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TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... 2

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................................................................... 3
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... 4
WHAT IS CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION? ............................................ 4
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY............................................................................. 4
METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION OF CULTURE......................................................................................... 5
INDONESIA.......................................................................................................... 5
UNITED STATES (AMERICA) .............................................................................. 6
COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................ 7
• BELIEFS AND VALUES – DATING AND MARRIAGE .................................... 7
• RELIGION..................................................................................................... 8
• NORMS AND ROLES - DAILY LIFESTYLE.................................................... 9
• STEREOTYPING - PERCEPTION TOWARDS TATOO.................................10
DIALOGUE AND COMPETENCES ...................................................................................11
• Life...............................................................................................................11
• Communication ............................................................................................11
• International .................................................................................................12
• Roles............................................................................................................13
CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................16
REFERENCE ....................................................................................................................17
• WEBPAGES ON WEBSITES: .......................................................................17
• ONLINE JOURNAL.......................................................................................17
• ONLINE BOOK.............................................................................................17

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Assalamualaikum. In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, first and
foremost. I want to extend my deepest praise to Allah S. W. T., who has given me the patient,
strength, determination, and courage to implement this task.

This assignment is a collaborative effort of many people. My utmost thanks and gratitude go
to my lecturer Miss Nur Diyana for imparting me her wealth of knowledge, valuable guidance,
and experience.

My appreciation and thanks are also dedicated to all my friends for their helpful insights,
cooperation and stimulating comments. Besides, thank you to all my family members who help
give an opinion. To end with, I am genuinely delighted for this research would bring benefits
to others.


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Culture is a way of thinking and living, whereby one picks up a set of attitudes, values,
norms, and beliefs taught and reinforced by other group members. This set of basic
assumptions and solutions to the world's problems is a shared system passed on from
generation to generation to ensure survival. Culture is communication, and communication is


Cross-cultural communication refers to the communication between people who have
differences in any one of the styles of working, age, nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, or
sexual orientation. It also refers to the attempts made to exchange, negotiate, and mediate
cultural differences through language, gestures, and body language. It is how people
belonging to different cultures communicate with each other.


1. To know the meaning of culture and cross-cultural communication
2. Introduction to the United States (America) and Indonesia culture.
3. The difficulties/ challenges/ barriers in cross-cultural communication
4. The impact between American and Indonesian of cross-cultural dialogue and competences
5. Solutions to those difficulties/ challenges/ barriers
6. Conclusion of America and Indonesia culture


This paper will briefly highlight culture, the meaning of culture and cross-cultural
communication. Next, the United States (America) and Indonesia's culture introduction. This
paper focuses on the barriers between these two countries and the impact of cross-cultural
dialogue and competences. Here, I also discussed the solutions to those barriers and the
conclusion is also added in this paper.

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The Republic of Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago set like jewels in a tropical
sea. The richness in natural cultural diversity with more than 1340 tribes is home to 240 million
people. Through Indonesia, Islam is the predominant religion. Certain areas are Christian or
animist, but Bali has its unique Hinduism brand. It also has Catholicism, Protestantism,
Buddhism and Confucianism. The outer islands have hundreds of ethnolinguistic groups.

Indonesia goes beyond tectonic plates and erosion to explain how natural landmarks came to
be. It consists of over 17500 islands. It is fascinating to learn the geological processes that
make mountains, hills, and rivers. Every place has stories of gods, spirits, royals, or hermits
contributing to forming a particular spot like natural features, temples, or other cultural
landmarks. Besides, over 633 major ethnic groups are spread across Indonesia. Bahasa
Indonesia as the national language. Every ethnic has its language. At least 300 languages are
spoken all one country with myriad adventures yet.

Next, Indonesia cuisine is rich in variety and taste. As stated by the Minister of Tourism and
Creative Economy of Indonesia, having very diverse traditional dishes at the same time also
poses a challenge for the government. It is hard to select which food to be promoted to the
international market. Some popular foods are Sate Padang, Ayam Bakar Taliwang, Bebek
goreng and many more. Indonesia cuisine is also famous for its essential ingredients: various
herbs, seasoning, and spices.

