Jeff Klukas: Current Position

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Jeff Klukas

Department of Physics
University of Wisconsin t 937-215-5061
1150 University Ave. e
Madison, WI 53706 @

Current position

Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Thesis topic: Observation of W Z associated production in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV.
Service: Monitoring, validation, and development for the muon high-level trigger at CMS.

Areas of specialization

physics, experimental particle physics, teaching as research


2006– Ph.D. Student in Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison

2002-2006 B.S. in Physics and French language & literature (Summa Cum Laude),
Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio

Grants, honors, certificates, & awards

2010 CIRTL Network Exchange Fellow

Funded to travel for a week to the University of Colorado at Boulder to present research work
in both teaching and physics.

2009 Vilas Travel Grant, University of Wisconsin, Madison

2009 Delta Certificate in Research, Teaching, & Learning, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Recognizing both experience in teaching and knowledge of foundational scholarship on
teaching and learning.

2007 Emanuel R. Piore Award, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Recognizing the top score on the Department of Physics’ graduate qualifying exam.

2005 Presidential Scholarship, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio

Awarded to top 3% of class, based on academic achievement.

2005 Weaver Prize, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio

Awarded to the junior physics major showing the greatest potential for a career in physics.

2005 Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Society Inductee, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio
Recognizing achievement in the liberal arts and sciences at the undergraduate level.


John Beggs, Jeffrey Klukas, and Wei Chen. Connectivity and dynamics in local cortical net-
works. In Handbook of Brain Connectivity, pages 91-116. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2007.

Adam, Nadia, Jeffrey Klukas, et al. Search for Technicolor with the CMS Experiment. CMS
Public Note EXO-09-007, 2009.

R. Adolphi et al. The CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. JINST, 0803:S08004, 2008.

A full list of high-energy physics publications available through the Spires Literature Database

Teaching Experience

2010-2011 Lecturer, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater

Taught three 24-student sections of a tutorial-based introductory physics course for educa-
tion majors and one section of a more traditional algebra-based introductory course for non-

2009–2010 MCAT Preparation Instructor, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Developed, managed, and taught a 30-hour module for a class of 20 students.

2007– Teaching Workshop Developer, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Co-developed with Prof. Michael Winokur a training workshop to orient teaching assistants
to use active techniques in their discussion sections. Organized and presented the workshop
annually both in the Department of Physics and the School of Engineering.

2006, 2009 Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Facilitated discussion sections and lab exercises for first-semester introductory physics courses,
both calculus and non-calculus based.

2007– Physics & Mathematics Tutor, Naval ROTC, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Drop-in tutoring six hours a week for all levels of physics and math.

2004-2006 Tutor, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio

Drop-in tutoring in both physics and French.

2004-2006 Writing Advisor, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio

Nominated by faculty and trained in techniques for one-on-one tutoring. The Writing Work-
shop is an integral part of the English program and a resource widely used for work in other
departments across the curriculum.

Workshops and Invited Talks

2010 Opening Workshop for New STEM Educators, Marshfield, Wisconsin

Funded to attend this two-day workshop focused on promoting strategies for active learning
associated with increased success for members of underrepresented groups.

2009 Teaching and Assessing Student Abilities Workshop, Alverno College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Invited through CIRTL to attend this day-long workshop investigating Alverno’s abilities-
based curriculum.

Presentations & conferences

2008 Jeff Klukas and Michael Winokur. CIRTL (Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching,
and Learning) Forum 2008: Aligning the Preparation of Graduate Students for STEM Early
Faculty Careers. Presented poster showcasing cooperative group learning workshop. 16 June

2008 Jeff Klukas and Michael Winokur. UW–Madison Teaching and Learning Symposium Show-
case. Presented poster showcasing cooperative group learning workshop. 22 May 2008.


2011 Physics Fair, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Organized display to introduce families to particle physics and the physics program of the

2008-2009 The Wonders of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Helped in preparation and performance of a free physics demonstration show, attracting
nearly 3000 visitors annually.

3 — Last updated: May 7, 2011

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