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1st exam 21/07/16

1. What is ERP?
Enterprise resource planning .Make a plan for effective utilization of resource for developing
2. List out any 3 ERP’S?
List of ERP’S
1. SAP
3. What is SAP?
Systems applications and products in data processing SAP was developed in the year of 1972 April 1 st in Germany
at walldores. It came to India in the year of 1995. SAP was developed by 5IBM’S former employees. Namely
hector, hopp, platter, tchira, wellenreuther.
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of SAP?
1. Real time integration
2. Integrate with all modules
3. Online process
4. Heavy data storage
5. High data security
6. Accurate reports
1. Lengthy implementation time
2. Very expansive
5. What are the modules in SAP?
All the modules in SAP was divided into functional modules and technical modules
Functional modules
1. Fi/co - financial accounting and controlling
2. M.M - material management
3. S.D - sales and distribution
4. C.R.M - customer relationship management
5. P.P - production and planning
6. H.R - human resource –now HR is called as HCM
(Human Capital Management)
7. P.M - plant maintenance
8. Q.M - quality management
Technical modules
1. ABAP - advanced business application program
2. Basis -
3. Securities -
4. B.I - Business intelligence
5. B.W - business workbase
7. HANA - high perform analytically application
6. What are the sub modules in FI?
1. General ledger (G.L)
2. Accounts receivable (A.R)
3. Accounts payable(A.P)
4. Banking accounting
5. Asset accounting(A.A)
7. What are the standard projects in SAP?
8. What is implementation/road map of sap/ phases of SAP/ASAP methodology/ software life cycle?
developing of client business details into SAP is called implementation
To complete the implementation project we have to fulfill the following 5 steps
1. Project preparation
2. Business blue print
3. Realization
4. Final preparation
5. Go- live
1. Project preparation:-In project preparation either client or project manager will conduct a meeting called KICK-OFF-
MEETING. In this meeting they will discuss brief details about the project like what kind of project what are the
requirements of the client how to fulfill the requirement of the client e.t.c
2. Business blue print:-To complete the BBP we have to complete the following three steps
AS-IS DOCUMENT:-total details of the client collection of the client business details is called AS-IS DOCUMENT
TO-BE DOCUMENT: - mapping of the client business with SAP standard id called TO-BE DOCUMENT
GAP: - if any client business details will not mapped with SAP standard the we can make it as GAP.
To fulfill the GAP we have to write the functional specification actually it is work by the technical people but as a
functional people we have to forward the field name or table names based on this information they will fulfill GAP.
3. Realization:-
a. configuration b. training c. testing
 Configuration :-
It is a step by step procedure where a development team (consultants) will the client business details is called
 Training
We have two types of training 1. Train the trainer
2. Train the end user
1. Train the trainer:- Giving the training to trainer (team leaders, seniors, e.t.c ) and they will give the training to their
team members is called train the trainer.
2. Train the end user:- Giving the training directly to the end user is called train the end user.
 Testing :-
1. Unit testing
2. Integrated testing
3. User acceptance testing
1. Unit testing:- Unit testing done by the consultant to check whether the configuration is working properly or not
2. Integrated testing:- Integrated testing done for the client in the form of quality
3. User acceptance testing:- To check whether the end users are ready to work or not
4. Final preparation (cut over activities):-
Here we are using two concepts a. LSMW
b. BDC
a. LSMW: - (legacy system migration workbench)
We use LSMW to upload the bulk master data(G/L, Vendor, Customer, Asset master data)from non-SAP to SAP.
to complete the LSMW process we have to complete the 16 steps. LSMW itself is the transaction code for LSMW.
b. BDC :- (batch data conversion)
We use BDC also to upload the bulk master data from non-SAP to SAP
5. Go-live:-
Submitting of the project to the client to start the live production.
2months post production support:- After completion the implementation project if the client will get any problems then
consulting company will give the free support for up 2 months.

