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--------- beginning of main

10-13 14:12:13.806 E/halobca.androi( 8271): Unknown bits set in runtime_flags:

10-13 14:12:13.809 E/halobca.androi( 8271): Not starting debugger since process
cannot load the jdwp agent.
10-13 14:12:13.868 I/halobca.androi( 8271): The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
10-13 14:12:13.961 I/Perf ( 8271): Connecting to perf service.
10-13 14:12:14.025 W/halobca.androi( 8271): Unsupported class loader
10-13 14:12:14.035 I/FeatureParser( 8271): can't find lime.xml in
assets/device_features/,it may be in /vendor/etc/device_features
10-13 14:12:14.038 E/libc ( 8271): Access denied finding property
10-13 14:12:14.038 E/libc ( 8271): Access denied finding property
10-13 14:12:14.126 I/FA ( 8271): App measurement initialized, version: 28000
10-13 14:12:14.127 I/FA ( 8271): To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
10-13 14:12:14.127 I/FA ( 8271): To enable faster debug mode event logging
10-13 14:12:14.127 I/FA ( 8271): adb shell setprop
10-13 14:12:14.245 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 8271): Using Network Security Config
from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
10-13 14:12:14.256 I/DpmTcmClient( 8271): RegisterTcmMonitor from: $Proxy0
10-13 14:12:14.258 I/FA ( 8271): Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be
10-13 14:12:14.334 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:14,334 [DEBUG] h created
dao for class class from constructor
10-13 14:12:14.336 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:14,336 [DEBUG] h created
dao for class class from constructor
10-13 14:12:14.337 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:14,337 [DEBUG] h created
dao for class class from constructor
10-13 14:12:14.338 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:14,338 [DEBUG] h created
dao for class class from constructor
10-13 14:12:14.386 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:14,386 [DEBUG] h created
dao for class class from constructor
10-13 14:12:14.387 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:14,387 [DEBUG] h created
dao for class class from
10-13 14:12:14.473 I/halobca.androi( 8271): The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
--------- beginning of system
10-13 14:12:14.480 W/Looper ( 8271): PerfMonitor looperActivity : time=112ms
latency=539ms running=66ms procState=2
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[] }
historyMsgCount=2 (msgIndex=2 wall=536ms seq=2 running=177ms runnable=24ms io=278ms
late=7ms$H w=110)
10-13 14:12:14.481 W/Looper ( 8271): PerfMonitor looperActivity : time=0ms
latency=652ms running=0ms procState=2
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[
eItem] } historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2 wall=536ms seq=2 running=177ms runnable=24ms
io=278ms late=7ms$H w=110) (msgIndex=3 wall=112ms
seq=3 running=66ms runnable=7ms io=23ms late=539ms$H
10-13 14:12:14.481 I/halobca.androi( 8271): The ClassLoaderContext is a special
shared library.
