In-Class Exercises: Psychotherapy & Counseling Self Insight Abnormality & Health Group Dynamics General Techniques

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In-Class Exercises

Listed below are exercises that can be conducted

in one class period - one hour or less. I've divided
the exercises into the categories below, although
the categories overlap. If you have an exercise
you'd like to contribute to this site, let me know -

Respect the wishes of students who feel

uncomfortable about participating in an
experiential teaching exercise. When introducing
an exercise to the class, it's a good practice to let
students know that participation is not required.

psychotherapy self abnormality group general

& counseling insight & health dynamics techniques

|| Teaching Clinical Psychology home page || Site Index ||

Psychotherapy and Counseling

Secrets and resistance in psychotherapy - What's it like to reveal personal

information about yourself in psychotherapy. Why do clients show "resistance?" This
exercise brings these issues to life.

An Intake Interview - Give students a crack at conducting an intake interview with

a psychiatric patient. Give yourself a crack at acting.

The Way I Think - An exercise where students can respond to a sample of cognitive

Reflection - There's more than meets to the eye to this basic therapy technique.

Life Facts - If you were asked to list four or five important "facts" about yourself
and your life, what would come to mind? What would that list say about you?

Transference - Do we recreate in our current relationships the ways in which we

reacted to our parents? If so, is this similar to transference in therapy?

Implosive Therapy - In small groups students exercise their imagination and

analytic skills in constructing an implosive therapy script.

I wish you health and happiness - a quick experiment in cognitive restructuring and
Buddhist philosophy.

Listening for feelings - An exercise using music to help students sharpen their
awareness of emotional expression.

The Timeline Exercise - constructing a timeline of one's life enhances insight into
one's life.


Many of these exercises also apply to psychotherapy and counseling in that they
involve processes of insight and self-exploration that are similar to those occuring in

The Imagined House Exercise - By walking students through a house in their

imagination, you can help them explore various facets of their personality structure, as
well as understand the dynamics of mental imagery.

The Shadow Exercise - Do the people you "hate" really represent something inside

The I Ching - Western psychology doesn't hold the monopoly on intrapsychic

insight and change.

A Mindful Walk - A walk around campus to develop your awareness.

Childhood memories - By exploring just one or two childhood memories, students

can understand important themes in their lives, as well as appreciate how memory

The Hammer or Nail Exercise - This fascinating exercise suggested by John Provo
is an excellent way to for students to explore various components of their identity and
sense of self.

Show and Tell - Don't laugh! This exercise from kindergarten works extremely well
as a self-disclosure exercise.

Costumes - turn Halloween costumes into an exercise on self and other perceptions.

The Dynamics of Sitting - Perhaps personality traits are revealed even by very
simple things - like where you tend to sit in a class.

Somatotypes - personality and temperment may not be purely psychological, but

perhaps also biological.

Empty Your Pockets - what you carry with you every day may say something about
your personality

Zen Stories - Eastern tales from Zen Buddhism and Taoism are great teaching tools
and stimuli for class discussion. They highlight many basic human issues about life,
death, and everything of importance inbetween. This collection of stories also
includes students' reactions to the stories.

What's in a Name - This exercise suggested by Jody Deutsch Moore helps students
understand the psychological significance of the birth name given to them. An
excellent way for students to introduce themselves to each other.

Abnormality and Health

Shades of Abnormality - How severe is a person's mental illness? When do people

need psychotherapy or hospitalization? This exercise encourages students to think
about these questions.

Personality Disorders - Imagine a party where all of the people have a personality
disorder. Students are presented with this scenario, and must properly diagnose the
characters at the party.

Altered States: Fact and Fiction - Fact and fiction about altered states of
consciousness in the movie "Altered States."

Homosexuality - Do students think homosexuality is "normal?" This exercise never

fails to generate an interesting, and sometimes heated, discussion about homosexual

The Religious Experience: East, West, Everywhere - Are religious experiences

universal? I use this handout to encourage a class discussion about this important

Mental health treatments - students try to pick out the most appropriate treatments
for people experiencing different types of problems.

Defense Mechanisms - A handout for discussing and role-playing the defenses we

all use everyday.

Diagnosing Mr. Smith - making a differential diagnosis is not always easy, even
when the diagnostic criteria seem clear.

Group Dynamics

These activities involve group interactions and/or role plays, and therefore shed light
on group dynamics. But there's also a considerable amount of "self-insight" involved
in these activities as well.

Group Drawings - Group drawings can reveal a great deal about individual people
as well as group dynamics.

The Special Place Exercise - A dyad exercise suggested by Jerry Noloboff that
encourages self-disclosure and the building of a group field.

Freeze - A fascinating and extremely versatile role-playing activity!

Mood role plays - how do moods affect group dynamics?

