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The desire to be financially free is deeply rooted in many people.

Some think about it, others

dream of it, some talk about it. I really wish all that could purchase financial freedom, but if
wishes were horses then beggars would take a free ride. Attaining financial freedom goes beyond

Financial freedom might be free, but it does not come cheaply. Freedom has a price and to me it
is worth the price. The big secret is this: It takes neither money to be financially free nor a good
formal education. It also doesn’t have to be risky. Instead, freedom’s price is measured in
dreams, desire and the drive and discipline to overcome disappointments that occur to us along
the way.

You can never be rich by working for someone else.

Being misinformed is risky and relying on a safe secure job is the highest risk anyone can take.

Many times, we get discouraged because we are afraid to step out into business because we have
always been told it’s not easy and we can easily lose in business.

After all, so many people have crashed and burnt in business.

I wouldn’t tell you it’s easy.

I would only tell you, it’s simple and if you are ready to learn my tested and proven system and
take action, you would forever be grateful to me.

This book tells you a business that helps you to face your fears and overcome them because you
are not alone.

This book also tells you why you need to be financially free and how you can get it. It’s 2 in 1.

It also tells you why there are more millionaires in this home-based business than in any other

If you don’t desire to be financially free and enjoy time freedom or basically “own your life” or
you are the lazy type, Please don’t give it a thought, this business is not for you.

You can go back to your 8-5 job and continue to run the rat race. I certainly wish you well

If you are otherwise, then you are in the right place.

Grab this opportunity and thank me later.

All the very best.


The desire to be financially free is deeply rooted in many people. Some think about it, others
dream of it, some talk about it. I really wish all that could purchase financial freedom, but if
wishes were horses then beggars would take a free ride. Attaining financial freedom goes beyond

Financial freedom might be free, but it does not come cheaply. Freedom has a price and to me it
is worth the price. The big secret is this: It takes neither money to be financially free nor a good
formal education. It also doesn’t have to be risky. Instead, freedom’s price is measured in
dreams, desire and the drive and discipline to overcome disappointments that occur to us along
the way.

The question remains, are you willing to pay the price?

Being misinformed is risky and relying on a safe secure job is the highest risk anyone can take.

In America, described by many as the land of opportunities and where people constantly flock to
find their golden fleece, the shocking reality about retirement is …

When Americans reach age 65, after working hard for 40 or more years, only 1% will be wealthy
or said to be financially free.

Only 4% of retirees will have adequate investments or savings to actually retire at some level of
comfort or financially independent.

This remains 95% of financially dependent people,

Of this unfortunate group, almost two thirds, 63% will be forced to depend on Social Security,
relatives, or charity to house and feed them.

The remaining 33% will keep working as retirees, often in minimum-wage jobs alongside
What is the one thing that these unfortunate 95% all have in common?...

...They never thought they'd end up like this!

In Nigeria, the statistics is worse and there is no provision for social security services or

The Smart Question to ask you is: “What Can I Do Now to Make Sure I'm in the 5%
Group and Not the 95%?”
I’m sure you would actually prefer the 1%.

There are different means to achieve financial freedom but this is achieved by building a system
that would generate passive income for you that will exceed your living expenses.

You can build a business like Bill Gates built Microsoft but be prepared to be patient for about
20 to 30 years before it may lead to financial freedom. Also, building a business from scratch
could be very risky. Statistics show that 9 out of 10 startup businesses fail in the first 5 years.
And of the one that survives, again 9 out of 10 of the survivors fail by the tenth year. Purchasing
a franchise which is less risky can be very expensive. An example is a MacDonald’s franchise
that costs over a million dollars for the rights to the franchise and extra monthly payments. This
also does not guarantee financial freedom. Statistics show that 1/3 of all franchises go broke.

You can put your money in investments like mutual funds, stocks or bonds. The problem with
investing is you can lose everything you invest if you are not financially educated and trained to
be an investor. The stock market is risky and volatile, which means one day you make money
and the next day it could be all done.

You can invest in real estate which would require a large sum of money to do which you may
not have. Although you can use your banker’s money to invest, it takes an education to be
financially free with this.

By being exceptionally smart, talented, attractive, gifted or earning royalties as a musician,

author, and computer programmer. Tiger Woods is an example of an exceptionally gifted
golfer… a golfer who spent years developing his gift. Also, the late Michael Jackson was a
prolific musician who is still earning royalties from albums he made since the 1980’s even after
his demise.

In Nigeria, earning royalties from works of music or movies doesn’t exist. The guys who are
involved in marketing them are better positioned to make money from your work and so the best
they offer you is a one time payment.

Yet being smart or gifted does not guarantee financial freedom. Statistics show that 65% of all
professional athletes are broke 5 years after their high paying professional careers are over. Also
Michael Jackson was said to live like a billionaire even though he was a millionaire, this means
he had some debts and could not have been financial free.