The herbs are also used for other purposes, such as preserving the food, medicine, rituals,
cosmetics and perfumery ingredients. Indonesia is also famous for its performing arts like
paintings, sculpture, music, dance, theatre, and more. The inspiration comes from the
archipelago's culture, values, and nature. The world's fourth most popular country is a
mesmerizing place that runs along the equator for 5000 kilometers with many cultures, people,
animals, customs, artworks, and foods. That it is like 100 countries melded into one venturing
through the islands of Indonesia. This is reflected in the way Indonesia speak out "Tanah Air
Kita" which means our land and water.

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The United States is the third-largest country globally, with more than 325 million
people. It is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world . Nearly every region of
the world has influenced American culture. It has been shaped by Native American, Latin
American, Africans and Asians. It is sometimes described as a 'melting pot' in which different
cultures have contributed their own distinct "flavours" to American culture.

Just as cultures worldwide have influenced American culture. Today, American culture
influences the world. Western culture often refers broadly to the United States and Europe's
culture. According to the United States government, there is no official language of the United
States. Instead, 90% of the population speaks and understand English and most official
business is conducted in English.

United States religion is religious freedom. Americans strongly believe in the concept of
individualism. American people most likely decide when they reach 18 years old. They
consider themselves to be separate individuals who control their own lives, rather than
members of a close-knit, interdependent family, religious group, tribe, nation, or other groups.
Next, American cuisine was influenced by Europeans and Native Americans in its early history.
Today, several foods are commonly identified as American such as hamburgers, macaroni,
cheese, and meatloaf.

Americans believe that all people are of equal standing and are therefore uncomfortable with
overt displays of respect such as being bowed to. This belief in equality causes Americans to
be relatively informal in their behaviour towards other people.

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We encounter cultural barriers in everyday life. The mutual social perceptual set with
coordinated, meaning, action and cultural variance. Barriers always happen when people live
in various cultures, and historical communicate differently and have different thought patterns.
It can lead to misinterpreting the meaning of the word even if the conversation is in the same
language, beliefs, culture, or lifestyle. It can have different meanings in their respective
cultures. Conflicts also are one of the difficulties. It is due to insensitivity during intercultural


In America, dating culture will come with "PSA", which means public displays of affection.
It implies that kissing, holding a hand or hug, is expected in public. It shows the couple love
affection. It is normal when a couple is kissing in the street. Besides, couples can stay at one
house even they not married yet. They can know their partner well before getting married. In
Indonesia, this kind of behaviours shows that unethical behaviour. Indonesia is a religious
country. They must follow their religious rules when it comes to anything. This behaviour also
will tarnish or cause shame of family name. This kind of barrier will make Indonesia assume
similarities which are thought about how they behave, and act is the universally accepted rule
of behaviour. When American people differ, Indonesian people have a negative view of them.
The opposing argument that occurs will make American and Indonesian people's barriers
impact dialogue or competences.

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In Indonesia, the same religion is a must for them to get married. They also must ask
permission from their family before getting married. It is namely as 'restu'. The ceremony will
also be held full of tradition based on their ethnic, such as Jawa tradition, Minang tradition and
many more. They only can live together in one house after getting married. Unlike American
people, they can decide when they reach 18 years old. They can marry people who are from
different religion without any restriction. Permission of getting married from parents is to
showing formality. If their family disapproves, they still can get married because that is her/his
decision. The barriers come when Indonesian and American people who have different
religions want to get married.


American religion practised is religious freedom. 80% of American not believing in God.
They believe in individualism and do not need to pray to God. The religion or belief will not be
mention in the passport or identity card. It helps to prevent bias or discrimination. Besides, the
United States' rules are employer is not allowed to reject the employee based on their belief
and religion. Unless in a particular workplace like a religious place. The employer will get sue
if they do that.

In Indonesia, prominent religion is Islam attracting 80% of the population. Islam required their
Hamba to perform pray five times per day. It is a must in Islam. Besides, they will be fasting
during Ramadhan month. Sahur means to eat before adhan Subuh. In some areas of
Indonesia, there is a culture call Dok Dok to wake up the Islam people for Sahur. People will
do Dok Dok culture around 3 am by walking around the house area. It has a loud sound. When
fasting month, American people who come to Indonesia will feel shocked because of the Dok
Dok sound.

