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Course Name: Geomorphology

Lecture: 2

Md. Ilias Mahmud

Barisal University

Lecture Outline

• Review: Definition of Geomorphology

• Scope of Geomorphology
• Concepts in Geomorphology
• Geomorphic Cycle
• Main task of a Geomorphologist
• Geomorphic agents
Review: Definition of Geomorphology

• Geomorphology is the branch of Geology that deals with

the physical features of the surface of the Earth and the
geological processes by which they are produced.

• In a simple way: Geomorphology is the study of

landforms, i.e. the shape of the Earth’s surface.

Scope of Geomorphology
• The subject matter of geomorphology my be organized on the
basis of
1. dimension and scale of relief features (Landforms)
2. processes that shape the landforms, and
3. the approaches to the geomorphic studies.

• In geomorphology, we shall be concerned primarily with the

smaller forms, such as mountains, plains, and plateaus.
• In its scope geomorphology is primarily geology, despite the
fact that some aspects of it is, even today, taught as part of
physical geography.
Concepts in Geomorphology
Concept 1: The physical processes and laws that operate today,
operated throughout geological time, although not
necessarily always with the same intensity as now (Principle
of uniformitarianism).

Concept 2: Geological structure is a dominant control factor in

the evolution of landforms and is reflected in them.

Concept 3: Geomorphic processes leave their distinctive

imprint upon landforms, and each geomorphic process
develops its own characteristic assemblage of landforms.
Concepts in Geomorphology (cont..)
Concept 4: As the different erosional agencies act upon the
earth’s surface there is produced a sequence of landforms
having distinctive characteristics at the successive stages of
their development
Concept 5: Complexity of geomorphic evolution is more
common than simplicity.
Concept 6: Little of the earth’s topography is older than Tertiary
and most of it no older than Pleistocene (about 2.5 my).
Concept 7: Proper interpretation of present-day landscapes is
impossible without a full appreciation of the manifold
influences of the geologic and climatic changes during the
Main Tasks
• The first and foremost task of a student of the
science of landforms is
1. to describe the landform characteristics either
subjectively or objectively on the basis of detailed
information available to him
2. to classify the landforms either genetically or
quantitatively, and finally,
3. to explain the evolutionary processes of the
concerned landforms.
Geomorphic Cycle
• Geomorphic cycle, also called theory of the evolution of
landforms. In this theory, first set forth by William
M. Davis between 1884 and 1934, landforms were
assumed to change through time from “youth” to
“maturity” to “old age,” each stage having specific
• The initial, or youthful, stage of landform development
began with uplift that produced fold or block mountains.
Upon dissection by streams, the area would reach
maturity and, ultimately, would be reduced to an old-age
surface called a peneplain, with an elevation near sea
Geomorphic Cycle (cont…)
• The cycle could be interrupted by uplift during any period
of the life cycle and thus returned to the youthful stage;
this return is called rejuvenation.

• The geomorphic cycle could be applied to all landforms

such as hill slopes, valleys, mountains, and river drainage
systems. It was assumed that, if the stage of a landform
was known, its history followed directly according to a
predetermined framework.
Geomorphic Cycle (cont…)
Agents of Geomorphology
• A geomorphic agent is any natural medium which is capable
of eroding, transporting and depositing earth materials.
Thus, running water (rivers & streams), groundwater,
glaciers, wind and movements within bodies of standing
water including waves, currents, and tides fall in this group.
• Is gravity a Geomorphic Agent?
Most of the geomorphic agents originate within the earth’s
atmosphere. And are also directed by the force of gravity.
Gravity is not a geomorphic agent because it can not secure
and carry away materials. It is better thought of as a
directional force.
Agents of Change….

Rivers and
Gravity Streams

Wind 12
Upcoming discussion on

Geomorphic Processes

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