is a wreck,& Kolavecha Sridhar would say no Nimai!!you don’t understand,that I am
happy,you see I am close why you say I dnt have nice clothes?

I have clothes,there may be holes throughout my clothes,there may be patches all over my
clothes,where it has been worn.But still,I am dressed,the King is wearing his beautiful beautiful
garments,& I am wearing my torn up patched up clothes.What is the differenc?Do you think
one gets happiness & one doesn’t?Krishna is providing for everyone & as far as food King is
eating royal dishes,I am being nourished ,I am surviving.

Humility of Kolavecha Sridhara:

I get a little rice,little banana every day,what is the difference?By the will of the Lord,he is
providing for everyone,he is providing for his devotees.He says:I don’t see that the rich people
have,any more happiness than the poor.Why make distinctions?its all relative ,its all illusion.

This was the phase of Kolavecha Sridhar,so simple,so pure,so much seeking the pleasure of the
soul.Chanting God’s names ,serving his devotees,he was content,beyond contendness &
sometimes Nimai would say to him,”You are charging too much for these bananas & you are
saying that,you are so poor ,I know that you have a great treasure!!but you are concealing it
from the world.But ,someday I will disclose to everyone,the treasure you have hidden.
Kolavecha said:”I dnt have treasure hidden,what is inside is outside.Come search my home
,search everything,I have nothing ,except,what you see.”Nimai said “someday I am going to
disclose to everyone,you have greatest wealth.But is secret.So on this day,after converting the
Chand Kazi ,next morning after this wonderful pastime,ecstatic sankirtan of the holy
name,which the world had never seen.It is explained that that Sankirtan which took place he
night before,was the most massive ,inundating Sankirtan that has ever been seen ever.

Even the demigods,Brahma,Shiva,Vayu,Kubera they were all simply watching in

amazement.Next morning Lord Chaitanya took the Sankirtan party,to the little thatched hut of
Kolavecha Sridhara & as he was approaching the house,outside of the house,there was an old
dented,water pot.So old & it was,it had been repaired,so many times.There were so many
dents,scrapes & everything all over it.

That it is explained that even the most,desperate theif,wuldnt even look or try to take it & it
was sitting there,& it would be used to washing the feet of the people,who would come in the
house & when Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu saw that pot,he became ecstatic with love,& infront
of all the devotees,he took that old ,pverty stricken, dented & abused iron pot of Sridhar,& he
began to drink the water from it.

And when Kolavecha Sridhar saw this,he was begging the Lord please stop!you are the Supreme
Personality of Godhead,you are the lord of Lakshmi Lordess of fortune .How can you be
drinking from this pot?& Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became so much intoxicated by,the
ilexure,ambrosial substance of that water,that he said that:today I have achieved Prem
Bhakti.Today the fortune of all my heart desires ,is fulfilled because I have tasted the sweet
water from the dented pot,of Kolavecha Sridhar.

The lord explained from the Padma Purana ,the description how the water ,which washes the
feet of the Great devotees of the Lord,is the most precious wealth in all of creation and Lord
Chaitanya began to weep,& cry in love upon tasting the water from Sridhar’s pot.

On seeing this Advaita acharya,Srivas,Nityananda Prabhu,Murari ,Vakreshwar,Gadhadhar & all

the devotees ,they just began to,weep & cry & they all fell to the ground to see ,what is the
nature of,Lord’s love for his devotees. Lord Chaitanya on that day revealed,the inner
confidential wealth of Sridhar.Wealth of his love,the wealth of his pure devotion.Which even
the Supreme personality of Godhead proprieter of all that exists,is thirsty & anxious to
obtain.Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu ki Jai!!!.

So on one end,the Lord conquered the most powerful Chand Kazi,who was actually the
incarnation of Kamsa.He was not an ordinary man.In Krishna lila Chand Kazi was Kamsa
himself,so on one hand he defeated,all of his soldiers,not with armies that were holding,nuclear
bombs or guns or swords.But ,he mobilized a huge army of devotees & they had only one
weapon the holy name of Krsna.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna

Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare!!!

And Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu after,defeating Kamsa himself in the form of Chand Kazi,he goes
to this very,simple & poor,sellar of Banana leaves & drinks the water of the pot that washes his
feet.This is Krishna. This is the Supreme personality of Godhead.Although ,he is the conqueror
of all the worlds,he is always subordinate to the Love of his devotees.

Thank you very much!!

Hare Krsna!!

Hindi translation continues ….

1.13.16:Maharaj :Hare krsna before celebrating,wonderful kirtan of holy name of lord,Sri Radha
Gopinath we would like to have more devotees ,because we want ,somehow or other Sri
Radha Gopinath mandir.If we want to please the devotees ,we must do whatever possible in
our way we can .So as you know,the end of October,1.14.18

Kirtan starts:Hare Krsna

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