You can build a network marketing business. A network marketing business is a new and
revolutionary way to achieve financial freedom. A network marketing system, a system similar
to a personal franchise is a very democratic means of financial freedom because it is set up to
make it possible for anybody to share in the wealth. The system is open to anyone who has drive,
determination and perseverance. The system does not care about your educational background,
how much money you make today, what race or sex you are, or how popular you are. Network
marketing is indeed the greatest opportunity in the history of capitalism. It is a business with a
heart and a deep caring for people. Wealth will come automatically if you seek first to HELP

“You can have anything in the world that you want, simply by HELPING enough OTHER
PEOPLE to get what they want” – Zig Ziglar

Starting a network marketing business is very low in capital as compared to other conventional
or franchise businesses, has low risk which means you can walk out anytime. Network marketing
businesses are truly Information Age franchises because most network marketing businesses run
almost solely on information, rather than land, factories and employees. Network marketing
organizations also run on automated network marketing software system hence making new
distributors focus all of their efforts in building their business through sharing this automated
business opportunity instead of worrying about the normal start-up headaches of a small

In the Information Age, the challenge of distributing products from Industrial Age companies to
consumers gives rise to wealth from those who are involved in doing so. The network marketer
can attain financial freedom by been involved in distributing the product from the company to
the consumer.

As financial freedom requires building a system that generates passive income, network
marketing’s greatest leverage is the ability to retire into passive income by leveraging on the
effort of others which could be generated in 2-4 years of part time effort as compared to the 40
years slaving for someone else and only making him richer.

Most people are fearful about trying to start and build a business of their own. Network
marketing gives them the opportunity without disturbing their present means of support to get
involved and become financially free

“I would rather earn 1% of 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts”
- John Paul Getty (American Billionaire).

There are more millionaires in Network Marketing than in any other industry.
In America, according to IRS statistics, in 1984, 20% of NEW millionaires came from Network
Marketing. By 1994, it was 50%, by 2004; it was 70 – 80% of NEW millionaires that came from
Network Marketing. In 2010, you can imagine how many more millionaires will have emerged
from this booming industry.

Would you like to be there as well?

Of course you would.

Actually, you don’t have a choice if you have a dream to be financial free.

The network marketing business encourages people to dream big dreams and achieve their big

It is important to note that financial freedom is TIME FREEDOM. Time freedom is the ability to
do anything you want to do when you want to do it because you have the financial capacity to do
it. Hence Network marketing businesses offer more time for kids, family, hobbies, or whatever is
important to you.

If I had to sum it up in one word, it will be FREEDOM! – Freedom to work as much or as little
as you want, to go and come as you please, and to spend more time doing whatever is important
to you. Once you experience this FREEDOM, you'll wonder how you ever lived any other way!

Many positive CHANGES have been made in the industry, and several simultaneous MEGA-
TRENDS help make this the best time ever to get involved! The time to start is NOW!
Can Network Marketing Be A Pyramid Scheme or A Scam?

One of the popular questions asked is this? Is network marketing a pyramid scheme? Some
others ask if network marketing businesses are just scams that are designed to rip off innocent
unsuspecting people hence the credibility of network marketing businesses are often questioned

Let’s be objective about this and see the similarities and obvious differences between the two.

People who see network marketing especially with regards to the compensation plan as a
pyramid need to see other traditional business models or normal governmental structures. This is
highlighted below:

Is the shape of the business model a reason to qualify it as illegal?

No of course as this would mean that every corporation, government structure, ministry or school
will be illegal and should not exist.

Therefore, the shape of a business model should not determine the credibility of a business or
organization but the way and manner the business model is run.

If observed critically, a traditional business model was designed to have only one person at the
top generally the CEO and everyone else below.

This is illustrated below

Compare this to a network marketing business model

"A true network marketing business model is the exact opposite of a traditional business model.
A network marketing business is designed to bring you up to the top, not keep you down at the
bottom. A true network marketing network marketing business does not succeed unless it brings
people to the top." – Robert T. Kiyosaki

In the network marketing model, everybody starts at the bottom and has the opportunity to build
a large organization.

Let’s face it. In a traditional business corporation, the middle level manager earns more than the
entry level employee no matter how hard the entry level employee works, even if he works
harder than the middle level manager and also, the vice president or president/CEO earns more
than the middle level manager even if the middle level manager works harder. This means that
the pyramid structure in a traditional business model favours only people at the top.

However, in network marketing, you can earn more than your uplines regardless of the position
he is or the difference between the times both of you joined. You can build an organization
many times larger than your sponsor’s organization if you want. Network marketing pays you for
your efforts and not necessarily your position and there’s no limit to what you can earn based on
your talents, drive and determination.

Let’s now differentiate between a network marketing scheme and a pyramid scheme

A pyramid scheme is an illegal money making opportunity that is based on a non-sustainable

business model where money is exchanged primarily for the purpose of enrolling other people
into the business without any legitimate product or service being delivered when one enrolls.
Each new participant pays for the chance to advance to the top and profit from payments of
others who might join later. Hence, the only people that are able to make money on a pyramid
scheme are the people at the top of the pyramid. Eventually the number of new recruits fails to
sustain the payment structure and the scheme collapses with most people losing the money they
paid in.

Obviously, the easiest way to spot a pyramid scheme is the non availability of a product or
service in return for your initial investment. Therefore, you only make money when you
introduce people into the system. Pyramid schemes work on the ‘greater fool’ theory.

A network marketing business model is a distribution model of goods and services from the
producer directly to the consumer via word of mouth advertising instead of traditional means of
advertising e.g. media, billboards e.t.c. The customer who chooses to become a distributor is
rewarded through commissions by the company for distributing their products and finding new
customers as against the company paying the media for advertising.

