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Instant Book Sales Explosion

Boost Your Book Sales Overnight With A

Simple Strategy and Top Resources


Rob Howard
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Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 2

Table of Contents


Core Sales Strategy

- Sales Trifecta
- Keyword Optimization
- Optimized Landing Page
- Email

Have A Huge Launch

Resources To Gain Traffic

- Big Dogs
- Little Dogs

Book Launch Strategies

- A Book Series Strategy
- KDP Select Strategy
- Single Title Strategy

FAQ and Troubleshooting

More Resources

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 3

How Several Authors Exploded Their Book
Sales Instantly

By Using A Paid Traffic Resource

That Cost Them Nothing Up Front!

Thanks for grabbing Book Sales Explosion! Inside this guide, I'm
going to show you some stuff that will make a huge difference to
your book campaigns. Stuff that is easy to use, simple to
understand, and also dirt cheap to implement.

I'm going to show you a few case studies of students who utilized
these top resources and strategies that sent their sales numbers
soaring. In one example, a student of mine broke the 10,000 rank
- getting all the way down 4,517 and sending over 254 sales in a
three day period.

Oh, and he paid nothing up front. And when he did pay, he

paid 6 bucks.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 4

He's not the only one though.
Another author blew their sales sky high, jumping up to 3,492
spot, selling over 100 copies in a single day and she only paid 50
bucks to make it happen.

Or how about the author that didn't pay a dime and saw his
sales rank go from 16,000 to 1,942, selling a crap ton of books

I'm going to explore all of these case studies, and more, breaking
down these strategies and helping you to maximize their
effectiveness for your book business. After you are finished
reading this, you will have everything you need to replicate these
success stories!

Before we get going, I want to let you know I'm making some
assumptions about you and your books. I'm assuming that:

A. Your books are of acceptable quality and free of most obvious

grammar and spelling errors.

B. The content and style is appealing to your audience.

C. You have mostly positive reviews, in the 4 star range.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 5
Or, put simply - you have a book out and it's not junk.

But what if you don't have a book out yet? Excellent! You can use
this guide to get a "leg up" on your book business before you start
writing. You can go in it with a "plan", knowing exactly how you
will sell the book.

Now, these strategies will work for both nonfiction and

fiction. While all of the case studies I'll look at are for fiction, the
strategies will work for nonfiction just the same.

So, with all that said, let's get started.

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The Core Sales Strategy

There are a few things you should know before you apply the
techniques below. These are core strategies, something you should
use with all of your books. Having these are vital to creating a
sustainable book business, one that continues to sell copies of
your book long after your promotion (that I'm going to teach you)
is over with!

This means these promotions I'm going to show you won't be a

one-off sales spike then back to barely selling at all. If you do
these correctly, then you will make a load of sales and your book
will keep selling over and over again.

Luckily, this core strategy requires next to no time. There is

nothing special or time consuming about these things. You do
most of them already, I'm just going to show you how to do them

The Sales Trifecta - How to Sustain Your Sales After A

Big Promotion

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 7

There are three things you need to do to maintain sales after a
promotion. (Thus the "sales trifecta") Here they are:

1. Utilize Proper Keyword Optimization On Your Amazon Page

2. Optimized Landing Page

3. Bring Leads into an Email List (Optional, but HIGHLY


Let's cover each one individually.

Keyword Optimization

I'm not going to lie, I heard about this one just a few weeks back
from a 5 figure kindle earner, Nick Stephenson. What he told me
was brilliant, though he admitted he learned it from someone else.

He said that this marketing guy told him, to this effect...

"Nick, don't think of Amazon as a book store, think of Amazon as

another Google."

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And boy, was that guy right! I've been implementing changes in
my books and my client's books, following his advice and it has
made a huge difference in sustainable sales.

This is simple and quick to do. Takes all of 5 minutes to log into
your account and make this change. It involves putting properly
targeted keywords in your title and description. I'll explain here in
a minute how to do it, with plenty of examples.

But what is going on in the background? Chances are, right now,

your targeted book buyers aren't able to find your book. At all. If
people are searching for specific things inside Amazon, and your
book isn't targeted to their searching, then best of luck getting

Amazon has a search algorithm, just like Google. It's slightly

different (doesn't rely on backlinks), instead, being heavily
influenced by on-page optimization, reviews, "also boughts", and

But by far, the most important is on-page keyword optimization.

Meaning your titles and descriptions contain the
targeted keywords people who would be interested in
your book are searching for!
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 9
How do we optimize?

First, we need to find the keywords people are using to search for
books like ours. Fiction books seem to be the hardest to grasp as
far as keywords go. But really, it's pretty simple.

Fiction Books: The specific genre/sub-genre and possible

themes our book has

Genre Examples: Erotic thriller, romantic comedy, high

fantasy, children's fantasy, supernatural horror, financial thriller

Themes: Demon hunter, girl gets the boy, boy gets the girl,
hero saves the world, serial killer, vampire romance,

Some themes can double as a genre as well.

