ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION - Q.Bank - I - Mid Term Exams - September-2017 - UPDATED (22 08 17)

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Analog Communications Question Bank

Syllabus as per R15Regulation

(III Year B.Tech.ECE. I Smemster R13 Regulation)
This Course aims at:
 .Understand basic terminology and concepts of Antennas.
 To attain knowledge on the basic parameters those are considered in the antenna design process and
the analysis while designing that.
 Analyze the electric and magnetic field emission from various basic antennas and mathematical
formulation of the analysis.
 To have knowledge on antenna operation and types as well as their usage in real time field.
 Aware of the wave spectrum and respective band based antenna usage and also to know the
propagation of t he waves at different frequencies through different layers in the existing layered free
space environment structure.

Introduction, Basic Antenna Parameters- Radiation Patterns- Beam Area, Radiation
Intensity, Beam efficiency, Directivity-Gain-Resolution, Antenna Apertures,
Effective Height. Related Problems
Fields from oscillating dipole, Field zones, Front to back ratio, Antenna Theorems,
Radiation, Retarded potentials-Helmholtz theorem.
Thin Linear Wire Antennas
Radiation from Small Electric Dipole, Quarter wave Monopole and Half wave
Dipole – Current Distributions,
Evaluation of Field Components, Power Radiated, Radiation Resistance, Beam
width, Directivity, Effective Area and Effective Height, Natural current distributions,
far fields and patterns of Thin Linear Center-fed Antennas of different lengths,
Related Problems.
Loop Antennas: Introduction, Small Loops, Comparison of far fields of small loop
and short dipole, Directivity and Radiation resistance of small loops and large loop.
Arrays with Parasitic Elements, Yagi - Uda Array, Folded dipoles and their
characteristics, Helical Antennas-Helical Geometry, Helix modes, Design
considerations for monofilar helical antennas in Axial and normal Mode, Horn
Antennas – Types, Fermat's Principle, Optimum Horns, Design Characteristics of
Pyramidal Horns, Relative problems.
Microstrip Antennas-Introduction, features, Advantages and limitations, Rectangular
Patch Antennas-Geometry and parameters, Characteristics of Microstrip Antennas,
Impact of Different Parameters on Characteristic’s. Reflector Antennas- Geometry,
Flar sheet and corner Reflectors, Paraboloidal Reflectors, Geometry, Pattern
Characteristics, Feed Methods, Reflector Types-Related Features, Related Problems.

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Analog Communications Question Bank

LENS ANTENNAS- Introduction-Geometry of Non-metallic Dielectric Lenses,

Zoning, Tolerance, Applications
Point sources-Definition, Patterns, Arrays of 2 Isotropic sources – different cases,
Principle of Pattern Multiplication
Uniform Linear Arrays – Broadside, End fire Arrays, EFA with Increased
Directivity, Derivation of their characteristics and comparison, BSAs with Non-
uniform Amplitude Distributions-General considerations and Binomial Arrays,
Related Problems.
ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS – Introduction, Concepts, Reciprocity, near and
Far fields, Coordinate System, Sources of errors, Pattern to be measurement, pattern
measurement arrangement, Directivity Measurement, Gain Measurements
Introduction, Definitions, categorizations and General Classifications, Different
Modes of Wave Propagation, ray mode Concepts, Ground Wave Propagation-Plane
Earth Reflections, Space and Surface Waves, Wave Tilt, Curved Earth Reflections,
Space wave propagation- Field strength variation with Distance and height, Effect of
Earth’s Curvature, Absorption, Super Refraction, M-curves and Duct Propagation,
Tropospheric propagation, Scattering, Fading and Path Loss Calculations
Sky wave propagation-Structure of Ionosphere, Reflection and Refraction of sky
Ray path, Critical Frequency, MUF,LUF,OF, Virtual Height and skip distance
Relation between MUF and skip distance, Multi-hop propagation Energy Loss in
Ionosphere, Summary of Wave Characteristics in frequency ranges