This makes sense as statistics show that 80% of products and services are purchased via word of
mouth advertising as against traditional means. Hence, network marketing companies leverage
on this to distribute their products to the consumer.

The main focus of a network marketing business is to distribute products and services; hence,
any member can earn money by selling the company’s products and services without introducing
another person unlike pyramid schemes where you only make money when people are
introduced into the system.

Although, members earn commissions by distributing the company’s products and services, it is
possible to earn commissions by sponsoring distributors as a means to build their referral base
hence leveraging on the effort of others and build a steady system of passive income. This is an
important value in network marketing as experienced by wealthy people such as American’s
billionaire John Paul Getty who said “I would rather earn 1% of 100 people’s efforts than
100% of my own efforts”

It is important to note the difference between network marketing and direct selling. One very
significant difference is that in network marketing, you are in business for yourself but not by
yourself. Being in business for yourself, you are buying the products WHOLESALE from the
company you are representing. This means that you can (and should) use these items for your
own consumption and sell those products at RETAIL and make a profit. The most common
misunderstanding about network marketing is the notion that you have to sell retail to be
successful. There is a lot to be said for selling retail and it should not be ignored but in regard to
making the larger sums of income – the real success is in building a referral base organization
by sponsoring distributors.

Another thing that differentiates network marketing from Direct Sales is the SPONSORING of
other distributors. In direct sales and even in some network marketing companies it’s called
RECRUITING. However, ‘sponsoring’ and ‘recruiting’ is definitely not the same thing. You
SPONSOR someone then TEACH them how to do what you are doing, building a BUSINESS
OF THEIR OWN. SPONSORING is what makes a network marketing business grow. As your
organization grows, you are building towards becoming an INDEPENDENT, SUCCESSFUL
business person. You are your OWN BOSS.

Furthermore, with direct selling companies, you work for the company. If you decide to quit that
company and move to another area, you end up having to start all over again. This is because
direct selling is restricted to a particular area of jurisdiction in terms of marketing their products
or services while network marketing has the ability to transact their business without any
restriction of location hence you can move to another area of the country and sponsor people
without losing the volume generated by the group you left behind.

This is why there are more millionaires in network marketing than in any other industry

In America, according to IRS statistics, in 1984, 20% of NEW millionaires came from Network
Marketing. By 1994, it was 50%, by 2004; it was 70 – 80% of NEW millionaires that came from
Network Marketing.

In summary, network marketing has

 Little or no enrollment fee,

 The company explains itself, its products, and its services before you sign-up,

 A member’s main source of income will come from marketing the company’s products or
services and can also make leveraged income by sponsoring distributors as a means of
building a referral base and

 A member can make money at any level of the model without sponsoring distributors.

These ensure that the distributor has a fair chance to earn money from the company. However, as
is true with any venture, your income depends on your ability to distribute products or offer
services. Any company that promises you money for doing nothing is not being honest with you
as network marketing is not a get rich quick scheme for doing nothing. Although, it is possible
to become rich in a short while actively working, most make their money through consistent
efforts over a period of time. So if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

In conclusion, it is advised that you do your homework and join a company with a very good
training system for effective duplication.
Can These People Be Wrong?

I was able to differentiate between network marketing and pyramid schemes or scams. If you’re
still in doubts then pay attention to these various successful entrepreneurs, president, writers,
movie stars endorse network marketing:

Robert T. Kiyosaki, Investor, Entrepreneur, Educator and author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is the
longest-running best seller on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today and
Business Week best-seller lists has endorsed network marketing as a legitimate and legal
business opportunity to become wealthy in his best-seller books;” Rich Dad Poor Dad” and
“CASHFLOW Quadrant”.

In fact, he dedicated a whole book to network marketing which he called “The Business School
for people who like helping people”. He wrote

“If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have
started building a network marketing business”

He even described how wealthy one can become by saying that

“It was a pleasure to meet some very successful network marketing business owners…many
far more successful than myself and even my rich dad” and

“I believe network marketing gives people the opportunity to build up the passive income they
need for support while they learn to be professional investors. Many famous franchises cost a
million dollars or more to buy. Network marketing is like buying a personal franchise, often for
less than $300”

He also strongly advocates for network marketing because of the invaluable skills and training
distributors undergo. This personal development makes them better entrepreneurs.

In addition, he co-authored a book with Donald Trump called “Why We Want You to Be Rich”
where both men recommended network marketing as a legitimate means of becoming rich.

He also endorsed network marketing as a business for the twenty-first century when he recently
authored a book called “The Business for the 21ST Century”.
When asked, what is the best way to increase wealth for many? He said… “The No. 1 thing
people can do to increase their wealth is to start a part-time business. They can start a small
home based business, an internet company or a network marketing business”.

Donald Trump, Real Estate Developer, Investor, Entrepreneur, Producer of the mega hit TV
show “The Apprentice, The Celebrity Apprentice” apart from co-authoring a book with Robert
T. Kiyosaki called “Why We Want You to Be Rich” where both men recommended network
marketing as a means of becoming rich, he said

“network marketing has proven to be a viable and rewarding source of income…”

Donald Trump started a network marketing company called “The Trump Network”. He wanted
to position himself for growth because he knows that there is a coming explosion in network
marketing. He has staked his claim to the MLM explosion.