Nonfiction books: People tend to have an easier time

identifying keywords for nonfiction books.

How-to's are really easy: how to train your dog, etc.

Biographies: The name of the person

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 10

The key is to really brainstorm and think about what keyword
your buyer might be using.

Once you have the keyword, you use it in your title and

For the title, use this format: Book Title; A Keyword

Keyword About So-So

I used the primary book title, which in the case of a series of

books, can be seen as your book "brand". A lot could be said about
this, but I'm not going to cover it much here.

The second half after the semi-colon is your keyword

rich phrase.

Let's look at some fiction examples.

Zombie Ever After; A Post-Apocalypse Love Story

The Hunter; A Demon Hunting Supernatural Thriller,

Book 1

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 11

Finding Happy; A Romantic Comedy About A Man and
His Dog

Pretty straight forward? Using the keywords in your title will help
your book get found. Be sure to use them wisely, though! No
keyword stuffing.

You'll also want to use them in your description. This is pretty

simple. First write your description like you want it. Make it so it
really sells the book. Then, add a line like this where it makes
sense to do so:

"Zombie Ever After is a post-apocalypse love story, written full

of wit and humor."

You could drop a few more post-apocalypse keywords in the

description, but again, don't go overboard. Amazon won't like it
and it'll end up reading like garbage.

That's it for keywords - if you want more information, then I

highly recommend you check out Nick Stephenson's guide about
utilizing keywords with Amazon kindle.

Now let's look at #2 - the cover image.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 12
Marketable Title and Cover Image; Optimized Landing

Beyond just having a good keyword inside your title, the first part
of your title is just as important to selling. The keyword in the
subtitle text and description is how people find your book.

The title and book cover image sell your book.

This means you need to select a title and cover image design that
meets your markets expectations. (Along with price and page

If your title, cover, price, and page count all meet your markets
expectation, you will make a load of sales! (All you need is the

How do we find out the titles and cover images? A cool resource
Paul Coleman showed me.

Go ahead and click that link there. Then search for a popular book
(or keyword) that will show you your niche. You will see a ton of
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 13
books all connected together. You can click a book to see its sales

One thing you will notice, your niche will likely have a "theme" as
far as covers go. I typed in Nick Stephenson and took a look at his,
and related books.

I saw common themes in all the covers and titles. One to three
word titles (and his keyword rich subtitle: A Private Investigator
Series of Crime and Suspense Thrillers Book 1)

I also noticed the covers tended to have all a guy or a couple of

guys, facing away from the camera, with a city skyline or some
dark scary scene.

All of the books have very similar themes and feelings with their
covers and titles. Emulate for your book.

As a side note, you can use yasiv to see how the top sellers wrote
their descriptions (lots of the top sellers have keywords inside)
along with pricing and page count.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 14

Email List With MailChimp

You know, I say this is optional, but when it comes down to

it...well, it really shouldn't be. You SHOULD be putting all these
buyers on an email list.

It's a way to add sustainable sales long after they download or buy
your book. And that's the biggest advantage. Think about it! Every
time you release a brand new book, you email your list and sales
blow in like wildfire! If you set your page up right (by following
the above), then you should be gaining tons of sales each launch
just from your email list.

And the thing is - it's dead simple and free to start! You
don't even have to set up a website. You can do
everything from inside mailchimp.

Go there and sign up now. 12,000 emails to 2,000 subs. That will
last you for a while. In fact, if you have 2,000 book buyers on your
list, that should equal 400 to 500 sales every single book launch.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 15

That's a grand or more for each launch! Of course, that's
assuming you are doing things right. (And if you have 2k subs,
then you ARE doing things right)

And of course, that's also the beginning of sales. If you are going
for sustainability, then these sales should continue for your new
book. It's a snowball effect. Release a book, get subs. Mail subs
new book, get better rankings, reviews and watch it take off.

I can't stress enough the benefits. So, let's build a list.

First sign up for free at mailchimp. You'll create a username,

password, and they'll send you an email. Verify.

They'll then ask you some questions. You don't need a website,
just enter your author blog, facebook page, twitter account or
anything else. (You DO have a facebook page for your author/pen
name, right? If not, go set one up. It's free and takes like 2

Put in your address (it's required for Can-Spam act if you live in
the US.), it's required and select "Media and Publishing" for the

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 16

Be sure to enter a company name. It can be anything you want. I
entered Sneakyfox Publishing, because that's the name of my non-
IM publishing business.

They'll send you to a dashboard. This is where you can set up an

email list for your book buyers to go on. Hit "Create a List".

It'll tell you that you have no lists. Hit the grey "create list" button
up top. Then set up your details.

This is a master list that all subscribers will go on. You can create
segments for different books later. I'll show you that in a minute.

Fill out the info on the page.

