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Name :kurnia ernisa ( c1f021009)



DUE DATE and TIME DECEMBER 24TH, 2021, 12.00 AM

Directions (please read carefully and ask the lecture when you do not understand):
- This final test is to measure how good your understanding about Islam is.
The questions have to be answered through explanation and elaboration.
Students are allowed to open any sources including making any discussions
to their mates. However, they are strictly forbidden to have same answers
not only with their friends but also with the sources they refer to (don’t do a
copy-paste). Therefore, to avoid similarities, students are required to make
the answers with their own languages or expressions. Should the students
refer to a source, paraphrase has to be made.
- Please type the answer on a A4 paper with the margin 4,3,4,3. After which
save the file in pdf.
- Send the file to the head of class on December 24th, 2021 the latest.

1. The word “Islam” which means “the submission (aslama)” represents the central
principle of God’s religion. It is believed that only through the total submission,
Muslims can achieve salvation (salamah). Please demonstrate, how the submission
to Allah may bring Muslims to the salvation!
2. Islam is reported as one of the fastest growing religions and has one of the biggest
followers in the world. However, it is also a very misunderstood religion,
especially with regards to terrorism. In contrast to this misunderstanding,
Muslims believe that Islam is none but the religion rahmatan lil alamamin. Provide
theoretical framework and empirical analysis that Islam is truly a religion of
3. In Islam, the concept of God is monotheist. Muslims believe in only one God as the
centre and the cause of everything, which is called Tauhid. Explain why Muslims
deeply assert and depend on the oneness of God (Tauhid) in their lives! What are
the objectives of such idea?
4. To have faith (Iman) is vital and has become one of the prerequisites in order to
achieve the salvation. Without having which one may not be called as a Muslim. As
a consequence, Muslims must abide with a true iman and stay away from its
opposite, which is called shyirk (partnership). Explain, based on you own
perception, what a true iman should be!
5. In Islamic Law, the word “Syariah” refers to God’s law, while “fiqh” refers to
human’s creative law. Please explain which prescription change and which one can
never change? What are the differences between Syariah and fiqh? Please provide
6. Elaborate the classification of Islamic law! Explain how these classifications work
to answer legal problems in Islam! Provide examples!

1. Because Allah has enormous and incomparable power and Allah is omniscient,
when we feel life is full of problems and there is no way out anymore and we try
to surrender to Allah, that's where we get space and a way out. His people feel
difficulties or situations when we really surrender to us, we feel the real energy of
life and according to psychologists, the level of submission to God is the main
capital to realize.

2. Peace in Islam is the main thing, Islam hates war, the word peace in Muslim
culture is one of the names of Allah called as-salam.
Since the beginning, Islam has defined itself as a gentle religion, tolerance
between people is the main value, besides that people who convert to Islam still
maintain their customs, and nothing changes for them.
In general, all humans prefer peace naturally that is why all social systems,
including those based on their philosophy of contradiction and conflict, try to
promise lasting peace from time to time.
The Quran emphatically denounces any war that is not necessary to
defend the way of Allah and save people from the clutches of Satan:
ِ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا ا ْد ُخلُوا فِي الس ِّْل ِم َكافَّةً َواَل تَتَّبِعُوا ُخطُ َوا‬
ٌ ِ‫ت ال َّش ْيطَا ِن ۚ إِنَّهُ لَ ُك ْم َعد ٌُّو ُمب‬

“ Hai orang-orang yang beriman, masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam keseluruhan, dan
janganlah kamu turut langkah-langkah setan. Sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh
yang nyata bagimu.” (QS al-Baqarah [2]: 208).

Islam not only wants relations between Muslims to be peaceful, but Islam also
wants relations between religious communities to be peaceful:

‫“ َوإِ ْن َجنَحُوا ِللس َّْل ِم فَاجْ نَحْ لَهَا َوت ََو َّكلْ َعلَى هَّللا ِ ۚ إِنَّهُ هُ َو ال َّس ِمي ُع ْال َعلِي ُم‬Dan jika mereka condong kepada
perdamaian, maka condonglah kepadanya dan bertawakkallah kepada Allah.
Sesungguhnya Dialah Yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.” (QS al-Anfal
[8]: 61).
The point is that every Muslim must be strong and able to defend that
Islam is a peace-loving religion so that no attacker can trample on Islam.

3. Because Muslims must believe that monotheism is the highest basis of Islam and
the greatest essence of Islam and it is one of the conditions for the acceptance of
Muslim practice, the purpose of this idea can be seen from everyday life and
written in the words of Allah.

4. Faith (iman)is closely related to charity, if as long as we live a lot of practice, we

indirectly have strong faith. Shari'a is the decree of Allah and the provisions of His
Messenger so that it is eternal. While Fiqh is a human understanding and can
change as the times develop, so what can experience change is fiqh.
For example, prayer is a category of sharia, while the procedure is fiqh

5. Etymologically, sharia includes means the way to the spring. Termologically, sharia
means a set of divine norms to regulate human relations with God.
While fiqh etymologically is understanding, while the terminology fiqh means
sharia law that is practical or natural and the propositions that have been
determined., so what can experience change is fiqh.
sharia fiqh
Source from allah Source from human
Absolute truth varies
Only one The trurh is relative
permanent Development Changes according to
human development
The scop is wider The scope is narrow

For example, prayer is a category of sharia, while the procedure is fiqh

6. The classification of Islamic law is divided into 2, namely taklify and wadhiy laws
The law of taklify is a demand from Allah related to the command to perform
an act or leave it, for example the obligation to perform ablution before prayer.
Wadhiy law is God's command which implies that the occurrence of something
is a cause, condition or barrier for the existence of law
For example, when someone sees the new moon for Ramadan, Muslims are
required to fast

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