Configure Peer-to-Peer Network With at Least Three Hosts: Experiment No:01 Aim: Theory

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Experiment No:01

Aim: Configure Peer-to-Peer network with at least three hosts

The peer to peer computing architecture contains nodes that are equal participants in data
sharing. All the tasks are equally divided between all the nodes. The nodes interact with each
other as required as share resources.
Characteristics of Peer to Peer Computing

• Peer to peer networks are usually formed by groups of a dozen or less computers.
• The nodes in peer to peer networks both use resources and provide resources. So, if the nodes
increase, then the resource sharing capacity of the peer to peer network increases.
• Since nodes in peer to peer networks act as both clients and servers, it is difficult to provide
adequate security for the nodes
• Most modern operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS contain software to implement
peer to peer networks.

Advantages of Peer to Peer Computing

• Each computer in the peer to peer network manages itself.

• In the client server network, the server handles all the requests of the clients. This provision is
not required in peer to peer computing and the cost of the server is saved.
• It is easy to scale the peer to peer network and add more nodes. This only increases the data
sharing capacity of the system.
• None of the nodes in the peer to peer network are dependent on the others for their functioning.

Disadvantages of Peer to Peer Computing

• It is difficult to backup the data as it is stored in different computer systems and there is no
central server.
• It is difficult to provide overall security in the peer to peer network as each system is
independent and contains its own data.


Now let's get started. follow the instructions below.

1. open software packet tracer

2. click End Devices icon (lower left corner) or press CTRL + ALT + V
3. drag icon general (Personal Computer) and drop to worksheets.

4. click Connections icon or press CTRL + ALT + 0 , then click Automatically

Choose Connection Type.

5. click PC0 then click PC1.

6. double click PC0.

7. Desktop tab, then click IP Configuration.

8. set IP Address for Subnet Mask.

IP Address PC0 =
Subnet Mask =

9. close window PC0

10. double click PC1

11. Desktop tab, then click IP Configuration.

12. set IP Address for Subnet Mask.

IP Address PC0 =
Subnet Mask =

13. double click PC2

14. Desktop tab, then click IP Configuration.

15. set IP Address for Subnet Mask.

IP Address PC2 =
Subnet Mask =
19.we have to connect three PC in peer to peer connection
17. There are three ways to check the connection of network.

i) Ping command

ii) Real time mode

Iii) Simulation mode

i)Ping command :

-Desktop tab of PC1, then click Command Prompt

- type ping then enter

-if it appears as shown below, it means PC1 and PC2 are connected and
ii) Real time mode:

-In real time mode just put the PDU on PC0 and PC1,If status shown
successful then connection is successful.

Iii) Simulation mode

Result: Thus we have Configure Peer-to-Peer network with at least three hosts

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