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): QUALCOMM build :
243b6bc, I98aee2b40e
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): Build Date :
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): Local Branch :
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): Remote Branch :
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): Remote Branch : NONE
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): Reconstruct Branch :
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): Build Config : S P
8.0.16 AArch64
10-13 14:12:14.504 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): Driver Path :
10-13 14:12:14.525 I/AdrenoGLES-0( 8271): PFP: 0x016ee188, ME: 0x00000000
10-13 14:12:15.043 W/BpBinder( 8271): Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 375ms,, code=20 oneway=false
10-13 14:12:15.171 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 0 ms
10-13 14:12:15.794 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: install_time =
2021-10-01 07:24:44.145
10-13 14:12:15.794 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: af_status =
10-13 14:12:15.794 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: af_message =
organic install
10-13 14:12:15.794 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: is_first_launch
= false
10-13 14:12:15.886 W/BpBinder( 8271): Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 842ms,
interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
10-13 14:12:16.622 I/Timeline( 8271): Timeline: Activity_launch_request
10-13 14:12:16.773 W/ActivityThread( 8271): handleWindowVisibility: no activity for
token android.os.BinderProxy@698e014
10-13 14:12:17.167 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 0 ms
10-13 14:12:18.676 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 0 ms
10-13 14:12:19.660 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 0 ms
10-13 14:12:21.571 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 0 ms
10-13 14:12:22.105 I/Timeline( 8271): Timeline: Activity_launch_request
10-13 14:12:22.151 W/ActivityThread( 8271): handleWindowVisibility: no activity for
token android.os.BinderProxy@6ed38fa
10-13 14:12:22.351 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setBluetoothScoOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:22.368 I/AudioManager( 8271): In startbluetoothSco(), calling
10-13 14:12:22.370 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false,
calling application:
10-13 14:12:22.500 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 1 ms
10-13 14:12:23.019 I/halobca.androi( 8271): Background concurrent copying GC freed
248733(10MB) AllocSpace objects, 630(47MB) LOS objects, 14% free, 143MB/167MB,
paused 2.032ms total 330.651ms
10-13 14:12:23.330 I/halobca.androi( 8271): Background young concurrent copying GC
freed 17333(605KB) AllocSpace objects, 2588(162MB) LOS objects, 24% free,
74MB/98MB, paused 751us total 272.580ms
10-13 14:12:23.575 I/System.out( 8271):
10-13 14:12:23.584 I/halobca.androi( 8271): Background concurrent copying GC freed
25637(964KB) AllocSpace objects, 2802(104MB) LOS objects, 38% free, 38MB/62MB,
paused 242us total 199.475ms
10-13 14:12:23.597 I/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): Connecting to camera service
10-13 14:12:23.612 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 2
10-13 14:12:23.612 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 3
10-13 14:12:23.612 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 4
10-13 14:12:23.612 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 5
10-13 14:12:23.612 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 6
10-13 14:12:23.612 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 7
10-13 14:12:23.613 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): ignore the torch status update of
camera: 3
10-13 14:12:23.613 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): ignore the torch status update of
camera: 4
10-13 14:12:23.613 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): ignore the torch status update of
camera: 5
10-13 14:12:23.613 W/CameraManagerGlobal( 8271): ignore the torch status update of
camera: 6
10-13 14:12:23.635 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Found valid
camera device: 0
10-13 14:12:23.639 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Found valid
camera device: 1
10-13 14:12:23.655 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Found valid
camera device: 0
10-13 14:12:23.658 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Found valid
camera device: 1
10-13 14:12:23.658 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Get supported
formats for camera index 0.
10-13 14:12:23.673 D/StreamConfigurationMap: ( 8271): packageName:
10-13 14:12:23.673 E/libc ( 8271): Access denied finding property
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.674 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.675 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Get supported
formats for camera index 0 done. Time spent: 16 ms.
10-13 14:12:23.678 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Get supported
formats for camera index 1.
10-13 14:12:23.682 D/StreamConfigurationMap: ( 8271): packageName:
10-13 14:12:23.682 E/libc ( 8271): Access denied finding property
10-13 14:12:23.682 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.682 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.682 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Format:
10-13 14:12:23.683 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): Camera2Enumerator: Get supported
formats for camera index 1 done. Time spent: 5 ms.