Warren Buffet, Investor, Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and currently the third
richest man in the world and has been quoted saying that direct selling is “an investor’s
dream.” Warren Buffett purchased “Pampered Chef” from Doris Christopher in the fall of 2002.
He realized the immense value that exists in Pampered Chef and MLMs. He now owns three
different Network Marketing companies.

Sir Richard Branson, Chairman of the Virgin Group owns several network marketing

Jim Rohn, Entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker became a millionaire at the age of 31
from direct sales. He participated in network marketing for the past 20+ years before his death.
He said

“Network marketing is the big wave of the future. It’s taking the place of franchising, which
now requires too much capital for the average person.”

Paul Zane Pilzer, Nobel Prize award winner in economics, world-renowned economist, social
entrepreneur, adjunct professor, and the author of nine best-renowned economist and dozens of
scholarly publications is one of the biggest advocates of network marketing.

He says that the fortunes to be made in the years ahead will not be predominantly in physical
delivery but in education-not in physical distribution, but in intellectual distribution: educating
consumers about products and services that will improve their lives, but that they don’t yet know
about or don't yet know are now affordable.

Hence, that is what has given rise to the vehicle of distribution known as direct selling, or one-to-
one marketing....thus demonstrating the Power of Network Marketing! Now the most exciting
part is that anyone can do it!!
Doug Wead, Presidential historian, philanthropist, public speaker, Co-founder of Mercy Corps.
He was Special Assistant go U.S President George H.W. Bush and is the author of more than
thirty books, including the New York Times best-seller “All the President’s Children: Triumph
and Tragedy in the Lives of the Lives of the First Families”.

He is a successful network marketer. In fact, he co-founded Mercy Corps, a philanthropic

organisation in 1979 with the money he earned from network marketing. This goes a long way to
suggest that when money is earned by helping others, it is easier to use such wealth to better the
cause of many people.

Robert G. Allen, author of The New York Times best-seller “Multiple Streams of Income” calls
it “the ultimate money making machine.”

David Bach, author of seven consecutive best-selling books, including two consecutive No. 1
New York Times best-sellers, “Start Late, Finish Rich” and “The Automatic Millionaire” said
this about network marketing

“It’s a fast way to make more money. They’re able to provide you a turn key system to get
you up and running”

Former President Bill Clinton, Zig Ziglar, Dolf de Roos, Les Brown, Sylvester Stallone, Jack
Anfield and Mark Victor Hansen (The Chicken Soup for the Soul guy), Bill Farley, Brian Tracy
endorse network marketing.

IRS has been quoted in its statistics that in America, in 1984, 20% of NEW millionaires came
from Network Marketing. By 1994, it was 50%, and by 2004; it was 70 – 80% of NEW
millionaires that came from Network Marketing.

If these people can’t be wrong then you better make the most of this exciting and rewarding
The Millionaire Mindset

To be wealthy, it makes proper sense to think and act like a wealthy person. Hence, the proper
mindset is necessary to attain such wealth. The wealthy people (5%) of this world’s population
certainly think and act differently from the others (95%). Many people just wish to be wealthy
without proper planning and the work ethic required in attaining it. Failure is not an option as
failure is simply a price to pay to achieve success.

“Failure is really a matter of conceit. People don’t work hard because, in their conceit, they
imagine they’ll succeed without ever making an effort. Most people believe that they’ll wake
up some day and find themselves rich. Actually, they’ve got it half right, because eventually
they wake up” – Thomas Edison

It is important to note that being wealthy is regardless of age, gender, race, country of origin or
education. For instance Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg is a self-made multibillionaire in
dollars in his twenties, Oprah Winfrey is also a multibillionaire in dollars regardless of her
female status, Aliko Dangote is a multibillionaire in dollars even though he’s a Black African,
Carlos Slim who is currently the richest man in the world comes from Mexico, a developing
country. Thomas Edison and Henry Ford were multibillionaires in their times even though they
were school dropouts.

One very important thing to note is that the true wealthy people have integrity. Integrity is not
genetic or hereditary and so they went out of their way to get it.

Also, the rich either made their wealth or secured their wealth through real estate.

Below are some of the other attributes that the wealthy possess as compared to the poor as
published in a book called “Life’s Greatest Opportunity” written by Virend Singh who is a
successful network marketer who teaches the concept of the wealthy mindset.
The Wealthy Mindset The Poor Mindset
Have a delayed gratification mindset, settling Have an immediate gratification mindset
for short-term pain for long-term gain. settling for short-term gain for long-term pain.
A wealthy mindset is willing to take risks with The general population avoids risk because of
the understanding that failure/losing is part of the fear of failure or loss. They wait to see
the process of winning. Hence, they are early what everybody else is doing, then do the same
adapters, taking advantage of a new – by which time it is too late to capitalize on a
opportunity before others realize its potential. new opportunity.
Have a positive attitude, using language such Have a negative attitude, using language such
as: as:

 "If others can do it, so can I."  "I can’t, it’s too hard."
 "I’ll make time."  "I don’t have time."
 "What’s it worth in the long term?"  "I can’t afford it – it’s too expensive."

