Fundamentals of Photonics Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Val!d!ty of the Fresnel Approx!mat!on. Determ!ne the rad!us of a c!rcle w!th!n wh!ch a spher-
!cal wave of A = 633 nm, or!g!nat!ng at a d!stance 1 m away, may be approx!mated by a
parabolo!dal wave. Determ!ne the max!mum angle om and the Fresnel number Np.
Exerc!se 2.2-1

acı 141tl

D= 633mm = 633×10-9 m
Z = 1M
-EXERCISE 2.2-2 Çözüm k!taptan Değ!l
The Parabolo!dal Wave and the Gauss!an Beam. Ver!fy that a parabolo!dal wave w!th
the complex envelope A(r) = (Ao/z) expl-jk(z2 + y-)/2z] [see (2.2-17)] sat!sf!es the parax!al
Helmholtz equat!on (2.2-23). Show that the wave whose complex envelope !s g!ven by A(r) =

[A1/q(2)] expl-jk(z2 + 1°)/2q(2)). where q(z) = 2 + j20 and 2o !s a constant, also sat!sf!es the
parax!al Helmholtz equat!on. Th!s wave, called the Gauss!an beam, !s the subject of Chapter 3. Sketch
the !ntens!ty of the Gauss!an beam !n the plane 2 = 0.

Spher!cal Waves. Use a spher!cal coord!nate system to ver!fy that the complex ampl!tude
2.2-3 of

the spher!cal wave (2.2-15) sat!sf!es the Helmholtz equat!on (2.2-7).

2.2-4 Intens!ty of a Spher!cal Wave. Der!ve an express!on for the !ntens!ty I of a spher!cal wave
at a d!stance r from !ts center !n terms of the opt!cal power P. What !s the !ntens!ty at r = 1 m
for P = 100 W?
Exerc!se 2. 2- 3
Exerc!se 2.2 -4
2.2-5 Cyl!ndr!cal Waves. Der!ve express!ons for the complex ampl!tude and !ntens!ty of a

monochromat!c wave whose wavefronts are cyl!nders centered about the y ax!s.
2.2-6 Parax!al Helmholtz Equat!on. Der!ve the parax!al Helmholtz equat!on (2.2-23) us!ng the
approx!mat!ons !n (2.2-21) and (2.2-22).
2.2-7 Conjugate Waves. Compare a monochromat!c wave w!th complex ampl!tude U(r) to a
½ monochromat!c wave of the same frequency but w!th complex ampl!tude U*(r), w!th respect
to !ntens!ty, wavefronts, and wavefront normals. Use the plane wave U(r)
y)/2] and the spher!cal wave U(r) = (A/r) exp(-jkr) as examples.
Exerc!se2. -5.f!?:E
Exerc!se 2. 2- 6
2. 2-
2.3-1 Wave !n a GRIN Slab. Sketch the wavefronts of a wave travel!ng !n the graded-!ndex SELFOC
slab descr!bed !n Example 1.3-1.
2.4-7 Reflect!on of Spher!cal Wave from a Planar M!rror. A spher!cal wave !s reflected from

a planar m!rror suff!c!ently far from the wave or!g!n so that the Fresnel approx!mat!on !s sat-

Transm!ss!on Through a Pr!sm. Use (2.4-5) to show that the complex ampl!tude transm!ttance
of a th!n !nverted pr!sm w!th small apex angle a < 1 and th!ckness do (F!g. 2.4-6) !s t(z, y)
ho exp[-j(n-1)a kox], where ho exp(- jk . do). The transm!ttance !s !ndependent of y s!nce the
pr!sm extends !n the y d!rect!on. What !s the effect of the pr!sm on an !nc!dent plane wave travel!ng
!n the 2 d!rect!on? Compare your results w!th that obta!ned v!a the ray-opt!cs model, as prov!ded !n


F!gure 2.4-6 Transm!ss!on of a plane

wave through a th!n pr!sm.