10-13 14:12:23.687 I/AudioManager( 8271): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling
10-13 14:12:23.691 W/AudioManager( 8271): Use of stream types is deprecated for
operations other than volume control
10-13 14:12:23.691 W/AudioManager( 8271): See the documentation of
requestAudioFocus() for what to use instead with to
qualify your playback use case
10-13 14:12:23.876 I/AudioManager( 8271): In isSpeakerphoneOn(), calling
10-13 14:12:23.876 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:23.886 D/AudioRecord( 8271): set(): inputSource 1, sampleRate 8000,
format 0x1, channelMask 0x10, frameCount 320, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0,
transferType 0, flags 0, opPackageName uid -1, pid -1
10-13 14:12:23.964 D/AudioRecord( 8271): start(62362): sync event 0 trigger session
0, mSessionID=466801
10-13 14:12:24.002 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.069 D/AudioRecord( 8271): set(): inputSource 1, sampleRate 8000,
format 0x1, channelMask 0x10, frameCount 320, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0,
transferType 0, flags 0, opPackageName uid -1, pid -1
10-13 14:12:24.080 D/AudioRecord( 8271): start(62364): sync event 0 trigger session
0, mSessionID=466809
10-13 14:12:24.094 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466801
10-13 14:12:24.123 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.133 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466809
10-13 14:12:24.137 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.137 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466801
10-13 14:12:24.137 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.137 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466801
10-13 14:12:24.137 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466801
10-13 14:12:24.155 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:24.158 D/AudioRecord( 8271): set(): inputSource 1, sampleRate 8000,
format 0x1, channelMask 0x10, frameCount 320, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0,
transferType 0, flags 0, opPackageName uid -1, pid -1
10-13 14:12:24.189 D/AudioRecord( 8271): start(62365): sync event 0 trigger session
0, mSessionID=466817
10-13 14:12:24.196 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.196 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466809
10-13 14:12:24.196 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.196 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466809
10-13 14:12:24.196 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466809
10-13 14:12:24.210 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.282 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466817
10-13 14:12:24.347 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,346 [DEBUG] o built
statement SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` = 'STICKER' OR `type`
= 'LOCATION' ) )
10-13 14:12:24.354 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.354 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466817
10-13 14:12:24.354 D/AudioService( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.354 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466817
10-13 14:12:24.354 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466817
10-13 14:12:24.361 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,360 [DEBUG] b prepared
statement 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` = 'STICKER' OR `type`
= 'LOCATION' ) ) ' with 0 args
10-13 14:12:24.364 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,364 [DEBUG] n starting
iterator @238601940 for 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` =
'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` =
'STICKER' OR `type` = 'LOCATION' ) ) '
10-13 14:12:24.368 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,368 [DEBUG] n closed
iterator @238601940 after 0 rows
10-13 14:12:24.368 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,368 [DEBUG] p query of
'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` =
'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` = 'STICKER' OR `type` =
'LOCATION' ) ) ' returned 0 results
10-13 14:12:24.368 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,368 [DEBUG] o built
statement SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND `is_outgoing` = 1 )
10-13 14:12:24.369 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,369 [DEBUG] b prepared
statement 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND `is_outgoing` = 1 ) ' with 0
10-13 14:12:24.371 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,371 [DEBUG] n starting
iterator @183053170 for 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` =
'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND
`is_outgoing` = 1 ) '
10-13 14:12:24.372 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,371 [DEBUG] n closed
iterator @183053170 after 0 rows
10-13 14:12:24.372 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,372 [DEBUG] p query of
'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` =
'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND `is_outgoing` = 1 ) ' returned 0 results
10-13 14:12:24.372 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,372 [DEBUG] o built
statement SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` = 'STICKER' OR `type`
= 'LOCATION' ) )
10-13 14:12:24.372 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,372 [DEBUG] b prepared
statement 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` = 'STICKER' OR `type`
= 'LOCATION' ) ) ' with 0 args