List Name: Pen Name Book Notification List

Example: Rob's Book Notification List

From Email:

(This is an email they can reply too. You can use an email you
already have or create one for just this purpose)

From Name: Pen Name

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 17

(This is what they will see in their inbox. I recommend using your
pen name)

Remind people how they got on the list: You are receiving this
email because you wanted to hear about my future books!

Unless you want notifications, you can just leave those unchecked.
Hit save.

It will take you to a page that says "no subs". Time to create the
form to GET subs!

Click on "Signup Forms" in the menu up top.

It will take you to an email form creator. You can play around with
this, but when you a ready, delete the first and last name. You
don't need them. (They decrease the sign up rate)

Just click the mouse on the field, hit the "-" sign and then type
delete into the popup box.

Once that is done, you just need to add a message where it says
"click to add message". Here is what you can say:

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 18

Thanks for reading (Book Title)! I want to give you something
for free, as a way of saying thanks for trying me out.

You can get it by entering your email. OR clicking on the link


You don't have to sign up - but if you do, I'll send you an email
letting you know when my next book is out. I'll also send you
deals on books that you might like in the future, such as freebies
and the like.

Thanks again!

I highly recommend that you use bait to get someone to sign up.

How do you do this? Simple. Give away something that goes with
your book or the next book in the series.

Fantasy novel: A beastiary of all the nasty beasts in the novel. Or a
book of history.

Thriller Novel: A side story about one of your characters.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 19

How to nonfiction book: 20 additional tips/tricks.

You can give away this extra content by simply uploading to

dropbox, then putting a link in mailchimps "final welcome email"
(drop down box under "create forms". Just edit the text field to
include a link.)

In my message above, I mentioned they could download it without

actually signing up. There is a HUGE discussion that could take
place about why you do this. But for now, it's not necessary to
know all the details. It has to do with spam compliant reduction
and getting a list of hot buyers.

Just go into the editor and put your dropbox link over the "here".

As you can see, this process is pretty simple. Everything is drag

and drop. When you are done, just go back to the sign up form
and mailchimp gives you a URL you can stick in your book.

This is easy. At the end of the book, offer more for free. All they
have to do is click the link to receive the bonus material.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 20

So What Do You Send Them?

This is also pretty simple.


Here is an example email:

"Howdy! Today I'm releasing my newest book in the Series,

Monster Hunting for Toddlers Vol. 2, which you can grab by
clicking this link:


It's available right now for 99 cents, but only for the next 3 days!
Grab it now, before the price goes back to 2.99."

That's it, really. That's all you have to send. Nothing fancy or
special, just a blurb. Do that for every book that you release!

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 21

Tactics for a Huge Launch - No Sales to
Hundreds a Day

You'll have to forgive me for the previous section being so long. I

wanted to make damn sure you knew exactly what you needed to
in order to gain sustained sales from the techniques I want to
show you.

You can consider these tactics "catalysts" to sending your book

ranking below 10,000 and finally start making a really good
income with kindle. But hear this: your book sales will
spike and drop unless you properly execute the core

Our goal is to continuing sales long after the big promotions end.
That is what will give you a true kindle business. So, with that
said, let me show you the strategy, then the individual tactics to
make it all work.

Verified Resources

This strategy is all about targeted traffic, in a massive blast,

to your book. I'm talking about tens of thousands of interested

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 22

buyers suddenly going to your Amazon kindle book page. Book
sales pour in, spiking your rank into the low thousands (or lower)
and sending sustained sales for months (because Amazon promos
kick in).

This happens with what I call "Verified Traffic Sources". These

are places that you pay money (as low as 5 bucks) in exchange for
a book promotion.

But unlike places you just submit your book to and hope for the
best, these sources are verified in their sending power. Meaning
people regularly experience success with these sites.

They are sites like the big granddaddy - - but many
of them aren't as well known and a hell of a lot cheaper. One site
you only pay commission to them (25% of book sales) instead of
upfront fees. And sometimes you get lucky and get featured in a
site for free.

Regardless, these sites are powerhouses and a lot of them are

very affordable. What I'm going to show you are 9 sites that
are the most powerful, including case studies of how people have
used them for success.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 23

I'm then going to highlight how you can use them yourself, in
three different tactics, all that will explode your book sales, and
gain you fans and subscribers.

If you pay attention, this is life changing information. So

don't neglect this!

Basic Strategy

Below I'm going to show you the 9 sites. But before we do that,
there is a basic strategy you can follow.

1. Publish your book. Set the price to 2.99+

2. Get 5 verified reviews.
3. Pick a launch date two or three weeks in advance.
4. Submit a paid ad to as many of these sites that you can afford.
Try to get all of them to promote your book on the launch date.
Let them know (email them) your book will go down to 99 cents
and for how long (aim for a week or less).
5. Lower your book to 99 cents day before.

Watch as the emails go out from these book sites. If you've

coordinated well, many of them might promote at the same time.
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 24
If you couldn't get them all to do it at the same time, that's fine.
Instead, get them as close together as you can.