9. What is BBP? Business blue print?

To complete the BBP we have to complete the following three steps
AS-IS DOCUMENT:-total details of the client collection of the client business details is called AS-IS DOCUMENT
TO-BE DOCUMENT: - mapping of the client business with SAP standard id called TO-BE DOCUMENT
GAP: - if any client business details will not mapped with SAP standard the we can make it as GAP.

To fulfill the GAP we have to write the functional specification actually it is work by the technical people but as a
functional people we have to forward the field name or table names based on this information they will fulfill GAP.

10. In how many ways we reduce the GAP?

By changing the business process. And by developing the new programs based on the business process.
11. What is cut over activities?
Here we are using two concepts a. LSMW
b. BDC
a. LSMW: - (legacy system migration workbench) We use LSMW to upload the bulk master data(G/L, Vendor,
Customer, Asset master data)from non-SAP to SAP .to complete the LSMW process we have to complete the 16
steps.LSMW itself is the transaction code for LSMW
b. BDC :- (batch data conversion). We use BDC also to upload the bulk master data from non-SAP to SAP
12. What is GO-LIVE?
Submitting of the project to the client to start the live production.
2months post production support:- After completion the implementation project if the client will get any problems then
consulting company will give the free support for up 2 months

13. What is ticket?

Ticket is called error
14. What is service level agreement (SLA’S)? Service level agreement (SLA’S) :-
Each and every ticket is SAP must be solved based on the service level agreement in SLA each and ticket must contains a
priority along with the time limit.
P1 - very high - 1-2 hours
P2 - high - 2-3hours
P3 - medium - 1day -1week
P4 - low - 1week – 10days
P – Indicates priority…..Time limit for solving of the tickets should be depends on client requirement
15. What is enhancement?
Develop a new reports based on the client requirement is called enhancement.
16. What is upgrade?
Selecting of the version which is developed in SAP and develop the business details based on the version
Ex:-4.0, 4.6, R/3 4.7, ECC 6.0, HANA (High performance analytically appliance)
17. What is ROLL-OUT?
Following of the existed procedure developed in SAP and do some minor changes based on the country requirement or
region requirement
18. What is client?

Client will check the information is properly good or not. And client will take testing. And give the training to the end