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There is no official language in the United States. 90% of the U.S. population common
speak and understand language is English. People who live there or even foreigner will use
the English language daily. In Indonesia, the official language is Bahasa Indonesia. For
example, eat in Bahasa Indonesia said as "makan". These two languages have a different
meaning, pronunciation, and spoken language. These language barriers will make American
and Indonesia people unable to share their thoughts and messages properly and effectively.

Conflicting values – direct vs indirect communication

Countries like the United States tend to sign professionalism to speak clearly and leave no
room for misinterpretation. In Indonesia, people prefer to communicate indirectly. For
example, if they do not agree with something, they will use a different intonation or gesture.
Sometimes, people approach problems through vague references. The danger here is that a
person from a direct culture may come across as insensitive. In contrast, the person from the
indirect culture may appear imprecise.


Indonesian people always using a using horn while driving. It is norms that been practised
while they on the road. Even the traffic in red light, it is normal for you to hear horning sound.
Besides motorcycle is the primary vehicle in Indonesia due to a small road, and the price is
high. In the United States, the number of people using a motorcycle is very little. The primary
vehicles are car. Americans people rarely using a horn. They will only use it when other people
do not alert while driving on the road.

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Next, sharing a bed with siblings or family members. In the United States, children are
prohibited from entering parents' rooms. The reason is to show respect for the parent's privacy
in the house. Unless on vacation with a family member. American people always sleep in
separated room or bed since their kids.

It is customary to sleep with family members in one room or even in one bed in Indonesia.
They can be younger or older. For example, Farhan is sharing a bed with his younger brother
in one room. Besides, they will sleep together on the living room floor when celebrating like
Hari Raya as long as they know the social boundaries between them. These norms help to
tighten bonding and relationship.


Stereotypes may lead to wrongful expectations and notions. A preconceived opinion

of another can lead to bias and discrimination. In the United States, most people have a tattoo.
It is usual for them to have a tattoo on their bodies. Even so, they also can get a proper job.
For instance, most American police officers have a tattoo. American people do not judge a
person by their tattoo.

In Indonesia, people who have a tattoo is assuming as a gangster or Juggalo. The stereotype
of the Indonesian people who have a tattoo is negative. In Islam, a tattoo is not allowed. It is
one reason why they see a tattoo as a bad thing. Besides, people who have a tattoo in
Indonesia rarely get a proper job. The stereotype will confuse American tourists who have a
tattoo seen as a gangster in Indonesia.

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Impact of barriers in cross-cultural communication can be positive or negative. It can

change our development, life, society, groups, communication system globally, internationally,
and domestically. The impact will show the effectiveness of communication across culture
dialogue and competences.

• Life

International marriage or couple between two countries will impact our lifestyle. It is
influencing how their lives change due to cross-cultural communication. For instance,
Americans husband and Indonesian wife. Life will be different from before due to the culture
that already exchanges between them. The negative effect is when that culture differs from
their own culture. Sometimes, it will show rudeness when the person is not practising the
culture. However, the positive effect will be both couples, can share the new culture. They will
communicate more to learn the culture more deeply. As soon the person loves it, th ey will
share it with other people. The culture itself will be more develop ed in other countries.

Next, the impact that helps in global is reducing stereotype or perception. Like Indonesia, can
learn slowly from the United States from being a traditional mindset. It will help in improving
the country itself from any discrimination. Open-minded such as positive perception towards
tattoo in Indonesia will help all the community of people who have tattoo feel happy. People
will see them as an average person and can get a proper job to help the country economies

• Communication

Language can sometimes lead to discrepancies. Certain words have different meanings
in various contexts, countries, or cultures based on how people looking at the world. It will
impact high anxiety towards Americans and Indonesian people. For instances, the United
States uses the English language, while Indonesia uses Bahasa Indonesia. These two
languages are different in pronunciation, spelling and meaning. English language knowledge
is still at a lower level in Indonesia. It will affect the dialogue when they try to communicate
with each other.