10-13 14:12:24.373 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,373 [DEBUG] n starting
iterator @212888515 for 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` =
'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` =
'STICKER' OR `type` = 'LOCATION' ) ) '
10-13 14:12:24.373 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,373 [DEBUG] n closed
iterator @212888515 after 0 rows
10-13 14:12:24.373 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,373 [DEBUG] p query of
'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` =
'STATUS_SENT' ) AND (`type` = 'MESSAGE' OR `type` = 'STICKER' OR `type` =
'LOCATION' ) ) ' returned 0 results
10-13 14:12:24.373 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,373 [DEBUG] o built
statement SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND `is_outgoing` = 1 )
10-13 14:12:24.374 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,374 [DEBUG] b prepared
statement 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR
`status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND `is_outgoing` = 1 ) ' with 0
10-13 14:12:24.374 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,374 [DEBUG] n starting
iterator @63274048 for 'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` =
'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` = 'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND
`is_outgoing` = 1 ) '
10-13 14:12:24.375 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,375 [DEBUG] n closed
iterator @63274048 after 0 rows
10-13 14:12:24.375 I/System.out( 8271): 2021-10-13 14:12:24,375 [DEBUG] p query of
'SELECT * FROM `message_history` WHERE ((`status` = 'STATUS_UNSENT' OR `status` =
'STATUS_SENT' ) AND `type` = 'MEDIA' AND `is_outgoing` = 1 ) ' returned 0 results
10-13 14:12:24.394 D/JVM ( 8271): JVM::Initialize@[tid=8271]
10-13 14:12:24.394 D/JVM ( 8271): JVM::JVM@[tid=8271]
10-13 14:12:24.394 D/JVM ( 8271): LoadClasses
10-13 14:12:24.394 D/JVM ( 8271): name: org/acbrtc/voiceengine/BuildInfo
10-13 14:12:24.394 D/JVM ( 8271): name:
10-13 14:12:24.394 D/JVM ( 8271): name:
10-13 14:12:24.394 D/JVM ( 8271): name: org/acbrtc/voiceengine/WebRtcAudioTrack
10-13 14:12:24.416 W/VideoCapabilities( 8271): Unsupported mime
10-13 14:12:24.458 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Trying to
find HW decoder for mime video/avc
10-13 14:12:24.458 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
candidate decoder
10-13 14:12:24.459 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
target decoder Color: 0x13
10-13 14:12:24.461 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoEncoder: Found
target encoder for mime video/avc : Color: 0x15.
Bitrate adjustment: NO_ADJUSTMENT
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Trying to
find HW decoder for mime video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
candidate decoder
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
candidate decoder
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: No HW
decoder found for mime video/x-vnd.on2.vp8
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Trying to
find HW decoder for mime video/x-vnd.on2.vp9
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
candidate decoder
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
target decoder Color: 0x13
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Trying to
find HW decoder for mime video/avc
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
candidate decoder
10-13 14:12:24.462 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): MediaCodecVideoDecoder: Found
target decoder Color: 0x13
10-13 14:12:24.477 D/JVM ( 8271): AttachCurrentThreadIfNeeded::ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.477 D/JVM ( 8271): Attaching thread to JVM
10-13 14:12:24.478 D/JVM ( 8271): JVM::environment@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.478 D/JVM ( 8271): JNIEnvironment::ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.478 D/AudioManager( 8271): ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.478 D/JVM ( 8271):
10-13 14:12:24.478 D/JVM ( 8271): NativeRegistration::ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.478 D/JVM ( 8271): NativeRegistration::NewObject@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.478 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager:
ctor@[name=Thread-19, id=164184]
10-13 14:12:24.479 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: Sample rate is
set to 48000 Hz
10-13 14:12:24.500 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioEffects:
canUseAcousticEchoCanceler: true
10-13 14:12:24.500 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioEffects:
canUseNoiseSuppressor: true
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): OnCacheAudioParameters@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): hardware_aec: 1
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): hardware_agc: 0
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): hardware_ns: 1
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): low_latency_output: 1
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): low_latency_input: 1
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): pro_audio: 1
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): sample_rate: 48000
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): output_channels: 1
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): input_channels: 1
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): output_buffer_size: 144