Are decisive – They are quick to decide and Are indecisive - they are slow to decide and
slow to change their minds. They know that quick to change their minds because, once they
their destinies are shaped in their moments of have decided, they start to worry if they have
decision. Indecision leads to in-action which, made the right decision. Fear, uncertainty and
in turn, leads to unfavourable results. doubt are inherent in their personality
Seek opportunity. They want to develop, Seek security. They desire a safe, secure
achieve and excel. They do what the majority profession / job, but such a thing is virtually
are unwilling (not unable, just unwilling) to do. non-existent today, and even if it was, it would
They realise that people who play it safe provide little chance of attaining financial
continually miss opportunities and seldom independence.
make progress.
Take responsibility for their circumstances. Do not always take responsibility for their
They know that "when you choose the circumstances. When things aren’t as they
behaviour, you choose the circumstances". would like them to be, they sometimes try to
Hence they create their own circumstances by justify their situation. Some even blame others
choosing actions that support their goals. The – the government, their employer, their
wealthy mindset attitude is “if it is to be, it’s up teachers, parents/children etc.
to me.”
Those with a wealthy mindset make it happen. The general population let it happen. Many
They know that success must be summoned; it have no definite plans for the future or they
won’t come unbidden. They have plans. They simply don’t execute their plans, hence they fit
can tell you where they are going and how they into someone else’s plans.
are going to get there.
Understand and apply the law of 'Cause and They expect to receive value before they will
Effect' – as you sow, so shall you reap. They give value.
know they must give to receive - e.g. one must
give respect before they receive respect. One
must give value to receive value.
Mind their own business. They build Mind somebody else’s business. They work
businesses and use the power of compounding hard for somebody else trading hours for
/ leverage to earn residual income. dollars by earning a linear income, paying up
to 50% of their income in taxes.
See with their minds what others miss with See only with their eyes, often missing
their eyes, hence recognising potential where opportunities for improving their
others don’t. circumstances in life.
Have a sense of urgency. All successful people They tend to procrastinate. They wait until all
are driven by sense of urgency to produce the conditions are right before taking action.
Have a sense of team and a common purpose. They do it all themselves, hence they don’t
They believe in synergy – combining and often achieve the big outcomes they aspire to.
sharing the work effort.
Persist until they succeed. Like a child learning Quit at the first sign of defeat. As soon as they
to walk, every time they fall down, they get up encounter setbacks, they give up. They say
quickly and keep trying until they get it right. “it’s too hard. It hurts too much. I give up”
They are results orientated and perform They are activity orientated, confusing being
activities that produce the results they desire, busy with progress. They are so busy being
resulting in a high quality of life. They plan busy, that they lose sight of what they are
their work and then execute this plan. trying to accomplish.
Have more money at the end of the month, i.e. They live from pay cheque to pay cheque.
they have money left over at the end of the More often than not their money runs out
month that they can invest or spend as they before the end of the month.
Focus on ‘quality of life’. They will retire in Focus on ‘standard of living’. Some will work
comfort, maintaining their standard of living their entire life. The majority will find that
and generally enjoying more free time and their standard of living will drop by 40-75%.
better then average health. When they retire they will struggle to make
ends meet, depending on welfare or the
goodwill of others for their existence.

It’s possible to attain millionaires if not billions if you are willing to work with the mindset of the
rich. Stay away from excuses, focus on learning new things daily and be determined and
disciplined to stay true to the course. If others can choose to be wealthy and attain it, why can’t
Paradigm Shift

I learnt the hard way in my opportunity just as I’m sure you do if you are already in network

I was told the several ways of marketing my opportunity; write down lists (hot, warm, cold lists),
talking about the credibility of the company, its amazing products and services, the fantastic
compensation plan, projections of the company and so on.

I didn’t know that my business has nothing to do with my company.

I painstakingly did this with a lot of hope that I would sign up as many as possible people into
my opportunity, but not so. In fact, one of my prospects said I was a good salesman but the good
accolade ended there. People I talked to just didn’t bulge. Some of my cold prospects were
people who had no business being entrepreneurs. Some gave promises of signing up but always
found a perfect reason not to do so. Others were interested but later reneged on their interest.

I certainly knew there was a problem and desperately wondered what it was.

How come others in my opportunity were making progress and I wasn’t.

Understanding that I just couldn’t quit because I had this stubborn, never giving in to despair
spirit, I kept on working and working.

My thirst for reading network marketing books was fast increasing to identify the problem and I
did read some until I discovered this shocking reality


My mind ran several times on that sentence and stayed there for a while.

I began to juxtapose between what I had learnt earlier and what I was seeing now and I realized
how true this is.
Yeah, my business opportunity was indeed a fantastic one with and could provide you with the
life others dream about but it seemed I was the only one who had a dream.

The leader of my primary opportunity whose income is passive based because he does not
personally sponsor anyone any longer, gives willing cash in hand prospects who wanted to sign
up under him to others and told the company not to allow anyone sign up under him because
many people had signed up under him without his consent gave me a clue to this statement.

Can you imagine? Here was I trying to convince people to sponsor them while another person
was rejecting signups.

I knew that he could join any opportunity in the world and make a sizable organization within
weeks or months.

I realized that I was the problem and for me to make progress in my opportunity I had to solve
that problem.

I began to study what he was doing that made him what he was. I discovered He was a leader
and the only way I could emulate his success was to be a leader myself.

I did so and the tables were turned.

My prospects started calling me and were asking me to convince them for which I simply said

I now became the hunted instead of the hunter.