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Next, misunderstanding of nonverbal communication may lead to negative and positive
impact. Wrong nonverbal understanding also will make people be in danger. Nonverbal is how
we dress, express ourselves through our body language, eye contact, and gestures also
communicate something. Body language sometimes helps us is the way to show our feeling.
People can read our feelings by looking at our body language. In the United States, they
believe that all people are of equal standing and are therefore uncomfortable with overt
displays of respect such as being bowed to. This belief in equality causes Americans to be
relatively informal in their behaviour towards other people. However, nonverbal
communication sometimes helps to reduce the barriers in communication. When people do
not know the language, they might use a nonverbal language to communicate. In some
countries, it might have the same nonverbal meaning.

• International

Many influencers or Youtuber started to make content regarding some particular culture.
This idea comes while their vacation, international friends, couple and many more. The content
that explains the culture shock or does and doesn't particularly helpful for everyone around
the world. The positive impact of cross-cultural communication will help share other cultures
towards the world of the eyes. Sometimes, due to expenses or financial, we might not afford
to go to that country to see the culture itself. With technology, we can see that every country
globally have tradition and culture. It can be different and might the same as our own culture.

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• Roles

The cultural identity of a person is brought up as a child. These values and attitudes can
impact communication across cultures. Each person's norms and practices will often be
different and may clash with people brought up in other parts of the world. It will also affect
how they interact with an individual of different races. The impact of competence will be
positive or maybe negative. For example, American people most likely not sharing a bed with
family members since young. The positive effect is everyone is respecting a family members
life privacy. However, the negative is the relationship between them not tighten, such as
Indonesian family bonding.

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To reduce the barriers to cross-cultural communication, people need to make an effort

to develop listening skills. To ensure that, we can hear the real meaning of what is being said
instead of understanding at face value. Sometimes, we might misunderstand the person by
looking at their nonverbal communication. However, people can use a standard format of
nonverbal communication worldwide. This exercises for the intercultural process can help us
confront underlying racism, which will hopefully pave the way for self -awareness, cultural
respect, and effective intercultural communication.

Next, become aware of our perceptions of others. It will ensure that we take steps not to
prejudge a person or stereotype them. In our culture, that behaviour or culture is terrible, but
we have learned to accept cultural differences. Understanding people will be resulting in using
contextual information to be better. Furthermore, we can seek feedback and taking risks. The
open up channels of communication which is being responsible for our feelings and actions
will go a long way in ensuring that miscommunication is mitigated.

With the technology that we have, we can use it to find a friend in other countries using social
media, finding information, watching videos, and even playing games. Nowadays, technology
helps us communicate with the outside world. We can use social media or app such as Omegle
or Ome TV to find international friends without any restriction. Besides, we also must have the
confidence to communicate with people.

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Declaration of agreement within-country also helps in reducing the barriers. The government
can exchange the second language in school for the new subject. For example, the Chinese
language as a second language in school. Student can understand and communicate well
using other languages. Next, promoting by the tourism industry. Set of vacation will attract
tourists to learn more about culture and tradition. It is one of the solutions that will also increase
cross-cultural communication. Tourists will understand when they are being guided with the
right and full of information while travelling in other countries.

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In this paper, I have reviewed why it is essential to learn the culture. Cross-cultural
communication may break down because of many communication barriers that may be
attributed to the sender or receiver. I can see that barriers exist when our culture is different.
Humans tend to make sense of others' behaviour and communication by analyzing them from
one's own cultural point of view without considering why the other person is behaving or
communicating a certain way.

Therefore, there will be a positive or negative impact of those barriers in our daily life,
community or international. The positive effect can help us learn what that can reduce culture
shock. However, the negative impact sometimes will individually feel high anxiety. Th e person
does not know how to react and accept the culture that contradicts their daily norms and belief.

There are a few solutions to reduce barriers. Effective communication requires familiarity with
the barriers. Choosing the right channel for communication is also important because choosing
the wrong medium undermines the message. When communication occurs in the cross-
cultural context, extra caution is needed. Different cultures have different norms regarding
nonverbal communication, and different words will be interpreted differently across cultures.
By being sensitive to the errors outlined in this chapter and adopting active listening skills, you
may increase your communication effectiveness. Hence, as for me love is life and life is all
about culture. The more I understand the culture, the more I learn how to re spect others no
matter of their colour, race and beliefs.

Different culture does not mean that we cannot be united. Culture is like a rainbow with many
colours, and it looks beautiful when we try to look at and appreciate it. Let our mind and soul
accept others' culture, just like others who are willing and fall in love with our culture.

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