Group Tell-A-Story - Every group has a distinct, complex personality. This exercise
helps students explore the various dimensions of the "group self." It's also a lot of fun.

Group Checkers - Suggested by Alan Clingan and Gordon McInnis, this exercise
shows that a game can be much more than simply a game.

Family Sociograms - students draw the patterns of relationships in their family, and
hopefully learn something about themselves.

Body language - an exercise and role plays for sensitizing students to the subtleties
of body language.

General Techniques

These activites are either "general purpose," or are flexible tools that can be applied in
a variety of ways.

Dyad Introductions - A useful technique for introducing students to each other and
the class.

The Circulating Papers Technique - Here's a way that everyone in the class gets to
express him or herself, including giving and receiving written feedback from other
students in the course.

Taking the class's pulse - a quick method for assessing the state of mind of the class

Tape Recorded Feedback - A creative method for giving students feedback on their
written assignments, suggested by Linton Hutchinson.

Brainstorming - lead a class through a formal brainstorming session in order to

address some issue concerning the course
Psychological Exercises, Insight & Self-Awareness Activities
(on this website)
Get To Know You A sequence of questions which help students to find out
Sociometric Questions about one another, move around, and have fun.

Explains a class tutorial about internal and external locus

Locus of Control
of control. Includes self-scoring questionnaires.
Group members write personal fears anonymously on
pieces of paper which are collected. Then each person
Fear in a Hat randomly selects and reads someone else's fear to the
group and explains how the person might feel. Fosters
interpersonal empathy.
People never cease to be marvelled by optical illusions
Illusions: Exercises
and cognitive deception exercises. This activity provides
which Illustrate
17 illusions which can be used to experientially illustrate
Perceptual Fallibility
how the human mind perceives and structures the world.
Explore personal meanings of life and death; can alter
Write Your Own Eulogy perspective (reveals big picture), but is confronting. Do
the activity in a graveyard or church for added effect.
A projective, group dynamics exercise. Each person is
represented by an object. The objects are "caste" like
Group Mandala dice and group members share their feelings and re-
arrange the objects. A more basic version is Show &
We are rarely "still" in nature. Visit a natural place that
Solo Hour in Nature is conveniently available. Spend one hour in silence.
Simply observe and be. You may write.
An eco-therapy exercise adapted for a group setting.
Sensual Awareness Participants identify what experiences give them
Inventory pleasure through each of their five senses, then share and
discuss this with the group.
Involves people in pairs, with one person mirroring the
Mirror Image actions of the other. Stimulates self- and other-
A matrix-esque personal development exercise which
Dice Your Way to
engages participants with the power of the future's
Multiple Futures
multiple possibilities.
Personality and team role profiling tools such as the
Personality &
Myers-Brigg Type Indicator and 360 Degree Feedback
introduce rich potential for growth to personal growth
Profiling Tools
Assign students the task of breaking a social stereotype
(e.g., wearing opposite-sex clothes) and then report back
and discuss with the group what happened and what was
Challenging Stereotypes
discovered about themselves and stereotypes. Consider
what level of guidance students need in selecting to
"appropriate" behaviors.
Get Lost Walk and keep walking until you are lost. Spend time

being lost. Then try find your way back. Drive and keep
driving until you are lost. Take only roads you've never
been on before. Spend time being lost. Then try to find
your way back.
Hand write a letter to someone who you want to improve
Write a Letter to Improve your relationship with. Take your time to create a
a Relationship comfortable, private space in which to write the letter.
And then post it!
Draw a picture for someone who you want to improve
your relationship with. Take your time to find some
Draw a Picture to
good paper and pencils, paint, or markers, etc. Let
Improve a Relationship
yourself go with the picture. Add a little note if you
want. Then post it!
This task can be done on its own or as part of a cultural
Free Lunch for a Life adventure hunt. Find someone you've never met before
Story who is over 60 or 70? years old with a free lunch and ask
them to share their life story with you.
Group Therapy Ideas & Links to experiential activity ideas for engaging group
Themes therapy themes.

Psychological Exercises, Insight & Self-Awareness Activities (on

other websites)
Draw a life line and mark significant events from birth to
present to anticipated death, then share with a partner or
Life Map group []. Could be combined
with Writing your own Eulogy. See also Personal
One's house (and car) are often seen as symbols of one's
Imagined House Exercise self. So too, one's fantasy or imagined house represents
psychological/personality aspects.
Take turns emptying pockets. Show the rest of the group
Empty Your Pockets what one is carrying (optional). The person and the group
then discuss what the objects say about the person.
Introduce the notion of radial symmetry to young school
Mandalas for Kids:
students and they will be able to come up with some
Introducing Radial Symmetry
amazing designs.
In traditional debate, participants address an issue in order
to refute their opponent. In this game participants build on,
Conflict Resolution Game
and add value to, each other's points. It rewards creative
response to another's statement rather than opposing it.
Walking takes on a whole new psycho-somatic, even
A Mindful Walk
psycho-spiritual direction when it is done mindfully.