19. What is landscape?

Landscape includes 3 clients

Consultancy client end user

Development Quality production

1. Configuration
2. Sand box 2. Testing
3. Golden client

In development client consultants will do the configuration then information will be forward to the sand box for testing
purpose from sand box information will be forward to golden client. If may information is there in the golden client then
all the data will be accurate.
From golden client data will be forward to quality client
From quality client data will be forward to production client. Here end users will post the day to day business
20. How to transfer the configuration data from one client to another client?
Through the request number
21. Who are consultant (development team)and end user?
Consultant will do the requirements for the client. And client will forward the information to end users for starting
22. What is user acceptance testing?
To check whether the end users are ready to work or not
23. What is unit and integrated testing?
1. Unit testing:- Unit testing done by the consultant to check whether the configuration is working properly or not
2. Integrated testing:-Integrated testing done for the client in the form of quality
24. What is ECC?
ECC:- erp/ enterprise central component
25. What is the difference between 4.6 and 4.7 version?
CIN setting (country India version)
26. What is the difference between 4.7 and 6.0 version ?
new general ledger accounting
Document splitting
Leading and non-leading ledger
Zero balance accounting
27. What is the minimum and maximum length of password?
6digits to 40 digits
28. How many times you can change password in a day?
Only once in a day
29. What is session?
Session is nothing but a SAP home page or staring page. Session is to start the SAP to do the work.
30. At a time how many sessions is possible to open?
Maximum 6 sessions can open in a time
31. What is command field?
White field is called command field. To insert T-codes
32. What is table?
After any information was saved. Then data was stored in table. It is the table
33. What is request number?
Information will transfer to one client to another client they required for id it’s called request number.
34. How to release request?
Enter the SAP user and select the customizing request or work bench request. What ever you want and press
enter. After releasing request the basis will forward from one client to another client
35. What are the transaction codes to release the request?
SE10 OR SE09
36. Can you transport number ranges of documents, vendor, G/L, customer, asset master in the same request
yes, it’s possible to transfer.
37. What is customizing and workbench request?
Customization request:- all the functional setting will be stored under customization request
Workbench request:- all the technical setting will be maintain under work bench request
38. What is customization and configuration?
Configuration:- It is a step by step procedure where a development team (consultants) will the client business details is
called configuration
Customization:- For consultant/client requirement they will change the configuration is called customization.
39. What is IMG?
Implementation guide.
40. How many IMPLEMENTATION guides are available in SAP? What are they?
Reference IMG, enterprise IMG, project IMG.
Preference IMG:- contains all configuration transactions available for all functionalities/ modules/ sub modules in the
installed version of SAP R/3
Enterprise IMG:- only contains configuration transactions that are applicable to a specific company. The enterprise
option serves the purpose of the filtering out configuration options that are not required by a company, if certain
modules are not implemented.
Project IMG:- contains a sub set of enterprise IMG configuration transactions that need to be configured for complete a
specific project.
41. In SAP , is it possible to create self defining (new) transaction codes?
yes , it is possible
42. What is IDES?
International demonstration educational systems
43. What is SAP R/3/three tier architecture?
*.SAP R/3 (three tier architecture)
R = Real time 3 = 3servers/ layers
 Presentation server
 Application server
 Data base server
Presentation server:-
Presentation server will collects the requirement the requirement from the users
Application server:-
Application server will be situated in between presentation server and data base server
Data base server:-
All the data maintained in SAP will stored under database layer‌
44. Who will create USER ID?
From the technical module in BASIS team will create USER ID
45. What is LSMW?
LSMW: - (legacy system migration workbench)
We use LSMW to upload the bulk master data(G/L, Vendor, Customer, Asset master data)from non-SAP to SAP. to
complete the LSMW process we have to complete the 16 steps
LSMW itself is the transaction code for LSMW
46. If you forget password, then how?
Consultant / client cannot reset or restore the password. From the technical team in basis people will delete old
password and give the new password
47. How many step in LSMW?
if we have fulfill the LSMW. We have to complete the 16 steps to complete for bulk data upload.
48. What is BDC?
Batch data conversion (BDC). To use for bulk data upload.
49. Do you transfer the master data from one client to another client?
No, it’s not possible. Master data cannot transfer.
50. Tickets are faced in implementation or support?
Tickets are raised from the support project
51. Is it possible backward the information from one client to another client?
no. it not possible. Once data was forward successfully then did not backward.
52. Where you will find all the transaction codes?
Use T.code SE16,table is tstc
53. What are the major areas in SAP environment?
two areas 1. Configuration 2. Application (easy access)
configuration: configuration is to support the business requirement through IMG
application: handing of the day to day activities through the SAP easy access.