Double-Convex Lens. Show that the complex ampl!tude transm!ttance of the double-convex
lens (also called a spher!cal lens) shown !n F!g. 2.4-8 !s g!ven by (2.4-9) w!th


You may prove th!s e!ther by us!ng the general formula (2.4-5) or by regard!ng the double-convex lens
as a cascade of two plano-convex lenses. Recall that, by convent!on, the rad!us of a convex/concave

surface !s pos!t!ve/negat!ve, so that R1 !s pos!t!ve and R2 !s negat!ve for the lens d!splayed !n F!g. 2.4-
8. The parameter f IS recogn!zed as the focal length of the lens [see (1.2-12)].

F!gure 2.4-8 A double-convex lens.


Focus!ng of a Plane Wave by a Th!n Lens. Show that when a plane wave !s transm!tted
through a th!n lens of focal length f !n a d!rect!on parallel to the ax!s of the lens, !t !s converted
!nto a parabolo!dal wave (the Fresnel approx!mat!on of a spher!cal wave) centered about a
po!nt at a
d!stance f from the lens, as !llustrated !n F!g. 2.4-9. What IS the effect of the lens on a plane wave
!nc!dent at a small angle 0?

F!gure 2.4-9 A th!n lens transforms a

plane wave !nto a parabolo!dal wave.

Exerc!se 2.
-4- 2
2.4 -3

Imag!ng Property of a Lens. Show that a parabolo!dal wave centered at the po!nt P1 (F!g. 2.4-
10) !s converted by a lens of focal length t !nto a parabolo!dal wave centered at P2, where 1/21 +
1/22 1 / f , a formula known as the !mag!ng equat!on.

F!gure 2.4-10 A lens transforms a

parabolo!dal wave !nto another parabolo!dal
wave. The two waves are centered at

d!stances that sat!sfy the !mag!ng equat!on.

-4- 4 2.

Transm!ss!on Through a D!ffract!on Grat!ng.

(a) The th!ckness of a th!n transparent plate var!es s!nuso!dally !n the T d!rect!on, d(a,y) = 5 do[1+
cos(27x/A)], as !llustrated !n F!g. 2.4-11. Show that the complex ampl!tude transm!ttance !s
t(z, y) = ho expl-j5 (n 1)k, do cos(27.1/A)] where ho = expl-!z(n + 1)k. do].
(b) Show that an !nc!dent plane wave travel!ng at a small angle 0; w!th respect to the 2 d!rect!on !s
transm!tted !n the form of a sum of plane waves travel!ng at angles 0 g!ven by (2.4-12). H!nt:

Expand the per!od!c funct!on t(z, y) !n a Four!er ser!es.

Exerc!se 2.4 -5

Graded-Index Lens. Show that a th!n plate of un!form th!ckness do (F!g. 2.4-13) and quadrat!-
cally graded refract!ve !ndex n(z, y) no[1 HIc a-(a- + y?)], w!th ado < 1, acts as a lens of focal
length f = 1/nodoa- (see Exerc!se 1.3-1).

F!gure 2.4-13 A graded-!ndex plate acts

as a lens.
2.4-7 Reflect!on of a Spher!cal Wave from a Planar M!rror. A spher!cal wave !s reflected from
a planar m!rror suff!c!ently far from the wave or!g!n so that the Fresnel approx!mat!on
!s sat-

!sf!ed. By regard!ng the spher!cal wave locally as a plane wave w!th slowly vary!ng d!rect!on,
use the law of reflect!on of plane waves to determ!ne the nature of the
reflected wave.

Opt!cal Pathlength. A plane wave travels !n a d!rect!on normal to a th!n plate made
N th!n parallel layers of th!cknesses d, and refract!ve !nd!ces Neg; q = 1,2,..., N. If all

reflect!ons are !gnored, determ!ne the complex ampl!tude transm!ttance of the plate. If the
plate !s replaced w!th a d!stance d of free space, what should d be so that the same complex
ampl!tude transm!ttance !s obta!ned? Show that th!s d!stance !s the opt!cal pathlength def!ned
!n Sec. 1.1.