1. Antennas and Wave propagation-J.D.Kraus, R.J.Marhatka and Ahmad S.Khan, TMH,
New Delhi, 4th Edition.
2. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems – E.C.Jordan and K.G.Balmain, PHI, 2nd

1. Antenna theory – C.A. Balanis, John Wiley & sons, 3rd edition.
2. Antennas and Wave Propagation – K.D.Prasad, Satya Prakashan, Tech India Publications,
New Delhi.
3. Transmission and Propagation – E.V.D.Glazier and H.R.L.Lamont, The services text
bookof radio, Vol.5, Standard Publishers Distributors,Delhi.
4. Electric and Radio Engineering – F.E.Terman, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, 1995.
5. Antenna - J.D.Kraus, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition.

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Analog Communications Question Bank


(Approved by A.I.C.T.E.New Delhi., Affiliated to JNTUH Hyderabad)
Accredited by NAAC
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
III Year B.Tech. ECE, Semester-I , R15 Regulation, Academic Year: 2017-18


Question Bank for I Mid Term Examinations – September-2017

Introduction, Basic Antenna Parameters- Radiation Patterns- Beam Area, Radiation
Intensity, Beam efficiency, Directivity-Gain-Resolution, Antenna Apertures, Effective
Height. Related Problems. Fields from oscillating dipole, Field zones, Front to back
ratio, Antenna Theorems, Radiation, Retarded potentials-Helmholtz theorem.

Radiation from Small Electric Dipole, Quarter wave Monopole and Half wave Dipole
– Current Distributions.Evaluation of Field Components, Power Radiated, Radiation
Resistance, Beam width, Directivity, Effective Area and Effective Height, Natural
current distributions, far fields and patterns of Thin Linear Center-fed Antennas of
different lengths, Related Problems.

Loop Antennas: Introduction, Small Loops, Comparison of far fields of small loop
and short dipole, Directivity and Radiation resistance of small loops and large loop.


1. 1. What is an “ oscillating dipole “ and name the three fields that emanate from
anantenna and their properties.(December-2011) (TL1) (10)
2. Derive the expressions for components of radiated field of an alternating current
element?(May-2015) (TL5) (10)
3. Explain what is “Reciprocity theorem" in terms of antennas? (December-2011)
(TL2) (10)
4. Distinguish between the terms: i) Beam Width, Beam Area and Beam Efficiency.
(February-2016) (TL4) (10)
5. Show that the radiative resistance of half wave dipole antenna is 73 Ω?(February-
2016) (TL5) (10)
6. Derive the relation between the directivity and effective aperture of
antenna(November-2015) (TL5) (10)
7. What is Friis Transmission formula and find the power received by the receiving
antenna using this ?(November-2015) (TL5) (10)

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8. In a microwave communication link ,Two identical antennas operating at 10 GHz are

used with power gain of 40 dB .If the transistor power is 1 KW ,find the received
power for the range of 30 Kms.?(TL6) (10)
9. Derive the components of electric and magnetic fields for an alternating current
element?(Nov-2004)(TL5) (10)
10. Describe and explain the significance of the terms :radiative resistance, aperture
efficiency and beam solid angle as applicable to antennas?December-2013)
(TL2) (10)


11. Define the radiation pattern. Draw and explain its parameters? (November-2015)
(TL2) (3)
12. Discuss in brief about retarded potentials? (November-2015) (TL2) (3)
13. Define and explain the term effective length of an antenna?(November-2015)
(TL2) (3)
14. Define the following parameters related to antenna (Nov-2009) (TL6) (2)
i) main lobe and side lobe ii) Beam area iii) gain and directivity
15. Explain effective aperture area with its types in detail? (March-2016) (TL2) (3)
16. Compare the properties of half wave dipole and elementary dipole? (TL6) (2)
17. Define the term directivity and list out different formulas for its evaluation?
(February-2016) (TL2) (2)
18. The radiation resistance of ana antenna is 72 Ω and loss resistance is 8Ω ,what is the
directivity if the power gain is 16? (February-2016) (TL5) (3)
19. Calculate the power gain of a Half wave dipole whose ohmic losses and directive
gain are 7 ohms and 1.64 respectively?(February-2016) (TL6) (3)
20. Distinguish between the terms:
i) Gain, Directivity and Resolution (December-2014) (TL4) (3)