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): input_buffer_size: 144
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/JVM ( 8271): GlobalRef::ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): JavaAudioManager::ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): IsLowLatencyPlayoutSupported()
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): IsLowLatencyRecordSupported()
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): ctor@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): SetActiveAudioLayer(6)@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): delay_estimate_in_milliseconds: 50
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): AttachAudioBuffer
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): SetPlayoutSampleRate(48000)
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): SetPlayoutChannels(1)
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): AllocateDataBuffers
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): native buffer size: 288
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): native buffer size in ms: 3.00
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): AttachAudioBuffer
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): SetRecordingSampleRate(48000)
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): SetRecordingChannels(1)
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): AllocateDataBuffers
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): frames per native buffer: 144
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): frames per 10ms buffer: 480
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): bytes per native buffer: 288
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): native sample rate: 48000
10-13 14:12:24.502 D/AudioManager( 8271): Init@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.502 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager:
init@[name=Thread-19, id=164184]
10-13 14:12:24.503 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: audio mode is:
10-13 14:12:24.504 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): Init@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.504 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): Init@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:24.504 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): EnableBuiltInAEC(1)
10-13 14:12:24.504 E/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): Not implemented
10-13 14:12:24.504 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): EnableBuiltInNS(1)
10-13 14:12:24.504 E/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): Not implemented
10-13 14:12:24.506 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:12:24.507 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): PeerConnectionFactory:
10-13 14:12:24.507 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 6 (max=11)
10-13 14:12:24.507 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): PeerConnectionFactory:
10-13 14:12:24.508 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): PeerConnectionFactory:
10-13 14:12:24.511 W/Looper ( 8271): PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=294
plan=14:12:22.276 late=58ms wall=2176ms running=676ms runnable=260ms io=77ms
reclaim=51ms$H w=115 procState=2
10-13 14:12:24.524 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false,
calling application:
10-13 14:12:24.526 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setBluetoothScoOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:24.527 I/AudioManager( 8271): In startbluetoothSco(), calling
10-13 14:12:24.550 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:24.572 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setBluetoothScoOn(), on: false,
calling application:
10-13 14:12:24.573 I/AudioManager( 8271): In stopBluetoothSco(), calling
10-13 14:12:24.575 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:24.783 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): NetworkMonitor: Start monitoring
from native observer 527289340672
10-13 14:12:24.796 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): NetworkMonitorAutoDetect: Network
becomes available: 181
10-13 14:12:24.799 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): NetworkMonitorAutoDetect:
capabilities changed: [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities:
ONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED LinkUpBandwidth>=15000Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=30000Kbps
Specifier: <2>]
10-13 14:12:24.801 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): NetworkMonitorAutoDetect: link
properties changed: {InterfaceName: rmnet_data2 LinkAddresses: [ ]
DnsAddresses: [ /,/ ] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes:
2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576 Routes: [ ->
rmnet_data2, -> rmnet_data2 ]}
10-13 14:12:25.083 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false,
calling application:
10-13 14:12:25.189 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): InitPlayout@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:25.189 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): ObtainEngineInterface
10-13 14:12:25.189 D/AudioManager( 8271): GetOpenSLEngine@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:25.192 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): CreateMix
10-13 14:12:25.192 D/AudioManager( 8271): IsCommunicationModeEnabled()