2.4-9 D!ffract!on Grat!ng. Repeat Exerc!se 2.4-5 for a th!n transparent plate whose th!ckness
d(a,y) !s a square (!nstead of s!nuso!dal) per!od!c per!od A > A. Show
funct!on of z of

that the angle 0 between the d!ffracted waves !s st!ll g!ven by 0 ~ X/A. If a plane wave
!s !nc!dent !n a d!rect!on normal to the grat!ng, determ!ne the ampl!tudes of the d!fferent
d!ffracted plane waves.
2.4-10 Reflectance of a Spher!cal M!rror. Show that the complex ampl!tude reflectance r(z, y)
(the rat!o of the complex ampl!tudes of the reflected and !nc!dent waves) of th!n spher!cal

m!rror of rad!us R !s g!ven by r(z, y) = ho exp[-jko(a- + y2)/R], where ho 1s a constant.

Compare th!s to the complex ampl!tude transm!ttance of lens of focal length f -R/2.
2. 4-7
Exerc!se 2.4 -8
Exerc!se 2.4 -10

Interference of a Plane Wave and a Spher!cal Wave. A plane wave travel!ng along the
2 d!rect!on w!th complex ampl!tude A1 exp(-jkz), and a spher!cal wave centered at 2 = 0 and
approx!mated by the parabolo!dal wave of complex ampl!tude (A2/2) exp(-jkz) expl-jk(a? +
y-)/2z] [see (2.2-17)], !nterfere !n the 2 = d plane. Der!ve an express!on for the total !ntens!ty
I(x, y, d). Assum!ng that the two waves have the same !ntens!t!es at the 2 = d plane, ver!fy that the
locus of po!ntsof zero !ntens!ty !s a set of concentr!c r!ngs, as !llustrated !n F!g. 2.5-5.
F!gure 2.5-5 The !nterference of a plane
wave and a spher!cal wave creates a pattern of
concentr!c r!ngs (!llustrated at the plane 2 d).
a EXERCISE 2.5-2

Interference of Two Spher!cal Waves. Twospher!cal waves of equal !ntens!ty To, or!g!nat!ng
atthe po!nts (-a, 0,0) and (a, 0,0), !nterfere !n the plane 2 = d as !llustrated !n F!g. 2.5-6. Th!s
double-p!nhole system !s s!m!lar to that used by Thomas Young !n h!s celebrated double-sl!t exper-
!ment !n wh!ch he demonstrated !nterference. Use the parabolo!dal approx!mat!on for the spher!cal
waves to show that the !ntens!ty at the plane 2 = d !s

d) ~ 210 1 + cos 27a0, (2.5-8)

where the angle subtended by the centers of the two waves at the observat!on plane !s 0 ~ 2a/d. The

!ntens!ty pattern !s per!od!c w!th per!od M/0.

- P1


F!gure 2.5-6 Interference of two spher!cal waves of equal !ntens!t!es or!g!nat!ng at the po!nts P1
and P2. The two waves can be obta!ned by perm!tt!ng a plane wave to !mp!nge on two p!nholes !n a
screen. The l!ght !ntens!ty at an observat!on plane large d!stance d from the p!nholes takes the form
of a s!nuso!dal !nterference pattern, w!th per!od ~ A/0, along the d!rect!on of the l!ne connect!ng the