Arrays with Parasitic Elements, Yagi - Uda Array, Folded dipoles and their characteristics,
Helical Antennas-Helical Geometry, Helix modes, Design considerations for monofilar
helical antennas in Axial and normal Mode, Horn Antennas – Types, Fermat's Principle,
Optimum Horns, Design Characteristics of Pyramidal Horns, Relative problems.

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1. a) What is folded dipole antenna? List its characteristics and applications?(February-

2016) (TL1) (10)
2. What are the design considerations of pyramidal horn antennas?(November-2015)
(TL2) (10)
3. Discuss in detail about pyramidal horn antenna and write down its merits and
demerits?(November-2015) (TL2 ) (10)
4. a) Explain about the operating principle of helical antenna in normal and axial
modes?(February-2016) (TL2) (10)
5. Sketch and explain the constructional features of a helical antenna?(February-2016)
(TL2) (10)
6. What are parasitic arrays? Explain the construction of yagi-Uda antenna?(February-
2016) (TL2) (10)
7. Describe the requirements, performance characteristics and applications of yagi-
Uda antenna?
(February-2016) (TL2) (10)
8. What are the practical design considerations for mono filar helical antenna in normal
(December-2011) (TL2) (10)
9. Distinguish between sectorial, pyramidal and conical horns. Explain their utility and
applications?(November-2015) (TL4) (5)
10. Obtain the expression for the directivity of pyramidal horn in terms of its aperture
dimensions?(November-2015) (TL5) (10)


1. W
1. Write down the characteristics of folded dipole antenna? (February-2016)
(TL1) (3)
2. Explain the construction of Yagi-uda Antenna? (February-2016) (TL2) (3)
3. Explain the design considerations of pyramidal horn antenna? (February-2015)
(TL2) (3)
4. Write short notes on optimum horn? (November-2004) (TL3) (3)
5. Explain about parasitic elements? (February 2016) (TL2) (2)
6. What is principle of equality of path length? How is it applicable to horn antennas?
(November-2003) (TL2) (2)
7. Calculate the directivity of a pyramidal horn with an aperture of size 12cmx12cm,
operating with 3.2 cm wavelength. (November-2009) (TL4) (3)
8. The length of an E-plane sectoral horn is 15cm. Design the horn dimensions such
that it is optimum at 10GHz. (May-2009,November-2009) (TL5) (3)

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9. Design Yagi-Uda antenna of 6 elements to provide a gain of 12Db if the operating

frequency is 200MHz. (November-2009) (TL5) (3)
10. Write the utility of sectoral, pyramidal and conical horns? . (November-2003)
(TL1) (3)



Microstrip Antennas-Introduction, features, Advantages and limitations, Rectangular
Patch Antennas-Geometry and parameters, Characteristics of Microstrip Antennas,
Impact of Different Parameters on Characteristic’s. Reflector Antennas- Geometry,
Flat sheet and corner Reflectors, Paraboloidal Reflectors, Geometry, Pattern
Characteristics, Feed Methods, Reflector Types-Related Features, Related



1. List advantages and disadvantages of micro strip antennas?(June-2015)
(TL1) (10)
2. Write and explain various applications of micro strip antennas? (June-2015)
(TL2) (10)
3. Write an explanatory notes on i) Contact type feeding ii) Noncontact type feeding
in micro strip antennas?(June-2015) (TL2) (10)
4. Estimate the curvature profile for a parabolic reflector antenna and hence define the
terms aperture
blocking and Focal length to diameter ratio? (March-2016) (TL6) (10)
5. Explain the geometry of parabolic reflectors? (December-2011) (TL2) (10)