Watch and track your sales as each promo hits. You should see a
huge spike in sales from each site. Track your ROI (return on
investment) and know how many sales you need to break even.

You only earn 30 cents a sale at 99 cents, so for a 25 dollar promo,

you need to sell 85 copies to be in profit. Just remember, this isn't
a "one off" game. If you followed the core strategy, you should be

1. Leads on your buyers list.

2. A catalyst for Amazon rankings and continued sales, month
after month.

So, it's okay if you don't break even immediately. You will. I
consider breaking even on a promo to be a bonus, not the

That's the basic strategy. Now don't fret, several of these sites will
cost you less than 50 bucks but will send you hundreds of sales in
return. One site you pay via commission on sales AFTER the

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 25

promo is ran (so if you sell 100 at 30 cents, you would pay 7.50
after the promo is over).

Another site is just 5 bucks.

With all that said, let's look at each site with a case study of
authors who used it successfully.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 26

List of Sites

I've broken the list down into two groups: the big dogs and the
little dogs.

The big dogs can send thousands of sales...and is also reflected in

price. The biggest dog is BookBub of course, being the most
expensive but also the most powerful. (And the most picky)

Big Dogs


The biggest dog out there, BookBub needs no introduction. I've

never seen an author who hasn't had success with them and trust
me, I've looked.

So when I say every author, I mean it. But they are super
popular, and with popularity, comes cost and pickiness.

The chances of them picking your book is slim, unless you've got
30 some reviews and meet pretty specific standards. Still, keep
submitting your books there, it's worth it.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 27

Case Study: BookBub #1
Author: Michael Hicks
Book: Season of Harvest

Michael is a firm believer that paid advertising is a waste of time

and money. (Probably because he doesn't know what he's doing
with paid ads - or he just hates spending money)

However, oddly enough, he loves BookBub. Here is his story:

He ended up getting over 20,000 downloads (free) because

BookBub was trying to get his business. They sent one email
blurb to their targeted list of buyers. (Targeted to his specific
book audience) And he got 20,000 downloads.

Not a full email dedicated to him, mind you. Just a blurb, a shout
out, in part of a larger email. And the dude walked away with

If that's not a testament to the might of BookBub, I'm not sure

what is.

You can read the full story on his blog here:
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 28
Case Study: BookBub #2
Author: Gretchen Galway
Book: This Time Next Door
Starting Rank: 100k+
Rank During Promo: 27 Kindle P aid
#1 Humor
#1 Romantic Comedy
#1 General Humor
Current Rank: 20k

She didn't specify the number of sales, but at 30 cents, and the
price she paid (contemporary romance...a lot of money)...she
paid for the ad.

This has to be 600 to 1000+ sales. In a single day. In short, she

was in profit, HUGE.

She ended up selling 4000 copies at Amazon and over 1000

copies at Barnes and Noble. Close to 2 grand in sales ;)

You can read more about her story here:,130094.msg2351421.h

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 29


Besides BookBub, ENT is one of the best places to get ads. And it's
dirt cheap. You don't pay upfront costs, instead you pay on
commission - meaning 25% of your sales on the promo.

Also, ENT is a LOT easier to get into. This is my #1 go-to place for
book promotions. And there are tons of success stories to back it

In fact, some authors are saying with ENT, you are guaranteed
sales. :)

Case Study: ENT #1

Author: S.K. Nicholls
Book: Red Clay and Roses
Starting Rank: 300k+
Ranking During Promo: 2210 Paid
#3 African American Historical Fiction
#5 African American Literary Fiction
#19 Literary Sagas
Current Rank: 400k (She stopped promoting it)

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 30

SK Nicholls was running a charity promo for The Russell House
back in July of this year.

One interesting thing to note - I did some digging and her cover,
title, and the rest really don't fit the genre. Her title includes no
keywords - and she pretty much dropped the ball on promoting
after ENT ended.

I showed you this case study on purpose. It doesn't matter

what your cover or title is like if you have a big dog
promoting you. You WILL make sales!

But, if you don't do the core strategy I discuss earlier, I

said, you can see the sales spike. From 300k to 2k, then back to

You can read her case study here:

(UPDATE: EReader News Today has changed its terms on me.

Unfortunately they wizened up to their power and now charge an
upfront fee to use their service.)
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 31
Case Study: ENT #2
Author: Lisa Grace
Book: Angel Series Books (A Series of Books)
Ranking During Promo: 260 Paid
#1 Spine-Chilling Horror
#5 Contemporary
Current Rank: 300k (Again, no more promo)

Another winner. She made a LOT of money on this promo. Selling

the book bundle at $5.50, that means 3.85 royalties and proves
you don't need to give away your book for free...or even
order to do well with these.

She earned over 1000 bucks in 12 hours with her series.

She sold over 260 copies.