10-13 14:12:25.192 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): StartPlayout@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:25.192 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): CreateAudioPlayer
10-13 14:12:25.193 D/ ( 8271): PlayerBase::PlayerBase()
10-13 14:12:25.193 D/ ( 8271): TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase()
10-13 14:12:25.193 I/libOpenSLES( 8271): Emulating old channel mask behavior
(ignoring positional mask 0x4, using default mask 0x1 based on channel count of 1)
10-13 14:12:25.212 W/AudioTrack( 8271): createTrack_l(0): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST
denied by server; frameCount 0 -> 1924
10-13 14:12:25.415 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:25.417 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setBluetoothScoOn(), on: true, calling
10-13 14:12:25.418 I/AudioManager( 8271): In startbluetoothSco(), calling
10-13 14:12:25.418 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): InitRecording@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:25.418 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): ObtainEngineInterface
10-13 14:12:25.418 D/AudioManager( 8271): GetOpenSLEngine@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:25.419 I/AudioManager( 8271): The OpenSL ES engine object has already
been created
10-13 14:12:25.419 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): CreateAudioRecorder
10-13 14:12:25.419 W/libOpenSLES( 8271): Conversion from OpenSL ES positional
channel mask 0x4 to Android mask 0 loses channels
10-13 14:12:25.419 I/libOpenSLES( 8271): Emulating old channel mask behavior
(ignoring positional mask 0x4, using default mask 0x10 based on channel count of 1)
10-13 14:12:25.419 D/AudioRecord( 8271): set(): inputSource 7, sampleRate 48000,
format 0x1, channelMask 0x10, frameCount 0, notificationFrames 0, sessionId 0,
transferType 1, flags 0x5, opPackageName uid -1, pid -1
10-13 14:12:25.924 W/BpBinder( 8271): Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 503ms,, code=2 oneway=false
10-13 14:12:25.925 D/AudioManager( 8271): IsCommunicationModeEnabled()
10-13 14:12:25.925 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): StartRecording@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:12:25.925 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): state.count:2 state.index:0
10-13 14:12:25.925 D/AudioRecord( 8271): start(62376): sync event 0 trigger session
0, mSessionID=466833
10-13 14:12:26.175 W/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): Bad OpenSL ES record timing, dT=250
10-13 14:12:27.859 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408289580, downTime=408289580, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:27.867 W/InputTransport( 8271): Slow Input: 159ms so far, channel
'ClientState{12636b7 uid=10430 pid=8271 displayId=0} (server)' publisher ~
publishKeyEvent: seq=1, deviceId=7, source=0x101, action=0x0, flags=0x8,
keyCode=24, scanCode=115, metaState=0x0, repeatCount=0,downTime=408289580000000,
10-13 14:12:28.110 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x88, repeatCount=1, eventTime=408289980, downTime=408289580, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:28.160 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=2, eventTime=408290032, downTime=408289580, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:28.212 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=3, eventTime=408290082, downTime=408289580, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:28.262 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=4, eventTime=408290133, downTime=408289580, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:28.313 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=5, eventTime=408290184, downTime=408289580, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:28.360 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408290230, downTime=408289580, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:32.328 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408294050, downTime=408294050, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:32.329 W/InputTransport( 8271): Slow Input: 151ms so far, channel
'ClientState{12636b7 uid=10430 pid=8271 displayId=0} (server)' publisher ~
publishKeyEvent: seq=8, deviceId=7, source=0x101, action=0x0, flags=0x8,
keyCode=24, scanCode=115, metaState=0x0, repeatCount=0,downTime=408294050000000,
10-13 14:12:32.579 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x88, repeatCount=1, eventTime=408294450, downTime=408294050, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:32.629 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=2, eventTime=408294501, downTime=408294050, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:32.673 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408294540, downTime=408294050, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:33.209 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408294930, downTime=408294930, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:33.209 W/InputTransport( 8271): Slow Input: 151ms so far, channel
'ClientState{12636b7 uid=10430 pid=8271 displayId=0} (server)' publisher ~
publishKeyEvent: seq=12, deviceId=7, source=0x101, action=0x0, flags=0x8,
keyCode=24, scanCode=115, metaState=0x0, repeatCount=0,downTime=408294930000000,
10-13 14:12:33.240 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408295110, downTime=408294930, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:38.119 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408299840, downTime=408299840, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:38.120 W/InputTransport( 8271): Slow Input: 152ms so far, channel
