Urina Rysystem: Functions

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URINA R Y S Y S T E M Filtrate – the fluid that passes across the filtration membrane

§ Consists of 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, urinary

bladder, and the urethra. Arteries and Veins
Renal arteries – branch off the abdominal aorta and enter the
1. Excretion
2. Regulation of blood volume + pressure. Interlobar arteries – pass bet. the renal pyramids
3. Regulation of the concentration of solutes in the
blood. Arcuate arteries – arch bet. the cortex and the medulla
4. Regulation of RBC synthesis.
Interlobular arteries – branch off the arcuate arteries and
5. Regulation of vit. D synthesis. project into the cortex
ANATOMY OF THE KIDNEYS Afferent arterioles – arise form branches of the interlobular
Kidneys – bean-shaped organs; size of a tightly clenched fist arteries and extend to the glomerular capillaries
Renal capsule – CT that surround each kidney Efferent arterioles – extend from the glomerular capillaries
Hilum – where the renal artery and nerves enter Peritubular capillaries – surround the proximal convoluted
and distal convoluted tubules and the loops of Henle
Renal sinus – cavity that contains blood vessels
Vasa recta – specialized portions of the peritubular capillaries
Cortex (outer) Medulla (inner) – surround the renal sinus that extend deep into the medulla
Renal pyramids – located bet. the cortex & medulla Juxtaglomerular apparatus – formed where the distal
convoluted tubule comes in contact with the afferent arteriole
Calyx – funnel-shaped structure that surround the tip of each next to BC
Renal pelvis – formed by calyces into a larger funnel
Ureter – exits the kidney and connects to the urinary bladder § Movement of water, ions, and small molecules through
the FM into the BC
Nephron – functional unit of the kidney
Filtration pressure – forces fluid from the glomerular
v Renal corpuscle capillary across the FM into the BC
v Proximal convoluted tubule
v Loop of Henle Glomerular capillary pressure – BP in the glomerular
v Distal convoluted tubule capillary

Collecting duct – carries the fluid from the cortex through the Capsular pressure – pressure of filtrate already inside the BC
Colloid osmotic pressure – pressure of filtrate within the
Papillary duct – empty their contents into a calyx glomerular capillary

Juxtamedullary nephrons (15%) – have loops of Henle that Regulation of Filtration

extend deep into the medulla Cardiovascular shock – the filtration pressure and filtrate
formation fall dramatically
Cortical nephrons (85%) – have loops of Henle that do not
extend deep into the medulla 2. TUBULAR REABSORPTION
§ Movement of substances from the filtrate across the wall
Bowman’s capsule – consists of the enlarged end of the of the nephrons back into the blood of the peritubular
nephron capillaries

Glomerulus – tuft of capillaries that resembles a ball of yarn; 3. TUBULAR SECRETION

lies within the indentation of Bowman’s capsule § Active transport of solutes across the nephron walls into
the filtrate
Podocytes – inner layer of Bowman’s capsule that consists of
specialized cells

Filtration membrane – formed by glomerular

capillaries, basement membrane, and podocytes of BC
REGULATION OF URINE § Aldosterone increases Na+ and Cl+ reabsorption
Hormonal Mechanism
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone-Mechanism Antidiuretic Hormone Mechanism
§ Renin is secreted from the kidney when blood pressure § Secreted from the posterior pituitary when blood
decreases concentration increases / blood pressure decreases
§ Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I; then § Increases the permeability to water of the distal
converted to angiotensinogen II; which stimulates convoluted tubules and collecting ducts
aldosterone § Increases water reabsorption by the kidney

§ Secreted from the RA in response to increased blood COMPOSITION
pressure Thirst Regulation
§ Acts on the kidney to increase Na+ & water loss § Blood concentration increases = thirst center initiates
in the urine sensation of thirst
§ When water is consumed, blood concentration
URINE MOVEMENT increases = thirst sensation decreases
Anatomy and Histology of the Ureters, Urinary Bladder, § Blood pressure decreases = thirst sensation is triggered
and Urethra § Consumption of water = increases blood volume
Ureters – small tubes that carry urine + allows blood pressure to increase
Urinary bladder – hollow muscular container that stores urine
Thirst center – neurons in the hypothalamus that control
water intake
Urethra – tube that carries urine form the urinary bladder to
the outside of the body Thirst – one of the important means of regulating ECF
volume and concentration
Internal urinary sphincter (males) – smooth muscle at the
junction of the urinary bladder and urethra
Ion Concentration Regulation
External urinary sphincter (males + females) – skeletal § Sodium ions are dominant extracellular ions
muscle that surrounds the urethra Ø Aldosterone increases Na+
reabsorption from filtrate
Micturition Reflex Ø ADH increases water reabsorption
§ Activated by stretch of the urinary bladder wall from the nephron
Ø ANH increases Na+ loss in urine
Intracellular fluid compartment – fluid inside all the cells in § Aldosterone increases K+ secretion in urine
the body Ø Increased blood levels of K+ stimulate
Ø Decreased blood levels of K+ inhibit
Extracellular fluid compartment – fluid outside all the cells
in the body
§ PTH increases extracellular Ca2+ levels
Composition of the Fluid in the BFC Ø Causes bone resorption
Intracellular fluid – contains more K, Mg, PO4, SO4, protein, Ø Increases Ca2+ uptake in the kidney

Extracellular fluid – contains more Na, Ca, Cl, HCO3 § PTH increases vit. D synthesis

Exchange bet. BFC § Calcitonin (thyroid gland)

§ Water moves continually bet. compartments I response to Ø Inhibits bone resorption
hydrostatic pressure differences and osmotic Ø Lowers blood Ca2+ levels
differences bet. the compartments
§ Phosphate + Sulfate Ions
Ø When levels are low in the filtrate = ions are
Ø When levels are high = excess is lost in the


§ Resist changes in the pH;
§ Proteins, phosphate buffer system, bicarbonate buffer

Respiratory System
§ Increase respiratory rate raises pH = rate of
CO2 elimination is increased
§ Reduced respiratory rate = reduces pH (CO2
elimination is reduced)

§ Excrete H+ in response to decreasing blood pH
§ Reabsorb H+ in response to an increasing blood

Acidosis and Alkalosis
Acidosis – occurs when blood pH falls below 7.35
v Respiratory acidosis – respiratory is unable to eliminate
adequate amounts of CO2
v Metabolic acidosis – excess production of acidic substances
(lactic acid + ketone bodies)

Alkalosis – occurs when blood pH increases above 7.45

v Respiratory alkalosis – results from
hyperventilation in response to stress
v Metabolic alkalosis – results from rapid
elimination of H+ from body

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