Read her full story here:


Rounding out the "Big Three" of the 5 big dogs is Pixel of Ink.
Pixel of Ink works different than the others. First off, they are
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 32
completely free, so there is no guarantee your book will be
featured. (Unlike paid ads with the other ones)

Second, they only do cheap or free books. 99 Cents to free. If you

are doing a book launch, you should take the 10 minutes of time to
fill out their submission form.

Case Study: POI

Author: Mary McDonald
Book: Box set of various authors
Ranking During Promo: 303 Paid

Simple little blurb to the effectiveness of POI (if you get picked),
Mary's box set she was in got picked up by PoI and they sent sales
skyward, ending up with a rank of 303 with just PoI promoting.

The only problem with pixel of ink? They seem to be hit or miss
with reliability. They don't cost a dime of cash, which I believe
could be a liability.

As an author, you need reliability in your book sales and that will
only happen if you can guarantee listing inside these locations.
Still, for only a few minutes of your time, it's worth it to submit.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 33

You can read the Pixel of Ink thread here:

Also an older thread talking about Pixel of Ink:


The smallest and probably the most expensive guy on the list,
KND can send a ton of sales to the right book. But unlike the top
three, which seems to do no wrong (they can pull sales for just
about anyone, almost guaranteed), KND seems to be more hit and

I say expensive because their prices are higher for a lower number
of sales, unless you are perfectly targeted for their lists.

However, they have one option - Free Book Highlighter - for 30

bucks that a lot of people said did well. If you have a permafree
book, then use this.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 34

I would post some case studies here, but a lot of them are 3 to 4
years older. Back in the day, KND was one of the best, like
bookbub is now.

Unfortunately, they just don't seem to be anymore.

However, there is a specific tactic that works well with

them which I will talk about in a bit, in the tactics

Little Dogs


Booksends is a much smaller site, but the people there buy like
crazy. As you can see from the prices, many are really affordable
for the 99 cent launch. Mystery/Romance (their two big genres),
cost only 50 bucks for a full blown blast to 30k subscribers.

The best deal is the 99 cent promo - and those are what people
have had the most success with.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 35

Case Study: BookSends
Author: Michael Kingswood
Book: Pericles Conspiracy
Ranking During Promo: 6276
#30 for First Contact (Science Fiction)
#34 for Conspiracy (Thrillers)

If there is one thing I've learned from gathering these case studies,
is that a majority of authors really screw up the long term
marketing and sustainability.

This guy did EXTREMELY well with his promo. Best month he's
ever had and sadly, he's back in the 200k range just a few months

The reason?

No email list.
Not being found on Amazon.

In essence, he is not following the core marketing strategy I

outlined in the beginning.

You can read his entire case study here.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 36

Another small site, but CHEAP. $7.99 only.

I know of only one case study of a person who used it, and it's part
of a brilliant launch strategy. (Which I will talk about in the next

He spent about 260 to 300 bucks on the strategy. But boy did it
pay off! He sold over 2000 copies in a month and ended up
making close to a grand before he upped the price (so he was
about 700 bucks in profit).

He's sales are also sustaining, which probably has to do with good
marketing. Unfortunately, he didn't share his book.

It's too large to reprint here, so just go read it.

#7. KBoards Book Discovery

I've been including a lot of kboard's case studies, and one resource
many authors successfully use is kboard's own ad platform.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 37

Kboards ad discovery is great for a lot of reasons. First off, it
works (You can see in the previous case study he used it as part of
his strategy).

Second, it only accepts NEW books in the 100k range (which will
be a lot of authors).

Finally - it's 15 bucks. Worth a try!


This is probably the granddaddy of the "little dogs". They have

over 600,000 readers on the app and I've seen some case studies
where authors sell over 300 from a promo from them!

But why are they a little dog? The difference is the promotion
style. If they had 600,000 emails, they could probably compete
with BookBub. Email marketing is far more effective than
blogging, so while their fanbase is huge, they don't have the
instant reach email does.

They have a ton of options - the frequently selling out "Featured",

which runs 100 bucks for paid, and 200 bucks for free books.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 38

Case Study: FKBooksAndTips
Author: Keith Leonard

He didn't list his book title, but he did generate 300 sales from FK
Books and Tips. It only cost him 25 bucks, but he did end up
making 105 (so about 75 bucks in profit and massive exposure)!

Read his entire experiment here.

#9. Fiverr Gigs

Yes. Fiverr gigs. (Note, all of the above have been verified to work
= send sales or downloads)

There are a few gold gems out there in the fiverr world for book
promotion. In the last case study, you'll notice that Michael
mentioned bknights.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 39

That's one of the gigs offered by bknights. And as you can see
from the star rating and the reviews, for five freakin' bucks,
this guy can send some sales!

Case Study: Fiverr Gig Bknights

Author: Mark E. Cooper
Book: Box Set (Sci-fi)

Mark ended up selling 30 copies at 5.50, so he had decent profit.

For a 5 buck ad as a test. Not bad!
Read what he said here.
(Say you're from kboards and he'll give the big package for 5

One author used him for a permafree and got a spike of

downloads for 5 bucks.