Let’s face it …99% of network marketers never earn a full-time income level.

This means that ONLY LEADERS MAKE IT BIG in network marketing as in any other
business. Period.

The reason for this lies in basic human or animal psychology.

Know this: Attraction is not a choice

It’s a biological/instinctual trigger that evolved millions of years ago to help humans and animals
keep alive.

What makes a person attractive to others?

People who have a subconscious attraction to others who possess leadership qualities and have a
high level of personal value.
One of the major differences between leaders and others is that leaders market themselves first
before ever mentioning the network marketing opportunity. In fact the last thing leaders’ talk
about is the opportunity.

This made a lot of sense to me.

People wanted to associate themselves with leaders so as to benefit from their expertise and
would not give much of a thought to anyone else who was only interested in cramming an
opportunity to them.

Leaders market solutions and offer value to others for which others long for and naturally yield
to them in return.

Having some poultry and been a keen observer of them, I realized that the leader of the group –
the Alpha male cock doesn’t need to chase the female hens like others do to mate it. The female
hens naturally allow the alpha male to do so. This is because the Alpha male always offers value
to the female hens in terms of food and protection and so in return allows the male to mate with
it with ease.

You can choose to be the hunter or be the hunted.

So if you want to make it big in networking i.e. sponsoring people effortlessly, (or anything in
life), to be sought after and pursued, you must learn to convey such qualities, and eventually
become a leader with tremendous amounts of value to offer others;

You must also radiate positive energy, optimism, confidence and be unconcerned with outside

You must know exactly what you want and focus your energy on achieving them.

You must have a strong frame of mind to achieve what you set out to achieve.

You must be willing to let go of your comfort zone and be ready to do what the majority is
unwilling to.

You must have an abundance mentality. This is a core concept needed for success.

You never come from a “frame of need”. You don’t need to sponsor people. You don’t need
people to join you. When you “need” something from someone, you are automatically
supplicating to them and giving them the power.

Any feelings of “need” are crushed by living in a frame or mindset of limitless abundance.
Abundance of money, abundance of prospects, abundance of opportunity, etc… When you live
in abundance, you do not fear loss or failure.
You never try to sell, convince or coerce your prospects to join your opportunity. These actions
make you look desperate and in need instead you qualify your prospects to ensure that they are
the right people you want to work with.

You take risks, but once again recognize there really is no such thing as risk when you live in a
mind state of abundance.

You use a strong, confident voice and control the conversation. You tend to speak with a relaxed
authority and aren’t afraid to interrupt the other person.

You never seek approval by ending sentences with “isn’t it?” or “right?” These questions tacked
onto the end of sentences make you sound weak willed, particularly if your pitch rises. Right?

You are extremely protective of your most valuable resource, which is your time, and do not give
it away to others unless they deserve it.

In conclusion, you must increase your value to others through education and experience i.e. by
reading books, listening to audio books, attending courses, seminars and training, learning
marketing skills that others will be unwilling to learn and reaching out to any information that
will increase your value.

Remember that this education never stops as your learning has to be a continuous one. Every
book or informational material adds up to your knowledge and hence increases your value.

Believing and knowing that you hold true value to other people, gives you confidence and the
abundance mentality to achieve your goals in network marketing.

Network marketing is a business of duplication hence success can be only achieved if there’s an
effective system of duplication. As already been said, our business largely depends on
sponsoring and teaching others who also do the same thing.

And just what is a “system” anyway?

A system is nothing more than a standardized set of tools and instructions.

You sell a marketing system to distributors.

The marketing system sells your company’s products.

Let’s use an example of a company called McDonald’s.

When Ray Kroc started McDonald’s, he wasn’t concerned about the food or its quality. That’s
not why people eat there.

In fact, people think he is in the hamburger business.

Not so, when asked by some college students in the U.S what his business was.

He shocked them by telling them he’s not interested in selling hamburgers.

That means he could as well be a vegetarian.

His real business is real estate.

He achieved his purpose by selling franchises to people under the impression of giving them turn
key franchises to sell burgers.

Today, McDonald’s is the second largest real estate owners following the Catholic Church.

People eat at McDonald’s for the predictable experience, speed and prices.

Ray Kroc perfected and SOLD to franchise owners, a system for consistently turning beef into
After all, investors don’t buy a franchise because they have some mission in life to serve some
tasty food. They’re buying the business to make money, and Ray had perfected the system better
than anyone else.

Therefore, Ray sold a “money making restaurant tried and proven system in a box” to
franchisees, and the system cranked out the retail product to the customers.

Of course, this made McDonald’s beat out its competitors who perhaps produced a better quality
food than it.

McDonald’s serves more than 58 million people a day and that a new store opens somewhere in
the world every seven hours.

This makes it the world’s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants.

Robert T. Kiyosaki wrote in his book “Before You Quit Your Job” about people who came to
meet him on advice on starting a restaurant. He asked them if they could make better burgers
than McDonald’s. Most of them answered yes. He further asked them if they could make a better
system than McDonald. Some of them said no, most who didn’t understand left angrily.

This shows that a business without a system would never attain true success.

Network marketing is a business similar to a franchise where one buys into a proven and tested
system and also gives other people the opportunity to buy into it.

“Network marketing is the big wave of the future. It’s taking the place of franchising, which
now requires too much capital for the average person.” – Jim Rohn

Every person outside network marketing does not understand it.