Listing out one's fantasy characters usually reveal

Costumes something deeper about oneself - as does finding out what
characters other people think you would like to be.
Focusing: Developing Bodily Powerful 6-step process which can be learnt to help
Knowing people uncover "bodily knowing".
Describes a large number of simple physical muscle
Yoga Psychological Energy
tensing and movement exercises which help the mind the
Release Exercises
regain control over the body.
Sweat Therapy Treatment In many indigenous societies, heat/sweat related rituals had
Manual deep psychological, cultural and spiritual significance.
A workshop that connects people to nature; created in the
early 1980's. Participants take turns speaking for different
Council of All Beings parts of nature in a council at which no humans are
(John Seed & Joanna Macy) present. Beforehand, participants make masks to represent
the aspect of nature they choose to represent. Has been
used with adults, youth and children.
Play different passages of music and ask people to identify
Musical Listening for Feeling
the feelings they associate with each piece.
Power of Positive Thinking: I This exercise reminds us how powerful positive thinking
Wish You Health & Happiness can be and the power of being positive to other people.
Explore the possibilities of living without your dominant
Dice Living: Expressing consciousness making the decisions. Throw some of your
Multiplicity life decisions to the dice and see what happens. Based on
cult book "The Dice Man".
There are three basic body somatotypes (shapes) which
Somatotypes according to William Sheldon correspond to different
character traits.
The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is based on the well-
Online Personality Test known Jungian model which is widely used in personal
development training.
People with an abundance mentality believe there are
Develop an Abundance
enough resources available to accomplish their goals.
Practical tips for thinking and acting more abundantly.
Recreation Therapy Activity ~300 well-organized, high quality descriptions of hundreds
Index of recreation-based therapeutic activities.
Exercises used for teaching clinical psychology; broad
Psychology In-class Exercises
applicability for self-insight & group dynamic activities.
The smell of a flower, the memory of a walk in the park,
the pain of stepping on a nail are made possible by the
Neuroscience for Kids
brain. For students and teachers who would like to learn
about the nervous system.

Feedback Exercises Giving & receiving personal feedback - Roger Greenaway.

Explore links & information, but be warned about the huge
Know your Own IQ
debates & cultural attitudes towards testing "intelligence".
Interesting range of activities (in pdf) - JVD Creativity
Training Activities

Last updated:
18 May 2006

Psychology Study Games

Psychology is a subject where students learn about the science of mind and behavior
and disorders and symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms of disorders may overlap or
look alike, leading to confusion. Psychology study games are used to clear these
confusions, and they help the students not only to learn psychology, but also to enjoy
learning it. Below are some study games that would make learning psychology more

Role Playing
o This is an interesting game where the students form groups and
perform skits. In this game, the instructor gives the students some
disorders to learn and gives them a specific time frame to learn
everything they can about these disorders. On a scheduled date, the
instructor asks a group of students to act out a real-life situation where
people are suffering with some of the psychological disorders. For
example, the instructor may ask the students to portray a family
meeting with each member of the family displaying the symptoms of
one of the disorders. Then, the other students are asked to name the
disorder, then the class discusses the disorder. This game helps to
understand the disorder from day-to-day symptoms displayed by
people, which leads to a better understanding of it.

Life Facts

o Practicing psychologists must explore the life stories of their clients.

So, psychology students should also learn to explore the life facts. In
this game, the instructor asks the students to write five important facts
about their lives. These may include personality traits, such as
outgoing or observant, and life occurrences. The instructor can also ask
them to write about one important incident that had a huge impact on
their lives. The students are told not to name their lists. Then the class
can discuss the personality of each person according to the lists and
how that person's life events have affected his life.

Show and Tell

o This is a game that is played in kindergarten, but you can also use it to
learn psychology. This game is useful to explore the sense of self. The
instructor asks the students to bring items they feel are important to
them. The students are then asked to show and tell about that item.
After everyone's turn is finished, all students discuss about how an
item reveals a particular student's personality.

The Shadow

o This game is useful to learn Jung's concept. The students are asked to
write about a person they hate very much and what they hate about that
person. Then, tell the students that this personality is their shadow,
according to Jung. Tell the students that this is either a personality they
want to suppress or the one they want to develop. Though the students
may have mixed reactions to this game, it helps to learn Jung's

Fun Classroom Games

By Elizabeth Stover, eHow Contributor

Classic games teach critical thinking

A 2007 study by Carnegie Mellon University's Psychology Department reported that

math games played by young students increased their basic math abilities (See
Reference 1, page 2). Information from this study also appeared in an article posted
on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' website (See Reference 2).
Teachers can use games to engage students across the curriculum.

o Have students practice subtraction, addition or multiplication playing
the card game War. Rather than turning over one card at a time as you
do in the classic children's card game, students turn over two cards and
add, subtract, or multiply the two numbers to determine the winner.