1. List any five applications of patch antennas?(February-2016) (TL1) (2)

2. Discuss the features of micro strip antennas? (December-2014) (TL2) (3)
3. What are limitations of micro strip antennas?(February-2016) (TL1) (2)
4. List different types of reflectors?(February-2016) (TL1) (2)
5. What id Huygens’s principle? (March-2016) (TL1) (2)

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Analog Communications Question Bank

II Mid Term Examinations



1. List out differences between active and passive corner reflectors .What are retro
reflectors?(February-2016) (TL1) (10)
2. Describe the Cassegrain feed mechanism of parabolic reflectors? (March-2016)
(TL2) (10)
3. Establish and explain the gain and beam width relations for a parabolic reflector and
account for its
beam shaping considerations?(December-2011) (TL5) (10)
4. Define zoning and distinguish between curved surface zoning and plane surface
zoning of a Plano-convex lens antenna .Which one is advantageous and why ?
Discuss the merits and demerits of zoned lens? (December-2011) (TL4) (10)
5. Explain the basic principle of operation lens antennas. Hence distinguish between the
different types of lens antennas and explaining their curvature profiles?(November-
2015) (TL2) (10)
6. Distinguish between natural dielectric and artificial dielectric lens? Discuss their
Characteristic, merits and demerits? (December-2011) (TL4) (10)


1. Explain in detail about corner reflector antenna?(November-2015) (TL2) (3)
2. Explain different feed methods used for parabolic reflector antennas?(November-
2015) (TL2) (3)
3. With necessary diagrams explain the principle of operation of lens antennas and also
discuss advantages and disadvantages?(November-2015) (TL2) (3)
4. Explain the Flat sheet and corner reflector in detail?(November-2015)
(TL2) (3)
5. Explain about non-metallic dielectric lens? (March-2016) (TL2) (3)

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Point sources-Definition, Patterns, Arrays of 2 Isotropic sources – different cases,
Principle of Pattern Multiplication Uniform Linear Arrays – Broadside, End fire
Arrays, EFA with Increased Directivity, Derivation of their characteristics and
comparison, BSAs with Non-uniform Amplitude Distributions-General considerations
and Binomial Arrays, Related Problems.

ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS – Introduction, Concepts, Reciprocity, near and Far

fields, Coordinate System, Sources of errors, Pattern to be measurement, pattern
measurement arrangement, Directivity Measurement, Gain Measurements




1. Derive the array factor of two element array with equal amplitude and equal phase?
(June-2015) (TL5) (10)
2. Write in brief about Binomial array?(June-2015) (TL3)(10)
3. Obtain array factor of N-element uniform array?(November-2015) (TL5) (10)
4. Explain the principle of pattern multiplication and find the radiation pattern of 4 and
8 element array? (February-2016) (TL2) (10)
5. Define broad side and endfire arrays and obtain the expression for the array factor of
linear end fire array of a 4 element?(March-2016) (TL2) (10)
6. Explain in detail about the measurement of radiation pattern with neat diagram?
(November-2015) (TL2) (10)
7. Use the principle of pattern multiplication and draw the radiation pattern with 8
element array with d = λ/2 (February-2016) (TL5) (10)
8. Explain the typical sources of errors in antenna measurements?(February-2016)
(TL2) (10)
9. For a 16 element broadside array with λ / 2 spacing ,derive the array factor and hence
calculate its BWFN , first side lobe level , directivity and effective area?(February-
2016) (TL4) (10)
10. A broad side array operating at 100 cm wavelength consists of four half wave dipole
spaced 50 cm. Each element carries a radio frequency current in the same phase and

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amplitude 0.5 A . Calculate i) radiated power ii ) HPBW of major lobe.

