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Design of Sewer System

A. Design of Sewer System for Sanitary water:

The stepwise procedure is given below

1. Forecast Population for the given design period
Pt =Po +tC

Pn=Future population , Po=Present population , t= Design period C=rate of Population increase

2. Calculate Average Flow of water

Qave =0.7 [Population × Average Water Consumption ]

3. Calculate Peak Flow:

Q peak =Q ave × PF =Q ave × 1+(
4+ √ Pop )
4. Calculate Industrial, infiltration flow:

Q indust =3734 × Areaof industry (m 3 /day )

Q infilt =(5 %¿10 %)×Q ave

5. Calculate Design flow:

Q design =Q peak +Q indust + Q infilt (unit should be∈m 3 /sec )

6. Determine Diameter of Sewer Pipe:

4 Q design
Q design =AV =¿ D=
√ πV

If velocity is not given the use minimum velocity for sanitary that is 0.6m/s

D=1.457 √Qdesign ( for V =0.6 m/s)

7. Determine Slope of sewer using Manning Formula:
V = R 2/ 3 √ S=¿ where R=D/4
( nV )2
On simplification we get S=6.345 4 /3
A town having present population of 20,000 consists of 2.5 km 2 industrial area. From past
census data, the average growth rate was calculated to be 900/year.
Taking an average water consumption of 300 lpcd and infiltration rate of 10 % of average
waste, Design the sewer system for the next 30 years. Manning Roughness coefficient for the
lining is 0.013
ANSWER: (Qdesign = 0.4225 cu.m/sec, D = 0.947m and S = 0.0003537)

B. Design of sewer for Storm water

1. Calculate intensity of rainfall

Usually, formula for intensity will be provided, but it not given the use

i = 760 / (t + 10) (for storm duration of 5 to 20 minutes)

i = 1020 / (t + 10) (for storm duration of 20 to 100 minutes)

2. Calculate design Flow:

C ×i × A 3
Q Design= (m /sec )

C=Run off coefficient , i=rain fall intensity∈mm /hr , A=Area ∈hectares 1 hectare=10,000 m 2

3. Determine Diameter of Sewer Pipe:

4 Q design
Q design =AV =¿ D=
√ πV

If velocity is not given the use minimum velocity for sanitary that is 1m/s

D=1.128 √ Qdesign ( for V =1m/s )

4. Determine Slope of sewer using Manning Formula:

V = R 2/ 3 √ S=¿ where R=D/4

( nV )2
On simplification we get S=6.345
D4 /3

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