2nd exam 21/07/16

1. Organization structure of FI?

General ledger (G.L)
Accounts receivable (A.R)
Accounts payable(A.P)
Banking accounting
Asset accounting
2. Organization structure of CO?
General controlling
Cost element accounting(C.E.A)
cost center accounting(C.C.A)
internal order(I.O)
profit center accounting (P.C.A)
product costing (CO-PC)
Profitability analysis (CO-PA)
3. What is company?
it is a one of the organizational unit in SAP. Which can be identified with maximum 6 character id one company can have
one more company codes but each company code can have only one company
4. Creation of company is optional or mandatory is SAP ?
creation company is optional if you want to do the consolidation of company codes. Then creation of company becomes
For doing of cross company code transactions also creation of company is mandatory
5. What is company code ?
It is one of the organization unit is sap which can be identified with maximum 4 character id. One company code can
have one company. Creation of company code is mandatory.
Assigning of company code to company is also mandatory if you want to do the consolidation of company codes.
The reports generated based on company code is used for external reporting purpose.
6. What are general data and global data of company code?
general data:- company code, company name, city, country, currency, language,
Global data:- chart of accounts, FM area, credit control area, field status variant, fiscal year variant, posting period
7. Reports generated based on company code is for what purpose?
For external reporting purpose.
8. What is business area?
It is not a organization unit in sap which can be identified with 4 character id we can define business area in two ways
9. You can assign business area to company code?
No, it not possible to assign we have to assign business area to consolidation business area. And consolidation business
are to company code.
10. In how many ways we can define business area?
Two ways we can define business area
1.geographical area wise 2.product wise
11. Reports generated based business area is used for what purpose?
In business area reports are generated For internal purpose
12. what is credit control area, types of credit control area?
We use credit control area to maintain the credit limit for the customer due to credit sales
Types of credit control ares
We have three types of credit control areas
1.centralized credit control area
2.decentralised credit control area
3.mixed credit control area
13. what is charts of accounts types of charts of chart of account?
List of G/L accounts is called chart of accounts
Types of charts of accounts:- we have 3 types of chart of accounts
1.operative chart of accounts chart of accounts specific chart of accounts
A. operative charts of accounts:-
We use operation chart of accounts to post day to day business operation creation operative chart of accounts is
mandatory. Assign operative chart of accounts to company code is also mandatory
B. group charts of accounts:-
We use group chars of accounts to consolidation of chart of accounts
Note:- if we use one chart of accounts for all company codes then no need with group chart of accounts each company
code then we required group chart of accounts creation of group chart of accounts is optional .
C. country specific chart of accounts:-
We use country specific chart of accounts to meet the legal requirement to the countries.
14. Creation of operative chart of accounts and group chart of accounts are optional or mandatory?
creation operative chart of accounts is mandatory. Assign operative chart of accounts to company code is also
if we use one chart of accounts for all company codes then no need with group chart of accounts each company code
then we required group chart of accounts creation of group chart of accounts is optional .
15. How many charts of accounts can be assigned to a company code?
Whatever you want you can assign chart of account to company code
16. One chart of accounts can be assigned for how many company codes?
One chart of accounts can assign one or more then company codes
17. Is it possible to assign on group chart of accounts to more than one operative chart of accounts?
Yes, it is possible
18. what is length of G/L account number? What is the maximum length of G/L account number?
maximum 10 digits (9,99,99,99,999)
19. if you maintain the group chart of accounts, what is effect?
while creation of the G/L accounts we have to specify group account no
20. what is group account number?
we use account group to maintain no intervals for creation of G/L accounts
it can be determine nature of account like current asset, current liabilities, expenses, incomes. ETC
we can create accounts group based on the chart of accounts
through account group we can control the fields of G/L master data
21. can you maintain one group chart of accounts for two operative chart of accounts?
Yes, we can maintain to one group chart of account for two or more
22. What is the purpose of blocked option in chart of accounts?
Blocked option is used for stop the creation of chart of accounts
23. What is field status group?
We use field status group to control the field we use field statues group.
24. Field status group at which level?
Transaction level
25. How do you control document line items fields?
Document line items fields can control field status group
26. What is field status variant?
We use field status variant to control field status groups
27. What is fiscal year?
Fiscal year is nothing but a financial year. Financial year is called is SAP as fiscal year which includes 12 normal periods,
4special periods. Months is called periods.
28. What is year shift?
Transfer the current year balances to previous year is called year shift. Current year balances means January, February,
and March.
29. How you can decide which year as a fiscal year?
Fiscal year has two calendar years. Which is more periods in calendar is called fiscal year
30. What is calendar year (year independent) and year specific (year dependent)?
Year independent means we cannot adjust or modify we have to follow. Year dependent means we can adjust and
modify for client requirement.
31. What is short end fiscal year?
Less than 12 months is called short ended in fiscal year
1.while starting up of the business
2. while winding (close)up of business
32. Short end fiscal year is always year dependent or year independent?
Short end fiscal year is always year dependent for create the business starts or close
33. Write standard fiscal year variants?
SAP has some already fiscal year variants. The fiscal year variants is called standard fiscal year variants
V3 – April to march + 4 special period
V6 – july tojune + 4 special period
V9 – oct to sep + 4 special period
K0 – jan to dec + 0 special period
K1 – jan to dec + 1 special period
K2 – jan to dec + 2 special period
K3 – jan to dec + 3 special period
K4 – Jan to dec + 4 special period
34. How many special periods and normal periods in fiscal year?
In a fiscal year have 12 normal periods, and 4 special periods
35. Is special periods are only for FI or MM and SD also?
Special periods raised in transaction level. Transaction level is in FI module.
36. What is posting period variant?
We use posting period variant to controlling the posting period like how to open and close
37. Client requirement is to open posting period for 10 years at a time, is it possible?
Yes, it is possible
38. Once you cross a posting period then system automatically closes the posting period?