99% of people in network marketing also don’t know how to build a network marketing
business. This is so because many confuse network marketing with sales business. This has been
to a large extent resulted to people failing in network marketing and preventing them for
achieving their dreams.

In network marketing, it is very important to understand that you are distributing a product from
the company to the consumer for which you earn commissions and get a lifestyle from it. Of
course, this requires marketing of some sort but necessarily sales pitching. Most People have
become immune to selling and this is so because they hate the fact that something is pushed on
them even though they don’t like it, use it nor necessarily need or want it.

The shocking statistics is that 5% of the population is sales types while 95% are the non-sales
types. This means our target market is the 95% persons who if introduced the proper way would
look favourably to the business rather than sales pitching them.
The way to introducing a prospect is to arouse curiosity and immediately establish a connection
within the person by asking a third party question e.g. would you know anyone who’s interested
in earning an extra income? Or I’m in an exciting business, would you help me with anyone
who’s interested in getting into a second business or Do you know anyone who’s interested in
going for an all expense paid vacation on a cruise or in an exotic location. Notice the word
anyone which means the person and others. Most would immediately answer me or ask you the
details or “what are you selling”?

Never give them the impression you are selling something, ask them if they knew anything about
network marketing. If they say yes, clarify to ensure they really understand it because most of
them don’t. Then introduce the system to them immediately for effective results. Knowledge
about network marketing and the system should be given in the form of a book and should only
take at the maximum 30mins for them for them to read. This is to save time as talking about the
business should never take time. Schedule the next day for a 20minutes presentation on the
company, products and compensation.

If the answer is no, then offer the book to them for them to read and schedule the next day for a
20minutes presentation on the company, products and compensation. For instance, company –
3mins, products – 10mins and compensation plan -7mins

The important impression to hand to your prospects is that it doing the business does not take
time. Time is one of the major excuse people have for not doing the business. This is because the
idea they have from network marketers who sales pitch them spending an average of 2 - 5 hours.

Anybody who learns and uses the system properly is guaranteed success in network marketing.
Top 3 mistakes network marketers make

1. People underestimate the number of people they are going to talk to about the business.

Although, it is not necessarily a numbers game, it’s a business of duplication. The more
people you talk to about the business increases the no of people you sponsor into the

The fact is that not everybody would like to be part of this opportunity either because the
type of business may not just be right for them or the TIMING is not right.

However, you must only sponsor people who you can adequately manage and train.
Sponsoring more than the required people would lead to dysfunctional downlines.

You must avoid acting like a salesperson who just recruits without taking the necessary
requirements of teaching them. This hinders duplication and ends up being “adding and
subtracting” The network marketing business is all about sponsoring and teaching.

Having the abundance mindset, makes you understand the fundamental principle of
network marketing which says “Some Will, Some Won’t, So What, Someone’s
Waiting – the four SWs”. Hence, you don’t care about those who say NO.

2. Take action immediately. People fail because they fail to take action. They get busy
getting ready to get ready. NIKE slogan says “JUST DO IT”.

Effective learning means taking action and using it

Although, new representatives ought to be trained as soon as possible by their sponsors or
uplines as this would effectively bring about duplication, the only effective way of
learning is by doing and in our industry this is most applicable.

There is this popular phrase called “ignorance on fire” which means that the new
representatives have the enthusiasm, excitement, passion and emotions to push the
opportunity. People would respect their passion when they see their excitement which
will trigger excitement in others. Of course, mistakes are inevitable but that is appropriate
for them because everyone learns from making mistakes. A baby learns to walk by falling
several times before walking properly; Vehicle drivers have at least had one accident
before they become perfect in driving. I know that our educational system has taught us
otherwise. We’ve been taught in our schools to avoid making mistakes and punished for
making them. This education trains us to be losers in the real world because mistakes
make us better in our learning. Give me ten successful entrepreneurs who never made
mistakes, learnt from them and achieved success by such lessons and I would give you a
thousand mediocre in the society who avoid making mistakes like a plague and whose
names I won’t be able to give you because they are not recognized in the society.

“He who makes no mistakes makes no progress” – President Theodore Roosevelt

3. People try to sell their prospects. Never try to sell or convince your prospects. They are
plenty of great information tools that can do that for you.

Our job is to interview prospects, qualify them. Ensure they are the right people you want
to work with and then expose the information of a lifestyle to them “own your life”. This
leaves you out of taking responsibility for their actions. The right people can then make
the choice to join you.

Rather than sell to them, have them sell to themselves. Make them think it was their
choice to join you. Let them convince you why they want to do this business.

“Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill, they wanted a hole. Therefore, if
you want drills, you should advertise information about making holes – NOT
information about drills” – Perry Marshall

Attitudes and questions to ask when interviewing your prospects

First of all whenever you are interviewing your prospects, you should be the one asking
questions, the person asking questions is in CONTROL of the discussion.
Always be in CONTROL.

If they ask you a question you are not prepared to answer, politely tell them you’ll answer
it later or call your upline at YOUR OWN TIME to answer. You may have to ignore
some questions or re-ask their questions properly. Successful entrepreneurs like Donald
Trump do that.

Take a lot of confidence in the fact that you know more than they know even if it’s one
day or one month regardless of the position your prospect is.