Here is another successful service (depending on the genre you're

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 40

And here is an entire thread on Fiverr and other cheap promo's.

In fact, this thread, as well as the one linked to at the top are
worth GOLD:,185970.0.html

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 41

Book Launch Strategies With The Above

The above resources and case studies are examples of how

powerful a few bucks can do for you. One big dog is free. Fiverr
gigs are 5 bucks. One site is 7.99. A few are only 25 bucks. Another
is 15 bucks.

Between the low cost options, you have access to close to 1

million book readers! And to access them all would cost you
less than 80 bucks total.

That's a LOT of marketing power for 80 bucks. But still, you are
spending money. And if you are going to spend money on
buying ads, then you need to make damn sure you get a
high ROI.

The sad thing is - most authors fail at this completely. A few in my

search for verified resources was able to sustain sales past the
initial promo. While most of them paid for the promo, none of
them continued to sell well and that's a shame.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 42

The problem isn't in the promo - it's in the core strategy of the
individual book... and in their book business strategy overall! Had
they only put a few more minutes of thought into this, they could
be sustaining sales. And that's what I'm going to show you to garner long term sales with these resources.

I'm assuming that you are implementing a core strategy per book.
Meaning a mailing list, keywords in your title/description, and a
great, targeted landing page. (Good cover, title, price, page count,

What I'm going to share with you are three strategies to use that
will garner you long term sales. They are:

1. Book Series (The best and most recommended method)

2. Select Free Days
3. Single Title Promotions

Let's get started.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 43

Book Series

Most authors think of their book as just a product they sell.

Something they put a lot of love, blood, sweat, and tears...but
ultimately, just a product they sell. It's "just a book".

I'm going to challenge you to think a lot differently about your

books. They are far more than "just a book". They themselves are
key components to your entire book business strategy. And I'm
not just talking about the "product you sell" and it's "quality".
Granted, it IS the product you are selling, but it can be positioned
as much more.

I'm talking about them as much different things:

- Lead generators (getting interested buyers on your list.)

- Funnels of products
- Brand building and audience awareness

Your book builds YOU as a brand. And the better your book, the
better the marketing around your book, the better your brand will
appear to readers. The more value in your brand of books.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 44

This is exemplified the best in what I believe is the best book
selling strategy available - A Book Series.

By building a book series (fiction or nonfiction), you are creating a

brand of books. Harry Potter is a brand. Hunger Games is a
brand. Game of Thrones is a brand.

The reason brands of books make so much money is because your

reader doesn't just buy one book from you. They buy at least 2
books from you! (If the books are good)

That could be double the income per customer. Instead of

collecting a 2 dollar royalty, you know collect 4. Multiply that by
1000 customers and you've made 4000 bucks, instead of 2000.
With 3+ books, that could easily be 6 or 8 bucks per customer.
Now we are talking about 8000 bucks per 1000 customers!

So obviously you want to do this.


Here is the basic step by step strategy, followed by the smart book
authors everywhere:

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 45

1. Release your first book on kindle. Place links to your opt-in
page to collect leads, then leave it alone for now.

2. Write a complementary guide, side story, or novella that ties

into the first book. Upload the side story as bait to collect leads on
your optin page. Again, leave it alone for now.

3. Release your second book. Price at 2.99 and keep it there for a

Create a follow up message telling the subscribers about your

second book in the series and include a link. That gets mailed
immediately when people sign up.

Place first book for free on the iBook store or Nook and tell
Amazon. (Or wait for it to go free on Amazon)

The book is now permafree and this is where the marketing power
kicks in!

4. Grab promos at the resources I describe above. Many of them

are cheap for free books - budget 50 bucks for fiverr promos and a
few others.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 46

Here is what happens: if your book's core strategy is excellent, you
should get about 10,000 to 20,000 downloads! Then you will get
between 3% to 5% of every 100 downloads on your list.

That could easily be several hundred people. And if you set it up

like I described in the section above, these people will be the
most qualified and hottest buyers. This means you'll start
seeing tons of sales on your #2 book in the series!

When you make back your 50 bucks, which you should quickly,
reinvest that 50 bucks back into more ads for your first book and
keep writing your third book.

5. Release third book after you've had two full promos and you've
gotten quite a few people on your list. Price it at 2.99 (Should
happen in a month or two. Don't dally beyond that though, or
your list will start to get cold.

If you want to continue mailing your list so they continue to pay

attention to you, then mail for related books that you like and are
cheap/free. They'll appreciate the notice)

6. Email for the third book and a reminder for second book in the
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 47
You should see quite a few sales coming in for your books and
your books should now be getting viral sales from Amazon (if you
did your keywords well and you continue to promote your books
through those sites above and emailing).

You can rinse and repeat as many times as you want. So a 4th or
5th book, that's okay. Or you can branch out your brand. Use
another character in your first few books to create a second series.

Regardless, I recommend you release at least 3 books in

the series.