'ClientState{12636b7 uid=10430 pid=8271 displayId=0} (server)' publisher ~
publishKeyEvent: seq=14, deviceId=7, source=0x101, action=0x0, flags=0x8,
keyCode=24, scanCode=115, metaState=0x0, repeatCount=0,downTime=408299840000000,
10-13 14:12:38.152 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408300020, downTime=408299840, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:44.249 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408305970, downTime=408305970, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:44.250 W/InputTransport( 8271): Slow Input: 152ms so far, channel
'ClientState{12636b7 uid=10430 pid=8271 displayId=0} (server)' publisher ~
publishKeyEvent: seq=16, deviceId=7, source=0x101, action=0x0, flags=0x8,
keyCode=24, scanCode=115, metaState=0x0, repeatCount=0,downTime=408305970000000,
10-13 14:12:44.499 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x88, repeatCount=1, eventTime=408306370, downTime=408305970, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:44.549 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=2, eventTime=408306421, downTime=408305970, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:44.601 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=3, eventTime=408306472, downTime=408305970, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:44.652 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=4, eventTime=408306523, downTime=408305970, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:44.692 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408306560, downTime=408305970, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:12:54.506 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:12:54.508 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:13:11.849 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408333570, downTime=408333570, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:13:11.850 W/InputTransport( 8271): Slow Input: 152ms so far, channel
'ClientState{12636b7 uid=10430 pid=8271 displayId=0} (server)' publisher ~
publishKeyEvent: seq=22, deviceId=7, source=0x101, action=0x0, flags=0x8,
keyCode=24, scanCode=115, metaState=0x0, repeatCount=0,downTime=408333570000000,
10-13 14:13:11.911 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408333780, downTime=408333570, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:13:24.507 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:13:24.509 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:13:54.505 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:13:54.506 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:14:24.507 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:14:24.510 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:14:28.668 I/AudioTrack( 8271): isLongTimeZoreData zoer date time 1 Seconds
10-13 14:14:28.929 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408410650, downTime=408410650, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:14:28.930 W/InputTransport( 8271): Slow Input: 152ms so far, channel
'ClientState{12636b7 uid=10430 pid=8271 displayId=0} (server)' publisher ~
publishKeyEvent: seq=24, deviceId=7, source=0x101, action=0x0, flags=0x8,
keyCode=24, scanCode=115, metaState=0x0, repeatCount=0,downTime=408410650000000,
10-13 14:14:28.948 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP, scanCode=115, metaState=0,
flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=408410810, downTime=408410650, deviceId=7,
source=0x101, displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:14:29.747 I/AudioTrack( 8271): isLongTimeZoreData zoer date time 2 Seconds
10-13 14:14:36.654 W/RenderInspector( 8271): QueueBuffer time out on, count=1,
avg=134 ms, max=134 ms.
10-13 14:14:54.512 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:14:54.513 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:15:24.506 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:15:24.508 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:15:54.507 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:15:54.510 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:16:24.507 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:16:24.509 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:16:54.507 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:16:54.511 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:17:24.507 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:17:24.509 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:17:54.519 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:17:54.521 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:18:24.507 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:18:24.511 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:18:54.509 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:18:54.513 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:19:24.508 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:19:24.510 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:19:54.508 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:19:54.511 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:20:24.509 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:20:24.513 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:20:54.510 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:20:54.514 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:21:24.511 