Maintain CONTROL and POSTURE because it’s your business.

Questions to Ask

 Why are they looking for a business?

This question seeks to know their why, desire or dream

 What kind of income levels do they want to make in any business they would like
to venture in?
This question seeks to determine how BIG their why is. You are looking for BIG

 Apart from money, what else do you look for in a business?

This question seeks to further know their why and to make them realize that it’s
not all about money.

Reassure them that they are joining a team so they can reach out to your team members
for support and training. You can also make a 3-way calling with your upline in the
business for third person credibility (team enhancement).

If the dreaded question of how much have you earned is asked, reply by telling them that
it’s not how much you earn but how much they are going to earn and quickly return to
asking them questions BEING IN CONTROL.

You must be able to demonstrate leadership in qualifying your prospects because if your
prospects see that you don’t have any value to offer them, they will go and join someone
You must also convey to people that you are more convinced in sponsoring the right
people than just any kind of people. You’re not interested in having to drag them in or
pay their way in. They will have to qualify for the investment and time you will spend on
training them.

Furthermore, you are not going to seek value or validation from them, they are going to
convince you why they want to join you.

The Greatest value of Network Marketing

Many people have different reasons why they chose or would want to choose network marketing
as a business. Reasons such as extra income, meeting new people, enjoying more time freedom,
steady stream of passive income, financial freedom, personal development are popular amongst

Of course, most people are attracted to the financial part which of course is key to living in this
world. Others are inclined towards enjoying more time freedom which allows them to spend
more time with their kids, family, hobbies, or whatever is important to them.

Although, financial freedom and time freedom are very important reasons in network marketing
because people who are in network marketing are not restricted to a constant paycheck per
month and don’t have a rigid 8am-5pm or more work shift running a rat race that can not be
ended, network marketing offers one a very important value to life.
This is personal development. Most network marketing companies offer distributors a life
changing business and personal education that equips them to be better entrepreneurs and better
people in the society.

Many times, many network marketers often sales pitch their prospects that their company
products are superior and are produced with cutting edge technology as compared to company
XYZ, some say that their compensation plan is better than their competitor, others even boast of
their company having the best, respected leaders in the country,

However, your business has nothing to do with your company.

Although, choosing the right company, with the right product, and with the right compensation
plan can help you reach your goal faster, just as a sharp axe will out perform a dull one, but it
will not determine your end result.

We all come to the table with the same tools, marketing materials, and systems. You and the
strengths you bring to the table are the only unknown factors in the equation. These are only
second to the individual himself who is doing the prospecting.

People don’t join a business, people join YOU.

Your company’s resume may later impress the prospect after he has associated himself with you.
The only thing that can make a person become a leader in the eyes of the prospect is if he has
developed himself personally to be able to demonstrate leadership in the eyes of the prospect.

Network marketing companies offer distributors training and skills development to make them
achieve their goals in life. Network marketing is a business of duplication and hence anyone who
wants to make a headstart in achieving his/her goals must be adequately trained and also train
others. The distributor has to sponsor and teach simultaneously to be able to effectively
duplicate him/her. The business has a lot to with teaching. Leaders who had successfully built
their business from the scratch would teach new distributors real world business skills that would
guide them to become leaders themselves and train others coming behind such skills thereby
effectively duplicating each other and also real world mental and emotional attitudes required to
be successful in the world.

Some of the real world business values taught in network marketing are goal setting, people
skills, communication skills, overcoming personal fears, doubts and lack of confidence,
overcoming fear of rejection, leadership skills, success attitudes, time management skills,
money management skills, accountability skills, investing skills.

Therefore, distributors must increase their value through education and experience i.e. by reading
books, listening to audio books, attending courses, seminars, learning marketing skills and any
information that will achieve that.
Network marketers also have the opportunity to face their fears and overcome them.

The network marketing business encourages people to dream big dreams and achieve their big

This makes distributors effective network marketers, better business people and disciplined
emotionally intelligent people in the world.

It is said that any successful businessman would have read books equivalent to either a masters’
or a PHD.

Education for anyone who wants to be successful in any endeavour never stops as your learning
has to be a continuous one. Every book or informational material adds up to your knowledge,
increases your value and makes one a better business personality.

Furthermore, most times, the income you earn and effectively sustain in any business such as
network marketing is directly proportional to the level of your personal development.

It is important to note that sustainability is the key to any thing in life. It is possible to earn a lot
of money in network marketing but without the necessary business and personal skills to sustain
it, it will all come crumbling down like a pack of cards.

That is why statistics in the U.S.A show that 95% of people who win lotteries of a million dollars
and more become worse 5 years later than they were before they won the lottery. They probably
would never have earned such money in 5 of their lifetimes.

Also, statistics tell us that 65% of all professional athletes are broke 5 years after their high
paying professional careers are over. This is so because they don’t have the capacity to sustain
their money.

Years ago, when a reporter asked Henry Ford, a billionaire, “What if you lost everything?’

Ford’s response was, “I’d have it back in less than five years.”

This tells you the difference between people who have the necessary business and personal
education and people who luckily get money.

The real world business and personal development taught to the distributors help them secure
and sustain their wealth.

In conclusion, the greatest benefit this industry provides is not the money, the time, the vacations
or even the relationships; it’s what this industry makes of you – the “person you become”

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