To practice multiplication use the Buzz game. In this game, the teacher
says a number from 1 to 12. Students sit in a circle and start counting
off. When a student's turn comes, if the number they are to say is a
multiple of the number chosen by the teacher, they must say, "buzz." If
they say the number instead of "buzz" then they are out and play

o Classic board and child games such as Hangman, Boggle and Scrabble
provide an excellent classroom resource. For specific skill practice,
restrict the word making in any of these games to a category such as
adjectives or words with three syllables.

Word games provide a great deal of variety. Challenge children to take

a word, mix up the letters and see who can make the most new words.
In another game, you can give a category of word such as verbs and
have everyone write as many verbs as they can think of before a timer
goes off. Another approach to this game is to ask the children to stand
in a line; choose a word category and have each child in turn say a
word from the category without repeating anyone else's answer. If they
cannot come up with a word they sit down and play continues until
only one person is left standing.

Social Studies
o In Who Am I, one child leaves the room while you show the rest of the
children the name of a famous historical figure they have studied. The
one child returns to ask the class yes or no questions to try to guess
who the famous figure is. Designate a certain number of questions the
child may ask based on grade level or difficulty.

Play other versions of this game by changing the question from "Who
am I?" to "Where am I?" for geography or "What Happened?" for
major historical events. For variety, reverse the way the game is played
by having only one child know the answer and having everyone else
ask questions of him to figure out the right answer.

Critical Thinking
o Effective critical thinking assists students in every subject. Several
popular games provide can successfully provide critical thinking
practice to students. These include checkers, chess, Scattegories, Clue,
Twenty Questions, Mancala and Othello.

Many of these use easily recreated game boards. Create game pieces
from any suitable item or have students create them. Some websites
offer free printable blank game boards. Games such as Scattegories
and Twenty Questions require no materials to play.

Multipurpose Games

o By changing the numbers on a Bingo board to vocabulary words, math

sums, dates or scientific terms, it becomes a multi-subject game.
Instead of calling out the items in the squares, call out clues such as
definitions of the vocabulary words or the names of historical events.

Jeopardy is another multipurpose game that also has developed into an

educational staple. Make your own Jeopardy board or purchase one
created for classrooms. Question categories and answers are easily
changed to fit any subject you might teach.

Read more: Fun Classroom Games |

Interactive Psychological Games

By Megan Shoop, eHow Contributor


o Using games to study how the mind works

The functions of the mind can be a very difficult to understand,

especially as part of the psychology curriculum. Since its functions are
so complicated, it can be difficult for students to understand how it
works. You can help them remember key concepts by playing
interactive games that can be modified for any class size or any age
group. For younger classes, keep the concepts and rules simple, and for
older students use more complicated rules and concepts. You can also
split older classes into groups to complete many of these games on
their own.

Simon Says
o Almost everyone has played Simon Says at some point during their
childhood; the game in which one person stands in front of a group and
instructs everyone to complete actions, beginning their sentences with
"Simon Says... ." If the student doesn't start with "Simon Says," the
others are not supposed to do the action that follows, and anyone that
does is out of the game.

You can modify this game to teach students about their own
psychology by instructing them to do long lists of actions. Begin with
one action and then keep adding actions until some of your students
begin to falter. Most students will not be able to repeat patterns beyond
five or six actions. Ask your students to write down all of the actions

they remember in order. Discuss how the brain works to store things in
your short-term memory.

Awareness Test
o The Awareness Test works well for teaching students how selective
and long-term memory works. To do it, ask several students to leave
the room and then instruct several others to rearrange objects in the
room. They can reverse posters, move globes to different areas, open
previously closed books, and even add or erase writing on the board.
Ask the students to come back into the room and tell them how many
differences there are and instruct them to write all the differences they
see on the board. Then, go over how many they got right and talk about
how focus plays a part in memory. Then, do the test again asking your
students to look around the room for two minutes before sending
several students out. Rearrange things, and have them come back in
and write the differences on the board. See which group of students
noticed more. You can spice this up by exiting the room for a minute
and seeing if the students can trick you by testing you on their


o Observation tests not only your students' powers of observation, but

can also demonstrate how color affects memory. To play, divide your
students into pairs and observe what one another are wearing, and then
have them go to the back of the room and write down what their
partners are wearing in as much detail as possible. Students wearing
bright colors should be easiest for their partners to remember.See how
much information each of your students got right.

Then, switch partners and repeat the same exercise. Afterward, discuss
why the bright colors help people remember things. Tell them that
fruits, vegetables, and flowers usually feature bright colors, and discuss
how that plays into human and animal instincts.

Read more: Interactive Psychological Games |

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