Keeping Sales Going

If you kept your books at 2.99, then they should be fairly steady in
the rankings. Amazon bases sales rank on pricing/sales over a
month or so. That's why I said "keep it this price for a month, at
least" - so no special promos. You should now have a good
baseline to judge sales for special deals.

To keep sales going, run your first 99 cent promo for your second
book for just a few days and mail your list. You can also try to
promote it with the other sites if you want, though make sure the
book is good enough to stand on its own legs. (Meaning they don't
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 48
need to read the first book to understand everything. Some stuff
might not make sense, but as long as people can still enjoy it, you
should be fine)

Also, box the group together and offer a special price, say 3.99, for
all three. Then run promo's to that box offer using the resources

Don't forget to put links in each book to your sign up! You'll get
new readers from each release, and from the box set, so you need
to make sure you are collecting those people on a list!

Also, don't forget to put links to your other books in each one!

Results People Have Gotten

I know several 5 figure a month kindle earners who utilize this

strategy with all their books. The first book is a freebie, a lead
generator, to bring people into their lists and funnels. The novella
is another freebie to act as bait to get people to click the link in the
book and go to your site.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 49

I've mentioned Nick Stephenson, we had an awesome webinar
together and his product about keywords was great.

Nick follows this strategy and you can see it works. All his books
are ranked under 20k, with several in the low thousands.

Here is intro book:

That's his lead generator. His entire book series has gotten over
300,000 downloads (sales and free) in its lifetime. (Which is a
little more than a year)

Here is his current release:

It's currently selling well, at 1600. (About 100 sales a day)

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 50
He also released a prequel which is also doing really well (about
50ish sales a day)

He's currently working on another series and he says he's going to

follow the exact same formula. It's proven.

Notice he also follows the core strategy. Every book has keywords
in them to help them be found. All of them have targeted covers
that his audience would like. He has links to his opt-in page so he
can mail his people when new books appear.

It's a solid strategy and you should follow it.

UPDATE: Nick has also been keep track of all his successes and
strategies on his blog, which he has graciously allowed me to
share here! So click this link and check it out.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 51

KDP Select

Like the series strategy, using free days/kindle unlimited is a way

to get leads. The only difference is that the book is only available
free for short time. You can utilize this scarcity to drive a ton of

There are some advantages and disadvantages of KDP Select:

- Can offer your book for free or countdown deals.
- Kindle Unlimted (Permanently free, get paid 1.50 to 2.00 per
- Can compete with other KU books.

- Can't sell on other platforms. (And that can be HUGE)
- Kindle Unlimited (You might not want to offer your book for

I see Select as a program that you should specifically write for.

Utilizing Kindle Unlimited, you can write a serialized set of books
- 3 to 10 or so. Then utilize the resources to promote it as a free
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 52
There are other strategies too.

For example - if you write or plan on writing in a certain genre

exclusively, then you could have one KDP Select book that you use
to generate leads for all your books.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 53

Single Title Promotions

Compared to a series, a single novel has a lot of disadvantages.

The biggest is no built in lead generator other than the book itself.
(You are trying to build leads and sell at the same time. It can
work, but it takes more effort, rather than having a free book to
get people in the funnel.)

It does have one advantage though, and that's you only have to
write one book. The key then, is to sell it.

Strategy #1 - The 99 Cent Release Month

I call this the 99 cent release month because that is what you are
doing. Instead of going for a three day 99 cent launch (using
scarcity to drive sales), you have the flexibility to plan a lot of
cheaper promotions throughout an entire month. With this, you
can drive a ton of sales and chances are, your rankings will remain
after the month is over.

I've already demonstrated this strategy , just hadn't named it yet. I

won't retype everything here, you can see it live, as it went down,
on this thread:
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 54,191128.0.html

As you can see, he scheduled out 300 bucks worth of promotions

throughout the month, pretty much back to back.

You don't have to use the same sites he did. In fact, I recommend
you try different ones, as your book will be in a different genre
than his. I'll talk about this more in the FAQ section, under "I
have book XYZ in XYZ genre", but you need to make sure your
book is targeted to the sites and their audience.

Strategy #2 - The 99 Cent Launch

With this strategy, you price your book at 99 cents for three to five
days, and try to get as many sites to send you as much traffic as
you can upfront.

You gain the scarcity - deal going away in 3 days! (This is the one
time I would recommend using KDP Select for its countdown
deal) But you lose a month of consistent sales (which helps with
overall rankings).

There are debates going around of how Amazon ranks you. We

know that part of your rankings come from your past book
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 55
history. If you sold 100 copies a day at X price in your first month,
Amazon is going to expect that you'll keep that up, to some
degree. (They have information on how fast books fall off, in what
genre, and for what's quite complex)

So if you suddenly drop to 50 sales a day, but more than doubled

your price, you'll experience a rank drop...but not as dramatic if
you hadn't changed your price.

Overall, it's recommended that you try to get a month's worth of

sales data before you make a drastic change to your book. (Price,
etc.) This establishes history.