39. What are special periods?

We use special periods to make the adjustments like tax adjustments, audit adjustments, management adjustments, etc
to period and submit the reports. Maximum 4 special periods in fiscal year.
40. What is tolerance group, types of tolerance group?
We use tolerance groups to maintain the payment difference, amount per document , cash discount per line item.
We have 3 types of tolerance groups
1. Tolerance group for G/L accounts
2. Tolerance group for employee.
3. Tolerance group for customers and vendors
41. What is account group?
we use account group to maintain no intervals for creation of G/L accounts. it can be determine nature of account like
current asset, current liabilities, expenses, incomes. ETC. we can create accounts group based on the chart of accounts
42. What is retained earnings account?
we must create the retained earning account with the above no otherwise carry forward is not possible.
43. What is tolerance group? And explain the type of tolerance groups?
We use tolerance groups to maintain the payment difference, amount per document , cash discount per line item.
We have 3 types of tolerance groups
1. Tolerance group for G/L accounts
2. Tolerance group for employee.
3. Tolerance group for customers and vendors
44. If you maintained more than one retained earnings accounts what is the effect?
they have to specify profit & lose statement account type while creation of profit & lose G/L accounts.
45. Field status groups are defined at which level?
Transaction level
46. What is posting keys/ control keys?
It is a two digit key which can be used to identify debit line item and credit line item

47. It is possible to create new posting key?

Yes, we can create new posting key.
48. Posting keys are defined at which level?
Client level
49. What is line item?
It is a two digit key which can be used to identify debit line item and credit line item

50. What is document? In one document how many line items is possible?
Posting transaction is called a document. In document have 2 line items they are debit & credit .maximum 999 line items
51. What is document type? Example?
It is 2 digit alphabet key which can be use to identified transaction
Ex:- SA, KR, KZ, KG, KA, DR, DZ, DG, DA, AA
52. What is number range?
It is a two digit numeric key which can be used to maintain the no interval to get the document no. for the posted
53. Types of number range?
We have two types of no. ranges in SAP
1. Internal no. range
2. External no. range
1.internal no. range:-
System automatically picks the document no in a sequence order posted documents.
2.external no. range:-
System does not pick document numbers automatically. user has to enter document no manually while posting
of transaction.
54. Internal and external number ranges are only for G/L or customers and vendors?
Yes, internal and external number ranges are raised in G/L & customer & vendors.
55. We can assign same number range to more than one document type?
Yes, it is possible
56. Number ranges are year dependent or year independent?

57. We can create the new document types?

Yes, it’s possible we can create new document type

58. Is it possible to copy number ranges? If possible how you can copy number ranges?
Number ranges are possible to copy. We can copy two ways
1. Copy to company code 2. Copy to fiscal year
59. Which information will not be copied, when we use copy company code function?
No. ranges information will not copied. We have to copy to manually
60. While saving the number ranges, you will get a message? What is the meaning?
No. ranges information will not copied. We have to copy to manually
61. What is global parameter?

62. What is general data and global data of company code?

general data:- company code, company name, city, country, currency, language,
Global data:- chart of accounts, FM area, credit control area, field status variant, fiscal year variant, posting period
63. What is general ledger?

64. What are tabs in general ledger master?

65. What are the segments in G/L master record?

66. Can we select only balances in local currency and open item management for reconciliation G/L accounts?

67. Should all G/L masters have the same field status groups for an account group?

68. If multiple company codes are use the same chart of accounts, G/L accounts are available for all company

69. G/L accounts are useful for only FI or CO also?

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