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:21:24.515 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:21:54.511 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:21:54.515 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:22:24.511 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:22:24.518 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:22:54.524 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:22:54.528 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:23:24.512 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:23:24.517 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:23:54.524 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:23:54.525 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:24:24.511 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:24:24.512 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:24:54.513 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:24:54.520 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:25:00.156 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 0 ms
10-13 14:25:00.528 W/BpBinder( 8271): Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 867ms,, code=20 oneway=false
10-13 14:25:00.668 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: install_time =
2021-10-01 07:24:44.145
10-13 14:25:00.668 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: af_status =
10-13 14:25:00.668 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: af_message =
organic install
10-13 14:25:00.668 I/AppsFlyer_6.0.0( 8271): conversion_attribute: is_first_launch
= false
10-13 14:25:01.418 W/BpBinder( 8271): Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 890ms,
interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
10-13 14:25:02.184 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): StopPlayout@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:25:02.188 D/ ( 8271): PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer
10-13 14:25:02.191 D/AudioTrack( 8271): stop(62368): called with 36321604 frames
10-13 14:25:02.197 E/libOpenSLES( 8271):
pthread_mutex_lock_timeout_np returned 110
10-13 14:25:02.218 E/libOpenSLES( 8271):
pthread_mutex_lock_timeout_np returned 110
10-13 14:25:02.223 D/ ( 8271): PlayerBase::stop() from IPlayer
10-13 14:25:02.223 D/OpenSLESPlayer( 8271): DestroyAudioPlayer
10-13 14:25:02.241 D/OpenSLESRecorder( 8271): StopRecording@[tid=8972]
10-13 14:25:02.242 D/AudioRecord( 8271): stop mSessionID=466833
10-13 14:25:02.326 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): NetworkMonitor: Stop monitoring
from native observer 527289340672
10-13 14:25:02.326 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): NetworkMonitorAutoDetect:
Unregister network callback
10-13 14:25:02.328 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): NetworkMonitorAutoDetect:
Unregister network callback
10-13 14:25:02.354 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false,
calling application:
10-13 14:25:02.354 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setSpeakerphoneOn(), on: false,
calling application:
10-13 14:25:02.357 E/x ( 8271): Trying to stop AudioManager in incorrect
10-13 14:25:02.524 I/AudioManager( 8271): In setBluetoothScoOn(), on: false,
calling application:
10-13 14:25:02.524 I/AudioManager( 8271): In stopBluetoothSco(), calling
10-13 14:25:02.743 I/Timeline( 8271): Timeline: Activity_launch_request
10-13 14:25:02.798 W/ActivityThread( 8271): handleWindowVisibility: no activity for
token android.os.BinderProxy@ea760a3
10-13 14:25:03.130 I/AppsFlyerOaid5.4.4( 8271): Fetch 0 ms
10-13 14:25:03.652 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=409045490, downTime=409045490, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:25:03.686 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=409045555, downTime=409045490, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:25:03.752 I/Toast ( 8271): Show toast from,
10-13 14:25:04.303 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=409046167, downTime=409046167, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:25:04.353 D/ViewRootImpl( 8271): [TouchInput][ViewRootImpl] KeyEvent
{ action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x48,
repeatCount=0, eventTime=409046223, downTime=409046167, deviceId=-1, source=0x101,
displayId=-1 }
10-13 14:25:10.347 W/MediaPlayer-JNI( 8271): MediaPlayer finalized without being
10-13 14:25:10.662 W/System ( 8271): A resource failed to call dispose.
10-13 14:30:02.605 W/System ( 8271): A resource failed to call
10-13 14:37:58.132 D/ ( 8271): TrackPlayerBase::~TrackPlayerBase()
10-13 14:37:58.132 D/ ( 8271): PlayerBase::~PlayerBase()
10-13 14:39:13.559 W/DpmTcmClient( 8271): read failed bytes countRead: -1
10-13 14:42:14.411 W/PingManager( 8271): XMPPConnection was not authenticated
10-13 14:58:12.274 D/AudioManager( 8271): dispatching onAudioFocusChange(-2) to
10-13 14:58:26.302 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:58:26.305 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:58:56.324 D/AudioManager( 8271): getStreamVolume isRestricted mode = 0
10-13 14:58:56.327 I/org.acbrtc.Logging( 8271): WebRtcAudioManager: VOICE_CALL
stream volume: 11 (max=11)
10-13 14:59:16.308 D/AudioManager( 8271): dispatching onAudioFocusChange(1) to
10-13 15:07:19.457 W/halobca.androi( 8271): Reducing the number of considered
missed Gc histogram windows from 253 to 100
10-13 15:21:20.085 D/AudioManager( 8271): dispatching onAudioFocusChange(-2) to

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