I have a theory that it's much easier to boost a book's sales rank
after a month of poor sales than it is to boost a book after only a
few days. So if your book sites at 500k for a month, a single 100
unit sales day could shoot it up into the 1000 range, instantly.
Where as a book just launched gets 100 sales, it might be in the
5000 sales range immediately but then drop like a rock after the
launch is over.

That's just my theory though, and it could be debated. In fact, I've

seen it debated on several forums. The point being, I think
strategy #1 is better than #2.
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 56
#2 is perfect for boosting a book with a long sales
history. Price it on sale at 99 cents (after at least a month at
2.99) for three days, coordinate the sites to send you traffic, and
watch your ranking explode.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 57

Strategy FAQ and Troubleshooting

Inside this guide I've strived to give you the best resources for
paid ads out right now, along with a rich collection of case studies
and examples of what authors are using now to build their Kindle

Many of those Case Studies come from forum posts at If you're not a member of kboards yet, you should
be. That place is a goldmine. And I did my best to point out
some of the best gold there is.

I do know, however, that not everything might be clear. So below

I've included a section of questions I expect people might have. If
you have more questions, please let me know at my support desk
and I'll try to update this section as best I can.

Q. For the Series Strategy, do I need to put my book in KDP

Select? What about Single Titles?

A. No, in fact I recommend against it. With KDP Select, you must
only sell the book via Amazon. While Amazon gives you some
nifty promotion tools, being unable to sell on the Nook,
ibookstore and others is a huge disadvantage.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 58

The strength of the Series Strategy is the free front end book.
THAT is what you leverage as promotional power.

As for single books, the only time I could recommend it is using

strategy #2, a timed, coordinated book launch or book boost.
Then you can use Kindle Countdown Deals to leverage scarcity.

Q. I have book XYZ in XYZ genre, which site is best for my book?

A. Oh man. First off, most of the sites offer genre options. Pick the
one that closest matches your book.

Second, that's the topic of another product. There are so many

combinations of genres and promotions that it would eat up a lot
of space here.

My recommendation? Spend a lot of time on kboards and

Amazon's forums. A lot of people freely share case studies of their
books, which includes the genre they are in, and what sites they
had the most success with.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 59

Sites like BookBub...well they cover just about everything and I've
never heard their promo's sucking. Same thing with Ereader News

So, if all else fails, stick with them.

Q. Do I really need to do the core stuff? I want to just put a book

A. Setting up your book page correctly takes, what, an hour
including some basic research? You have to get a cover made
regardless. You have to enter a title in regardless. You have to
enter a description regardless. Why not do it right the first

Oh yeah. The dreaded email list. You know, you can go without if
you want. But considering mailchimp is free...take the time to
learn it and be successful with it.

The benefits are huge:

- An audience you can rely on for sales

- A boost for each new book you release
- You can promote other authors for profit. (Get authors to
pay you to email their book to your list)
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 60
So don't neglect the list. Take a few hours and learn it. Send a few
blurbs when you launch a new book and watch sales come in. If
you're going to spend the money to advertise your book,
make the most of it by gathering these leads on a list!

Q. A lot of these sites require a certain number of reviews. I have

none. Help!

A. You have a couple of options. You could either grab some gift
cards for the cost of your book and send those gift cards to the
people you want to review the book (so they can buy and review)
or you can go with one of the services that requires no reviews.

Kboards Book Discovery is one such service you could use.

Q. The series book strategy seems like a lot of work. Should I use

A. Writing a book and promoting it IS a lot of work. It's a lot of

work with no upfront rewards. That's just the simple truth of it.

But writing a series is no more work. If you want to become a

successful author, you'll want to publish a lot of books. That's also
Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 61
a simple truth. Come to think of it, it's easier to write a series in
one way: You already have the world built - just keep building on
it instead of starting from scratch!

So why not work hard AND smart and follow a strategy

that has all the built-in components for success?

The Series Strategy has these benefits:

- Built in lead generation
- Easy way to multiply income from one customer
- World is already built - just keep adding to it. (Easier than
starting a new book)

Finally, there is a lot of income in it. Let's look at Nick's numbers:

2 books of his are in the 15k sales range. That's about 15 to 20

sales a day both books combined. 40 Bucks in one day.

One book is free, so let's not count that.

One book is in the 1600 rank - that's about 100 sales a day and
another book is about 50 sales a day. That's almost 200 sales a
day and at 2 dollar royalties.

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 62

400 bucks a day for Nick. Monthly - that's 12,000 bucks! 5 Books
and one prequel. He built this over a year and he is reaping the

Do I need to go any further?

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 63

Thanks For Reading!

But this is just the beginning. Remember I have a complete list of

over 150 verified, working sites and promoters that can send
traffic to your book and the list is inexpensive for what it can do
for you!

Click here to check it out.

Now go sell your book!

Instant Book Sales Explosion Page 64

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