(December-2014) (TL4) (10)


1. Explain different types of arrays of antennas?(February-2016) (TL2) (3)

2. What is uniform linear array?(November-2015) (TL1) (2)
3. A linear broadside array consists of 4 equal isotropic sources with λ / 3 spacing
(overall length of array = λ ) then calculate the beam width?(November-2015) (TL4)
4. Write a short notes on “Pattern multiplication “ ?(February-2016) (TL2) (3)
5. Derive Hansen-woodyard condition for N element end fire array for enhancing its
directivity?(February-2016) (TL5) (3)
6. Compare the broadside and end fire arrays?(February-2016) (TL6) (2)
7. What is uniform linear array and what are its applications? (March-2016) (TL1) (3)
8. What are the various differences between binomial and linear arrays?(November-
2015) (TL1) (2)
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of binomial arrays? (March-2016)
(TL1) (2)
10. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of linear arrays? (December-2014)
(TL1) (2)


Introduction, Definitions, categorizations and General Classifications, Different
Modes of Wave Propagation, ray mode Concepts, Ground Wave Propagation-Plane
Earth Reflections, Space and Surface Waves, Wave Tilt, Curved Earth Reflections,
Space wave propagation- Field strength variation with Distance and height, Effect of
Earth’s Curvature, Absorption, Super Refraction, M-curves and Duct Propagation,
Tropospheric propagation, Scattering, Fading and Path Loss Calculations


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Sky wave propagation-Structure of Ionosphere, Reflection and Refraction of sky

Ray path, Critical Frequency, MUF,LUF,OF, Virtual Height and skip distance
Relation between MUF and skip distance, Multi-hop propagation Energy Loss in
Ionosphere, Summary of Wave Characteristics in frequency ranges.


1. Discuss the characteristics of F1 and F2 layers? (December-2014) (TL2) (10)
2. Write about ground wave propagation and how the reflection takes place on the
surface of the earth?(june-2015) (TL2) (10)
3. Explain in detail about:
a) Skip distance b)Critical frequency c) D- layer in ionosphere.(june-2015)
(TL2) (10)
4. Derive the equation of radio horizon of space wave propagation considering earth
effective radius? (March-2016) (TL5) (10)
5. Find the maximum range of troposphere transmission for which the height of the
transmitting antenna is 100 ft and that of receiving antenna is 50 ft?(November-
2015) (TL4) (10)
6. Derive the expression for the variation of field strength of a space wave with antenna
heights and distance involved. What happens when the distance is large?(February-
2016) (TL5) (10)
7. With neat illustrations explain the structure and formation of ionospheric layers, and
corresponding frequencies of propagation?(February-2016) (TL2) (10)
8. Explain the concept of reduction factor and numerical distance in ground wave
propagation? (February-2016) (TL2) (10)
9. Derive the expression for MUF for flat earth?(November-2015) (TL5) (10)
10. Derive the expression for MUF for curved earth?(November-2015) (TL5) (10)


1. Explain the salient features of troposphere scatter propagation?(February-2016)
(TL2) (2)
2. Explain in detail about ground wave propagation and write down the factors
effecting ground wavepropagation?(February-2016) (TL2) (3)
3. Explain briefly about the radio horizon and line of sight propagation?(February-
2016) (TL2) (3)
4. Discuss in detail about duct propagation?(November-2015) (TL2) (3)
5. Derive the field strength of a tropospheric wave?(November-2015) (TL5) (3)
6. Write a short notes on : a)Virtual height b)MUF c)Layers of ionosphere(March-
2016) (TL3) (3)
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7. What is critical frequency and derive the expression for critical frequency? (March-
2016) (TL1) (3)
8. Write short notes on M curves and their characteristics? (November-2005) (TL3) (2)
9. Derive the relation between Maximum usable frequency and Skip distance?
(November-2015) (TL5) (2)
10. Derive the expression for space wave electric field produced by an antenna at a
distant point, assuming a flat earth? (December-2014) (TL5) (2)

Prepared By:


B.Tech (ECE)., M.Tech(Embedded systems). MISTE.

Associate Professor of ECE, Mobile: 8008379494 E-mail:

Mr.Mahesh K

B.Tech (ECE)., M.Tech(Embedded systems).

Assistant Professor of ECE, Mobile: 9030472070 E-mail:

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