Exerc!se 2.5 -2

Bragg Reflect!on. Cons!der l!ght reflected at an angle 0 from M parallel reflect!ng planes
separated by a d!stance A, as shown !n F!g. 2.5-8. Assume that only a small fract!on of the l!ght
!s reflected from each plane, so that the ampl!tudes of the M reflected waves are approx!mately
equal. Show that the reflected waves have a phase d!fference p k:(2^ s!n 0) and that the angle 0 at
wh!ch the !ntens!ty of the total reflected l!ght !s max!mum sat!sf!es

s!n 0 g (2.5-13)
Bragg Angle

Th!s equat!on def!nes the Bragg angle 0g . Such reflect!ons are encountered when l!ght !s reflected
from a mult!layer structure (see Sec. 7.1) or when X-ray waves are reflected from atom!c planes !n
crystall!ne structures. It also occurs when l!ght !s reflected from a per!od!c structure created by an
acoust!c wave (see Chapter 20). An exact treatment of Bragg reflect!on !s prov!ded !n Sec. 7.1C.
12 ..M

F!gure 2.5-8 Reflect!on of a plane wave from

M parallel planes separated from each other
by a d!stance A. The reflected waves !nterfere
construct!vely and y!eld max!mum !ntens!ty when
the angle ( !s the Bragg angle 63. Note that 0 !s
def!ned w!th respect to the parallel planes.
Exerc!se 2.5 -3
2.5-4 Stand!ng Waves. Der!ve an express!on for the !ntens!ty I of the superpos!t!on of two plane
waves of wavelength ^ travel!ng !n oppos!te d!rect!ons along the 2 ax!s. Sketch I versus 2.
2.5-5 Fr!nge V!s!b!l!ty. The v!s!b!l!ty of an !nterference pattern such as that descr!bed by (2.5-4)
and plotted !n F!g. 2.5-1 !s def!ned as the rat!o V = (Imax Im!n)/(Imax + Im!n), where
Imax and Im!n are the max!mum and m!n!mum values of I. Der!ve an express!on for V as
a funct!on of the rat!o 11/12 of the two !nterfer!ng waves and determ!ne the rat!o 11/12 for

wh!ch the v!s!b!l!ty !s max!mum.

2.5-6 M!chelson Interferometer. If one of the m!rrors of the M!chelson !nterferometer [F!g. 2.5-
3(b)] !s m!sal!gned by a small angle A(, descr!be the shape of the !nterference pattern !n the
detector plane. What happens to th!s pattern as the other m!rror moves?
Exerc!se 2.5 -4
Exerc!se 2.5 -5
Exerc!se 2.5 -6

Opt!cal Doppler Radar. As a result of the Doppler effect, a monochromat!c opt!cal wave of
V along the l!ne of s!ght
frequency V, reflected from an object mov!ng w!th a veloc!ty component
from an observer, undergoes a frequency sh!ft Av H(2v/c) v, depend!ng on whether the object !s
mov!ng toward (+) or away (-) from the observer. Assum!ng that the or!g!nal and reflected waves
are super!mposed, der!ve an express!on for the !ntens!ty of the resultant wave. Suggest a method for
measur!ng the veloc!ty of a target us!ng such an arrangement. If one of the m!rrors of a M!chelson
!nterferometer [F!g. 2.5-3(b)] moves w!th veloc!ty Ev, use (2.5-6) to show that the beat frequency !s
Exerüse 2. b- 1
2.6-2 Pulsed Spher!cal Wave.
(a) Show that a pulsed spher!cal wave has a complex wavefunct!on of the form U(r,t)
(1/r)a(t - r/c), where a(t) !s an arb!trary funct!on.
(b) An ultrashort opt!cal pulse has a complex wavefunct!on w!th central frequency corre-
spond!ng to a wavelength ^• = 585 nm and a Gauss!an envelope of RMS w!dth of
0, = 6 fs (1 fs= 10-15 s). How many opt!cal cycles are conta!ned w!th!n the pulse
w!dth? If the pulse propagates !n free space as a spher!cal wave !n!t!ated at the or!g!n at
t= 0, descr!be the spat!al d!str!but!on of the !ntens!ty as a funct!on of the rad!al d!stance
at t!me t = 1 ps.

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